The King of Special Warfare

Vol 7 Chapter 913: : Transaction (Part 2)

Xia Zhi was so angry that she took a deep breath, but the depression in her heart became more and more serious. The heartache and suffocation continued to accumulate, and Venus even appeared in front of her eyes.

Maybe in the eyes of grandpa, there is a difference between grandson and grandson, but in the eyes of grandma, there is really no difference.

Wang Shengxiao's children and Wang Yuetong's children, one is named Wang and the other is Li, but neither is named Xia. What's the difference?

Even if Xia Zhi didn't like Li Tianlan, she couldn't be indifferent to Wang Yuetong's child.

But is it Wang Yuetong's child standing in front of her now?

Yes, at least the body or body is still there.

But what about inside?

This is not the soul of a child at all.

And the other party did not hide this, and directly talked about his dual identities.

What half-sister.

At least in Xia Zhi's heart, it was Li Tianlan and Qin Weibai's children who killed Wang Yuetong's children and occupied the magpie's nest.

At this moment, the hostility in Xia Zhi's heart really reached its extreme. She didn't take action on the spot because she had very little sense left.

She closed her eyes and took several deep breaths before she managed to suppress her emotions and said slowly: "I also hope this is a misunderstanding, but the fact is in front of me. You have occupied the body of a child. What else can I misunderstand?" Woolen cloth?"

She didn't know how powerful Feng Qingwu was, but at least she had a simple understanding of what authority was, which was the power to control the world. No matter what level of authority Feng Qingwu was in, her various abilities must be beyond her imagination. It's the ultimate, that kind of power that she can't even understand now, at least she doesn't know what kind of means to occupy the body of a child.

In the eyes of such people, everyone in Miracle City may be just toys.

Ants can't reason with strong people. This is the biggest truth.

Xia Zhi also understands this very well. She has no power to do anything now, so it doesn't matter what she says.

"I did not occupy my sister's body."

Feng Qingwu's voice was calm: "It's just that her talent is too poor and needs to be adjusted slowly. In fact, my existence is the best opportunity for her future. Every second I am here, her potential can be improved to some extent.

This is not replacement and occupation, but temporary integration.

The world has come to an end. If I am lucky enough not to die, I will inevitably fall into a very long sleep. From now on, my sister will dominate this body. When I wake up again, it will be a restarted world. I will look at her status and choose whether to disengage from the fusion. "

What Feng Qingwu said was reasonable, and it was indeed true.

Li Chaoxi's talent potential is really poor.

This is very poor, and it is very poor based on the identity of Huang Xi's children.

Compared with other supreme children, Li Chaoxi's talent is still above average, similar to that of Xuanyuan Wushang, but compared with Huang Xi's children, it is beyond comparison.

How many children does Huang Xi have?

The eldest son, Taihao, has now completely transformed and has taken power.

Father and son are two supreme beings, unique in the entire world.

Her daughter, Feng Qingwu herself, is now also standing at a height that is infinitely close to the peak of the ninth-level authority. It cannot even be said to be infinitely close. She has made all preparations. As long as the world starts to restart this time, she will You can officially reach the peak of ninth level authority.

Feng Qingwu also has the authority to lie.

There are three authorities in Lie Authority, two are currently occupied by her father and brother, and the remaining one is currently closest to Feng Qingwu.

In other words, looking at the entire neutral camp, countless civilizations, countless races, and all the people on the path of lying authority, currently only Feng Qingwu is closest to the third authority.

When she reaches the peak of the ninth level of authority, she will prepare to become the Supreme. Maybe it will be the end, maybe it will be the end twice. She has great hope of becoming the new Supreme. The certainty is at least more than 20%.

In addition to these brothers and sisters, there is also Li Dongcheng, who is currently the youngest, not counting Li Chaoxi.

Now he is also a top Shura with the peak of eighth level authority.

It is difficult to say whether he will be able to gain authority in the future, but there will be no problem in reaching the ninth level of authority and becoming the God of Killing, and there will be no surprises at all.

What kind of family is this?

Li Tianlan, Qin Weibai, Taihao, Feng Qingwu, Li Dongcheng...

