The King of Special Warfare

Vol 6 Chapter 257: : Shuffle

Gallos is a small border town located in the northern part of Europe. Although it is a border city, it has good security and relatively good development. In the past countless years, the Dark Knights have established strict order here and united with local police. The department formed a law enforcement team. It is no exaggeration to say that even in the entire European continent, the law and order situation of Gallos is among the best.

This is the most influential city of the Dark Knights, not one of them.

Because less than eighty kilometers away from this city is the headquarters of the Dark Knights across the border between the two countries. For most of the time, any disturbance in Gallos is equivalent to being under the sight of the Dark Knights.

At this moment, this place has also become a temporary station for the combined forces.

A week ago, headed by the Sanctuary forces, Sanctuary, Sanctuary, South American Jiang Clan, Shifeng Yujianliu, Promise Palace, and the Snow Country forces under the leadership of Wang Xiaoyao, and a large number of other forces in the dark world that chose to stand with Sanctuary were extremely powerful. He entered Gallos and contracted the Carlson Hotel, the most luxurious hotel in Gallos.

In a week, the people of the united forces blatantly swaggered through the city in Gallos, mocking the Dark Knights under the eyes of the Dark Knights. This was no longer a provocation, it was almost a naked declaration of war.

The friction between the combined forces and the Dark Knights has hardly been broken in the past six months.

They entered the base camp of the Dark Knights in Nosen with the highest profile. With the advancement of a city and a city, there will be resistance if there is an attack. In half a year, the war between the Dark Knights and the combined forces spread all over Nosen. The living space of the Knights is getting smaller and smaller, and the combined forces are constantly approaching the core area of ​​the Dark Knights. Finally, a week ago, they formally arrived at Gallos.

The headquarters of the Dark Knights is within easy reach.

Even here can be said to be the headquarters of the Dark Knights.

This is really being hit all the way to the door of my own house.

Today, the number of joint forces in Gallos has exceeded 1,200, which is a joint force composed of nearly 20 forces. In the Carlson Hotel, in addition to the waiters, in the hotel Everyone who appears can be regarded as an elite force in the dark world.

The coalition forces have been here for a whole week.

The Dark Knight remained silent on this.

It seems that the aggressive coalition forces have stopped here, and have not chosen to actually attack the headquarters of the Dark Knights.

The two sides maintained restraint at very close distances, which meant that they did not offend the river.

For the Dark Knights, the strength they lost in the chaos of the Snow Country is far from being able to recover in two years. Although the combined forces can penetrate Nosen, they cannot directly occupy Nosen. The Dark Knights only need to be stable. In the situation, there is no need to work hard with them, and some accounts can be settled slowly in the future.

For the combined forces, there is no need for them to fight the Dark Knights desperately. Even if the Dark Queen is injured, it is a master close to the peak of invincibility. It is really pressing her. Now the entire continent is covered. No one can stop him. The situation in Europe is stable like a stagnant water. If there is no absolute good opportunity, even if foreign forces can stand firm, they will not develop very well. This is never a real battlefield for a decisive battle. They come here, yes. In order to hold the Queen of Darkness and prevent her from participating in the most critical North Sea decisive battle, this is tantamount to letting the enemy lose a booster close to the peak of invincibility.

The situation today is very good.

Thousands of masters and elites entered Garros at the same time. This kind of power is not something that the empty Dark Knights can easily provoke, and they are under the opponent's eyelids, enough to bring great pressure to the Dark Knights while allowing the other to see. What they are doing will not make you jump over the wall in a hurry.

The two sides remained in a stalemate like this. After the decisive battle in the North Sea, the Queen of Darkness would not come out, and they would naturally retreat quickly, and the entire Norsen was still the world of the Dark Knights.

The two sides seem to have formed a tacit understanding.

So on this night when conflict is most likely, the first half of the night is about to pass.

The interior of the Carlson Hotel is going to be late at night, but the meeting room on the top floor of the hotel is still brightly lit.

Cigarette smoke wafted in the meeting room.

The meeting room was full of people.

A unit composed of more than twenty forces is in the Carlson Hotel. At this moment, the leaders of each force are participating in this meeting.

"I like the dark knights so witty, you see how well-behaved they are now."

In the smoke, a strong black man with a large tattoo on his face held a cigar between his thick fingers, and his smile was a little playful.

"What can they do if they are ignorant?"

In the cold voice, a yellow man's eyes were gloomy: "We are only a few tens of kilometers away from the headquarters of the Dark Knights. The Dark Queen is injured. She cannot waste her energy and fight with us, because it is meaningless. If she dares Leaving the Dark Knights to support the North Sea, we will destroy the headquarters of the Dark Knights as soon as she leaves. The distance is only a few tens of kilometers. Then she won't be able to fly back even if she flies."

"You don't seem to be very satisfied with this result."

A petite woman leaning in a chair lazily laughed: "Li Si, do you want to avenge Milos?"

