The King of Special Warfare

Vol 7 Chapter 927: : Yuetong

He Yishui had never heard Li Mutong say that she had a sister.

But there was nothing surprising about this. She had never heard Li Mutong talk about any family members other than Li Chaoxi.

She saw Li Mutong switching between two numbers on his phone, and finally stopped at the second phone number, constantly hesitating. After a long time, He Yishui finally couldn't help it and said hoarsely: "What does your sister do?"

Li Mutong could obviously feel that his best friend had misunderstood what this sister meant, but he had no idea of ​​explaining it. He forced a smile and said: "She does a lot of a very powerful person."

He Yishui could tell that his best friend didn't want to say more, pursed her lips, and subconsciously looked in the direction of the hospital bed.

Mrs. He stopped talking and looked at Li Mutong eagerly.

It was a very pitiful expression that made people anxious just to see it.

Li Mutong's time in the He family was not long, less than three years, but it was not too short.

Getting along with others really requires fate.

The He family loved Li Mutong and his daughter from the bottom of their hearts.

The little guy is sick, and Mrs. He can't wait to watch her 24 hours a day without closing her eyes. The old man in the family comes here every two days, making seven or eight phone calls a day. The little guy can call him grandpa on the video, and the old man can laugh for a long time.

Mrs. He really regarded this mother and daughter as part of her family. Now seeing Li Mutong struggling, she wanted to urge them, but in the end she didn't say anything.

After all, she felt sorry for Li Chaoxi, and she also felt sorry for Wang Yuetong.

What mother doesn't love her child?

Xiao Tide has been like this, and Li Mutong is still hesitating, struggling, and hesitating. This is obviously something difficult. The old lady doesn't know the inside story, and it's not easy to speak casually.

Li Mutong sat silently, with his head lowered, looking at the number on the screen of his mobile phone.

At this moment she actually wanted to be selfish.

If the genetic medicine was useful, she would like to use Liu Qin's channels to confirm Li Chaoxi's condition first, and then consider whether to make the call.

But it is obvious that Liu Qin used favors to get this opportunity. In other words, even when he got to the laboratory, Liu Qin who used favors was only an assistant, not a decision-maker.

Li Mutong didn't know the importance of that laboratory, but even if it was a top laboratory, it was not their turn to intervene in how to check, what drugs to use, and what kind of treatment plan to determine.

To put it more bluntly, the field of genetic medicine is very deep. Liu Qin's favors and the He family's financial resources are basically unlikely to allow Xiao Chao to have the best treatment plan.

If it is really the best treatment plan, the He family's financial resources cannot support it.

Her selfishness will definitely drag the entire He family into the abyss.

The He family likes their mother and daughter.

They have no feelings for the He family.

It would be fine if there was no choice in everything.

But now she clearly has a choice to avoid all of this.

All it takes is a phone call or even just a few words.

Xiao Tide will receive the best and most top-notch treatment, and the He family will not need to be seriously injured, and everyone will be happy with the outcome.

As for my own situation, the choices I have to face, all the mess...

Where is the room for thinking about this now?

Li Mutong took a deep breath, deleted the numbers on the screen one by one, and then replaced them with the number he pressed for the first time.

She felt that the blood all over her body was hot, and the courage that had been gathering in these days began to boil together.

Her mind was a little blank, she stared at the number blankly, and put her finger on the dial button.

"This Tide's father's phone number, right?"

He Yishui suddenly said that what she said was entirely her own guess.

Li Chaoxi's body trembled, and he raised his head with a pale face. He looked at He Yishui in horror, but didn't know what to say.

He Yishui, who didn't know the inside story, became furious just looking at his best friend's expression.

She didn't know who Chao Tide's father was, but in the past few years, whenever he thought of it, He Yishui would greet that **** fiercely in his heart.

That **** has changed many images in her mind over the past few years, either as Chen Shimei who abandoned his wife and daughter, or as a despicable dignitary who used Mu Tong to gain power, or as a scumbag who played with Mu Tong's feelings. There's something else, there's something else...

A messy image, none of which is good.

She probably knew something vaguely. She and Mu Tong went to Huating together shortly after the Spring Festival this year. Later, Mu Tong hurriedly wanted to leave, but the station was completely blocked. She still vividly remembered what happened, combined with Mu Tong's performance at the time and some There were specious hints, and she could vaguely sense the huge energy contained in her best friend's past stories.

She probably knew that the identity of Xiao Chaoshi's father was not simple. She couldn't afford to offend him, and neither could the He family.

But this didn't stop her from scolding that **** in her heart.

"Don't be afraid."

He Yishui suppressed his anger and took Li Mutong's hand: "In the worst case, we won't beat him. It should be useful to find your sister, right?"

elder sister...

