The King of Special Warfare

Vol 7 Chapter 893: : To Middle-earth

Crowds came from all directions and gathered in the streets.

Men, women, old and young, different ages, different skin colors.

Groups of people gathered together smoothly in different directions, with more and more people gathering together, eventually completely surrounding the building.

Chaos and conflict spread.

Although the building had made arrangements for this and organized a group of elites to hold shields to form a human wall, but in front of more and more people, the so-called human wall could only retreat step by step. , being squeezed back further and further.

The noise is getting louder and louder, with screams, roars, roars, various emotions, excitement or calmness. A large number of people in the crowd are speaking, and their voices are chaotically intertwined, turning into meaningless noise.

The situation has become very obvious.

The order near the Six-Star Building has begun to gradually collapse.

Reinhardt hid in his office, opened a gap in the curtains with his fingers, and silently watched the chaos downstairs.

His face was a little pale, and his eyes were filled with extreme irritability and anxiety.

Troubled times.

These four words can almost perfectly describe the current Star Country.

The deep-sea fleet suffered heavy losses with almost nothing left, causing everyone who knew about it to panic. The disaster in Weizhou seemed to last only one night, but throughout the process, their largest fleet suffered heavy losses, and only the mothership was lost. For the most part, this is almost the first time that the maritime power they control has suffered such a heavy loss.

The natural disaster in Weiyi Province also caused great damage to that area, and a large number of rescue missions could not be carried out in time due to the loss of the deep-sea fleet. At this moment, the entire Weiyi Islands were in chaos.

In addition, the disappearance of the special adviser Jiang Shangyu and the most direct threat from Li Tianlan.

All kinds of things were mixed up, and before Reinhardt even had time to take a breath, Isenbul's disappearance hit him directly on the head.

Although Isenbul has nothing to do with Star Kingdom, its disappearance has something to do with the whole world.

This is a no-brainer conclusion.

Isen Bull can disappear in an instant, which means that any city in the world is unsafe. No one can tell whether the city he lives in will also disappear in an instant.

This matter has now become the only hot spot in the world.

Reports are overwhelming.

People's panic is increasing almost every minute.

Ordinary people don't know what's going on and instinctively want to know the truth.

As for such a thing, not to mention ordinary people, even those in power who control the order do not know what is going on, because the thing is too sudden, and in the face of the spreading panic, they subconsciously use their most accustomed methods. way of coping.

That is to find some so-called authorities and make some random excuses.

As a result, all kinds of confusing explanations appeared on the Internet regarding Isen Bull’s disappearance.

For example, Isenbul is not missing. This is just a phenomenon of light refraction. In fact, the city is still there, but recently due to some kind of light refraction problem, the city is invisible.

Or maybe there are serious problems with the geographical location of Isenbul. Plate movement may cause an unprecedented earthquake to occur there in the near future, so the entire Isenbul decides to move elsewhere.

Or maybe it is some new technology being researched. Isenbul is a test area, and the new technology temporarily hides Isenbul.

The messy reasons looked like a joke, and a large number of ordinary people, after being stunned at the beginning, all felt angry at being fooled.

These nonsense explanations are obviously untenable, because the facts are before us. Isenbul's disappearance is not a phenomenon that will subside quickly, but a real fact. For such a big city, it is missing, and now it is all gone. Didn't show up.

What they want is the truth. This kind of explanation that is clearly nonsense is completely useless in the face of the facts. Who will believe it? Who wants to believe it?

Angry people completely surrounded the Six-Star Building, constantly protesting, demanding the truth, and demanding an explanation. This directly led to Reinhardt being blocked here and unable to leave the building at all.

The screen in the office was on, and on the screen, Ates's figure was sitting on the sofa, his face a little gloomy.

Reinhardt lowered the curtains, looked at Artes on the screen, and said with a wry smile: "In fact, we all know why the current chaos is caused.


Reinhardt pointed in the direction downstairs: "At least the vast majority of people don't want the truth at all. Isenbul is too far away from here. The so-called truth can only be found by a very small number of people who have relatives in Isenbul." Besides, what else does it have to do with other people?

But they are still making trouble, and they are still making trouble. It has been less than forty-eight hours since Isenbul disappeared.

