The King of Special Warfare

Vol 7 Chapter 918: :teammate

The doomsday disintegrating in the void is not silent.

Technological authority is said to be the strongest authority, and the ninth level with the most powerful authority is called the doomsday. If it can be instantly killed by the Supreme, then what is the strongest?

In fact, the Doomsday that appears here is not his real body at all, but all the nearby mechanical civilizations combined together to carry his will.

But this will, or in other words, the thought of doomsday has been collected.

So in an instant, his identity, his stance, his thinking, and everything about him became a collection in Taihao's hands.

The huge body composed of countless mechanical civilizations and billions of mechanical beings produced endless explosions during the disintegration process. The surging energy directly formed a catastrophic catastrophe in this galaxy. The energy reaction with almost no limit continued to soar, and the roaring explosion collided hard with the virtual line extending from the Human Emperor in the void.

Taihao waved his hand casually and immediately returned the things he had just collected, but he did not return them to Doomsday, but...

Returned to the Emperor.

He returned the identity, stance and thoughts about the end of the world that he had collected to the Human Emperor.

The virtual lines that continued to extend in the void finally came to a slight pause at this moment.

The Human Emperor's thinking was disturbed by the doomsday thoughts forced by Taihao. His cognition and thinking were confused for a moment, so the logic of authority was no longer perfect, and there were obvious loopholes.

At the same time, Feng Qingwu also raised her palm. When the Human Emperor was forcibly interfered with, she seized the opportunity that he had no time to refuse and returned all the martial arts strength she had collected.

Countless stiff virtual lines suddenly lit up at this moment.

The extremely powerful sword light appeared on those virtual lines. When the sword light was on, the entire void had been completely chopped into pieces. The sword energy and the lines of fate were constantly intertwined. Before Taihao had time to take action, he had already It spread rapidly and formed something else.

"You think you can stop me!!"

The Human Emperor's loud and majestic voice was like a violent thunder.

The huge shadow of the Rubik's Cube has disappeared.

The figure of the Human Emperor appeared near Taihao without any warning.

The authority of destiny and the authority of martial arts are constantly intertwined in him, turning into pure light. The two rays of light are constantly merging and influencing each other. At this moment, his aura is far less powerful than before, but the divine light in his eyes is getting stronger. The hair is blazing.

Feng Qingwu's collection was just an 'accident'. The title of The Weakest Supreme has been with him for so many years. How could he not prepare some things of his own?

The light formed by the two authorities continued to spread on him, leaving virtual lines one after another in the void. Thousands of lines began to outline and converge into an extremely complex pattern when they appeared.

Taihao just had time to breathe a sigh of relief, but when the pattern appeared, he narrowed his eyes again.

In front of him, patterns outlined by light appeared one after another at the same time.

All the patterns are similar, but there are subtle differences.

And all the subtle differences are closely connected in harmony.

Formation? !

Taihao was certain that this was a formation.

But the problem is...

He was not sure what kind of formation it was, let alone its function.

Every pattern in front of you has countless small or even micro formations inside, and the patterns one after another are closely connected, and all the formations are integrated into one in the blink of an eye under the influence of the Human Emperor.

The Human Emperor looked at the two brothers Taihao and Feng Qingwu in front of him.

His eyes were cold and calm.

Taihao's heart sank, and he took action at the same time as Feng Qingwu.

He wanted to forcibly deceive the formation in front of him, deceive the function and target of the formation, and even wanted to completely change the structure of the formation and turn them into pure patterns.

Feng Qingwu once again reluctantly used the ability of incomplete authority to put her and her brother's position into a disabled state that was not locked.


That's too late.

All the things and all the preparations were too late.

The incomplete strength has not yet had time to gather.

Taihao's lies haven't had time to take effect yet.

All the formations in front of him have exploded.

Misty, vast, pious, fanatical, all kinds of sounds suddenly resounded through the void.

The Human Emperor's whole body lit up with intense light. Those lights formed densely packed and countless shadows. In each shadow, there were tens of thousands, even billions, of civilizations maintaining the same posture facing each other. The Human Emperor made the most respectful and devout worship.

The light is still spreading, radiating from the Human Emperor, connecting the shadows and the exploding formations.

The small amount of power belonging to incomplete authority was instantly shattered.

Endless powers belonging to various authorities surged out of the formations in an extremely crazy manner at this moment.

Martial arts, lies, destiny.

Spirit, technology, elements, life...

All authority except chaos surged out, completely submerging Taihao and Feng Qingwu in an instant.

The Human Emperor still stood where he was, motionless.

This is his trump card.

The formations floating in front of him all originated from his authority.