In a family of five, even Li Dongcheng, who has the most uncertain future, is a level nine murderer!

Compared with these three children, Li Chaoxi really has no advantage. Her bloodline is considered top-notch in the neutral camp. Such bloodline can allow her to reach the level that a supreme heir should have, that is, break through to the eighth level of authority, but in the future The road was extremely difficult for her.

The authority starts from the first level, and the difficulty will continue to increase with each promotion. After reaching the fourth level, the difficulty will completely change. Each promotion is like crossing a natural chasm, from the fourth level to the fifth level, and from the sixth level to the seventh level. The two levels have to span life and death.

Li Chaoxi's ability to rely on her own blood pulse to reach the eighth level of authority is enough to show that she has great talent. However, the dangers and difficulties involved in reaching the ninth level of authority, which is known as the peak height, are even more unimaginable.

If promotion from level 4 to level 5, and promotion from level 6 to level 7, are related to the transformation of life levels and require crossing life and death, then after level 8 permission, every time you take a small step forward, you are crossing life and death.

Therefore, in the vast starry sky, although there are many eighth-level authorities who are the absolute backbone of the main force and high-end combat power, it is quite rare to truly reach the peak of eighth-level authority.

As for the ninth-level authority that symbolizes the pinnacle of a certain authority...

Not counting a few supreme beings, there are countless forces from the Space-Time Corridor, the God of War Realm, the Human Palace, and even the neutral camp, large and small, of various races. All added up, the ninth level is full, which is exactly ten.

The exquisite beauty of the God of War Realm, the exquisite colored glaze of the Human Imperial Palace, these are the four.

The remaining six are all in the space-time corridor, including Xuanyuan Wushang's fiancée.

Oh no, it's five now.

Taihao has become the Supreme and cannot be counted.

Therefore, the entire neutral camp currently has only nine people with level nine authority.

As long as you step into this level, it means that you have become one of the dozen or so strongest people in the entire camp. This is the real top of the pyramid.

Luck is at its peak, protecting all races, and suppressing the galaxy with blood.

If the Supreme is the source of a permission, then the ninth level of permission is the pinnacle of a permission. You can imagine how difficult it is to get to this point.

At least in Feng Qingwu's opinion, it was basically impossible for her sister, Li Chaoxi, to enter this field under normal circumstances.

It's not that her potential is worse than mine...forget it, to put it bluntly, it's just that her potential is worse than mine, much worse.

The reason is very simple and very practical.

Taihao, Feng Qingwu himself, and Li Dongcheng, all three of them are the children of Li Tianlan and Qin Weibai.

Li Chaoxi is the child of Li Tianlan and Wang Yuetong.

Mothers are different, and the difference is naturally obvious.

Qin Weibai is the master, the supreme leader of the order camp.

Li Tianlan's extremely powerful genes can suppress the influence of the authority of order, so that his children are purely neutral creatures, but when they are born, they will still have more or less the aura of order.

And this kind of aura brings no disadvantages, all are benefits.

For example, it will be easier to access order authority.

For another example... because of this breath of order, it will be easier for them than others to advance their authority to accommodate more of the world's will.

Only those who have truly experienced this so-called greater ease know how great this benefit is. To be precise, this is the biggest cheat in the process of authority promotion.

Li Chaoxi did not have such a cheat, and neither did the other Supreme's children, because the other Supremes did not have a wife who held the power of order.

The fusion of Feng Qingwu and Li Chaoxi is equivalent to leaving his own breath in Li Chaoxi's soul. This is equivalent to a small plug-in with many inferior versions. This plug-in also has no hope of allowing Li Chaoxi to reach the ninth level. But at least it can make her journey easier after she reaches the eighth level of authority. If she doesn't have to stay at the initial state of the eighth level of authority, that is the greatest value of this plug-in.

Most of Xia Zhi didn’t understand.

However, one fact is very obvious, that is, Feng Qingwu said that she did not occupy Li Chaoxi's body, but temporarily merged with her. Next, she seemed to be falling into an extremely long period of sleep. By then, Li Chaoxi would still be Li Chaoxi. The existence of Tide and Feng Qingwu is just to enhance the talent potential of my sister.