My department here has analyzed some comments on the Internet. If they are allowed to continue, the number of people here will at least double in one day, and in three days at most, there will be problems with the operation of the entire city. Things will be difficult to control. . "

Artes chewed his cigar hard and remained silent without speaking.

"What they want is not the truth."

Reinhardt's voice was hoarse: "All they want is a sense of security. Isenbul's disappearance has made everyone lose their sense of security, because no one knows what is going on, and everyone is afraid of the unknown.

The disappearance of Isenbul means that there is also the possibility of disappearance in the city where each of us lives. Their sense of security has disappeared, but what can they do if they don’t know the truth? They can only protest, they can only keep tossing and putting pressure on us.

They want a sense of security from us, a promise that they can be safe, but this kind of thing..."

Reinhardt scratched his hair irritably: "They want a sense of security, but they will bring the question back to how Isenbull disappeared.

This issue requires an explanation, or at least an explanation that everyone can reluctantly accept. Without this explanation, our commitment cannot give anyone a sense of security. "

"So, how can we explain this?"

Artes sighed: "What ordinary people don't know, we don't know either. The fact is that a city is missing. What kind of explanation is useful? Even if there is a perfect and seamless reason, can it really be solved? Convince everyone?”

Regarding the recent series of major events, it is not that they have not taken action.

When they realized that most ordinary people were stimulated by Isenbul's disappearance, they even immediately issued an announcement, declaring that the matter was too bizarre and that they needed to investigate before they could give the truth and explanation.


No one believed it.

In other words, even if someone believes it, it doesn't make sense.

Not only them, with Isenbul's disappearance, the continent closest to Isenbul is now even more chaotic.

This incident can be said to have deeply stimulated everyone's nerves.

What they care about is not Isenbul, but the instinctive restlessness caused by the lack of sense of security.

To solve this matter, it is actually very simple in theory.

That is to announce the truth about Isenbul’s disappearance, explain the reasons in detail and truly, and assure ordinary people within his sphere of influence that similar disappearances will not occur within his sphere of influence, because there is something that can prevent this. The technology or power through which a phenomenon occurs.

Explain in detail and show strength.

In this way, most people's emotions will soon calm down.

As long as most people can feel safe, not many people will care about Isenbul's disappearance except for the forces to which Isenbul belongs.

But this is only a theoretical approach.

The reality is that currently no force can truly and in detail explain the truth behind Isenbul's disappearance, and naturally they cannot come up with the technology and power to put an end to this phenomenon.

Without these, everything they say is nonsense. People who feel insecure will continue to exert pressure, even if they know it is useless, they just refuse to give up.

"Actually, Sentu also proposed a way..."

Ates suddenly spoke.

Reinhardt's attention instinctively focused.

The so-called Sentu, the power of the family behind him in Star Kingdom is not much worse than that of Ates, and he has a close relationship with the Ates family. In terms of identity, he can be regarded as another boss behind Reinhardt. : "What can he do?"

"Transfer the conflict away."

Artes's tone was a little hesitant: "It is claimed that Isenbul's disappearance has the most direct relationship with a certain force. This is a new type of weapon developed by a certain force. Then we unite with the European continent to protest together and put all the pressure on Leave it all to a certain force..."

A certain force...

There is almost no need to point out this so-called force, Reinhardt knows who it is.

Silently making a city disappear, this so-called new weapon can be so powerful, the force that created this weapon must be one of the five powerful ones.

If they unite with the European continent, there will be three of the five powerful ones. Who else can they transfer their conflicts to externally?

Three of the five powerful men joined forces to divert the conflict, and the rest seemed to be a choice between two.

But what's the alternative?

Snow Country cannot achieve such an effect at all, and their economic conditions simply do not allow people to believe that they have such research and development capabilities.

So, Middle-earth.

It can only be Zhongzhou.

If the disappearance of Isenbul is caused by some kind of cutting-edge weapon developed by Central Continent...

At least logically, most people are willing to believe it. After all, Central Continent's dominance has long been entrenched. They don't understand things, but they are simply willing to believe that Central Continent can do it.

But why should Zhongzhou take action against Isenbul? There is no motive at all, how to explain this?

Moreover, throw the blame on Zhongzhou...

What the hell...

"Is he crazy?"

