The King of Special Warfare

Vol 7 Chapter 932: :name

Ji Ankang knew Wang Yuetong. After all, a considerable part of the new group's team came from the Southeast Group.

After Li Honghe ended his life as a prison on the border and went to Jiangsu and Zhejiang, most of the forces in Jiangsu and Zhejiang were separated from the Southeast Group and formed the basic framework of the new group.

With the framework in place, plus Shengshi Fund's operations in the six major groups, and the additions from the wealthy groups, the overall structure of the new group has been formed.

Ji Ankang was once one of the backbones of the Southeast Group, and he was still very valued. He had met the little princess of the Beihai Wang family more than once on various occasions.

But Ji Ankang didn't know Li Mutong after the disguise.

But this is not a problem. After knowing the name and the location of the ward, everyone came in. It can be said that it is clear at a glance who Li Mutong is.

Mrs. Qi is obviously not the one, and He Yishui is also unlikely based on his body shape. Using the most basic elimination method, the target can be determined.

He looked at the young woman in the ward with a complicated and joyful tone.

The young woman in front of her is also very beautiful, but she looks nothing like the Wang Yuetong in my impression. No wonder the Beihai Wang family and the Donghuang Palace have been searching for so long without finding any clues. Now Li Mutong and Wang Yuetong , almost just two faces, let alone looking for someone, without special means, she may not be recognized even if she passes by Li Tianlan and Wang Shengxiao.

"If you don't have any news yet, His Majesty has already planned to issue a missing person notice to the entire Central Continent through the parliament."

Ji Ankang smiled bitterly. Li Tianlan really planned to do this, and had even started preparations. The missing person announcement issued through Zhongzhou was not as simple as an announcement. It meant that all relevant resources in Zhongzhou would be completely mobilized, and even Searching door to door.

Everyone has a judgment on how big the impact this crazy move will have, whether it is good or bad, but no one dares to advise Li Tianlan in this regard, not even Qin Weibai.

"Speaker Ji, please sit down."

Qin Weibai squeezed out a smile and tried to make his voice sound natural.

No matter how intense her inner emotions were, she still had to make her posture match her identity when facing Ji Ankang.

What is her status now?

Since she called Qin Weibai, she must go back to the East Palace. Before making that call, she was just Li Mutong, but after the call was made, she had become the mistress of the East Palace.

Towards Ji Ankang, she couldn't be too polite, nor too distant, or even appropriately condescending, but she couldn't be too arrogant. In general, she just had to be polite and reserved.

"Your Highness, just call me Lao Ji. That's what Your Majesty calls me."

Ji Ankang laughed, and his eyes fell on He Yishui and Mrs. He in the ward.

The expressions and eyes of both of them were a little stiff, and it was obvious that they had not yet recovered from the sudden situation in front of them.

"Who are these two?"

Ji Ankang smiled politely.

"This is my friend, He Yishui."

Li Mutong paused and emphasized: "The best best friend."

"Hello, Miss He."

Ji Ankang smiled and shook hands with He Yishui.

"Hello, Speaker..."

He Yishui's smile was a little distorted, and he couldn't hide the tremor in his voice.

"This is my godmother. In the past few years, my godmother has taken great care of our mother and daughter."

Wang Yuetong continued to introduce.

This time she didn't emphasize anything, but Ji Ankang already knew what kind of gesture he should make. As a giant in Dongshan, he bowed his upper body to the old lady without hesitation, especially when shaking hands with her. Hands: "Hello, thank you for your hard work."

"No...not hard."

Mrs. He's guilty conscience and lack of confidence can clearly be heard in her tone.

He Yishui beside him not only did not become sober, but became even more confused.

It's all like a dream.

Of course Ji Ankang knew.

Although the He family is not a small family, compared with Ji Ankang, it is still far from impressive. When he was transferred from Jiangsu and Zhejiang to Dongshan, the publicity in all aspects can be said to be huge and exaggerated. Even surpassing Ji Ankang's own position.

On this point, at the level of the He family, some gossips can be heard, and some facts in Dongshan after Ji Ankang was transferred here seem to prove the authenticity of those gossips.

Anyone who is interested will find that since Ji Ankang was transferred, some of the traditional so-called top families in Dongshan have become more and more low-key and become more and more cooperative with various instructions.

The big bosses who were once all-powerful in Dongshan now stand out as gentle, honest and honest.

And Ji Ankang's exposure far exceeds that of all other giants. Especially during this period, his exposure alone is even more than that of other giants combined.

What Ji Ankang said, Ji Ankang's attitude, and where Ji Ankang was doing his research were all on TV all day long. In Dongshan, it seemed as if Ji Ankang was the only one left in charge of the overall situation.

There are also many voices from the people. They don't know much about the structure of the six major groups. They just vaguely say that Dongshan's traditional power seems to have suffered heavy losses in a certain level of confrontation, and Ji Ankang was sent here by the winning side. The core figure has now become the person who truly controls Dongshan.

This statement also adds a touch of mystery to Ji Ankang, and at the same time increases his prestige.

As Dongshan people with all their roots in Dongshan, no matter He Yishui or Mrs. He, they will have the most instinctive and pure fear of Ji Ankang.

The He family's assets of hundreds of millions may sound exaggerated, but in the eyes of people like Ji Ankang, with just a casual word, the He family would be gone.

But now...