Xia Zhi easily believed Feng Qingwu's words.

After all, a strong man cannot reason with ants, nor can he bother to lie to ants.

"That is to say..."

Her mood suddenly became extremely excited.

"In other words, I can also call you grandma. I am in a special state now. Most of the time, my sister is in charge of my body. Only when some things require my intervention, I will temporarily move around.

Being too active is not a good thing for me. "

Xia Zhi continued to be confused, but Feng Qingwu was different from Xuanyuan Wushang. At least her style of not speaking human words was much less. The most important thing, which was what Xia Zhi cared about most, what she said could still be understood. of.

Most of the time, Feng Qingwu was asleep, and the person who dominated this little body was Li Chaoxi himself.

The mood of the summer solstice keeps fluctuating.

Li Chaoxi...

Yuetong's daughter...

The emotions that a normal grandma should have finally started to become active after the initial anger and weakness, and then surged.

Feng Qingwu still held Xia Zhi's hand and moved her body slightly.

Xia Zhi noticed the shadow she cast on the ground.

A little girl who looked to be only two or three years old, but what was projected on the ground was an extremely graceful figure with long hair, which was indescribably light and ethereal.

Xia Zhi was in a daze. She held Feng Qingwu's little hand and subconsciously exerted force. Then she quickly let go and applied force again. She said, "I..."

"After we finish talking about the business, I can give you a hug for a minute..."

Feng Qingwu's tone was very mature, but her face was too childish. She hesitated slightly, frowned, and blinked her long eyelashes. She was so cute: "Two minutes at most... I have to go back quickly, Otherwise, my mother will be scared when she finds out that I’m missing.”

Xia Zhi did not respond.

The next second, Feng Qingwu felt her body lighten, and then her feet hurt, and she was held in Xia Zhi's arms very gently and carefully.

Feng Qingwu twisted her body and struggled subconsciously, then sighed: "Okay, if you like this, then let's talk like this."

She and Li Chaoxi were only in a state of fusion, not complete possession. This meant that she could share a body with Li Chaoxi for the time being, but she could not forcefully influence Li Chaoxi's decision.

Li Chaoxi was very young and did not have a mature mind, but her body's instincts were strong. She obviously had a crush on Xia Zhi, and being picked up by Xia Zhi brought such joy that Feng Qingwu couldn't forcefully struggle.

Xia Zhi held Feng Qingwu (Li Chaoxi) in her arms. I don't know if it was because of psychological factors. At this moment, she seemed to really see two souls in this little guy, one mysterious and deep, and the other simple and ignorant.

"Where is your mother?"

Xia Zhi's voice unconsciously became softer: "I'll pick her up."

"Mom is fine."

Feng Qingwu replied something that was not what was asked.

Xia Zhi was stunned for a moment, then realized something and smiled: "Okay, tell me about your deal, I'm very interested."

The wind is dancing, Li Chao.

These are two people in a real sense.

But when the former appeared in front of Xia Zhi in the latter's body, facing her cute little granddaughter, it was difficult for Xia Zhi to maintain absolute sanity in her heart. More or less, she had the mentality of a junior acting coquettishly and making demands on herself.

"Do you know about the neutral camp?"

Feng Qingwu leaned on Xia Zhi's arms and looked up at her, her jewel-like eyes shining with luster.

Xia Zhi shook his head subconsciously.

She knows the authority, knows the world, knows the Xi Dynasty...

But...what is a camp?

"Are you talking about aliens?"

Xia Zhi asked.

"Aliens are also human beings. In the concept of surface civilization, we, no, you are also aliens in the eyes of other surface civilizations.

This statement itself carries a certain message of exclusion, to be precise, the human race.

All human races in this universe, as well as other races, such as the monster race that you can best understand, are actually ethnic groups formed by various non-human creatures after they have gained authority, as well as various plants, dragons, and some species that are temporarily under your control. Races outside the scope of cognition...

