The King of Special Warfare

Vol 6 Chapter 228: : Paint the ground as a prison

Phoenix instantly became extremely nervous.

She stared at Li Tianlan's movements for a moment, and even stopped breathing.

The question of breaking dawn is powerful, but in such a scene, it can only make people feel powerless.

Li Tianlan laughed: "Appropriate?"

His voice was indescribably feminine in the dim light of the bedroom: "I want to come here, then this place is suitable. Tell me, where is it inappropriate?"

Breaking Dawn took a deep breath and sneered: "Your Majesty is really domineering, but don't forget, this is not the Eastern Palace, but Heavenly Purgatory."

"you are wrong."

Li Tianlan said indifferently: "This is the Li family, can you deny this?"

Dawn was slightly stagnant.

Li Tianlan's eyes were a little playful: "If you want to understand, talk again, you will die if you make a mistake."

Dawn closed his eyes and tried to calm his mood. It took two or three minutes before he opened his eyes again and calmly said: "Your majesty here, do you want to use this child to threaten Tiandu Purgatory?"

"I'm not that bored, and he is not a compromiser, even if this is his son."

Li Tianlan smiled sarcastically and flicked his fingers lightly.

The baby's small body slowly floated in the air, and his nervous eyes fell into Phoenix's arms at dawn.

Phoenix subconsciously hugged his son tightly, his body limp on the chair behind him, breathing heavily.

"and so..."

Li Tianlan took a deep look at the baby and said calmly, "Kuangtu Li has gone to Beihai now? And he is planning to deal with me? For what you call self-protection?"

He did not use this child to threaten Li Kuangtu, not to mention that Li Kuangtu’s character was destined to sacrifice everything and not compromise. At this critical point, since Li Kuangtu decided to participate in Beihai’s In a decisive battle, then it will certainly not retreat.

The most important thing is that the child in front of him is the only grandson of the old man who brought him up. No matter what, it is difficult for Li Tianlan to start.

Dawn's face was extremely ugly.

He did not expect that Li Tianlan would suddenly appear here, and it was still silent, not to mention how long he stayed here. All the conversations he had just with Phoenix seemed to be heard in his ears, so that he even There is no way out.

He gritted his teeth tightly and was silent.

"I just came to see how he recovered."

Li Tianlan smiled: "It seems that even if he has not recovered to his peak state, he is not far off, right?"

Dawn still remained silent.

"Aren't you going to say something?"

Li Tianlan sat on the bed: "The person who sent me the battle book tonight in the Eastern Palace should have contact with you? He has teamed up with Tiandu Purgatory? If it's only Tiandu Purgatory, you might participate in the decisive battle in Beihai. But there is absolutely no other energy to worry about Dongdao."

After a pause, he glanced at Dawn and suddenly said, "The first time we met, was it in Dongdao?"

Dawn's eyes became a little complicated in an instant.

He nodded and said hoarsely: "Your Majesty's memory is very good."

"You seemed to have saved me at the time."

Li Tianlan sat on the bed, completely relaxed, and his eyes were a little erratic: "I don't know if you believe it or not. At that time, I think we can be friends, allies, and even our own."

"At that time, when we cooperated with the Samsara Palace, we were naturally allies with His Majesty."

Dawn said quietly.

"I mean my own."

Li Tianlan looked at him quietly: "I have never understood why you want to split the Li family so persistently."

"Now, does your majesty still think that his surname is Li?"

Dawn asked back.

"My name is Li Tianlan."

Shaking his head, Li Tianlan continued: "I have a marriage contract with this. She is already my woman. The plan that sounded absurd in the past at least does not seem to be a problem now. If it will slowly recover, we will With children, he will be the head of the Li clan in the future. This is also Grandpa's mind."

He watched the break of dawn and said seriously: "Why is this plan bad?"

"That kind of Li is your Li, a puppet."

Dawn said softly.

"A boring argument has no meaning."

Li Tianlan calmly said: "I am here today, and I am not discussing this."

"Contact him for me."

Breaking Dawn stared at Li Tianlan tightly, his body tense, as if he was ready to desperately at any time: "What if I refuse?"

"It doesn't make sense to refuse. I already know where he is. It's just an ordinary call. Is it necessary to refuse?"

Li Tianlan laughed.

Dawn looked at Li Tianlan for a long time.

He nodded slowly and said softly: "It makes sense. It makes sense."

He took out his cell phone, hesitated, and dialed Li Kuangtu's secret number.

The call is connected soon.

Li Kuangtu's indifferent voice rang from the other end of the phone: "What's the matter?"

"His Royal Highness."

After dawning hesitated, and still considering the words, Li Tianlan's voice had passed: "How is the scenery of Beihai?"