Li Si glanced at the other party with a cold look. After seeing who the other party was, his eyes became softer. This Dongdao woman named Kurai Hongye came from the Promise Palace, and spent almost all his energy on Dongdao. In the case of Beihai, there are less than a hundred samurai from Dongdao and Shifeng Yujianliu who have come to Europe. There are only two thunder-thundering masters. Kurai Hongye is one of them. Li Si is naturally not afraid of her, but the problem is the other party last night. She was still in her own bed when she was under the bed. She was in an ordinary thunder-thunder state. In some areas, Kurai Hongye was comparable to a master of invincibility. Li Si was served comfortably and almost ascended to heaven until now. They are still aftertaste, facing such a woman, no matter how indifferent he is, there is no way to show her face.

As if perceiving Li Si's soft eyes, Kurai Hongye chuckled lightly, and her eyes flowed, revealing a touch of seduction and charm without the slightest concealment.

Li Si swallowed, shook his head slowly, and said faintly: "I'm just a little regretful. Although I know the possibility is unlikely, I have always been looking forward to the execution of an invincible master."


The second executioner of the Jiang family in South America, a half-step invincible master, is also one of the strongest in the European Union at this time.

The execution officer of the Jiang family in South America is the representative of their high-end power, and the number is not large. Similar to the Twelve Heavenly Kings of the Samsara Palace, the chief execution officer Milos, who is comparable in strength to the invincible masters, was besieged and killed by assassins some time ago. , The assassin took refuge in the Dark Knights again. As the second seat of the execution officer, Li Si had already suffocated his stomach. He hoped that the Dark Knights could do something tonight, as long as he performed well in this battle. He is very likely to be promoted to chief execution officer.

From second place to chief, it sounds like just a title, but it means that he can be promoted to a half-level authority in the Jiang family in South America, and countless glory and wealth are included in this half-level authority.

Li Si subconsciously glanced at an old man sitting on top of you.

The old man closed his eyes and rested, motionless.

But Li Si knew very well that among all the people present, the old man and him were also people who hoped that the Dark Knights could do something.

The opponent came from the Sanctuary’s ruling house, the second arbitrator of the Sanctuary. From the stand of Sanctuary, the opponent naturally hopes to take this opportunity to completely destroy the Dark Knights tonight.

The time in the meeting room passed slowly.

The night is getting deeper and deeper.

The Dark Knights were still quiet.

The hearts of everyone present gradually became relaxed.

Their task here is to use the headquarters of the Dark Knights to contain the fire. The decisive battle in the North Sea has already begun. If there is a battle, it will probably happen tonight. Until now, the Dark Knights have not moved. Obviously, the opponent seems to have chosen. give up.

A sigh of regret suddenly sounded.

The Sanctuary No. 2 arbitrator, who had been sitting on the main seat with his eyes closed and rested, opened his eyes and smiled lightly.

Everyone is watching him.

As the strongest united force in northern Europe, the arbitrator has absolute authority in the conference room.

"It seems we are tonight..."

His voice rang, then was quickly interrupted by the telephone ringing.

In the middle of the conference table, a tall Snowman frowned and took out his cell phone to look at the phone.

His face changed, he said apologize, and directly connected to the phone.

The person on the other end said something quickly.

The face of the Snow Country man suddenly became extremely ugly.

Not only him, but the faces of the people sitting near him all changed.

"General Tarkov, what happened?"

The arbitrator narrowed his eyes and asked slowly.

Tarkov, with an extremely ugly expression, put down his phone, glanced at the arbitrator, and the corners of his mouth moved.

His voice was a little hoarse: "Everyone, there is a problem with our surveillance system. It turns out that the Dark Queen has now left the Dark Knights headquarters and is on the way to the North Sea. The first news that the Dark Queen has returned from Ulan The country’s Arctic Ocean Regiment Airport took off."

There was a sudden silence in the meeting room.

The next moment, the audience was in an uproar.

"how is this possible?!"

"what are you saying?"

"She actually dared to leave the Dark Knights?"

"Don't she care about the life and death of the Dark Knights anymore?"

In the chaotic voice, the arbitrator snorted coldly: "Quiet!"

The audience stagnated slightly.

The arbitrator stood up and looked at Takov who was still holding the phone: "The Dark Queen has appeared in Ulan? Are you sure?"

"It is the military airport of the Arctic Ocean Corps. She has already taken off 15 minutes ago. The Snow Country military has received the news, I can be sure."

Tarkov nodded.

"Can you stop it? Or shoot down that plane?"

The arbitrator asked subconsciously.

The meeting room is quieter.

Tarkov looked at the referee with the eyes of a lunatic, and said nothing.

Stop it?

What if it can be stopped?

The Dark Queen is a master close to the pinnacle of invincibility. It can be blocked, but can it be blocked?

As for shooting down that plane, it’s even more nonsense. The Dark Queen is a military aircraft of the Arctic Ocean Legion. If it is shot down by the Snow Country, it will burn to death. It is equivalent to the Snow Country hitting the face of Zhongzhou. Even if Wang Xiaoyao completely rules the Snow Country. Dare to make such a crazy move.

The arbitrator also seemed to know that his question was inappropriate, so he was silent for a long time.

In the solemn atmosphere, he suddenly smiled and laughed at himself: "It looks like the Dark Knights didn't put us in their eyes."