To be precise, all races that are alive and have self-awareness combined together form the neutral camp. "

Xia Zhi listened quietly.

If she had been exposed to this information before, she would have been shocked and stunned, and she would not even believe it. But now, the world is about to end. What about other things, especially things outside this planet, does it matter whether you believe it or not?

"The neutral camp currently has four major forces."

Feng Qingwu said softly: "The so-called big force, you can understand it as the most transcendent, the most high-end power, the behemoth that can influence the direction of the entire camp, and is composed of countless civilizations and countless forces gathered together."

"Which four forces?"

Xia Zhi asked enthusiastically, as if she was just listening to the story. She didn't know why Feng Qingwu said this, but at least it wouldn't hurt to know more.

"Time Corridor."

Feng Qingwu said: "This is the strongest force in the neutral camp at present, with the widest territory, the most masters, and the deepest foundation. The emperor of the Time and Space Corridor is the strongest person in the neutral camp at present. I was born in the Time and Space Corridor."

Xia Zhi hummed.

"Behind the time and space corridor is the God of War Realm. You can even call it an emerging force. The God of War Realm and the third Human Palace are roughly the same. There is basically no difference in terms of expert lineup or territory. The reason why they can Ranked in front of the Human Emperor's Palace is because the God of War in the God of War Realm is really good at fighting. He can be said to be the most extreme person in the entire martial arts, and the Human Emperor is not in very good condition."

"Human Emperor..."

Xia Zhi's face looked a little strange.

What a **** of war, what a great emperor, just by name, the Human Emperor is undoubtedly the most peculiar, especially for the Beihai Wang family. The fierce soldier who has been in the hands of the Beihai Wang family for countless years is codenamed the Human Emperor.

"You misunderstood me..."

Feng Qingwu was silent for a moment and said slowly: "The Human Emperor and the Human Emperor Palace I mentioned may be a little different from what you understand. The Human Emperor's name is called 'Ren', and the Emperor is because although he The state is not good, but he is still at the top, so the word "Human Emperor" is a person's name plus an honorific, not a word..."

"A person named 'Human'?"

Xia Zhi blinked: "Something strange..."

“That’s because you belong to the human race, and for the time being, you only know the human race.

If the dragon clan dominates everything now, and there is a dragon named Dragon, or XX Dragon, it would also sound a bit strange, but it doesn't mean anything. "

Feng Qingwu said: "And in the old world where he lived actively, human was a very common word without any special meaning. He was called Human Emperor just because his name was human. If it were changed to something else, then He just calls him some other emperor."

A smile appeared at the corner of Xia Zhi's mouth. Naturally, she didn't know what Feng Qingwu was setting up. She just simply thought that maybe Feng Qingwu didn't like the Human Emperor very much, so she explained it in such detail, and there was no praise or respect. .

"The Corridor of Time and Space, the God of War Realm, the Human Emperor's Palace... is there another big force?"

Xia Zhi asked.

“You are familiar with the last one, Xi Dynasty.

This is the Xi Dynasty here.

Although this is still just a surface civilization, it is fully worthy of the title of a major force. This is a sign of respect for the father and mother. Although their state is not right, they have recovered. Once the father and mother adjust their state..."

Feng Qingwu thought for a while: "The Xi Dynasty may have been the weakest at that time, but the person who controlled the Xi Dynasty was definitely the strongest in the entire camp."

Xia Zhi looked at Feng Qingwu with a confused expression.

The four major forces in the neutral camp...

Xi Dynasty?

Even to her death, she never imagined that the Xi Dynasty could be so important.

No, to be precise, Li Tianlan would be important to this extent.

According to Feng Qingwu's description, this importance and combat effectiveness have risen to the height of the universe.

The strongest person in the entire camp, does that mean the strongest person in the entire universe?

This so-called strongest, if not the only one, would at least be one of them.

Li Tianlan? The whole universe?

Xia Zhi's brain felt like it was driving. The amount of information was too simple, straightforward and important, and she couldn't handle it for a while.

"Xi...Xi Dynasty..."

Xia Zhi had a rare stutter and stammered, and he didn't know what he was talking about.