Taihao wants to influence these formations unless he can directly deceive the authority of reincarnation, but this is obviously impossible.

The Human Emperor in this state is equivalent to using his own supreme level as a carrier to gather the power of everyone in the entire Human Emperor Palace, including him.

Maybe there is someone in the starry sky who can resist such power, but such a person is definitely not Taihao, let alone Feng Qingwu.

The power of various authorities surged out of the formation, and then blended perfectly with the human emperor's supreme body as the carrier.

The distinction of authority is no longer important at this moment. When all authority is completely integrated, this is the ultimate destructive energy.

There seemed to be a frenzy of countless lights gathering in the void.

The ferocious frenzy drowned Taihao and Feng Qingwu. It pushed all the way and cleared out a large area of ​​the galaxy belonging to the order field. It was vast and unstoppable.

When the craze passes.

Everything in the void became quiet.

Two masks appeared in front of the Human Emperor, looking like they were crying but not crying, and looking like they were smiling but not smiling.

The two masks are close together, and one of the masks is complete and clear. This is Taihao's authorized form.

Although the other mask was complete, there were subtle but real cracks on it.

That is the form of authority that belongs to Feng Qingwu.

The Human Emperor did not attack again, but countless dense formation patterns once again appeared in front of him.

All the interconnected patterns move freely and look extremely beautiful, but combined with the previous void frenzy, this beauty has a strong deterrent effect.

The two masks were slightly twisted in front of the Human Emperor, and the figures of Taihao and Feng Qingwu were reassembled.

Taihao narrowed his eyes, looked deeply at the Human Emperor, and did not speak for a long time.

"I'm waiting for your apology. What are you waiting for? Waiting for your return?"

The Human Emperor's voice was full of indifference.

"It is indeed very strong, but this is not your power. In this state, every attack you make is equivalent to consuming the foundation of the Imperial Palace. Can you afford it?"

The Human Emperor seemed to have heard a joke and sneered: "Don't you think about when this is?"


Taihao suddenly fell silent.

What time is this now?

This is the moment when the world ends and is about to restart.

To use the most accurate way to describe it, the old era is about to end and the new era is about to begin. Everything is doomed.

Under this situation, the war between the Order and Neutral camps is still continuing. This is of course meaningful, but the significance is no longer too great.

The Human Emperor cannot protect the entire Human Imperial Palace, he can only lead a few people to avoid this end.

In this case, how important can the foundation of the Human Imperial Palace be?

After all, the end is coming...

"It seems that I chose the wrong time to take action this time."

Taihao laughed at himself.

"It's not too late to apologize now."

The Human Emperor said calmly.

No one can doubt that he is willing to pay any price if necessary. He is such a person.

The end is coming, which means that all the so-called secrets that the Human Emperor Palace usually uses to keep things under control have become consumables in the eyes of the Human Emperor.

Now that these formations are standing here, the power of the entire Human Imperial Palace, including the Human Emperor, can completely crush Taihao, who has not yet formed a force.

In other words, if the Human Emperor is ruthless enough, he can completely consume the foundation of the Human Imperial Palace here again and again, completely end Taihao and Feng Qingwu, and let them return.

In a sense, this is tantamount to killing Taihao in this era. All grudges will have to be seen again in the next era.

"Scared me."

Taihao suddenly smiled: "This method is indeed scary, but as a junior, I come to compete with seniors, so I naturally have to prepare some gadgets and a few good teammates. Do you want to meet seniors? After all, I am not one person."

"You think you're the only one with teammates?"

The Human Emperor narrowed his eyes.

The next second, two extremely hazy light groups appeared around him.

Inside the light group, two slim and slender figures were floating silently. They were blurry and couldn't be seen clearly, but extremely sharp edges were constantly emanating from the two of them.

Judging from their auras, there is no doubt that these two are killing gods.

A **** of death with ninth level martial arts authority.

In addition to the Human Emperor, it is self-evident who the other two ninth-level killing gods are.



Taihao smiled: "It's not a surprise if you expect it."

He opened his hands and opened a space door.

The next second, two more figures silently appeared beside Taihao.

An extremely mellow logical atmosphere burst out around Taihao along with the powerful sword energy.

In addition to Feng Qingwu, he also has two teammates with level nine authority.

A **** of death and destiny.

The Human Emperor seemed to gradually lose all expression, staring at the two newly appearing figures, narrowing his eyes.

"Why are you here?"

The Human Emperor spoke calmly. He never thought that the two so-called teammates who appeared next to Taihao... actually came from the God of War Realm.

Linglong in the God of War world.

The beauty of the God of War world, his biological daughter.

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