Li Si stood up with a cold expression: "Everyone, our task is to contain the Dark Queen here, but now she has secretly left the Dark Knights headquarters, that is to say, our task has failed. I don't want to accept any formality. Anyone who failed me would have to pay a price for his failure, and it was so heavy that he did not want to think about it."

"and so?"

The arbitrator remained silent.

"Assault the Dark Knights headquarters."

Li Si grinned and said, "Kill everyone in the Dark Knights and destroy all their buildings. The Dark Queen still remembers her love in the Samsara Palace and chose to help Li Tianlan. Then we will directly destroy her Dark Knights and let her Regret is useless."

"Still be more cautious."

A thunder-thundering master of the second-tier forces in the dark world hesitated and said: "The Dark Queen dares to leave the headquarters of the Dark Knights, then there will definitely be traps in the headquarters of the Dark Knights at this time, maybe..."

"Of course there are traps."

Li Si coldly interrupted his words: "But there is one fact that cannot be denied. The strength of the Dark Knights is not at its peak at all. We swept the entire Norson. The strength of the Dark Knights hides like a dog. There is no darkness. Queen, the power of the Dark Knights headquarters is even more vulnerable. There must be traps there, but I don’t think the so-called traps can put us in danger. The strength of the opponent is there. We may be in trouble, but tonight The Dark Knights must become history."

He glanced at the arbitrator.

"What do you think?"

The arbitrator was silent for a few seconds, and said indifferently: "Why don't it matter to me? The important thing is that we did not contain the Dark Queen. Now the headquarters of the Dark Knights is right in front of us. Everyone, are we really doing nothing? "

The corners of his mouth twitched: "Sanctuary can't afford such a face."

"If that's the case, then set out now and make a quick battle."

In the conference room, another thunder-thundering pinnacle stood up: "Solve the battle as soon as possible. If all goes well, after the Dark Knights are eliminated, we probably still have time to go to Beihai. To be honest, compared to this, Beihai is The real feast, if you can't miss it, I don't think no one will miss it?"

The arbitrator smiled, nodded and said: "Okay, then we..."

The phone rang again.

This time it came from the phone of the arbitrator.

The arbitrator frowned and looked at his watch subconsciously.

Twelve o'clock midnight European time.

It seems that from this moment on, the originally stable situation suddenly became a little different.

He took a deep breath, picked up the phone to answer, and gave a feed.

In the next second, his face suddenly changed.


A dark blue electric arc exploded from him without warning.

The strong wind wrinkled in the conference room, the solid wood conference table was completely shattered under the spread of the electric arc, the arbitrator firmly held the phone, and a nearly crazy killing intent suddenly appeared on the whole person's face.

"Sanctuary is being attacked?!"

After a word, he repeated the news he had just heard.

Everyone's complexion changed drastically.

"who is it?!"

The arbitrator gritted his teeth and asked.

On the other side of the phone, there was a chaotic sound, and the fights and explosions kept ringing, a lot of noise.

A shrill voice came from the other end of the phone, hysterical: "It's the Dark Knights! Among them are the dukes and generals of the Samsara Palace. They broke into the Holy Palace, and the number two was killed. We need support, we need support!"

His sharp voice rang through the phone almost throughout the conference room.

Everyone heard his voice.

Call for help.

The corner of the arbitrator's mouth twitched.

Ask for help.

Their current position is on the border between Nosen and Navia. Asking them for help means that even if they leave immediately, they need to leave Nosen, pass through Beidan, pass through Germania, and finally pass the forest headquarters. Back to Italos.

This is the shortest straight line distance.

Even if there is enough time, this section of the road is not easy to follow. Beidan is so easy to say, there are several main giants in the shadow throne in Germanic territory. They can all be regarded as allies of the North Sea Wang family. These giants may not be able to separate too much. Strength to support the North Sea, but at this critical point, their combined forces appeared in Germany, and the other party wanted to stop it.

The most important thing is to pass through a country after passing through Germany to reach Italos.

That country is the territory of the Lin clan.

Lin Fengting was in South America at this time.

A clear attitude.

It is not difficult to imagine what they will encounter once they enter the forest area.

Is it true that the Lin Clan has no temper at all?

The arbitrator's breathing was constantly trembling with extreme anger.

He has no way to talk about distance.

Nosen is really far away from Italius.

But relatively speaking, they are the closest force to the sanctuary at this time.

"Protect Your Majesty."

The arbitrator said solemnly: "I will hurry up and support you!"


The phone was crumpled in his hands.

The arbitrator's face became extremely gloomy.

"You want to withdraw?"

Li Si raised his eyebrows and asked directly.


The arbitrator suddenly turned around and looked at Li Si: "How to withdraw? We are here now. When we rush back, there is no time for anything!"

Li Si's eyes lit up and he was excited: "So?"

The arbitrator’s eyes are like a blazing fire, his

With a firm expression, he said every word: "Kill it! Destroy the headquarters of the Dark Knights, and then we are rushing back to the Sanctuary. We have already received the exact news that the Dark Knights attacked the Sanctuary, which means that Their only power has appeared in the sanctuary, and the Dark Knights headquarters has no power. We have been monitoring the movement of the Dark Knights headquarters recently. The dark queen can get out, sin can get out, but it's nothing. They can be transferred quietly. The Dark Knights headquarters has a large amount of their technology and top-secret information. We destroy the Dark Knights headquarters, collect everything that can be collected, and then immediately return for help."