Li Tianlan and Xi Dynasty...

She really didn't expect it to be so important. In her heart, the Xi Dynasty was just a surface civilization that was struggling to survive in the apocalypse and even retreated underground, and it was still a incomplete surface civilization.

But in Feng Qingwu's words, why is this Xi Dynasty so tall?

"My father's previous name was Huang Xi, which was the same as the title of the Human Emperor. Huang was an honorific and Xi was his given name. In his time, there was no surname, just a single name, Xi.

And the female, well, after a female gets married, she will take her husband's name as her own surname, so the female is called Xibai.

Nowadays, the largest force in the neutral camp is the Time and Space Corridor, which was left by the father and mother. After their death, the time and space corridor was taken over by the current emperor. Now that the father and mother have recovered, no matter from which point of view, the Xi Dynasty, They can be regarded as the fourth largest force in the neutral camp. Although the dynasty is still very weak as a whole, its upper limit is the highest. "

Huang Xi, Xi Bai, Li Tianlan, Qin Weibai...

Xia Zhi tried hard to accept the information, blinked and asked, "So, this is the past life and this life, right? Li Tianlan is the reincarnation of your father?"

Feng Qingwu was silent for a moment, feeling a little tangled: "If this understanding can be accepted by you, then just understand it like this.

In fact, past and present lives do not exist. When authority reaches the peak level, your own life level will be completely transformed and fixed. This fixation is specific to cells, bacteria, and even every molecule that makes up your life consciousness. Basically The fixation of particles, this fixation, is called real imprinting.

Everyone is made up of molecules, and different molecules make up your current body and your current consciousness, so you are called Summer Solstice.

When this composition is completely fixed, even if you die, it is not the real end. The so-called death, at this level, means that the molecules that make up your body begin to dissipate.

But the existence of real imprinting means that these molecules will not combine with other molecules, but will only combine with other molecules in your body. Because everything is fixed, even the order of arrangement will be exactly the same after the molecules are recombined. , this process is regression.

There is no reincarnation at all. Once you have a real mark, you will always be you. Without a real mark, the molecules will drift away at will after death and recombine with other molecules at will, and they will become other substances.

This is the destiny of life. "

Even if it is completely destroyed, the body structure will be reorganized after a long time, making it immortal...

Xia Zhi had some instinctive yearning, and there was an obvious trance in her eyes.

Life is too short.

She had a very deep understanding of these four words.

During her childhood and adolescence, she always appeared in front of everyone with the most shining appearance.

That was the era when the Li family, the Wang family and the Lin family were still close.

But as a girl, she was able to crush Wang Tianzong, Li Kuangtu, and Lin Fengting at all stages. It was an indescribably brilliant time.

Her growth also meets everyone's expectations.

He entered the invincible realm all the way with almost no twists and turns, and reached the peak invincible realm easily. When everyone thought that the Beihai Wang family would usher in a new glorious era, Xia Zhi was at his most prosperous and prosperous age. Fight with Li Kuangtu at the border.

He took on the vicious soldiers with his bare hands and even killed Li Kuangtu.

Just kill it.

If Li didn't have a back-up plan, Kuangtu Li would have been completely dead that year.

That battle was the most direct manifestation of Xia Zhi's peak powerlessness.

She shattered a handful of vicious soldiers, and at the same time killed Li Kuangtu, the biggest threat to the Wang family in Beihai.

After that battle, Xia Zhi was still alive, but the woman with unlimited potential and the most talented woman of her era had died.

Her foundation was completely destroyed, and her vitality was completely supported by the immortality potion. Her injuries became more and more serious, and the effect of the immortality potion became worse and worse. After the alliance failed to siege Li Tianlan, Xia Zhi suffered more injuries, and her life had come to an end. .

Maybe half a year, maybe a year, maybe one early morning, her injuries would suddenly break out silently, and she would die quietly in her room.

But her husband was still asleep.

Her missing daughter has not been found.

The Wang family in Beihai is in turmoil.

There are still too many things she has not done, too many things she has not said to Wang Tianzong, too many regrets she has not made up for, and too many...