Reinhardt just thought about it for a moment and shook his head subconsciously.

It can be said that this is one way to throw the blame on Zhongzhou, but no one dares to do it.

The fireworks over Virginia can already explain a lot.

Jiang Shangyu disappeared.

Li Tianlan regained his strength and joined Qin Weibai.

Zhongzhou doesn't even need to say anything about this so-called transfer of conflicts. Li Tianlan and his wife will be able to handle them all.

"This matter is not feasible."

Reinhardt said categorically: "It is impossible for Zhongzhou to be willing to take the blame. If they want to take revenge, our place will only become more chaotic."

Ates was silent for a moment and said calmly: "Do you really think that Isenbul's disappearance has nothing to do with Zhongzhou?"

Reinhardt was startled.

"Let's take a look at the latest developments in Central Continent."

Ates took a deep breath and said weakly: "They must know something..."

Reinhardt was stunned for a second, then rushed directly to his computer, opened a special URL, and entered the website.

This is a highly confidential website in the Six-Star Building. Only three people, including Reinhardt, have access rights in this building.

The website is divided into small sections.

Each force in Central Continent, Snow Country, and Europe has its own exclusive section. Star Kingdom’s intelligence systems all over the world collect their respective intelligence and send it back to the headquarters, and then screen it repeatedly to confirm the value. After secondary screening, the latest news enters this Website, Reinhardt will also allocate funds to the next level based on the value of the information.

The most important information now is naturally how Zhongzhou handled it after Isenbul disappeared.

This news is very important, but there is nothing that can be kept secret, but even so, the relevant actions of Zhongzhou are still regarded as important news and appear on this website.

Reinhardt clicked on the Central Continent.

The post about the world needing a savior and the announcement from Middle-earth all appeared in front of Reinhardt.

Reinhardt has already seen the relevant content, and there is also an internal analysis of the Six-Star Building below.

The relevant personnel studied this post word for word several times, and finally came to a conclusion that Reinhardt felt was a bit nonsense.

That's what this post seems to be leading and implying, and it seems to want to lead the entire Central Continent in a strange direction - the direction of metaphysics.

Reinhardt looked at the forum posts, frowned, and pressed refresh.

The section remains the same, without any new content.

He glanced at the screen subconsciously.

Artes on the screen was still biting his cigar, and under the wisps of smoke, his face looked a little blurry.

Reinhardt was certain that the other party wanted to see more than just this post that was about to be parsed.

He pressed refresh again.

A new piece of content appeared at the top of the Central Continent plate, the time was ten seconds ago.

This should be what Artes wants to see.

With this idea running through his mind, Reinhardt operated the mouse and clicked in.

The translated post appeared in front of Reinhardt.


This is an announcement that Zhongzhou has just issued simultaneously across various channels throughout Zhongzhou.

"To all citizens of Middle-earth. 》

“As a member of human civilization, everyone should remember Isenbull.

Its disappearance and fall is a loss for the entire human race, and it also means that human civilization has entered a new era.

Our planet will officially enter the most mysterious and unknown realm.

Natural disasters, man-made disasters, and an environment that is about to become harsh...

We have lost our most important shelter. From this perspective, mankind and our civilization are about to face the greatest existential crisis in history.

Isemblé is just the beginning and a turning point.

Its disappearance means that we will have to face more complex environments and areas that have not been explored before.

Human beings cannot change the world, but people always have to face the world.

No matter the end of the world or the prosperous times, there is an inevitable law of development. In the foreseeable future, everything is already doomed.

Panic and despair are pointless.

At this moment, the only thing we can do is to improve ourselves and master the power to face disasters, doomsday, and the world.

The glory of life and civilization has no end.

Citizens, please believe in your own dynasty and the power behind you.

In the history of Central Continent for hundreds or even thousands of years, whenever a country was destroyed or a family was destroyed, heroes would be born on this land to protect everything.

If we cannot fight side by side with them for the time being, then the only thing we can do is to give them more support and understanding.

If the long night is your destiny.

Then in the darkness, Middle-earth will become the only source of light for human civilization.


Your dynasty.


Your Speaker.

We have enough power and absolute certainty to ensure the safety of Middle-earth.

Please believe in your dynasty.