Li Si's eyes brightened, and finally his smile spread to his entire face.

"I like your decision."

He said softly.

The arbitrator did not speak any nonsense, racing against time: "Go."

On the phone, he could feel the fierce attack that Sanctuary was undergoing, but he could not imagine the specific picture.

In fact, no matter what the picture is, it has no meaning to him.

He couldn't rush back in a short time, let alone let the Dark Knights go like this.

The Dark Knights are stealing homes.

He can only choose to switch homes with each other.

He was not sure whether the defense of the empty sanctuary could hold it up, but at least he was sure that there would be nothing wrong with your Majesty.

As long as your Majesty is okay, the sanctuary after the battle is still the sanctuary.

The emergency assembly signal spread rapidly in the hotel.

In a short time, all the elites of the various forces in the entire hotel moved.

In front of the hotel, luxury buses with unusual appearances lined up.

There was no sound near the Carlson Hotel.

Everyone received the order without any nonsense, and more than a thousand people got on the car one after another.

The vehicle started late at night and rushed to the headquarters of the Dark Knights at full speed.

The arbitrator sat in the front bus with a cold and solemn expression.

"Quick battle and quick decision. After reaching the destination, you and I will go first. The others will cooperate. The Dark Knights can sneak attack on the sanctuary. Their headquarters will not have too strong anymore. We will fight for half an hour. The battle will be resolved internally, and some people will be left to clean up the battlefield. We will return to help as soon as possible."

The arbitrator nodded blankly, but he felt bitter.

The task of destroying the headquarters of the Dark Knights seemed to him without any difficulty.

There is no problem solving the battle in half an hour.

But the question is how to go back after the battle.

Germanic position can be put aside.

The key is the Lin clan between Germanic and Italos.

This is the most critical.

The Dark Queen can traverse the snow country on the plane of the Arctic Ocean Legion, no one dares to stop, let alone shoot down.

But if their plane dared to cross the sky over the Lin clan.

The Lin clan has never been accustomed to anyone. If you talk about it, you can do it without hesitation.

He took a deep breath and looked at the night outside the window without speaking for a long time.

The bus was quiet.

The vehicle drove forward at full speed, rushed out of the city and onto the highway, from faster and slower to slower.

"what happened?"

Feeling the change in speed, the arbitrator frowned slightly.

"The road ahead was destroyed."

The driver stopped the car and looked at the road ahead, his voice was a little awkward.

The arbitrator stood up and looked ahead, his face increasingly cold.

The road in front of you is relatively narrow, and the smooth road has been completely destroyed at this time. Not to mention the bus, even the most luxurious off-road vehicle can't drive it.

The arbitrator gritted his teeth and said in a deep voice, "How far is it?"

" kilometers."

The driver stammered.

This distance is really subtle.

All the players present are masters, this distance is not a problem for them, but if they march in a hurry, they will also have some physical exertion.

The arbitrator's eyes flashed scarlet. He clenched his teeth, picked up the walkie-talkie next to him, and said coldly, "Get out of the car and let's rush over! Kill everyone in the Dark Knights and rush with me!"

One piece of light shined on the road under the night.

The blue arc and the fiery flame sparkle each other.

Thousands of elites from the combined forces rushed across the completely destroyed highway, and the infinite rays of light kept flickering, farther and farther away.

Without any pause, the arbitrator, suffocating his anger, took the lead and rushed to a place less than five kilometers away from the headquarters of the Dark Knights.

The crowd began to slow down slowly.

The arbitrator adjusted his breath, looked at his watch, and said solemnly: "Ten minutes to rest, ready to fight."

Ten minutes of silence passed quickly.

The people of the united forces met again, in mighty force.

The ground kept shaking.

Vaguely, the huge building outline of the Dark Knights headquarters appeared in everyone's sight.

The arbitrator stared at the magnificent gate of the headquarters of the Dark Knights, which was nearly 20 meters high, his eyes were cruel to the extreme.


Amidst the roaring footsteps, a strange sound suddenly rang.

The magnificent gate that realized the distance seemed to move.

The arbitrator subconsciously opened his eyes.


The voice from afar came over again, extremely clear.

The huge door of the Dark Knights headquarters moved slowly, opening little by little.


The arbitrator stopped abruptly and stared at the direction of the door.

I don't know why, but he instinctively sensed something wrong, and the whole person became a little uneasy.


The sound of metal rubbing became clearer.

The door opened wider and wider.

The sound of uniform footsteps came from the direction of the Dark Knights headquarters.

It seems that countless people are keeping the same rhythm and moving forward slowly.

A row of figures appeared in the door that gradually opened.

Ten people in a row.

Countless figures formed an extremely neat formation, one after another, coming out of the headquarters of the Dark Knights.

Silent, firm, iron and blood, perseverance.

More and more people came out of the gate, and in a blink of an eye there were more than fifty rows.