But there was no time.

Xia Zhi knew this, he had no time.

This life is too short.

If life is long...

Xia Zhi smiled to himself.

Her spirit is naturally very high.

There is one thing that perhaps no one knows except Wang Tianzong.

Why was Wang Tianzong, who had been stuck in the peak invincibility realm for nearly twenty years, able to break through on the eve of the chaos in Snow Country?

Is it the huge pressure caused by the glory of the Beihai Wang family?

Is it the huge burden caused by the endless deep sea water under the island in the Palace of Reincarnation?

Is it a flash of inspiration after the two burdens combined with the state of mind?

These are all important factors.

But there is also a very crucial point.

That was when the peak invincibility was already considered the end of martial arts. Wang Tianzong was still able to follow the trend because his martial arts road still had a clear guide after the peak invincibility.

Xia Zhi had already seen the road to the peak of invincibility many, many years ago. She had even stepped into it with half or most of her feet.

It's just that bright and shining beautiful prospect, eventually shattered like a dream in the face of the endless sky and the terrifying lethality of Li Kuangtui.

But such a summer solstice is still qualified to give Wang Tianzong clear guidance.

But she didn't expect that it would take Wang Tianzong nearly twenty years to figure out this kind of guidance by chance and achieve a breakthrough.

If what happened to Li Kuangtu had not happened, or if it had happened later, in three years, no, one year, she would have been able to break through the peak invincibility, reach the level of being infinitely close to the genius, and use absolute force to quell everything. turmoil.

Now that things are really developing in this vein, by now, Xia Zhi should have already reached the limit of Tianjiao, which is the limit of fourth-level authority. In the earliest days, how could Li Tianlan have anything to do with him?

But how can things in this world be what they are?

Even if there is, it is in the hands of Li Tianlan, not Xia Zhi.

Her pride had been shattered years ago.

Even Li Tianlan, who had not yet returned, could not suppress her. Now, what qualifications does she have to pursue the so-called true brand?

"Are you sad?"

In Xia Zhi's arms, Feng Qingwu suddenly raised her head, looked at Xia Zhi and asked.


Xia Zhi's voice was gentle: "I just..."

After a pause, her voice became softer: "I'm just a little sorry."

"Regrets can be made up. For example, your mother's whereabouts, your husband's injuries, and even your injuries can all be made up for."

Feng Qingwu said: "In terms of injuries, many things that you think you can't do anything about are actually just trivial matters in the eyes of people with higher authority."

Xia Zhi was slightly startled, lowered her head and looked at Feng Qingwu.

"That's the deal I'm trying to say."

Feng Qingwu said softly: "I can cure your injury, heal Wang Tianzong's injury, I can also tell you the news about your mother, I can even make the Wang family of Beihai still maintain an absolutely aloof status... I can do all these things It can be done, there is no point in deceiving you, I have never..."

Her voice suddenly paused. At this moment, she wanted to say that she had never lied to others, but no one would believe her words. A ninth-level peak master with the authority to lie said that she had never lied to others. Then the lies she mastered Are permissions just for show?

But at least now, what Feng Qingwu said is sincere: "In short, I am sincere when I talk to you. At least in this conversation, I didn't tell any lies."

Xia Zhi still didn't speak.

Maybe the surprise came too suddenly, maybe Feng Qingwu's promise was too dreamy, Xia Zhi was a little confused, erratic, and in a state of disbelief: "Since this is a deal... you Give me these, what do you want from me in exchange?"

"Your position..."

Feng Qingwu said calmly: "In the rest of your life, I hope your position can be consistent with mine, absolutely consistent."


Xia Zhi became more and more confused, not because Feng Qingwu wanted too much, but because she wanted too little.

"The four major forces I just told you about..."

Feng Qingwu chuckled: "Out of respect for the father and mother, the Space-Time Corridor will not interfere in the affairs here. No matter how greedy they are, they will not interfere. Their representative Xuanyuan Wushang does not have an actual person now. location, which is enough to illustrate their attitude.