On the other side of the phone, Li Kuangtu was silent.

Li Tianlan stretched out his hand, breaking dawn and handing him the phone.

Li Tianlan switched the video mode casually


Li Kuangtu's face appeared on the screen, his eyes deep and quiet.

The place he was in was a little dark, with a clear sound of waves.

Li Tianlan looked at him quietly.

The two looked at each other for a while, and Li Tianlan took the initiative to speak: "It's been a long time."

Li Kuangzu narrowed his eyes slightly, and various subtle emotions kept gleaming deep in his eyes, finally turning into indifference.

"You went to my house just to tell me that I haven't seen you in a long time?"

"Look at your state, and take a look at the current state of Tiandu Purgatory by the way."

Li Tianlan said calmly, "I think it's time for me to take back the Heavenly Capital Purgatory, what do you think?"

"You too?"

Li Kuangtu sneered, making no secret of it.

"You hide your head and show your tail in someone else's house. I do whatever I want in your home. If you are worthy of this question, you should ask yourself."

Li Tianlan's voice was flat and indifferent.

"Do whatever you want... whatever you want..."

Kuangtu Li repeated it twice, and the whole person became more and more indifferent: "If you want to go to war now, I can accompany you to the end. In Tianducheng, you can indeed do whatever you want. I only have one attitude."

He looked at Li Tianlan expressionlessly: "If one person dies in Purgatory in Tiandu today, I will not be able to kill you when there is no peace in the entire Eastern Palace, but I can only kill you. Anyone outside, whoever I want to kill, don’t want to live."

Li Tianlan looked at him quietly.

Li Kuangtu's indifferent eyes carried an unabashed madness.

"Whatever you want to do."

Li Tianlan said indifferently: "You should know that you cannot succeed. If it was before, you might still have a chance, but you were too cautious. Maybe the treason case many years ago left you with a psychological shadow. I like any uncontrollable variables, and I always want to wait until the situation is perfect, but where is there so much perfection?"

Li Tianlan smiled: "If you weren't afraid of the reincarnation palace, and you killed me directly, you wouldn't have so many troublesome things now, but you wouldn't dare to do it. What else can you do now? The situation is gone. It's the same."

"and so?"

Li Kuangtu asked blankly.

"come back."

Li Tianlan calmly said: "I can give you a chance, there are many things, there is no need to make it too ugly, you come to the Eastern Palace, the position of the first deputy palace lord is yours. Heavenly Purgatory can be retained, you serve as the Eastern Palace The deputy palace lord can also continue to be the leader of Tiandu Purgatory. Tiandu Purgatory does not need to be integrated with the Eastern Palace and can still maintain good independence. From now on, my child and I can inherit Tiandu Purgatory. If you have different opinions, You can also let Hua Wu inherit the Tiandu Purgatory, and the Eastern Palace and Tiandu Purgatory will form a permanent alliance. What do you think?"

Fanatic Li remained silent for a long time.

In all fairness, if Li Tianlan can achieve such a condition, it is really good, at least it is acceptable to most people in Purgatory today.

In the final analysis, under such a situation, even if Tiandu Purgatory and the Eastern Palace form an alliance in the future, there will be a priority and the status of the two parties is basically unlikely to be truly equal.

So Li Kuangtu shook his head: "Good conditions, but I have a better choice."

"Still looking forward to the so-called North Sea decisive battle?"

Li Tianlan's voice was deep: "You will die, for grandpa's sake, don't force me to kill you."

"No need to say that."

Li Kuangzu said indifferently: "The name of the Li family is actually not important anymore. The Eastern Palace and Tiandu Purgatory have developed to the present. If the two sides go to war, they will only have one goal, that is, benefit, but our relationship is subtle. In the name of Li, we can swallow each other faster after we have eliminated each other."

"Li Tianlan, you can't give up the benefits of Tiandu Purgatory. Similarly, I am very jealous of your Eastern Palace. Everything you have now is what I dream of."

"I want it, so I'll come and get it, there is no reason or right or wrong."

Li Kuangju took a deep look at Li Tianlan: "See you in Beihai."

In the crisp sound, the video was completely hung up.

Li Tianlan sat on the bed with no expression on his face.

An unspeakable breath radiated from him little by little.

The warm Tianducheng seemed to begin to cool down in an instant.

The break of dawn is tingling once again.

He didn't know what happened, but he obviously felt that Li Tianlan's whole body became extremely terrifying the moment he hung up the phone.

"Your Majesty, you better remember that this is Heavenly Purgatory!"

Dawn said in a deep voice.

"This is Li's."

Li Tianlan replied lightly.

He stood up, walked to the bedroom window, and looked at the deep night outside the window.

That unspeakable breath continued to spread over him.