Then there are a hundred rows.

The number is still increasing, and people keep coming out, as if endless.

The arbitrator stiffened and watched the scene with a dull expression.

The people behind came out.

The man in front is advancing.

Two hundred rows.

Three hundred rows.

Five hundred rows.

Everyone in the coalition forces was stunned.

Five hundred rows.

Five thousand people!

How could there be so many people in the headquarters of the Dark Knights?


Each of these fighters is an oriental face, and is a yellow race.

The referee's breathing is stagnant.

A fighter in Central Continent?

warrior? !

In an instant, the hairs on the arbitrator's body stood up.

He finally knew where the source of his anxiety was.

More than a thousand people in the combined forces are true elites and masters. When placed on the battlefield, everyone can be one to ten. The five thousand people in the normal state will not be taken care of by him.

But these five thousand people in front of them.

Uniform footsteps, exactly the same rhythm, the same mentality, the same fighting spirit, and the same confidence.

The five thousand warriors in front of him felt like a person!

This is an army of five thousand disciplined as a whole!

This kind of momentum has only been felt by the arbitrators in the Holy Disarmament Corps in the peak period, and it is not the entire Holy Disarmament Group, but a small part of the most powerful Holy Disarmament Group.

There is no doubt that the five thousand soldiers in front of you, even if you look at all countries in the world, can be said to be the top elite.

Even in Zhongzhou, there are very few such troops.

But now these five thousand people have appeared here.

The arbitrator had a vague guess in his heart.

This terrible army that is completely invincible on the battlefield...

There is one near Nosen.

The so-called proximity refers to the fact that this unit is nearby relative to the distance between Nosen and Zhongzhou.

The Dark Queen is the North Sea from Ulan.


Ulan country...

Isn't that unit in Ulan?

"you guys..."

The arbitrator's voice is hoarse.

His heart suddenly became extremely cold.

I never dreamed that the Dark Knights would play so much.

The elite group of five thousand people stopped less than 300 meters away from the combined forces.

Someone moved forward slowly.

That seems to be the strongest in this elite group.

He did not answer the arbitrator's words, but opened his hands at the front of the crowd.

A faint blue electric light became brighter and brighter in his hands, and the breath was only the peak of the thundering state.

That seems to be the opponent's limit state.

But in the constantly shining thunder light, the aura of thousands of people behind him suddenly burned crazily at the same time as the thunder light in his hand.

The not-so-tall Eastern figure stared at the arbitrator, and roared a military order that made everyone in the coalition scared.

This seems to represent the most powerful force on the battlefield in the world.

Invincible, invincible.

"Snow Dance Corps, march on!!!"


Americas, Delenway.

The huge and some incredible private manor was decorated into a private garden full of oriental flavor.

Small bridges and flowing water, pavilions, towers and pavilions, almost one step at a time, beautiful.

Even at night in the Americas, the weather is not so cool, but Lin Fengting still likes to stay in the pavilion, with quiet flowing water under his feet, and the clear water is covered with exquisite stones of various colors, passing through a few tropical plants. Plants, Lin Fengting loves to watch some rare tropical fish swimming lazily in the water.

"It's so beautiful."

I don't know how many times it was the first time he spoke in admiration. Lin Fengting's eyes were full of joy. Looking at the fish in the water, he smiled with regret.

"Would you like to take away these few of me too?"

Opposite Lin Fengting sat a middle-aged man with a refined and gentle temperament. He looked a little older than Lin Fengting. He was a bit vicissitudes of life, but he was energetic. His every move carried the charm of a mature uncle.

Lin Buzheng.

The Lin family is the largest branch patriarch in South America.

Since his branch left the headquarters many years ago to the development of the Lin clan, Lin Buzheng has been the sixth-generation patriarch. After nearly two hundred years of development, the forest clan branch in South America has almost never gone downhill, and now there are dozens of them in America. In the region of the country, Lin Buzheng may not be one of the few people who stand at the top of the power, but it can be said that he is infinitely close to the top of the real power.

Different from the European forests, who are taking the sophisticated route, Lin Buzheng’s industry can be regarded as the largest of all branches of the forests. The three religions and the nine streams are all involved, and he is also stained with some gray atmosphere. If this time it is not facing the deep-rooted Jiang of South America If the superpower is directly targeting, based on his background in America, he doesn't need to ask Lin Fengting for help.

"Forget it."

Lin Fengting looked at the fish in the water and shook his head with a chuckle: "I don’t often stay at home, I have not seen it a few times, and the environment in this department is different from here. No matter how modified it is, it is difficult to feed it. Last time you The few that were given to me died after less than half a year. I feel distressed."

Lin Buzheng smiled and picked up a cigar and threw it to Lin Fengting, acting more casually: "Where do you plan to go after solving the problems here?"

Lin Fengting took the cigar and slowly cut it and lit it, took a deep breath, and then smiled: "In fact, there is nothing to go. For so many years, there are obviously some places that have not been visited yet, but they always feel like they have been all over. I am getting older, and my ability to accept new things is getting worse and worse. Now I would rather go to places where I have left good memories before, and I don’t want to go to places I haven’t been.

