The King of Special Warfare

Vol 6 Chapter 222: :seal

Simply, it can even be said that the underground base of some leaks is lit with a dim light.

On the ground is a barren mountain forest at the junction of Nanyun and Tiannan. The underground base is built hurriedly. For concealment, the digging is very deep, so the ventilation is not very good, the air is dull, and there is a scent of odor. taste.

There are no extra staffs. One was a gatekeeper who had worked as a base guard after retiring from scientific research, and the other was an apprentice of the gatekeeper. Except for the master and apprentice, there was only one model left in the base. Outdated life support equipment.

"What is this stuff?"

Jiang Shangyu looked at the extremely old equipment in front of him, and looked disgusted.

His majesty's eyes were also disgusted, exactly the same as Jiang Shangyu.

But his expression was a bit helpless: "Just be there."

"I hate being a fool."

Jiang Shangyu complained, and some eggs hurt and said: "I think it's disgusting when I think of it."

Your majesty didn't speak, and even if you thought you were a fool, it was something that came out of this device.

"what are you thinking?"

Jiang Shangyu looked at him and raised his eyebrows.

"You don't know what I think?"

His Majesty asked back, and started the life support equipment in front of him.

The equipment is a bit backward, the exterior is old and even dirty, but the interior is very clean. The slamming of the equipment is aroused when your majesty presses the button. A black liquid began to appear in the small life-span in front of the two. There is more and more liquid, and it looks like a nearly solidified darkness.

Your majesty suddenly vomited and turned to look at Jiang Shangyu, a little helpless said: "What are you doing?"

"What nonsense?"

Jiang Shangyu resisted the urge to vomit, his face stiff.

"Really nonsense..."

His Majesty murmured to himself, the distance between the two was too close, and they stood together, not only knew each other well, but even felt the same.

"But does it seem strange if you don't speak?"

Jiang Shangyu grunted, his face ugly.

"Your will is too bad. Although this level of deep sleep will make people uncomfortable, but what can be counted? And this time the sleep is not long."


Jiang Shangyu glanced at his majesty with a bad breath: "You can do it."

Your Majesty nodded seriously and repeated: "You can do it."


Jiang Shangyu's tone was stagnant for a long while before he gritted his teeth and said, "I wish I could kill you."

You you on the line.

His majesty, of this level, can certainly go on.

But then we have to single out Li Tianlan.

This kind of thing Jiang Shangyu really can't get up, and really can't.

"There has been some progress in the laboratory, and we strive to develop the second generation of nutrient solution, which will not be so disgusting as it is now."

His Majesty slowly said: "As for this base, it is indeed a bit shabby, but we have no strength here, we can only make up. Three days later, Li Tianlan and I ended the war, and you will be transferred to East Island as soon as possible."

His Majesty was silent for a while, and said softly: "If there is no accident, after the North Sea decisive battle, whether there is new nutrient solution or not, the relationship is not great.

Jiang Shangyu looked at the increasingly thick black liquid in the life-sustaining capsule, and took a subconscious deep breath.

The development of the Jiang family in this respect is totally heaven and earth in comparison with the Wang Family in the North Sea. It is simply not at the same level as the background or technology, so naturally the researched things cannot be perfect.

This black nutrient solution can now be said to be one of the most important things of the Jiang family, code-named eternal seal.

This kind of liquid, which is similar to a solid state, is a work that Jiang family has studied for many years. It is also a drug specially studied between Jiang Shangyu and His Majesty. When Jiang Shangyu sleeps in the life-sustaining cabin, under the penetration of the eternal seal The sensitivity of the body will be greatly reduced, forming a state similar to a vegetative, and the perfect combination of multiple drugs allows him to be greatly strengthened when the body is extremely slow.

He and His Majesty were the same. This phenomenon that science is completely unexplainable will naturally show some facts that science cannot explain.

For example, the thinking of two people in a certain distance is synchronized.

For another example, within a certain distance, His Majesty can transfer a lot of damage to Jiang Shangyu who was temporarily sealed.

For the same reason, when Jiang Shangyu slept, his physical strength increased greatly, and His Majesty could overdraw his body to suppress the toxins in his body, thereby exerting his strength near the peak.

He and Jiang Shangyu are the same.

But at this point, it is equal to two individuals.

His Majesty did not know the result of his battle with Li Tianlan.

But as long as Jiang Shangyu is sleeping, he is in an invincible position.

After all, Jiang Shangyu is not highly toxic.

Not highly toxic, in the nutrient solution code-named the eternal seal, his physical strength is completely comparable to the peak invincible.

In addition to His Majesty's own physical strength, both bear his strength and the damage he suffered at the same time, and can almost easily break through the boundary of the peak invincibility.

"This thing is so beautiful."

His Majesty looked at the black liquid in the life-sustaining cabin with some disgust, and his tone was a little emotional.

Experiments time after time, countless improvements, this is already the best result today.

The only shortcoming may be that Jiang Shangyu's body and thinking will also be in a state of extreme dullness shortly after the end of his deep sleep. The external performance is like an idiot.

But in the state of sleep, one can directly lift a person's physical endurance from half-step invincibility to peak invincibility. The eternal seal is definitely a well-deserved masterpiece.

This masterpiece does not play a role in the hands of others, but it is a real artifact in the hands of Jiang Shangyu and His Majesty.

It is no exaggeration to say that before solving the severe poison of Suzaku blood and Xuanwu blood, how powerful your majesty can exert depends on the physical strength of Jiang Shangyu in the sleep state.

The Jiang family's laboratory has never given up on the study of the eternal seal, and it has indeed achieved some results. The expected result of the second-generation eternal seal is that it can let the body strength of Jiang Shangyu in the sleeping state break through the peak of invincibility.

If this vision can be successful, your majesty will display the fighting power under the true peak state.

"I never imagined it."

Jiang Shangyu said directly.

This sentence is a bit brainless.

But at this moment, he fully felt the problem of His Majesty's heart.

Like many years ago, no one could imagine what would happen to the dark world without Li's.

Now the two haven't imagined what would happen to the dark world without the East City Imperial Figure/Li Tianlan.

"Dark world like that..."

His Majesty was silent for a long time before whispering: "That may not be what we want, but we can all be sure that in such a dark world, we can get what we want."

Jiang Shangyu nodded: "That's enough."

The life-saving capsule made a dull roar.

All instruments are activated.

Jiang Shangyu turned to look at his majesty and held out his palm.



His Majesty took his hand: "Sleep, and when you wake up and meet again, we are His Majesty in the dark world."

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