He Yishui watched helplessly as Ji Ankang bent down to his mother, shaking hands with both hands and using honorifics. The respect and gratitude on his face didn't seem to be fake, but it was extremely strange.

He Yishui was in a state of confusion. Her worldview seemed to be silently collapsing. Certain beliefs began to be gradually reversed, and her eyes became extremely complicated.

She glanced at her best friend.

Her best friend was also watching Ji Ankang's performance at this time. There was no flattered expression on her face, only calmness, or even... indifference.

He Yishui smiled bitterly.

She has known for a long time that Li Mutong is not simple, and the level involved in the other party may not be low...

But it doesn’t matter if it’s not low. Is it too exaggerated to be this high?

The future master of Dongshan is being polite here, so what is the level of the relationship behind Li Mutong?

Is there a big congressman in her family?

How many such bosses are there in all of Central Continent?

Does your sister have one in her family?

After Mrs. He's initial excitement and anxiety, her mind was still on Xiao Chao Xiang, and she began to hold Ji Ankang's hand again and begged him for help.

The old man's mind was very pure and he didn't want to think too much. The only thing she knew was that Ji Ankang was very energetic, and it was the kind of real, huge energy. It was possible for him to save his granddaughter, and that was enough.

Ji Ankang also took the opportunity to focus on the hospital bed that he had noticed for a long time but didn't know how to speak.

Xiao Tide was still sleeping on the hospital bed, his pink little mouth opening and closing, occasionally bringing up a few bubbles.

It seems to replenish weakness...

Ji Ankang was a little confused, so he came closer and asked tentatively: "Is this your highness?"

Your Highness...

This is the third time Ji Ankang has used this title.

The mother and daughter of the He family finally came to their senses. At the same time, they glanced at Li Mutong strangely, thinking what kind of weird name was this?

Li Mutong nodded and said worriedly: "Her name is Li Chaoxi."

"Li Chaoxi..."

Ji Ankang took a deep breath and subconsciously chanted "Dongcheng Chao Xi" in his heart, but he still felt that the name Li Chao Xi was the easiest to pronounce.

"Your Highness, now..."

He hesitated to speak.

"I started to have a fever more than ten days ago, and the fever has not gone away. I haven't eaten much since yesterday."

Li Mutong pursed his lips: "I heard here that maybe genetic medicine can save her... so I called my sister."

Ji Ankang nodded and said comfortingly: "Don't worry, Your Majesty, Your Majesty will arrange all these things and there won't be any problems."

Li Mutong nodded and began to be lost in thought again.

Ji Ankang thought for a while, took out his cell phone and called the secretary waiting outside.

There was actually nothing he could do, and Qin Weibai made it very clear on the phone that his most important task was to watch Wang Yuetong and not let her run away or do anything stupid.

Under normal circumstances, he did not arrive so quickly, but these days he happened to be in Qindao and was even nearby when he received the call. It can be said that he arrived as soon as possible. Next, he only had to wait for Qin Wei Bai came over and saw that there was no accident here, so he would have made a meritorious deed.

"I'm going to wash my face."

Li Mutong suddenly made a sound and walked to the independent bathroom nearby.

Ji Ankang nodded subconsciously, but just when Wang Yuetong was about to walk into the bathroom, his heart suddenly stirred and he raised his voice: "Your Highness!"

The He family's mother and daughter were shocked.

Xiao Tide turned over on the bed.

Li Mutong seemed to be frightened, turned around and looked at Ji Ankang.

"Well, I...I"

He even wanted to follow Li Mutong into the bathroom. He had heard some things about the relationship between His Highness and His Majesty. If Li Mutong was determined enough, Ji Ankang was worried that what Li Mutong went to was not the bathroom at all. But the gate of hell.

He wanted to go together, but found that he was not very suitable. He could only look at He Yishui for help, coughed and said: "Well, Miss He, could you please go in with His Highness? Well, I mean , maybe she needs help with something."

He Yishui was baffled, and at the same time she felt a little weird. In the past few years that she had known Li Mutong, although she knew that the other person's background was not simple, she did not feel the slightest fault of the eldest lady in him. When she heard Ji Ankang's request, she instinctively I'm a little curious about what kind of life Li Mutong lived before. He even needs help to wash his face. What kind of treatment is this...

"I won't do anything stupid."

Li Mutong seemed to know what Ji Ankang was worried about and said calmly.

Ji Ankang laughed sarcastically, but his eyes still stayed on He Yishui.

He Yishui nodded and walked in with Wang Yuetong.

It was quiet in the bathroom.

Li Mutong stood in front of the mirror, silently looking at himself in the mirror without saying a word.

"Tongtong, who is that sister in your family? Ji Ankang can command her. I was scared to death just now. The situation in your family..."

He Yishui couldn't help but be curious.

"He doesn't have much to do with my family."

Li Mutong was silent for a while and said softly.


He Yishui opened his eyes wide.

"President Ji... He is from Tide's father's side, and he is very valued..."

Li Mutong said softly.

He Yishui was dumbfounded and felt that something was wrong for a moment.

The next moment, she was even more stunned when she saw Li Mutong grabbing her chin, and it seemed like he was peeling off a thin layer of something like a mask bit by bit.

Her best friend completely changed her appearance in this simple action.

A more beautiful look, completely different from before.

He Yishui opened his eyes wide and looked dull.

"Let me introduce myself again."

Li Mutong smiled and looked at his best friend: "My name is Wang Yuetong. This is my real name."

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