The King of Special Warfare

Vol 7 Chapter 938: : control

The small and exquisite aircraft quickly flew across the sky in a stealth state.

As if to make his mother more accustomed to it, Wang Shengxiao transformed the aircraft's interior space, which was originally full of technology, into a luxury apartment.

There are spacious sofas, floors, TVs on the walls, air conditioners, even coffee tables and small seats. They are essentially alloys with different materials and different functions. However, under Wang Shengxiao's transformation, they have all become the most acceptable to Xia Zhi. appearance.

At this moment, Xia Zhi was sitting on the sofa expressionlessly, looking at the holographic projection in front of him. What was shown on the projection was a sea. As the projection was enlarged, the outline of the city vaguely appeared in an extremely distant place.

Even though the city looked blurry, Xia Zhi, who was very familiar with Beihai, still recognized where the city was at a glance.

That's Canglan.

Canglan City in Beihai.

In other words, if their aircraft travels in a straight line, it will directly enter the Canglan River after a period of time, and then reach Canglan. If they go further, they will probably be able to return to Emperor Bingshan.

Xia Zhi looked at his son who looked a little confused.

The expression on the other party's face was not fake, Xia Zhi could see this, but even so, she was still a little annoyed inside, and said directly: "If the speed of your thing is the same as what you said, then during this period, I Can we think that you took me from the Imperial Army Mountain, and after circling the planet, we returned to the North Sea?"

Wang Shengxiao looked embarrassed, feeling that his thinking engine and transmission center were constantly fluctuating. This was the first time since he was a child that he was so embarrassed in front of his mother.

Although what Xia Zhi said was outrageous, Wang Shengxiao knew very well that what she said was true.

Mother learned about the news that Yuetong was on Qindao, and then set off from Emperor Bingshan to Qindao, but they actually circled the planet and then returned to Beihai.

He is clearly targeting Qindao...

Why does this happen?

The entire Qindao was very obvious in his perception, but it was obviously impossible to take the wrong route, but in fact, he was a million miles away.

Wang Shengxiao could only be thankful that he and his sister had a very good relationship since childhood. Otherwise, his mother might have misunderstood him as saying that he didn't want his sister to go home, so he used such childish and despicable methods.

"Something's not right...Mom, let's go back to Imperial Arms Mountain and I'll relocate again. There will definitely be no problem."

Wang Shengxiao said.

Xia Zhi was a little confused, rubbed his forehead and sighed.

Her temper was not so impatient, but when she thought that she would soon see her daughter, whom she had not seen for several years, and even her granddaughter, she didn't want to wait for a second.

"As soon as possible, let's bring Yuetong back, and then go to Beihai Prison to wake up your father."

Feng Qingwu gave her two light spots that she could not recognize yet.

Yes, it's a point of light.

She didn't even know what was inside the light spot. She only knew that this thing could completely heal all the injuries of herself and Wang Tianzong, and her ruined foundation could also be completely restored.

But Xia Zhi didn't eat the thing. She finally got the news about her daughter. She didn't want to wait for a moment. In her heart, she found her daughter, then took her son, and then her daughter-in-law, and the family gathered together neatly. , watching the couple recover is the most beautiful thing.

The aircraft, which can be called a UFO in today's Miracle City, flew quickly across the Canglan. Supported by its superior speed and energy, the whole process from the sea to the Imperial Army Mountain took less than half a minute.

"I'll reposition myself again."

Wang Shengxiao slowly said: "There will definitely be no problem this time."

"If it doesn't work, just use the navigation."

Xia Zhi took out her mobile phone. She was more accustomed to relying on navigation than the positioning technology that seemed powerful but she didn't understand at all.

Wang Shengxiao felt that his skills were insulted, but when faced with his mother's doubts, he felt uncomfortable getting angry. He shook his head and said: "Positioning technology is more convenient. Since the one who told your sister is on Qindao..."

His voice suddenly paused.

The space inside the aircraft suddenly became extremely quiet.

This silence lasted for about a second. During this second, both Wang Shengxiao and Xia Zhi seemed to be stuck for a moment, and then quickly returned to normal.

"I will locate Qindao right now. At the speed of the aircraft, if we rush there at full speed, it will only take two or three minutes at most."

Wang Shengxiao laughed excitedly: "Mom, are you really sure that your sister is on Qindao? Who told you?"

The anxiety on Xia Zhi's face completely disappeared, replaced by a strong expectation: "The child told me, I won't tell you who she is, I will give you a surprise then."

"For my sister, our sudden appearance is a surprise."

Wang Shengxiao laughed, and the aircraft took off in his thoughts: "Let's set off."

The subtle and imperceptible shaking lasted for a moment, and the next second, the aircraft appeared directly in the clouds and flew quickly towards Qindao.

Xia Zhi was secretly looking forward to it, thinking about her daughter and Xiao Chao that she was about to see.

She poured herself a glass of water and drank it in small sips. She seemed a little too excited and eager. She couldn't help but go to the toilet, then came back and poured herself a glass of water again and drank in small sips.

Time seemed to pass extremely slowly in her anticipation.

She didn't know how long it took before she suddenly raised her head and looked at the holographic projection that appeared in front of her.

The projection is the scene outside the aircraft, from small to bottom, clearly visible.

