The King of Special Warfare

Vol 6 Chapter 224: : My Heavenly City

The violent sky became silent silently.

The sky is still black, but the beauty and tranquility are restored at night.

The very quick moment just now was like an illusion that everyone experienced. The only difference was that Li Tianlan had an extra piece of paper in his hand.

Li Tianlan lowered his head and looked silently.

This book of war is not formal, and the wording is extremely casual, but the way of serving it can be called shocking.

Only a real master can determine how terrifying that moment was.

"Your Majesty, this is..."

The saint who was pulled out by nearly 10 meters with a huge impact came slowly, glanced at the content on the white paper, his face was very dignified.

"War Books."

Li Tianlan looked calm.

He let go of his palm at will, and the paper of war fell from his hand. It had been broken into countless fragments before it landed.

"This person... this person..."

The saint frowned tightly and muttered to himself.

"This person is kind of interesting."

Li Tianlan casually said: "If it is correct, this should be the hidden master of the Jiang family. I saw the content of the war book before I determined his identity. Because Jiang Shangyu went to the nursing home the night, I asked Pass me, choose to be his friend or enemy."

He walked slowly to the castle and slowly said: "I just got off the plane, the war book came...the action is really fast enough."

"Your Majesty, the other party's strength is not invincible."

The saint followed him, almost speaking word by word.

He is also invincible. Although the state has not been completely stabilized, if it is peak invincibility, he will not be swept out directly in the aftermath brought by a war book. The gap between peak invincibility and ordinary invincibility is no longer great. To a lesser extent, a single letter has driven the area over several kilometers above the East Palace. This strength has completely exceeded the limit of peak invincibility.


Li Tianlan nodded: "The intelligence collected by the military division is correct. The other party can be said to be one of the strongest masters I have come into contact with. If only the strong man in the field direction is said, he is the strongest, not one."

Li Tianlan has seen many masters, the supreme Wang Tianzong in Kendo is also Lin Fengting and Li Kuangtu in the direction of Kendo.

Adding himself, is undoubtedly the representative figure of Kendo in this era.

He has also seen many masters in the field type, and even killed a few, such as the South American Jiang's Jiang Millennium, Jiang Qiansong, Xingguo's former **** of war Casrot, Moraide, Shadow Throne Paul, Ancient Xingyun's sword array is also considered in this direction.

He has seen many similar masters, but has never felt that anyone can represent the field of martial arts in this era.

Until today, until just now.

The field that appeared and disappeared in a blink of an eye has been hardened to an incredible level. In a sense, it is not even a field, but a world.

He completely merged his realm with heaven and earth. Heaven and man are united. In this field, Li Tianlan can keep himself unaffected, but he is also difficult to break such a field in a short time.

Li Tianlan can roughly determine the opponent's state and combat strength, but he has not had any experience with similar opponents. The moment when the field suddenly started was amazing, but the field dissipated too quickly. The other party still hides a lot and does not want to let him See something.

The only thing Li Tianlan can determine is the field relative to the peak invincibility, similar to that of Gu Xingyun. After breaking through the peak invincibility, there have been some unexpected changes in the powerful field. The other side is indeed a tricky opponent.

"Your Majesty is going to accept this appointment?"

The saint asked thoughtfully.

"I have no possibility to refuse."

Li Tianlan said calmly.

He is now Emperor Dong, His Majesty.

He is invincible in the world.

He is the arrogant of this era.

At this position, this height is unlikely to allow him to retreat a little bit.

He had to accept this challenge, even if he stepped back a little, he would be treated as a coward by outsiders.

"Anyway, the decisive battle in the North Sea was encountered at the meeting. Compared to the time when the opponent was seen through the details, it is undoubtedly better to look at the opponent three days later."

Li Tianlan paused and slowly said: "And, presumably, tonight, the entire dark world will know the news that someone challenged me three days later. I lifted myself to such a high position, and think about it, how easy is it to talk?"

The saint stopped talking.

Li Tianlan narrowed his eyes, stood in front of the castle gate, and scanned the surrounding night sky.

Countless sword qi suddenly flew in all directions around him.

The sword light was majestic and spattered like a waterfall.

Senran's sword light suddenly rushed out of the East Palace and rushed across the street outside the East Palace.

At this moment, within the envelope of sword gas, everyone's state clearly appeared in Li Tianlan's perception.

Most people behave normally, but they feel that the surrounding temperature suddenly becomes colder.

And in different directions, there are also a very few people who are facing enemy, pale, and dare not move with care.

Li Tianlan's mouth twitched, and Senran's voice almost resounded throughout the city: "All for me!"

"Check tonight."

Li Tianlan glanced at the saint: "Get out some people who are suspected of other forces."


The saint nodded blankly.

As a newly established force and city, some mechanisms of Xuanyuan City and East Palace are not perfect. Other forces in the dark world will naturally not miss the opportunity. The singing and dancing in Xuanyuan City will rise, but there will always be undercurrents around East Palace. Know how many eyes stared at the East Palace in the dark.

The East Palace was simply too lazy to take care of this before. For more than two years, their actions and behaviors were nothing to be seen, and occasionally they were too busy. Li Baitian and Lin leisurely turned around and killed a few people, but also It didn't take much time to kill them. The existence of these people allowed them to preach some things, which virtually increased the prestige of the East Palace.

And now that Li Tianlan is back, it can be said that the East Palace is really in operation, to create a dynasty of a dark world, Li Tianlan will naturally not allow some unscrupulous mice hidden in the dark, the only way is naturally Rush to kill.

Li Tianlan looked at the huge castle in front of him, and suddenly shook his head: "I'm not going in."

His gaze paused on Li Xi, seeming hesitant.

Li Xi seemed to understand what he said slowly: "I will walk with you?"

"No need to."

Li Tianlan smiled and shook his head: "This is not necessary."

"Your Majesty..."

The saint spoke.

"You arrange their accommodation."

Li Tianlan said indifferently: "I'll take a look at Tianducheng."

After a pause, he said lightly: "My heavenly city."

His body flickered slightly.

A dazzling sword light suddenly rushed into the East Palace.

The blazing sword light also cut through the night, disappeared instantly, and rushed directly to the south.

Tiannan City in Tiannan.

That is the headquarters of Heavenly Purgatory today.

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