The King of Special Warfare

Vol 7 Chapter 903: :Missing

East Palace.

A hazy light shone in the luxurious bedroom dedicated to Li Tianlan and Qin Weibai.

The figures of Li Tianlan and Qin Weibai were quickly outlined in the light, and Xibai disappeared without a trace.

Li Tianlan's face looked a little tired. In a state of extreme fatigue, his eyes even became a little dull. He shook his head hard, maintaining the last bit of sobriety, and said helplessly: "Why is this necessary?"


Qin Weibai blinked her eyes. All she could think of was Yu Xibai's angry screams, curses, and taunts. But on the surface, she was still calm. She seemed to think for two seconds before suddenly reacting. Oops. He made a sound and said innocently: "I forgot to bring her back. You are in a very bad state. My attention is all on you. When I get anxious, I..."

She looked at Li Tianlan sincerely and said softly: "I didn't mean it."

Not intentional...

Well, if it was really not intentional and you imagine Xibai is by your side now, wouldn't Xibai come back? You didn't do it either...

Li Tianlan's mouth twitched slightly, but he couldn't say anything. His mind and spirit seemed to be getting more and more exhausted.

Building a super main city is not difficult for Li Tianlan, but it is definitely not an easy task.

In particular, the actual scale of the No. 1 main city in Youzhou is larger than expected, and due to the subtle influence of chaos, Li Tianlan's consumption is even greater. At present, it is conservatively estimated that it can accommodate 70 million people. The scale of the super main city means that if Li Tianlan wants to be lazy next time, he can basically build one less acropolis surrounding the No. 1 main city.

Because of this, with the completion of the main city, Li Tianlan's condition has dropped to the bottom. He forced himself to recall his situation after recovery and checked a large number of past memories. The purpose was not achieved, but he could only reluctantly conclude that After reaching a conclusion, my energy and thinking speed can no longer be maintained, as if I could fall into a drowsy state at any time.

Sleep is the best way to restore your thinking speed.

This time, it will take at least two to three days of sleep before Li Tianlan can build the next super main city.

And Qin Weibai also seized this opportunity, realizing that Li Tianlan was not in the right state, and took him back to the East Palace from Youzhou without saying a word. Seizing the opportunity firmly, she left Xibai where he was without hesitation. .

In other words, she and Li Tianlan are now in Tiannan.

And Xibai was still in the No. 1 main city where the teleportation array had not yet been built.

Xibai was probably confused at the time, so it took more than ten seconds for her curses and taunts to ring out in Qin Weibai's mind, and then she started chattering endlessly.

Qin Weibai was a little irritated by the noise, and gave himself a psychological hint to ignore Xi Bai's voice, and his mood suddenly became happy.

The No. 1 main city that has not established a teleportation array cannot contain Xibai. If she wants to come out, she will naturally have a way. But Xibai is still in a sealed state now. The strength of the fourth-level priest controls some of the law priests. The characteristics and this level of strength are the same as before Qin Weibai's power was revived, that is when the spiritual lord mastered the characteristics of the mind ruler at his peak.

Life and spirit authority has a fatal weakness at this level, that is, it is cumbersome.

They have a pair of long legs that can make Li Tianlan fascinated, but in terms of actual combat, these two powers really have no mobility at the peak of level four.

Now Qin Weibai has left Xi Bai in the No. 1 Main City. When Xi Bai wastes a long time to leave the No. 1 Main City and rushes slowly from Youzhou to the East Palace, the most optimistic estimate is that they will meet tomorrow. Maybe even the day after tomorrow.

An uncontrollable smile appeared at the corner of her mouth. Although Li Tianlan was going to sleep for the next few days, in any case, during this rare time, Li Tianlan belonged entirely to herself.

By the time Xibai arrived, Tianlan was about to wake up. Time was so tight that he would not have time to discipline himself and his other self. He would immediately start the construction of the next main city, and then it would be inevitable to sleep again.

If the construction of the next main city does not exceed expectations, then with Li Tianlan's condition, it should be easier than now, so maybe he can be beaten by Li Tianlan alone again.

Xi Bai?