Our civilization has reached a critical moment. Central Continent is about to enter a state of emergency. Elites from all over the country have begun to take action. The dynasty has only one request for every citizen. Please cooperate with our actions. We will protect every Central Continent. Safety.

When the crisis passes, each of us will become stronger.

Dynasty sage, former Speaker of Zhongzhou, Li Huacheng. "


In the luxurious and spacious office, the only sound left was Reinhardt's breathing.

His body was slightly bent and he was leaning over his desk before he even had time to sit down.

His eyes were widened, and his pupils were full of shock and confusion.

He seemed to understand this announcement from Zhongzhou, but he seemed not to understand it.

Crisis, doomsday, dynasty...

Vaguely, there seemed to be an invisible pressure quietly covering it from an unknown place. It was gloomy, rich, and almost suffocating.


Reinhardt didn't know how long he was silent. He read the shrouded notice over and over again, and finally spoke with some difficulty, as if mumbling to himself: "What... does this mean?"

"Up to now..."

On the screen opposite Reinhardt, Artes's voice was indifferent: "This has become the only voice in Middle-earth. You can't imagine what kind of power it is.

In Middle-earth, this announcement is everything now.

Turn on the TV, turn on the computer, turn on the phone, read the newspaper, city radio, everything..."

"With such propaganda power, as long as you live in Central Continent, this announcement will appear in front of everyone through various channels, and everyone will know it."

Reinhardt took a deep breath subconsciously.

His heart was beating fiercely, and his violent mood swings left him speechless for a while.


Announcement from Central Continent.

Zhongzhou’s crazy propaganda...

He could clearly feel that something was coming, approaching, and coming, but he had no idea what it was.

Zhongzhou seems to have grasped the news, and even has a way to deal with it.

But Zhongzhou didn't say anything.

Now, except for Central Continent, all other forces in the world are kept in the dark and are heading in an almost crazy direction in chaos.

"He... Zhongzhou, is simply crazy. Is announcing this kind of news to appease him? This is creating chaos! It's simply... simply..."

Reinhardt became somewhat incoherent.

Artes looked at him silently for a while, and then he sighed: "The atmosphere inside Central Continent is completely different from that here. They are completely different things. If such an announcement were made here, there might be even greater chaos. , but not in Central Continent. Once the order is conveyed, everyone starts to act layer by layer. As long as ordinary people can see hope, then there will be no so-called chaos.

Moreover, Li Huacheng's prestige in Central Continent is very high. If such an announcement is issued in his name, when the entire Central Continent takes action, this confident announcement will have a clear effect of appeasement and is worthy of trust. Instead of thinking about what kind of impact this conciliatory announcement will have on Zhongzhou, we should think about how much irritation it will have on the ordinary people below us after this announcement reaches here. .”

In fact, there is no need to consider this issue at all.

The emotions of quite a few people within them have now reached a critical point. Zhongzhou's comforting announcement is heavy yet full of hope. It seems full of confidence. However, compared with the silence of Star Kingdom now, the gap is immediately revealed.

As for whether people here will believe the announcement from Central Continent, it is not important at all. Just like where Isen Bull went, it is not important. What is important is that the insecurities in the hearts of countless ordinary people have reached the extreme. , they need an excuse, any excuse, to vent their inner panic and anger.

Of course, they can also imitate Zhongzhou and issue the exact same announcement, but this will not make any sense at all. The plagiarism is too obvious and will only have the opposite effect. Moreover, this is not Zhongzhou after all. They dare to issue such an announcement. More People dared to swarm in and use more aggressive methods to demand to hear their plans in advance.

But they had no plan at all.

They didn't even know what was going on or what would happen next.

Ates and Reinhardt now only know that what happened to Isenbul is not special. According to the Central Continent Announcement, this is just the beginning, a landmark event that marks the entry of human civilization into a new era and a turning point.

When such news is conveyed, the people of Central Continent may be comforted by Li Huacheng's confidence, but for people outside Central Continent, such remarks will only make them more excited and irrational.

"What is he going to do... He... No, Zhongzhou! Damn it, what is Zhongzhou going to do? They must know, what do they know? What kind of crisis will happen? Why don't you say it? What can they do? Say it. Ah! Why didn’t you tell us! Bastards! They’re all bastards.”

