The King of Special Warfare

Vol 6 Chapter 243: : The Appointment of the Peak (1)

The bright light shone in the dark room, a bit dazzling.

Light and darkness are intertwined, faintly reflecting the outline of the living room, the sound of the reclining chair gently shaking uninterruptedly, looking at the somewhat gloomy and mysterious living room through the screen, everyone in the conference room has a solemn and solemn face.

Wang Xiaoyao was facing the screen.

Next to them, Tian Hai Wuji and Liu Sheng Cangquan, the two invincible masters of the East Island, sat facing each other.

Then came Jiang Guochu and Morad, the current master of the temple.

There are not many people in the conference room, but it represents a considerable part of the power of the dark world today. Everyone can be said to be truly important in the dark world today.

The lights flow in the meeting room.

The five Invincible Realm quietly stared at the gloomy darkness on the screen in front of them, without saying a word.

The meeting has lasted for nearly an hour.

But from beginning to end, no one spoke.

Time passed by minute by minute.

I don't know how long it took, a clear voice suddenly rang in the conference room.

It was like the sound of the lid of a teacup touching the rim of the cup, soft and tender, extremely pleasing to the ear.

The five Invincible Realm present shifted their eyes subconsciously and looked at each other before realizing that the sound came from the other end of the screen.

Wang Xiaoyao squinted his eyes.

Morad, Liu Shengcangquan and Jiang Guochu stood up at almost the same time: "Your Majesty."


On the opposite side of the screen, your Majesty’s voice rang without any haste: "I'm sorry, everyone has been waiting for a long time."

"A little earlier than I expected."

Wang Xiaoyao calmly said, "Ready?"

His expression was serious and peaceful, without a trace of impatience.

Everyone present knows what the hour they have been waiting for.

Wang Xiaoyao subconsciously looked at the wall clock on the wall of the conference room.

8:05 PM Central Time.

Three days ago, at 10:27 in the evening, Li Tianlan returned to Xuanyuan City from Youzhou and received a war note from His Majesty.

This sensational appointment to the pinnacle of the entire dark world is getting closer and closer, and it is less than three hours.

Nowadays, representatives of most of the forces in the Dark World have reached Xuanyuan City, and behind each representative is at least a second-level force recognized by everyone.

As a party to the peak covenant, your Majesty began to meditate for the last time before the war at noon today, and he has not awakened until now.


This is a veritable appointment at the pinnacle.

The dark world may not only have Li Tianlan and Your Majesty's two forces beyond the peak and invincible, but combined with their age, this battle has also been given an extraordinary meaning. The victory or defeat of this battle directly determines who is The first person in the dark world in this era will also determine who this era belongs to.

His Majesty filled the cup in front of him with tea, moved his body, and he smiled: "I am very lively outside now, I can feel that the theater is here, and I will also be on the stage."

He glanced at Moray and suddenly asked, "Are there any new trends in the outside world in gambling?"

"Basically nothing has changed."

Mo Laid's attitude is always more respectful than Jiang Guochu and Liu Shengcangquan. He lowered his head slightly and said softly: "At present, the outside world is generally more optimistic about Li Tianlan. The gambling funds that support Li Tianlan's victory account for nearly 70%."

"Almost 70%, that is less than 70%."

Jiang Shangyu was a little surprised: "In other words, in the eyes of outsiders, Li Tianlan and I won 64 wins and losses?"

"Probably so."

Moled nodded.

The Appointment Covenant attracted the attention of the entire dark world. As soon as the news came out, the major financial forces in the dark world, including the Shengshi Fund, had already opened gambling, betting on the victory or defeat, betting on the battle time, and betting on the post-war. The injuries are varied, and the three days are not long, but the gambling has attracted countless funds. The news that Morad received shows that Li Tianlan’s winnings have been infinitely close to 70%, but others may not believe it. , Of which at least half of the funds were pressured by Molide.

Mo Laid pressured Li Tianlan to win.

This is the order of your majesty.

Therefore, in this so-called gambling market, those who expect to upset Li Tianlan to lose are destined to lose everything.

"You didn't play a hand?"

His Majesty smiled, his gaze shifted from Morad to the others.

"Six billion, press Li Tianlan to win."

Tian Hai Wuji said lightly.

Liu Sheng Cangquan glanced at him and shook his head: "90 million, crush Li Tianlan."

"Beihai crushed two billion and crushed Li Tianlan. I personally gave three billion and crushed Li Tianlan."

Wang Xiaoyao was expressionless.

"Ten billion. Li Tianlan."

Jiang Guochu smiled lazily: "No one expects to make a fortune from gambling."

"In this way, there are more people who look at me in the outside world than I thought."

Your Majesty smiled softly.

"Although Li Tianlan is strong, how can those people make a clear judgment at the same level? There are also countless people who hope you win. Many people think that Li Tianlan may not be invincible."

Wang Xiaoyao's voice was calm.


Your Majesty said softly: "It's a pity that I will disappoint these people."

The five invincible masters were indifferent.

They knew the inside story of the decisive battle, so under the leadership of Moray, all overwhelmed Li Tianlan to win. Before the start of the engagement, His Majesty told them clearly that he is not in the true peak state now, so his chance of winning against Li Tianlan is no more than 30%. , This is a battle that is almost guaranteed to lose.

"How are you preparing?"

His Majesty asked casually.

"There is no problem. As soon as the battle between you and Li Tianlan begins, our side will act immediately, and everyone will finally meet at the foot of Emperor Bing Mountain."

Wang Xiaoyao took a deep breath, his tone condensed.


His Majesty nodded: "It's time for me to appear ashamed."

"Is it necessary to be ashamed of knowing that I will lose?"

Tian Hai Wuji asked lightly.


His Majesty’s laughter was full of indifferent: "I lost my face tonight, and Li Tianlan lost his life tonight. I will lose to Li Tianlan. Everyone will think that the future will be Li Tianlan’s era, but he will lose tonight. He will fall in the North Sea and eventually reverse. I like this feeling very much. Once he dies, who will remember my failure?"

He picked up his teacup and sipped his tea lightly: "Trust me, I have been studying Li Tianlan for a long time."

"His current state is amazing, especially when he cooperates with Ruthless. Whether it is now or in the future, or once, even in the heyday of Wang Tianzong, Li Tianlan can be said to be the most difficult person to be killed."

"His kendo is flawless..."

His Majesty remained silent for a while and whispered: "But I don't believe that there is so-called perfection in this world. No matter how perfect martial arts are, there are bound to be weaknesses."

Wang Xiaoyao sat up straight and said seriously, "Where is Li Tianlan's weakness?"

"I do not know."

His Majesty shook his head.

Tian Hai Wuji sneered, and said lightly: "Weakness that is not known to others is equivalent to no weakness."

"That's why I made an appointment with Li Tianlan."

His Majesty's voice said coldly: "It's okay for me to lose face once, but as long as I grasp his weakness, tonight will be Li Tianlan's death."

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