They were on the sea, and the outline of a city had vaguely appeared in the distance of the sea. It was a very vague city, but it was extremely familiar to Xia Zhi.


Xia Zhi was a little confused, a little stunned, and a little annoyed. All her emotions became a little uncontrollable in the huge expectation: "If the speed of your thing is the same as what you said, then during this period, can I think Are you taking me from Imperial Soldier Mountain, circling the planet, and then back to the North Sea?"

Wang Shengxiao looked embarrassed. In addition to embarrassment, there was also a strong sense of absurdity in his eyes. Facing Xia Zhi's question, he remained silent for half a minute before he said: "Something is wrong...Mom, Let’s go back to Emperor Bingshan and I’ll reposition ourselves, there will definitely be no problem.”

Xia Zhi rubbed his forehead and said in a low voice: "As soon as possible, we will bring Yuetong back, and then go to Beihai Prison to wake up your father."

"I'll reposition myself again. There will definitely be no problem this time."

Xia Zhi hesitated for a moment and said, "If it doesn't work, just use the navigation system."

Wang Shengxiao shook his head: "Positioning technology is more convenient, since the one who told you that my sister is on Qindao..."

Another second of lag.

Then, Wang Shengxiao laughed excitedly: "I will locate Qindao right now. If I rush there at full speed at the speed of the aircraft, it will only take two or three minutes at most. Mom, are you really sure that your sister is on Qindao? Who told you of?"

Xia Zhi looked expectant: "That child..."

"That's not a child."

A voice suddenly sounded.

Light blue data slowly floated inside the aircraft, piece by piece pieced together the outline of Xuanyuan Wushang.

"How did you come?"

Wang Shengxiao looked at Xuanyuan Wushang in astonishment.

"If I don't come, will I see you being treated as a fool?"

The corner of Xuanyuan Wushang's mouth twitched.

"What's the meaning?"

Wang Shengxiao frowned. He didn't realize anything was wrong at all.

"Look at the time."

Xuanyuan Wushang was a little helpless.


At this moment, Wang Shengxiao did not suddenly realize. Instead, he showed a deep confusion, as if he was listening to a word he couldn't understand.

"Time means what time it is, morning, afternoon, or evening."

Xuanyuan Wushang patiently guided them. Qin Weibai's influence on Wang Shengxiao and Xia Zhi was not deep, just a very shallow influence. It was not difficult to wake them up.

Following Xuanyuan Wushang's prompt, Wang Shengxiao suddenly trembled and raised his head suddenly.

He didn't need to look at the clock, and there was no such thing in the aircraft. With just a little awareness, he realized that it was already noon, or even close to afternoon.


He clearly remembered that it was in the morning when his mother told him the news about his sister on Qindao. He rushed back to Beihai, picked up his mother, and set off immediately. The whole process only took a few minutes...

Why is it already noon?

Where did those hours go?

Xia Zhi's somewhat confused voice sounded: "What is time...?"

Wang Shengxiao felt a little horrified and turned to look at Xuanyuan Wushang: "What's going on?"

Xuanyuan Wushang raised his hand and waved, and the holographic projection in front of Wang Shengxiao suddenly changed into the scene inside the aircraft.

Wang Shengxiao watched as he excitedly started the aircraft, circled the planet, returned to the North Sea, and then started the aircraft again without any abnormalities, repeating the previous process, again and again...

Every time the aircraft flew out, he could not locate Qindao, and every time the aircraft flew back, he would forget what happened before and treat the next flight as the first departure.

During the whole process, he completely ignored time. No, during the whole process, their mother and son had no concept of time at all.

Xia Zhi's confused mind finally came to his senses as the picture played again and again.

She sat there, completely silent.

Wang Shengxiao kept taking deep breaths, again and again.

"Is this the power of authority?"

Xia Zhi suddenly asked.

"This...this should be spiritual authority."

Wang Shengxiao replied, looking at Xuanyuan Wushang: "So, are we hypnotized?"

"More advanced than hypnosis, but very weakly targeted. To be precise, you are being dominated."

Xuanyuan Wushang responded: "I'm having dinner with people from Dongshan right now. Ji Ankang, the two people in front of him, and the two people from Qindao are all here. Normally you should be able to go to Qindao, but it's very difficult. Obviously, my sister-in-law seems to have forgotten to remove the influence on you..."

Xuanyuan Wushang sighed: "So, no matter how hard you fly, you can't get to Qindao. Even if Qindao is right in front of you, you who are being dominated will not realize its existence unless I wake you up."

If time and space are toys with the authority of lies, then the soul, consciousness, thinking, cognition and other things of a living body are toys with the authority of the spirit.

Qin Weibai dominated Wang Shengxiao and Xia Zhi, and Xuanyuan Wushang was not surprised by this.

What surprised him was the extent of Qin Weibai's influence.

Just from the control over Xia Zhi's mother and son this time, Xuanyuan Wushang was almost certain that Qin Weibai's current condition was better than Li Tianlan's.

"Dominate...Qin Weibai?"

Wang Shengxiao reacted with an ugly face: "She doesn't want us to go to Qindao? What does this mean?"

"It's pointless for you to go to Qindao now. Sister-in-law Yuetong has already arrived in Tiannan."

Xuanyuan Wushang shook his head: "I came today to have a chat with Ms. Xia Zhi."

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