Li Mutong smiled bitterly.

Sometimes this sister is not necessarily a blood-related sister, and there are more complicated situations, but He Yishui obviously doesn't understand.

"It's fine."

Li Mutong's voice was a little confused: "They're all the same."

Whether you call your 'sister' or call him, it's the same.

Calling the former is equivalent to escaping.

Li Mutong didn't want this, because it didn't make any sense.

She gritted her teeth gently, closed her eyes, and pressed her finger directly on the dial key.

Perhaps her entanglement and struggle affected the mother and daughter of the He family.

The moment Li Mutong's finger pressed the dial button, the hearts of the He family's mother and daughter also trembled.

During the long wait that seemed like a century ago, in the almost suffocating atmosphere of the three of them, a notification tone came from the phone that the number you dialed has been turned off.

I don't know if she was lucky or something else. Li Mutong suddenly breathed a sigh of relief. She started to take big breaths and kept taking deep breaths. She was like a fish out of water. Her mouth was open and her eyes were blank. She looked lost and lucky. She looked extremely complicated. .

The mother and daughter of the He family looked at Li Mutong, and both mother and daughter cursed at a certain **** in their hearts.

Li Mutong held the phone and felt his heart beating fiercely in his chest. He pursed his lips tightly and didn't speak for a long time.

All her courage seemed to disappear with the unanswered call, and her body even began to tremble slightly uncontrollably.

"The phone... didn't go through."

He Yishui spoke cautiously.


Li Mutong muttered blankly: "Turn off the phone."

"Do you want to call sister?"

He Yishui asked in a low voice: "Does my sister know that bastard... Well, I mean, does my sister know Chao Tide's father? Can I tell her about it?"

"Call sister..."

Li Mutong unconsciously pressed the number again, but this time, she lost the courage to dial it herself.

"Let me do it."

Seemingly seeing his best friend's confusion and embarrassment, He Yishui said, "Let me tell you."

Her voice was hoarse and unpleasant, but there was a determination in her tone at this time.

"You...are you coming?"

Li Mutong looked at He Yishui in surprise.

He Yishui has always been an activist, especially when it comes to serious matters.

So she didn't discuss the pull with Li Mutong, nor did she make any big arguments. She directly reached out and took the phone from Li Mutong's hand.

Before Li Mutong could react at all, she had already pressed the dial button, turned on the speakerphone, and put the phone on the coffee table.

Li Mutong's palm was empty, he suddenly clenched his fingers, and then firmly grasped the hem of his clothes.

He Yishui held his breath and stared at the phone in front of him.

She found that her emotions were a little agitated, not only because this call was the hope of saving Xiao Tide, but it also represented the first time she had formally contacted Li Mutong's family since she met her.

What should Li Mutong’s family look like?

She could vaguely sense the energy behind Li Mutong.

Could my best friend come from a wealthy family that is little known to the public but secretly has great influence?

Is it in Huating, Youzhou, Beihai, or the Central Plains where wealthy families gather?

My best friend had a falling out with her family, what was the reason?

Is it just because of that bastard, or is there something more complicated?

What would Mu Tong's sister think of her?

Do the two sisters have a good relationship?

What attitude should you adopt if the other party refuses to help?

There won't be any quarrel, right? Don't make a quarrel, um, you have to restrain must restrain yourself...for the sake of the little tide.

In just a few seconds, countless thoughts appeared in He Yishui's mind. She seemed to have a headache and subconsciously held her head.

The hands-free cell phone finally rang after a brief silence.

The ringing sounded for a few seconds before the other party answered.

A cold and indifferent voice spoke very briefly: "I'm Qin Weibai, who am I?"

Qin Weibai...

He Yishui glanced at Li Mutong subconsciously, as if wondering why his best friend's sister's surname was Qin.

Li Mutong nodded slightly, her face became even paler. She seemed to want to say something, but couldn't.


He Yishui took a deep breath and said slowly: "Are you Li Mutong's sister? I am her best friend."

"Li Mutong?"

The cold voice on the phone seemed a little confused, but then she seemed to realize something and suddenly fell silent.

"What three words specifically?"

It took more than ten seconds before the phone rang again.

"Muzili, the eye of the eyes, the child of children."

He Yishui was a little strange.

There was silence again on the phone. After a while, he slowly said: "Tong? Yuetong, is that you?"


Realizing that this seemed to be the real name of his best friend, He Yishui opened his mouth, only to find that Li Mutong had already burst into tears and was sobbing.

The voice on the phone didn't wait for what He Yishui was saying and said directly: "Where are you now? Tell me your location and I'll be there right away."

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