It makes no sense for the cumbersome little priest to choose. She may be wary and choose not to participate in the construction of the next main city and wait in the East Palace. Then she can take Tianlan to Youzhou. If she goes to Youzhou, He and Tianlan came to the East Palace, a sealed life, stupid, if you don't control it, can you really think of yourself as your sister?

"Go to sleep."

Qin Weibai looked at Li Tianlan who could no longer open his eyes and said softly: "I'm right here and I'm not going anywhere."

There was a smile in her eyes, gentle and clear.

Li Tianlan looked at her blankly for a while, then opened his mouth: "She..."

"Who? I can't hear you."

Qin Weibai smiled and touched Li Tianlan's face, looking more and more innocent.

"You gave me what you were waiting for..."

An idea flashed through Li Tianlan's mind, but he was still unable to say it out. With the familiar fragrance lingering around him and the touch of delicate fingers on his face, Li Tianlan's exhausted consciousness began to sink deeper and deeper, and finally fell into tranquility and fell asleep completely. .

Qin Weibai's palm moved up from Li Tianlan's face, massaging his scalp to relax him. After a while, she pulled Li Tianlan's arm over to pillow her, and looked at Li Tianlan who was already asleep quietly, motionless.

The bedroom fell completely silent.

Qin Weibai breathed softly and looked at Li Tianlan beside him, feeling that nothing mattered for a moment.

Until there was a sudden knock on the door.

Dong dong dong...

The soft and gentle knocking on the door continued.

Qin Weibai, who was already a little sleepy in Li Tianlan's arms, frowned. She sensed Han Xinyan standing outside the door without opening the door.

It seems that since Li Tianlan came back last time, Han Xinyan's dress has become more and more inappropriate, at least in the eyes of the two Qin Weibais.

At this moment, the little secretary outside the door was wearing a white suit. The tight-fitting skirt was so short that Qin Weibai felt like he was being provoked. The other party's two delicate and slender legs were wrapped in black stockings. She also wore a pair of dazzling red high heels.

What does she want to do?

He was able to know immediately that he and Tian Lan were back.

I'm still here.

This sa...

What is this little goblin doing?

provocative? !

What level of courage can a diva give her? Um?

I finally seized the opportunity to get rid of that woman Xibai, but you still want to bother me?

The fire in Qin Weibai's heart grew stronger and stronger, and without saying a word, the mental fluctuations spread out instantly.

She couldn't let Han Xinyan be her aunt again like Xibai did, but as her spiritual power spread, Han Xinyan who knocked on the door immediately lost all desire.

Her expression calmed down immediately.

What surprised Qin Weibai was that Han Xinyan, who was in a calm state, was still knocking on the door, taking his time.

Only then did Qin Weibai realize that the secretary had something serious to do with her or Li Tianlan. She hesitated for a moment, then lazily got up and walked over, opening the door.

"What's wrong?"

Qin Weibai walked out of the room, closed the door completely and gently, then looked at Han Xinyan and asked in a low voice.

Han Xinyan, who was wearing high heels, was a little taller than Qin Weibai, who was barefoot on the carpet. If it were normal times, she might have some thoughts, but now, under the influence of mental power, Han Xinyan was at his calmest. Sage's status, he reported in a serious tone: "Ning Qiancheng and Yu Qingyan are outside and want to see His Majesty. Well, if it is inconvenient for Your Majesty, they said it is okay to see you."

Qin Weibai was stunned for a moment.

Ning Qiancheng and Yu Qingyan...

Her brows wrinkled subconsciously.

Ning Qiancheng was one of the first people to follow Li Tianlan, and the other one was Li Baitian, one of the youngest executives in the East Palace. Compared with the former, the latter was undoubtedly more dazzling. In the test of super genes, Li Baitian Baitian's super gene concentration can be said to be the best, at least before reaching Nirvana at the life level, his super gene concentration can be said to be top notch.

This means that as long as Li Baitian's life level enters the Nirvana stage, that is, after the fifth level of authority, as long as his super gene does not change much, then he will have at least more than 30%, or even 40% The possibility is to let one's life level rise again, which is the seventh level of authority.

As for what happens next, that's not certain.

Seventh level authority may not sound like much, but no matter what time period or territory it is placed in, it can be said to be a master.