He smoked a cigar and whispered softly, "When things are over here, go to Zhongzhou, or stay in Tiannan for a while. Xuanyuan City is beautiful. If you have time, I recommend you to visit it."

"Okay, I have long admired the name of the newly-emerged Majesty in the dark world. Call me when you passed by, let's be together."

Lin Buzheng laughed.

"Well, you have a lot of industries and rich wealth. Xuanyuan City and the East Palace have just developed. There are many places where you cooperate. It happens to be..."

"It's not that you wait."

Lin Buzheng looked at Lin Fengting with a weird look: "Did you misunderstand something or do you value me too much?"

"East Imperial Palace, how come it is like a new power that has just emerged and has no foundation? That Shengshi Fund is a thigh in everyone's eyes. Such a behemoth, if it can cooperate, even if it is cheap , That's because I take advantage."

Lin Fengting was in a daze, and did not speak for a long time.

He certainly knew that the Shengshi Fund was incorporated into the Eastern Palace.

But how can you not mix the Shengshi Fund and the East Palace in your heart, maybe only a real outsider can see how terrible the East Palace is now?

Lin Fengting smiled self-deprecatingly, and said softly: "Yes."

"The news has arrived."

Lin Fengting chuckled softly: "His Majesty the Eastern Emperor defeated Jiang Shangyu, it turned out to be Jiang Shangyu...Tsk...the dark world is really talented, the waves behind the Yangtze River are pushing forward, and you are still sitting as the number one master in the dark world. Is it stable?"

"The number one master of shit."

Lin Fengting snorted with a smile. In the smoke, he shook his head: "I shouldn't be Tianlan's opponent now. Jiang Shangyu is still not afraid."


Lin Buzheng asked subconsciously.

"Well, I saw the video, Jiang Shangyu's methods are a bit weird, but the attack power is not strong at this level, there is nothing to worry about."

Lin Fengting said lightly.

Lin Buzheng glanced at him seriously, nodded slightly, and calmed down.

The South American Jiang's reason for attacking him is simple, that is, he wants to firmly contain Lin Fengting in America during the decisive battle in the North Sea. Jiang Guochu must have the will of Jiang Shangyu behind this.

Lin Fengting's words really relieved him a lot.

The two who made it clear that they didn't plan to sleep tonight chatted freely, and time slowly passed by in small talk.

Among the various branches of the forests all over the world, the American forests have the least number of requests for help from the headquarters except for the European branch. The annual dividends to the headquarters are also the most except for the European branch. The relationship with Lin Fengting is also except for the European branch. Best of all, the two were casual nonsense, waiting for news from all over the dark world, but they didn't feel boring.

It's three o'clock in the middle of the night, Delunway.

Lin Buzheng's phone vibrated suddenly.

He picked up the phone and looked at the message above, and was silent for a long time without speaking.


Lin Fengting was a little curious.

"It's news from the Dark Knights."

Lin Buzheng took a deep breath and handed the phone to Lin Fengting: "The five thousand soldiers of the Snow Dance Legion landed at the headquarters of the Dark Knights. In the second hour and forty minutes, nearly 1,200 masters from the Northern European Union assaulted the Dark Knights. The two sides met head-on."


The corner of Lin Fengting's mouth twitched.

The predecessor of the Snow Dance Army was the Thunder Army of the Forbidden Army in the Central Continent.

Directly belong to the invincible Thunder Army of Killing God East City.

In Central Continent, the Frontier Forbidden Army Corps is Central Continent's most elite, most terrifying combat force, richest combat experience, and strongest battlefield awareness.

The Thunder Army is the strongest force in the Border Army, and there is no one.

Even if you look at the whole world, the full-strength Thunder Army can be said to be the strongest, not one of them.

The Five Thousand Snow Dance Legion is equivalent to the five thousand former Thunder Army who are facing the joint

The one thousand two hundred people of the power.

What the result is, fools can imagine.

Lin Buzheng's voice was low, with a hint of palpitations and tremors: "Twenty-five minutes, 1,200 people from the combined forces were wiped out, including the half-step invincible sanctuary No. 2 arbitrator and Jiang's second execution. The two half-step invincible masters, none of them can escape... After this battle, the two joint forces in the northern part of Europe were almost emptied."

"How about Sanctuary?"

Lin Fengting was not surprised by the ending, and asked in a calm tone.

If it is said that fifty Xun Lei Jun will face the same number of elites in the dark world, the outcome may be unpredictable.

But the number once again increased, and the situation would be completely different if the five hundred Xun Lei army competed against the five hundred elite of the dark world.

When this number increased ten times again, from five thousand to five thousand, five thousand Thunder Army would be enough to crush everything easily.

If the Five Thousand Snow Dance Legion that appeared at the headquarters of the Dark Knights was completely mad and didn't care about the casualties, let alone the people of the combined forces, under the peak of invincibility, they could completely harden everything.

The entire army was wiped out in twenty-five minutes. This should be the result of their desire to reduce casualties.


Lin Buzheng took a look at the phone and shook his head: "There is no news yet, it should be a stalemate. After all, there is a sanctuary."