Various emotions were constantly intertwined, and Li Huacheng's announcement kept replaying in his mind.

An unprecedented existential crisis.



Everything is already determined.

Reinhardt clearly felt that certain emotions in his mind were about to explode, and the anxiety and anger that had been accumulating in his heart surged and burned, swallowing up his reason.

His body was trembling and his lips were trembling. Thousands of words came to his mouth and he swallowed them back. Then they came over again. He finally couldn't help it and began to vent his emotions to Ates with his feet jumping. : "Those **** bastards!! Why didn't they tell us? Ah, why didn't they tell us? They knew! They must know! And they have ways to deal with it! Why didn't they tell us? This is their responsibility and obligation, what are they? Don’t even mention it! Zhongzhou! Li Huacheng! Do they still have the magnanimity of being the leader of the five powerful people? Do they have the spirit and demeanor of the top powerful people?

Selfish, I want to protest! I want to unite everyone to protest!

Why don't they say it? Why don't they say it? They can save us, so why should we make reparations?

No! No! They must save us, this is what they should do, must, must!

If we are doomed...doomed...doomed...ha, **** doomed, if we die, Middle-earth must die too, must die, we still have mushrooms, we still have mushrooms! "

"They have Li Tianlan."

Ates said calmly.


All the anger suddenly froze at this moment.

This name was like a basin of cold water, dousing all the angry flames at once.

Reinhardt's face began to twitch, tremble, and twist.


He suddenly reached out his hand and swept everything on his desk to the floor.

Neat files, folders, computer screens, keyboards, mice, wires, water cups, ashtrays, everything was scattered on the floor.

His face was ferocious and terrifying: "I want to contact other people, no, I want to contact everyone, contact..."

He suddenly paused, and after a long while, he suddenly shook his head, blushed, and kept mumbling to himself: "Contact, contact..."

Ates watched this scene quietly.

At this moment, his eyes no longer looked as deep and domineering and cold as before.

Across the screen, Reinhardt muttered to himself like a madman, like a clown.

But Artes fully understood his mood.

Because of Zhongzhou, because of Li Huacheng’s announcement.

Announcement to all citizens of Middle-earth.

The few keywords there deeply stung the nerves of each of them.

Crisis, disaster, doomsday, destiny, turning point, unknown territory...

And none of them mentioned it, but what made them unbalanced the most... Please believe in your dynasty, and that sentence: We will protect the safety of every Central-Continent.

In this current situation, how confident do you have to be able to say such a thing?

If you ignore the disappearance of Isen Bull, the world seems to be the same as before.

Everything in Weiyi State can be said to be a contest between Zhongzhou and them, nothing more.

Only the disappearance of Isen Bull is the most special.

Now, Nakasu says that Isembl's disappearance is just the beginning.

Just the beginning.


what's next?

Crisis, doomsday...

Combined with that announcement, no matter who it was, the more they thought about it, the more their scalp became numb.

Reinhardt's mood immediately collapsed.

As for Artes, the impact he received in his heart was not much better.

They are in a superior position, and it can even be said that they have everything. They stand at the top and enjoy all the resources with peace of mind.

But suddenly one day...

A day that was no different from any other day.

This so-called crisis suddenly came.

What does that mean?

Compared to ordinary people who lack a sense of security, for people like Ates, death is not even the most important thing. The most important thing is to lose everything.

That was definitely a feeling worse than death.

But the fact...

It seems to be coming.

Although I don’t know how it will come, Zhongzhou has already made a very clear response to it.

Ates was in a daze, and time passed by in his daze. At a certain moment, Ates suddenly noticed that there was some excessive silence on the other side of the screen.

He suddenly came back to reality and looked at the screen.

Reinhardt, who was hysterical just now, seemed to have calmed down completely. He lay casually on the sofa, holding his mobile phone in his hand and tapping the screen.

"Are you contacting other forces and want to put pressure on Zhongzhou together?"

Ates raised his eyebrows.

He didn't think such a move would have any effect at all.

Zhongzhou’s attitude is obvious.

They may know what the so-called disaster and doomsday are, but they don't want to say it, selfishness or anything like that. There is no point in thinking about it now. The point is that Zhongzhou doesn't want to reveal this information now. That announcement is just Li Huacheng's first attempt to appease the people of Zhongzhou. Just give them some mental preparation.

