The King of Special Warfare

Vol 6 Chapter 220: : The biggest secret

Hanging up the call with the military division, Li Tianlan stood still for a long time.

The military division's reminder was very timely and straightforward.

Although what he said was only speculation and suspicion, the slight hesitation in the other party's tone was obviously affirmative.

The other party almost made it clear that the Jiang family will definitely have a super strong who is similar to himself but not exactly the same. If it was not Jiang Shangyu, then it must have a very close relationship with Jiang Shangyu.

It was he who integrated the Sanctuary, Jiang's and East Island in South America, and the power of the absolute.

The integration may be exaggerated, but the combination of several major forces is indeed inexplicable. The state of East Island’s all-out effort is understandable. Because of the relationship of the shadow throne, the Holy Land also has reasons to intervene, but the South American Jiang’s is As for the real chaos, he has now fallen into the hands of Li Tianlan, and there is no need to think about it.

All the signs indicate that there should indeed be a key figure among these major forces.

A very mysterious, but key person who has absolute strength to hold down great forces.

This key person promoted the decisive battle in the North Sea, and that would definitely have something to do with Zhongzhou, at least with Wang Qinglei and Chen Fangqing.

After all, Jiang Shan is a senior congressman of Zhongzhou. The Jiang family has enough secret channels to contact Wang Qinglei and Chen Fangqing. If the mysterious superpower really exists, he will undoubtedly have the power to deter and unite several major forces.

All the signs indicate that the major forces and Zhongzhou have united to promote the decisive battle in the North Sea decisive battle, that is, the Jiang family.

Li Tianlan once again thought of Jiang Shangyu reaching into the palm of his hand.

"Do you want to be my friend or enemy?"

The sentence was calm and cautious, but with a confidence that made him feel a marked sense of oppression.

Was Jiang Shangyu's confidence just the strong man hidden in the dark?

If things are really as the military division speculated, it means that under the eyes of everyone, the Jiang family has completed the integration of its own power.

The East Island, the temple, and South American Jiang's may not be under the Jiang family, but at least it is a force that can be used, and it is a combination of interests that cannot be broken in the short term.

Jiangshan is controlling North Xinjiang in a very high-profile manner.

The extremely powerful Jiang Shangyu, who behaved inexplicably but appeared, appeared in Youzhou.

The decisive battle in the North Sea is getting closer.

All of this shows that the masters hidden in the secrets of the Jiang family are ready for high-profile birth.

This also shows that the other party has a strong self-confidence.

His goal is a new situation after the decisive battle in the North Sea?

What can he get from the new situation?

Beihai...Northern Xinjiang...Kunlun City...

Li Tianlan rubbed his forehead, his thoughts were a bit chaotic.

It wasn't until this moment that he realized how the superpowers of the dark world faced the reincarnation palace.

An enemy who is hidden in the dark at all times but has powerful strength, an enemy whose behavior style is unpredictable, is a headache enough for anyone.

"Your Majesty, have you seen the news?"

The footsteps around the corner sounded, and the saint came over.


Li Tianlan yelled, "No, but I heard, Jiang Shangyu..."

He shook his head and did not continue.

The saint was silent for a while and laughed at himself: "I now understand the meaning of Jiang Shangyu's sentence. He said that the Jiang family does not have a so-called backer. If it does, then their backer is only themselves. "

"When did the Jiang family appear?"

Li Tianlan was puzzled: "If this master really exists, who is most likely to be?"


The saint shook his head without hesitation: "Without such a person, the Jiang family's genealogy has been ruined by us. The most likely one is Jiang Shangyu, or only Jiang Shangyu. Except for him, the Jiang family will not Another second person has this kind of strength, which can suppress the temple, East Island and South American Jiang's. Even if the opponent's combat power is not as good as that of His Majesty, it is at least peak invincible. According to our speculation, the other party may even exceed the peak. Invincible."

"Jiang Shangyu can't do it."

Li Tianlan said indifferently: "I can't break through invincibility, neither can he. It's not because of talent, but because of physical aspects, or rather, it's not enough age."

"So we think his condition should be similar to that of His Majesty, but not exactly the same."

The saint said: "He can ascend to the sky and become a half-step invincible master directly. This is also impossible. No one can break through the situation so easily, but there is a way to achieve a similar effect."

"Go on."

Li Tianlan was expressionless.

"Not a breakthrough."

The saint simply said: "It is recovery. If we assume that Jiang Shangyu has been in a state of serious injury, he already has the strength to surpass the peak invincibility, but because of the serious injury, he can only play the level of thunder... if His injury recovered for some reason, then his combat power can naturally advance by leaps and bounds, and he can enter a half-step invincibility in one step. In the past few years, if his injury recovers again, he can play the peak invincibility. It’s not impossible to be higher than the peak invincible strength."

"And we can be sure that Jiang Shangyu's health has been very bad from small to large. If it is seriously injured, all this can be explained."

"how to explain?"

Li Tianlan replied: "Don't you want to say that Jiang Shangyu is born to be the pinnacle of invincibility?"

The saint paused, opened his mouth, and was speechless for a while.

He hesitated for a long time before whispering: "Your Majesty, this is not the time to investigate the cause. The facts are in front of you. The Jiang family is almost certain that there is a super strong, so... this time I will go to Beihai with you, the most At least it can help you share some pressure."

"No need."

Li Tianlan insisted on being paranoid: "You can go to the East Island, I can cope with the North Sea."

"What if Li Kuangtu is added?"

The saint's problem is extremely acute.

Li Tianlan narrowed his eyes subconsciously.

He didn't know what he was thinking, and after a while, he continued: "I can handle it."

The saint looked at Li Tianlan's eyes and suddenly said: "Your Majesty, you have not really entered the invincible territory."

Li Tianlan glanced at him and said nothing.

"I never understood."

The saint continued: "If you do not enter invincible territory, no matter how powerful it is, it should be limited, but your combat power has already exceeded all limits. Your only explanation is that your swordsmanship is flawless and should have really been achieved. Swordsmanship cannot replace everything. The most realistic point is that at your current age, under normal circumstances, you can only support the power of thunder, the most, that is, invincible combat power."

Li Tianlan gave a stern, nonchalant, noncommittal comment.

"But your actual combat strength has steadily surpassed the peak invincibility. This is not a strength that your physical quality can bear. You should not be able to exert a sword energy that can match this strength and perfect sword intention."

"and so……"

The saint looked at Li Tianlan deeply: "There must be a reason."

Li Tianlan did not speak.

"I thought about it for a long time..."

"If I guess correctly, the reason why you are truly invincible now is not physical fitness, is it?"

"Your true combat power should be invincible, but in a real explosive state, it can cause infinite destructive power close to Tianjiao in an instant or a short time."

"This kind of outbreak comes at a price. Your body has not collapsed, so the only explanation... In that state, every shot you take, every sword, consumes your vitality..."

The saint's tone was low: "Is it your own lifespan? Should this be your biggest secret now?"

Li Tianlan suddenly fell silent.

"I must go to Beihai."

The saint said in a deep voice: "Even if I can't do much, I can't watch you besieged by the Jiang family master and Li Kuangtu. Their strength is not very different from your limit state."

"Who said I would be under siege?"

Li Tianlan spoke lightly.

The saint looked at Li Tianlan in amazement.

Li Tianlan smiled and blinked: "More than two years... Do you really think that the current Beihai, or now Wang Tianzong, has no counterattack?"

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