Lin Fengting nodded, looking through the night sky, as if crossing an endless distance, looking at the direction of Beihai.

"Beihai decisive battle..."

He murmured to himself, and shook his head slightly: "Where is the North Sea decisive battle? It's simply a major reshuffle of the dark world, with big waves scouring the sand, and the entire dark world will become different."

"The times create heroes. For His Majesty the Eastern Emperor, tonight may be the best opportunity. A new dynasty is right in front of you."

Lin Fengting groaned without speaking.

The rush of footsteps rang from a distance, getting closer and closer.

A housekeeper of about fifty ran into the pavilion.

"Patriarch, Mr. Lin."

"whats the matter?"

Lin Buzheng's eyes flashed.

"Two guests came outside, and they said they wanted to meet you and Mr. Lin."

The butler's voice was extremely solemn.

"What guest?"

Lin Fengting was a little at a loss.

He hasn’t been in America for a long time, but the guests who want to see him have come one after another. Everyone wants to establish a relationship with the head of the Lin clan, because once successful, it means having a relationship with the Lin clan. Countless branches all over the world have become involved, so in the past few days, no matter what the relationship with Lin Buzheng, many big figures in the Americas have come here to visit, but Lin Fengting has not seen one. The butler knows him. His rules, but he still has to come and report at this time. Is the identity of the person coming this time unusual?

"It's Lord Freder and Lord Cycarlo."

The butler whispered.

Lin Fengting was stunned, with thoughtful eyes: "The name is a bit familiar."

"It's not as simple as it is familiar."

Lin Buzheng's eyes flickered lightly: "Fredel is the current leader of the men in black. Cycarlo currently controls most of the power of the Heroes. These two people are very important in the dark world of America."

Lin Fengting squinted his eyes and looked at Lin Buzheng with a meaningful expression.

Lin Buzheng lowered his head slightly, smiling without saying a word.

The man in black is the special warfare center of the Star Nation. Its position is similar to that of Kunlun City in Central Continent. Of course, it is not the current Kunlun City, but the former Kunlun City. However, the specific structure is more complicated than Kunlun City due to the participation of many wealthy families and consortia. Some, but no matter how complicated it is, one thing is undeniable, that is, they have always been the official organization of the Star Country Special Warfare System.

In the chaos of the Snow Country, the guardian war **** Casrot, who is close to the peak of invincibility, fell. The murderous soldier fell into the hands of Li Tianlan. It was not only Casrot, the leader of the fantasy world, Chaos, and Charlemagne, the leader of the hero society. , Jiang Qiansong, the patriarch of the Jiang clan in South America, all fell into the chaos of the Snow Country.

The chaos of the fantasy world, Casrot of the man in black, Charlemagne of the Hero Society, and Jiang Qiansong of the Chiang family in South America.

In the entire Americas, these four are the pinnacle of American combat power that year.

With their fall, the dark forces throughout the Americas also have the meaning of a group of dragons without a leader.

After the chaos in the Snow Country, Jiang Guochu broke through and entered the invincible state as quickly as possible, and then began to attack the other three forces.

Under pressure, the forces of the men in black and the fantasy world began to integrate, and the Hero Society and some other forces gradually united in order to resist the annexation of the Jiang family in South America. Under the current situation in the Americas, in addition to the Jiang family, the men in black and The Heroes Club can be said to be the two strongest dark forces. The gap between them and the Jiang family is only a temporary lack of invincible combat power.

Now Jiang Guochu, an invincible master, is not in the headquarters.

The leader of the men in black and the hero club came to the door. What are they going to do?

Lin Fengting silently picked up the teacup, bowed his head and took a sip of tea.

"It's good to see you."

He spoke slowly, his voice was light.

The butler did not ask for Lin Buzheng's advice, and turned around and walked out quickly.

Quiet in the pavilion.

The two brothers drank tea in silence, without speaking for a while.

Within five minutes, footsteps sounded again.

The butler led the way and led the guests into the pavilion.

No introduction is needed at all. The figure in the front is relatively short and looks about 30 years old. The feminine youth has already bowed slightly to Lin Fengting, and said softly: "Hello, Your Highness, I am Fu Raidel."

His voice was a little shrill, and when he was serious, it sounded neutral.

Next to Freder is a tall, middle-aged man. He also bends down respectfully, and said in a deep voice, "Your Highness, I'm Sai Carlo."

"Sit down, please."

Lin Fengting smiled lightly, pushed the cigar box down in front of the two of them, and even poured a cup of tea for the two of them personally.

Both of them took the teacup with both hands, sitting upright, looking a little restrained.

Cycarlo is a well-known master for a long time. Before Charlemagne, he was already one of the core executives of the Heroes Club. After Charlemagne fell behind more than two years ago, Cycarlo almost exhausted all means. On the basis of invincibility, he went a step further. Although he did not break through the invincible realm, he barely had the invincible level of combat effectiveness. This is also the reason why he was able to regroup the heroes who were fighting endlessly in the scattered sand.

