The King of Special Warfare

Vol 6 Chapter 231: :queen

The magnificent and somewhat empty hall was full of dark colors.

Faint light swayed and shining in every corner. The darkness was like the main melody. It brought up a thick shadow in the hall. The tall walls and pillars around were carved with dark-style reliefs, which looked like the dim light. Exceptionally gloomy and strange.

At the end of the hall is a platform stacked with steps. The platform is not very large, but it is high enough. The platform is facing the door, and the scarlet blood carpet extends all the way along the steps of the platform and directly rushes out of the door.

On both sides of the carpet are placed every ten meters with ancient and rugged armor, sabers, and spears, magnificent, like a respected guard, guarding the hall silently and resolutely.

He lowered his head in the slight sound of some careful footsteps, a little fearful but did not hesitate to walk into the door of the hall.

A dim light shone on him, and his white suit was shining into a faint blood color against the carpet. The handsome face that was completely tight because of tension seemed to be distorted in the dim light.

He bowed his head and held a box with both hands respectfully, passing by armor after armor, and finally stopped in front of the scarlet carpet steps.

He hesitated, did not choose to step on the steps, but bent down deeply in front of the steps, and lifted the square box that was not too big with both hands.

An indifferent female voice sounded on the platform above the steps: "Come up."

The light in the hall was faint, and the uppermost platform was completely dark, with no light at all, as if it could swallow everything.

He was holding the box, his body trembled slightly, gritted his teeth, and carefully stepped onto the steps.

Thirteen steps.

Really unlucky numbers.

He thought silently, staring at the steps and carpet under his feet from beginning to end, without raising his head.

The female voice was not ringing in the darkness.

So she bit her head and walked forward.

Stepping up the steps and walking a distance of more than ten meters, she saw an extremely old long bronze table.

The pattern on the metal long table is blurred because of the lack of light. Behind the long table, there is a woman sitting quietly on the black long seat.

Can't see the figure, the appearance, the expression, and the age.

Can't see anything.

She was like the deepest darkness, quietly and silently.

He still bowed his head, and in his perspective, he could only vaguely see a pair of beautiful legs that looked extremely white and slender in the dark.

She just glanced hurriedly inadvertently, then lowered her head with some trepidation, keeping the posture of bending over, and raised the box in her hand forward again.


The female voice without any emotion rang in the dark.

"This is my gift to you."

He maintained a posture that he could crawl on the carpet at any time, extremely humble.

The box was placed on a long bronze table.

The palm that had been slender and soft but too pale in the dark stretched out and opened the box casually.

He lowered his head and said nothing.

There was a sudden silence for a few seconds in the darkness.


Without any surprised reaction, the female voice rang out with a little surprise.

Milos Pon Edward.

Codenamed death penalty, the top half-step invincible, the chief execution officer of the Chiang family in South America.

This is the person closest to the real invincible realm in the dark world, just like the Emperor Jiang who never broke through before, the saint who never broke through before, just like the sky of the king of Beihai, the military division of the Eastern Palace.

Milos is extremely powerful, and in a state of full burst, he can hardly beat ordinary invincible masters in a short time.

This state will not last very long, about twenty seconds or so, but it is enough to make him one of the most dangerous figures in the invincible state in the dark world.

And now, the chief execution officer of the Jiang family in South America, codenamed death penalty, the right-hand man of Jiang Guochu, and Milos, who is in charge of everything about the South American Jiang family in Europe, are now in the box.

Some blood had already been accumulated in the box, and Milos's face had been processed and looked clean and clear.

This is a human head.

Milos's head.

"Yes, I heard that he had verbally offended you some time ago, so... I think you will like this gift."

"Milos is planning a big operation against the Dark Knights recently. What he said is not clear, but it should be aimed at all the dark knights' peripheral forces in Europe. He also invited me, so he is here now. "

The woman in the dark was silent for a while.


She spoke indifferently: "I like this gift very much. What is your name?"

"Landa. Your Royal Highness, my name is Randa, and I have the second gift I present to you. That is myself and the assassin's power over 70%."


This sounds like a small organization that doesn't enter the market.

But in fact this is nothing in the dark world

The enemy realm forces can even be said to be the youngest invincible realm forces in the dark world today, much younger than the Eastern Palace.

They have only developed for about a few years, and many things have just taken shape, even if they don’t even have a prototype. In terms of the foundation, it is naturally not. In terms of scale, it is not a superpower. Everything is still there. development of.

It's just that now, they have no chance to continue to develop.