Ning Qiancheng is obviously not as good as Li Baitian in terms of super genes, but Li Tianlan's expectations for him are not based on personal strength. He is the most capable talent around Li Tianlan in terms of business ethics.

Before the news of the doomsday was confirmed, Ning Qiancheng was the CEO of Xuanyuan City. According to the new group's plan, he would definitely enter the parliament in the future. Now that the doomsday is approaching, the dynasty has begun to replace everything, and Ning Qiancheng will The position will naturally change.

In the future, Ning Qiancheng will enter the sage system and become the No. 6 main city, which is now the city lord of the Tiannan underground super main city. He will control the No. 6 main city itself and several nearby acropolis. In the future structure of the dynasty, this will He is the top prince.

Naturally, there are longer-term plans, but they are not so clear. They are at least a few decades later, when the dynasty comes out of the underground and returns to the surface, and even goes to the stars. By then, the dynasty will spread among the galaxies, and Ning Qian Cheng has now become one of the most popular candidates for stardom in decades.

The so-called Star Controller, whose full name is Planet Ruler, is the undisputed supreme master of a planet, but it is too far to say that now, but no matter what, Ning Qiancheng is one of the people Li Tianlan values ​​the most.

And he was the first to follow Li Tianlan.

Regardless of affection or ability, Qin Weibai must pay attention to it.

As for Yu Qingyan...

This was the reason why Qin Weibai frowned.

Because when the name rang out, she felt a little weird inexplicably, and an incongruous feeling seemed to flash through her mind, but she couldn't tell what it felt like.

Yu Qingyan is Ning Qiancheng's girlfriend, no, to be precise, her fiancée.

If there were no accidents, the two of them should even be getting married by now. But in this situation, the marriage of the two can only be postponed, which can be regarded as a long-term success.

She and Ning Qiancheng seemed to have met during the last Sky Academy entrance exercise, and then joined the Eastern Palace with Ning Qiancheng...

It seems so, but something seems wrong. It's an extremely inconsistent and contradictory feeling.

Qin Weibai took a deep breath and suppressed the doubts in his heart: "What are they here for?"

"have no idea."

Han Xinyan shook his head blankly: "But it seems to be in a hurry."

Qin Weibai pondered for a moment, nodded and said, "Let them wait in the office while I change my clothes."

After a pause, she took another look at Han Xinyan's unsatisfactory dress, and suddenly snorted coldly: "Tian Lan likes us to wear tighter clothes, but they are only for him to see, in front of outsiders. , that selfish guy wants us to wear baggy clothes every day to cover up our figures, are you provoking him?"

Han Xinyan was stunned for a moment, but even though she was in the sage's time, she didn't feel too ashamed. She just nodded calmly and said, "I understand."

Qin Weibai said no more. After watching Han Xinyan leave, she returned to the bedroom and changed into a loose dress. She arranged her hair casually and walked to the office while thinking about the incongruous feeling in her mind.

Ning Qiancheng and Yu Qingyan were sitting in the office. They saw Qin Weibai walk in. They both stood up at the same time. The former's face was solemn and anxious, and the latter's mood was even more messy, with a confused look on his face, and he even looked a little lost. .

"Tianlan needs to rest now, he already fell asleep just now."

Qin Weibai smiled and sat down across from the two of them. She looked at Ning Qiancheng and then at the lost Yu Qingyan, and her breathing stopped involuntarily for a moment.

The feeling of disharmony that had always existed in my mind seemed to be suddenly magnified to the limit.

Ning Qiancheng, Yu Qingyan...

Qin Weibai's mind suddenly became confused for a moment.

From a personal impression, Qin Weibai is definitely closer to Ning Qiancheng than to Yu Qingyan. After all, Ning Qiancheng is the first old brother to be with Li Tianlan, and earlier, he was born in the border area. The Forbidden Monarchs were the "death warriors" arranged by Dongcheng Wudi to be by Li Tianlan's side. Earlier, Ning Qiancheng's father, Ning Zhiyuan, was the elder of the Li family, so Ning Qiancheng could be said to be himself from beginning to end. People are worthy of complete trust.

But this is obviously not the case for Yu Qingyan.