Zhongzhou now has the absolute confidence to reject everyone's demands.

Li Tianlan, Qin Weibai.

This couple, with two names, has almost had the power to truly conquer the world.

"It's useless."

Artes said softly: "Rather than putting pressure on Zhongzhou, I think we should pay more attention to some of the information displayed in Zhongzhou's announcement."

"I'm looking at this too."

Reinhardt raised his head and said in a calm voice: "In this announcement, Li Huacheng used the word doomsday more than once."

He was silent for a moment and said softly: "Do you believe it? Is there really a doomsday?"

Ates didn't speak for a long time. After a while, he responded hoarsely: "Isenbul's disappearance cannot be explained. You and I both know it."

"So, if this is true..."

Reinhardt said softly: "So at this time, Central-Continent already has a way to deal with the end of the world."

"But Zhongzhou is not willing to announce it. The specific reason is not important. The fact is that they are unwilling to announce it."

Ates said calmly.

"There are also two, um, three words that are very interesting..."

Reinhardt said calmly: "First, Dynasty. When I first read it, I thought it was a translation problem, but this word appeared several times. I even looked up the original text of Zhongzhou's notice just now, and there was no problem with the translation. Li Huacheng The word used is dynasty, don’t you think it’s strange?”

Ates's heart moved slightly.

"The second word is sage, dynasty sage Li Huacheng..."

Reinhardt twitched his lips: "The word dynasty already seems very strange, what does the sage mean?"

"Tell me what you think."

Ates was expressionless.

"Well, based on my inference, I personally think that this strange title should be some kind of position, a... position that we have never heard of.

Because this vocabulary is connected with another keyword.

Former speaker, sage...

What is this indicating?

Li Huacheng's position in Zhongzhou does not need to be explained, but he mentioned in the announcement that he was the former Speaker. Why did he add the word "former"? What message is he trying to imply? From a literal point of view, the presence of this prefix means that Li Huacheng is no longer the speaker. So in the future of Zhongzhou, will this position be gone, or has it been replaced now?

I prefer the former.

Because Li Huacheng now claims to be a sage of the dynasty.

This is definitely not a position similar to the speaker. Since dynasties have appeared, the title that best meets the standards of this position is at least king, or even emperor..."

Reinhardt's thinking became clearer and clearer: "That is to say..."

Artes narrowed his eyes: "In other words, Central Continent has become a dynasty, and it is also controlled by others..."

The two of them were silent for a while, and then spoke at the same time: "Li Tianlan!"

It can only be Li Tianlan.

No matter it was the mental disaster in Fogdu.

Or the fireworks over Virginia.

These can already explain the problem.

Li Tianlan and Qin Weibai already had enough strength. What surprised Artes and Reinhardt was that Li Huacheng and the others did not resist, but calmly accepted this fact.

Why is this happening?

Zhongzhou, is he really that cowardly? Everyone knows this is impossible.

But now Zhongzhou has turned into a dynasty, and Li Tianlan has become the biggest suspect of the dynasty king or emperor.

If you think a little deeper, can you conjecture that the reason why Zhongzhou can understand the apocalypse and even have methods to resist the apocalypse is entirely because Li Tianlan and Qin Weibai are in Zhongzhou?

Two people stop the apocalypse...

Sounds impossible.

But what was written in Zhongzhou’s recently popular post?

Need a savior...

Who is the most likely savior in Middle-earth now? Who else could it be?

It can only be Li Tianlan.

The entire speculation is actually completely clear at this point.

Li Tianlan could be Zhongzhou's savior, so Zhongzhou became his kingdom.

In such a situation...

Ates took a deep breath. At this moment, there was no hesitation in his heart. He didn't even consider the authenticity of the so-called doomsday. Li Huacheng's announcement had been sent out and the whole Central Continent knew about it. It was impossible to lie. to this point.

"Contact Li Tianlan."

Artes said in a calm voice: "What Central Continent can give, we can also give. If the end is coming...we here are also willing to become part of Li Tianlan's dynasty, as long as he can give us enough protection."

His voice was calm and indifferent.

It's his decision.

But here, his decision is the decision of the entire force.

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