The most important reason is that the leader of the Assassin's Invincible Realm fell a few days ago.

In Zhongzhou, in Huating, he was killed by the Eastern Emperor.

The assassins are the forces of Jue. If Jue is still alive, they should still be joining forces with the South American Chiang, Sanctuary, Dongdao and His Majesty to prepare for the next decisive battle in the North Sea.

But with the fall of Jue, the atmosphere inside the assassin suddenly completely changed.

Their power has just started, and there is no end to it. Not to mention participating in the level of the Eastern Emperor and His Majesty, they will have some difficulty even protecting themselves.

No matter how young the assassins are, there are forces in the Invincible Realm. After they lose their invincible masters, with an unstable footing, too many people can't wait to swallow them completely.

Even in the eyes of the superpower, the assassin's lack of background and seemingly dry structure is not worthless, which also means a huge power.

decisive battle?

As soon as the news of the fall of the assassin spread to the assassin, all the senior officials in the assassin gave up this idea almost at the same time.

They didn't even consider the issue of revenge at all, and never discussed it at all.

Revenge for never?

This is completely a joke within the assassin, don't say it, or even think about it.

What they most want to do now is to protect themselves.

So they did not hesitate to reject some requests for action from the South American Jiang family. When Milos, the chief execution officer of South American Jiang family, came to order them personally, there was little hesitation. The assassin became a real assassin on the spot. , More than ten senior assassins used various means to besiege at all costs, entangled for more than an hour, and finally killed Milos, who was codenamed death.

Then Landa, the strongest person in the assassin, took Milos's head and went directly to the headquarters of the Dark Knights, and met the Dark Queen of the Dark Knights.

The Dark Queen is the new master of the Dark Knights.

After the chaos in the Snow Country, the Dark Knights leader Rafael has not recovered from his injuries for more than two years. The Queen of Darkness took over the supreme power of the Dark Knights from Rafael as soon as he appeared in Europe. .

To this day, there are still many forces in the dark world who don't know the origin of the Dark Queen. If she had not shown her strength very close to the peak invincibility, even many forces would regard her as the new invincibility of the dark world.

But the identity of the Dark Queen is no longer a secret in front of the real superpower.

The position of the Samsara Palace is the most obscure, the most hidden and the strongest king, the lover of Rafael, the leader of the Dark Knights.

Sometimes she is the Lord of the Samsara Palace, most of the time Qin Weibai's bodyguard.

Reincarnation Palace, burning fire.

The reincarnation palace has now been destroyed.

With the merging of the last and most important main body Shengshi Fund into the Eastern Palace, the Dark World has no trace of the existence of the Samsara Palace.

Burning fire became the Queen of Darkness and took control of the Dark Knights.

She became more gloomy, more closed, and more indifferent than in Samsara Palace. She officially controlled the Dark Knights for only a little over a year, but in such a short period of time, she was in the seemingly calm but actually undercurrent of Europe. Numerous eye-catching traces were carved.

At least in the land of Europe, her reputation has almost completely surpassed the shadow queen Jin Tong in her heyday.

The queen in the dark is silent and seems to be thinking.

In the assassins, Randa, who was codenamed Dark Blade, was himself a master who was extremely close to the Half-Step Invincible Realm, but at such a close distance, with the silence of the queen, he could not even feel the presence of the opponent in the dark.

Dark Blade's heart is a bit cold, and the body is more obvious.

He is more than just a master close to the half-step invincibility.

He is also an assassin who is good at converging his rise and breathing, good at hiding, good at perception, and approaching half-step invincibility.

But now, across a long bronze table, if he didn't look at the beautiful long legs in the dark, he wouldn't feel the presence of each other at all.

Like clouds and mist, that is the ultimate sense of illusion.

This feeling made Randa shudder from the heart. This sense of illusion seems to fully explain one thing. If the other party is not in control of the Dark Knights but as an assassin, he can definitely become the most terrifying invincible assassin in this era.

"You mean, the assassins are willing to submit to the Dark Knights?"

I don't know how long it was silent, the queen's fluttering voice without any emotion rang again.

"No, not surrendering to the Dark Knights, but surrendering to you. The assassin is willing to become a knife and a loyal dog in your hands. If your will is to let us join the Dark Knights, we have no opinion, but we still Hope there can be one belonging to

Own preparation. "

Randa's voice was respectful and humble.

"Talk about your reasons."

There seemed to be a touch of curiosity in the queen's voice.

Landa hesitated, and finally decided to tell the truth: "I will definitely lift the assassin to a high position, but he has fallen down...The assassin can only rely on the real strong if he wants to survive."