At this moment, it felt like being in a nightmare about to be awakened, and the hairs on the whole body were completely erected.

"I...very disappointed with you."

Li Tianlan's low voice slowly echoed: "If he hadn't fallen in Lin'an, I must be disappointed with you now."

"You want the East Island, the East Palace, and everything about me..."

The terrifying breath continued to spread.

"You always say I don't


"But have you ever thought that you want to take everything from me, are you worthy?"

Not sword intent, not power.

It's totally unspeakable.

The entire space seems to be slightly distorted.

"You won't get anything."

Li Tianlan turned his back to Dawn. In a low voice: "I can't go anywhere."


Daxiao's face was pale, and under the tremendous pressure, his body was tight to the extreme, and he was about to make a full shot.

"do not move."

Li Tianlan said lowly.

The indescribable breath became completely clear, directly enclosing dawn in it.

Not sword intent, not power.

Vaguely, it was like a kind of energy driven by sword energy.

Dawn's body was stiff in place. He didn't want to move, but he really couldn't move.

"Li Tianlan, you know..."

"To shut up."

Li Tianlan said slowly.

The sound of dawn suddenly disappeared.

He kept his eyes open and his mouth kept opening and closing, but there was no sound.

"No one is my opponent now, neither can Li Kuangtu."

He spoke softly: "As for you want to go to the East Island? If I don't let you go, you won't be able to go."


Over the Tiandu Purgatory Headquarters, the indescribable aura spread to the limit.

The space is distorted to the extreme.

In an instant, the dark night sky seemed to be completely torn apart by an extremely sharp edge.

An extremely dazzling and blazing white light appeared in the pitch-black sky.

Like lightning coming suddenly.

The white light spread wildly in the high air, instantly turning into the shape of a net.

Dangerous white lines completely illuminated the night sky, and the headquarters of Purgatory throughout the sky became pale white under the sudden lightning.

Dawn's eyes were dull, and his face pale.

At this moment he finally felt this energy.

I also felt the majestic and incredible sword energy that drives this energy.

There are more and more white lightning above the sky.

A large amount of light was silently scattered all over the sky.

The sword aura above the ground has instantly turned into a vast ocean.

In an instant, dense sword aura covered every corner of the Tiandu Purgatory headquarters.

Li Tianlan's figure is glowing.

In the windless bedroom, the black windbreaker on him flew up crazy.

On the black windbreaker, those complex and profound golden lines flowed unscrupulously, exuding dazzling golden light.

The boundless boundless sword energy did not cover the entire Tiandu City, but only the headquarters of Tiandu Purgatory.

Sword Qi continued to converge in the headquarters, more and more, and finally rushed into the sky in an instant, blending with the white light above the sky.

All the visions disappeared instantly.

Endless sword aura, vast electric light, golden light...

Everything disappeared without a trace, and everyone seemed to have experienced an illusion.

Dawn's body regained freedom, but he dared not move.

His voice trembled for the first time: "What did you do?"

Li Tianlan seemed a little tired.

He turned his head and glanced at Daxiao, and then at Tiandu Purgatory in front of him.

After a few seconds of silence, he whispered again: "I am very disappointed with you."

His figure gradually became illusory, faded and transparent, and finally disappeared completely.

When dawn broke, he rushed out of the bedroom, the living room, and the courtyard.

Li Tianlan has disappeared without a trace.

The world remains the same.

But he suddenly felt endless depression.

Dawn's face changed, and he walked fast.

The gate of Tiandu Purgatory Headquarters was quiet.

A team of elite patrols passed by.

Outside the gate, it seemed that the elite of a small team who had just returned from drinking outside was talking and walking towards the gate with a smile. When they saw the dawn standing at the gate, all of them were stunned for a while, and then subconsciously bent down.

It's just that they didn't have time to speak.

At the moment of bending, the body leaned forward, and the leaning upper body seemed to touch an invisible boundary.

The majestic sword air suddenly rose into the sky.

The few elites of Tiandu Purgatory who stood at the door and bent down were torn into two halves by the extremely sharp sword energy.

Their upper body disappeared completely.

The lower body outside the door is still intact.

Dawn's body stiffened in place.

Only at this moment did he understand what Li Tianlan meant when I didn't let you go.

The headquarters of the entire Tianpu Purgatory has been completely sealed off by Li Tianlan with sword energy.

Unless his strength is similar, the current Tiandu Purgatory Headquarters cannot enter or leave.

In such a blockade, not even a mosquito can fly in!

Seal the city with one sword.

Dawn suddenly turned his head and looked at the night sky around him.

The night sky is extremely quiet, only the vast sea-like sword energy is constantly turbulent and whistling in the void, invisible, but extremely real.

This situation can be said to be a real prison.

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