She joined the East Palace because of Ning Qiancheng's relationship. In the East Palace's position, she was just Ning Qiancheng's fiancée. With this status, she could be considered one of her own, but not too close.

This is Qin Weibai's understanding.

However, this kind of knowledge gave Qin Weibai an extremely contradictory feeling.

Intellectually, she seemed to have no impression of Yu Qingyan. After all, she was just Ning Qiancheng's fiancée. They were not familiar with each other at all. However, when she saw Yu Qingyan, she felt inexplicably close to her. This gentle and quiet little sister seemed like herself. It was as if he had known her for a long time before meeting Ning Qiancheng.

The feeling that something was wrong became clearer and clearer.


What's wrong?

Qin Weibai suddenly shook his head vigorously, his brows furrowed obviously, and he fell into thought.

"Your Highness?"

Ning Qiancheng shouted tentatively. Even if he now became the Eastern Emperor, Ning Qiancheng could still let go of Li Tianlan, but for Qin Weibai, he maintained enough respect from beginning to end, even his sister-in-law. I haven't been called that often. I've always been called by the honorific title of Your Highness.


Qin Weibai responded unconsciously, looked at Yu Qingyan seriously, and frowned more and more.

"This is my fiancée."

Ning Qiancheng said softly: "Yu Qingyan, you have met me several times before."

Ning Qiancheng spoke slowly.

"I know."

Qin Weibai nodded: "But, something is wrong..."

Qin Weibai whispered to himself, shook his head again, suppressed the incongruous feeling, and said with a smile: "If you have anything to do with me, it's all my own. Don't be polite. If you have anything, just ask."

Yu Qingyan looked at Qin Weibai.

For the mistress of the East Palace, she also had deep awe. At this time, she was panicking and looked even more weak. But like Qin Weibai, Yu Qingyan also felt close to her. The other party was clearly with her. We are not familiar with each other, but where does this feeling of closeness, as if we have known each other for a long time, come from?

"You tell me."

Ning Qiancheng shook his fiancée's hand and said softly: "Don't be afraid."

Qin Weibai also smiled in response, a very kind and gentle smile. Although the two of them were not familiar with each other intellectually, the feeling of closeness made her expression extremely natural.

"Well...Your Highness..."

Yu Qingyan's voice was very soft, with deep confusion and confusion: " missing..."


Qin Weibai looked even more confused, as if he didn't understand: "Who?"

Yu Qingyan shook her head. Tears were already welling up in her eyes, and she had to hold back to keep them from falling.

Qin Weibai looked at Ning Qiancheng.

"I have no idea."

Ning Qiancheng also smiled bitterly: "But it seems that someone is missing... When Qing Yan told me at first, I thought she was not sober, but she kept talking, and she talked more and more, and I I seem to have suddenly remembered it, it seems that someone is missing, a... person who is very important to Qing Yan, but... suddenly... can't remember? "

Ning Qiancheng's tone was a little ridiculous.

Qin Weibai suddenly laughed: "A very important person? Isn't that you? You are still sitting here well. Qingyan is an orphan. Except for you..."

Qin Weibai's voice stopped without any warning.

Yu Qingyan...


The feeling of disharmony suddenly amplified to the extreme.

All the impressions in his mind told Qin Weibai that there was no problem with the fact that Yu Qingyan was an orphan, but the more he convinced himself, the more Qin Weibai felt that something was wrong.

He is missing...

Who is missing? !

Yu Qingyan...

The surname is Yu...

Yu Qingyan.

The increasingly familiar feeling was like a roaring mountain and a tsunami, severely impacting Qin Weibai's spirit.

Like Ning Qiancheng, she also inexplicably thought of such a person who seemed to be very important to Yu Qingyan, but who was it...

Qin Weibai couldn't remember it for a while.

In the end...who is missing?

Qin Weibai gently covered his forehead and muttered to himself: "Who is missing?"

"I have no idea..."

Yu Qingyan couldn't help but shed tears: "But he is very important to me... He is missing..."

Qin Weibai took a deep breath and stared at Yu Qingyan's face that seemed more and more familiar to her.

She was silent for a long time, and then suddenly asked: "Qingyan, do you still remember how we met?"

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