"You have many choices."

The queen said calmly: "The Dark Knights are not the best."

"Actually, we don't have many choices..."

Landa smiled bitterly: "In this case, no matter if we seek refuge in the sanctuary, the Chiang family in South America, or the East Island, the other side will treat us as cannon fodder in the decisive battle in the North Sea. Our deaths are even worthless, because from the beginning to the end. In the end, quite a few people within the assassins felt that the decisive battle in the North Sea was meaningless to the assassins. Now it has definitely fallen, and we have no reason to fight in the North Sea."

"We also don't want to take refuge in the empty Beihai. The interior of the Beihai is too chaotic, and even if we are willing to join the Beihai, Wang Shengxiao will probably not easily believe us."

"The Eastern Palace is a good choice, but His Majesty the Eastern Emperor just killed Jue. We dare not think about his attitude towards the assassins."

"Kunlun City has been crumbling, it is not our choice either."

Landa’s smile was extremely bitter: "So... the Dark Knights are our best, or even the only choice. Similarly, you used to be the king of the Samsara Palace. We take refuge in you, even if your Majesty the Eastern Emperor is absolutely To anger us, we are under your hand, and should not see the sword light of His Majesty the Eastern Emperor."

"Emperor Dong... Your Majesty Donghuang..."

The queen laughed.

Her emotions grew stronger and she became extremely mocking: "What does the Eastern Emperor have to do with me? Just because I was once the king of Samsara Palace? Once!"

Landa lowered his head and said nothing.

Why Burning Fire became the Queen of Darkness has always been a very strange thing in the dark world.

It seems that the Queen has no connection with the Eastern Palace, but the cooperation between the two parties in Ulan has never been broken. If it is not counted as the Shengshi Fund, Ulan’s interests can now be said to be the main source of income for the Eastern Palace. , After the chaos in the Snow Country, the Eastern Palace in Ulan was almost doing whatever it wanted, occupying the greatest interest.

After the Eastern Palace, the Dark Knights occupy the greatest interest in Ulan.

The cooperation between the two parties in this area is extremely close. Even if the Dark Knights have robbed the interests of the Eastern Palace several times in the past two years, the Eastern Palace did not say anything. After the Eastern Emperor returned to Tiannan, there was no such thing. What opinions are expressed.

The outside world naturally cannot figure out the relationship between the queen and the Eastern Emperor, but one thing is certain. Landa firmly believes that joining the Dark Knights is the best choice and the best way to avoid being angered by the Eastern Palace in the future.

His potential is limited, and breakthrough is hopeless, but he knows exactly how to be a subordinate.

Many times when you listen to the leader's speech, you don't actually need to listen to what he said. The most important thing is to listen to what she didn't say.

What the Queen didn't say was what made him feel that he had chosen the right one.

The queen in the darkness seemed to be thinking about something quietly. After a few minutes, she slowly said, "How many assassins are there now?"

"There are currently three thunder-thundering masters. In addition to me, there is one who is at the peak of thunder-thunder and the other is from thunder-thunder. There are sixty people in the burning state, and 20 of them are at the top of the burning state. They are fighting in various places. There are about 6,000 personnel, and the detailed assets have not yet been counted."

Landa spoke seriously.

"You take refuge in me because you don't want to participate in the decisive battle in Beihai."

The Queen's eyes fell on him from the darkness: "Then you surrender to me, what can you do for me?"

"Do not."

Landa shook his head and said respectfully: "We just don't want to participate in the North Sea decisive battle as cannon fodder. For the assassins, what we need most now is to develop slowly and accumulate strength, so we think the North Sea decisive battle is meaningless to us, but If the Queen asks us to participate, we will not hesitate. Your meaning is our meaning."


The queen smiled softly.

"Go find Annie."

She slowly said: "He will arrange your positions."

Annie is her personal bodyguard and does not belong to the Dark Knights strictly speaking. Since the assassin is taking refuge in herself, the arrangement of the assassins should naturally be handed over to Annie, rather than to the high level of the Dark Knights.

Landa nodded, bowed deeply to the queen in the dark, stepped back down the steps little by little, and slowly walked out of the dark hall of the Dark Knights.

The queen sat on a platform with no light, watching his figure slowly disappear, leaving the hall completely.

She took a deep breath, and she coughed violently.


A mouthful of blood spurted from her mouth and landed on the long bronze table and bright red carpet in front of her.

Her breathing was rapid, and her body curled up slightly, looking extremely painful.

In the darkness, it was a weak and pale face.

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