In addition to the time and space corridor, the God of War world should not interfere because of my brother, but this is just a possibility. The God of War has always been shameless in some aspects, and I can't tell this time.

Apart from these uncertain factors, I am certain that someone from the Human Palace will definitely contact you in the near future and recruit you into the Human Palace...

My request is very simple. I hope you can refuse all invitations and maintain the same position as me. In other words, I hope that one day, you can join my force. "

"Human Palace, absorb me?"

There was only one thought left in Xia Zhi's mind: Do I have such a great reputation?

Feng Qingwu sighed.

In terms of talent potential, Xia Zhi is not much worse than Li Dongcheng. What makes her worse than Li Dongcheng is the lack of order in her body.

But even so, as long as Xia Zhi grows up, he still has enough potential to reach the ninth level of authority.

What does a future ninth-level killing **** mean?

Now in the entire camp, after Taihao became the Supreme, there are less than ten peak experts with ninth-level authority.

Every peak powerhouse with ninth-level authority is a true pillar of the camp.

In other words, there are only nine pillars in the entire universe, and they all have their own powers. Now that they have discovered the tenth pillar, whoever strikes first will own it.

Who wouldn’t be tempted by this situation?

That is, in the City of Miracles, in Huang Xi's territory.

If this were placed elsewhere, several major forces would be able to use their wits to rob people.

What is a neutral camp?

Not obeying absolute order, not obeying absolute chaos, this in itself means that there are disputes and frictions within the neutral camp, but they are united at the top. Even in the closest circles of the God of War and the Human Palace, there are also constant frictions at the bottom of the two major forces. of.

People like Xia Zhi can't be regarded as talents at all, but absolute treasures. If they are not in the City of Miracles, it is simply impossible for several major forces to fight for harmony.

But the summer solstice happened to appear in the City of Miracles.

Li Tianlan and Qin Weibai are here, and the time and space corridor has already acquiesced that Xia Zhi is from the Xi Dynasty.

Because of Li Dongcheng, the God of War Realm is not suitable for intervening.

And the Human Palace...

The summer solstice is the Queen's wife, which is a suitable reason to intervene.

As for Feng Qingwu, there is no need to say that she is Li Tianlan's daughter. Whatever she does can be said to be Li Tianlan's family affair.

So under the current situation, Renhuang Palace can be said to be Feng Qingwu's biggest competitor.

But she holds the trump card.

Even though the palace could do such things as treating injuries, Feng Qingwu's whereabouts were always firmly under his control. This trump card was definitely very useful.

"The Human Palace will definitely absorb you, but I hope you can refuse their invitation and join my force."

Feng Qingwu said slowly: "Now, on behalf of the person behind me, I am extending an invitation to you. I hope you can accept it. Although our power is still very weak, what I can guarantee is that any resources you get , no less.”

Xia Zhi was silent for a while, then suddenly smiled: "Are you talking about joining the Xi Dynasty? The Wang family of Beihai is now a member of the Xi Dynasty."

Feng Qingwu is Li Tianlan's daughter, and there is no need to doubt her position.

"Are you willing to stay in the Xi Dynasty?"

Feng Qingwu asked softly: "The relationship between you and your father is very delicate. Although it is acceptable to bow your head like this now, if others don't say it, don't they have other thoughts in their hearts? If you stay in the Xi Dynasty. ..”

She looked at Wang Tianzong in the dormant cabin: "He fought so fiercely with his father before he was seriously injured. How can he be reconciled now?"


Xia Zhi's expression was a little surprised.

She originally thought that Feng Qingwu was inviting her to officially join the East Palace, but now it seems that this is not the case at all...

"I hope you can join the force I am in, but not the Xi Dynasty, but the fifth force outside the four major forces."


In an instant, a huge roar suddenly sounded in Xia Zhi's brain.

She was not shocked by the news and her mind went blank.

But at this moment, her destiny instinctively made her reject Feng Qingwu's information.

The power of authority began to spread unbridled at this moment.

The Human Emperor, who had been observing the situation, took action without hesitation after confirming that Feng Qingwu was not inviting Xia Zhi to join the Xi Dynasty.

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