Freder is a newly promoted master in the Americas. He is thirty-five years old. He was only the pinnacle of thunder-thunder in the Star Country two years ago. Over the past two years, he has progressed by leaps and bounds, and he is now a top half-step invincible master. His age is enough to make people look forward to. If he doesn’t make detours, according to his progress in the past two years, before he is 40, he is basically You can definitely enter the invincible state.

Behind him is the support of the star country. His position among the men in black is much more stable than that of Carlo in the Heroes’ Association. He is also more aggressive in doing things, but in Lin Fengting, a super who surpasses the peak of invincibility. In front of the master, no matter what personality they are, they have completely converged, and they seem to be a little cunning.

Lin Fengting looked at them quietly, and suddenly smiled: "Both of them must be busy people. If you have something, just tell me. To be honest, I don't think I can help you."

His tone was peaceful, but his attitude was obvious.

Freder and Cycarlo looked at each other.

Freder coughed and said softly: "In fact, we didn't come to Mr. Lin for help. We have always... admired the Lin clan."

"Men in Black, Fantasy World, Heroes Club, and even Star Country. We are very willing to be friends of the Lin clan. I heard that Mr. Lin is here, so we decided to visit after discussing it. This is a respect for the Lin clan. It is also a respect for Mr. Lin and martial arts. It is our luck to be able to meet a strong man like you."

Lin Fengting's mouth twitched slightly, looking at Freder's feminine face.

This opening is to lick the dog, and it is still inexperienced.

If you don't follow the procedure, just lick it?

Lin Fengting who licked didn't know how to answer.

"In order to show our sincerity, we are willing to seek justice for the Lin Clan branch in America."

Sai Carlo said solemnly.

Lin Fengting didn't have the slightest surprise, and said with a chuckle: "How to get justice?"

"Guo Chu Jiang was not in America during this time. After he entered the invincible state, he acted very domineering and has caused dissatisfaction among many people. In fact, the fantasy world, the man in black, the hero society, and some other forces in the Americas have followed We are united, the Jiang family has harmed the interests of the Lin family and our interests. Therefore, all our united forces will launch a raid on the headquarters of the Jiang family in South America tonight. We are absolutely sure that we can make Jiang in South America His headquarters was in ruins."

"It's so bold."

Lin Fengting couldn't hear any emotional admiration.

Freder was a little nervous: "Mr. Lin, if you allow us to take action, we will start now."

"I am not a policeman."

Lin Fengting laughed blankly: "The only thing I want to protect is the Lin clan. You can do anything. As long as you don't target the Lin clan, I can't see anything. All of this has nothing to do with me."

"If you can get some support from the Lin family, even a little..."

Sai Carlo, who was a little irritable, spoke subconsciously.


Freder coughed and interrupted the other party. He subconsciously glanced at the silent Lin Buzheng.

"Stop acting, I'm tired of watching."

Lin Fengting waved his hand helplessly.

Lin Buzheng laughed bitterly, his voice low, "I invited them."

Lin Fengting said.

"I can't say who is united by whom, we all have the same predicament and face the same difficulties, Fengting, you can't always be in South America. But my Lin family can't escape, this time withstood the South American Jiang family. , South American Jiang Clan will still be a threat to us, and behind him there will be super masters beyond the peak and invincible state. If he will take the lead for Jiang Clan and fight you, the variables will be too great."

"So you want to take advantage of Jiang Guochu's absence to completely wipe out the South American Jiang family?"

Lin Fengting asked.

"Yes, in fact, we are not only preparing for the raid on the headquarters of the Jiang family in South America. I, the man in black, the Hero Society, and other forces have exchanged information. Throughout America, we have more than 30 secrets of the Jiang family in South America. The addresses of the bases are located in various places in the Americas, and we have been preparing for a long time. We only need a simple order. All the bases we control, including the Jiang headquarters in South America, will be hit by us."

"I can be sure that after tonight, even if the Jiang family in South America is not completely destroyed, their strength will be extremely weakened, and their muscles will be broken. For at least a few decades, the Jiang family in South America will no longer be threatened."

Lin Buzheng glanced at Freder and Cycarlo: "Actually, they don't want you to participate. This is my request. There are super masters beyond the peak and invincible behind the Jiang family, but the people in black and There will be no heroes."

"I don't need you to participate in the fight to encircle and suppress the Jiang family in South America tonight, but I need you to help me do a notarization as the patriarch of the Lin clan."

"Tonight's raid on the Jiang family, after the incident, the people in black and the heroes will not infringe the interests of the Lin clan, and the Lin people will not infringe the interests of the people in black and the heroes.

Lin Buzheng's expression was serious and serious.

The headquarters of the Lin clan has nothing to do with the world.

As for the forest branch of the Americas, Lin Buzheng’s overall strength is even worse than that of Men in Black and Hero Club. After the Jiang family is eliminated, Lin Buzheng will not be able to eat a large amount of benefits. Part, and these belong to the interests of the men in black and the Heroes’ Association.

They could eat the benefits that Lin Buzheng couldn't eat, they could even swallow Lin Buzheng's share.

So for the sake of his own situation, Lin Buzheng needed Lin Fengting to be the notary.

This is not calculating him.

This is the duty of the Lin clan chief.

The head of the Lin clan does not join the WTO.

But under the witness of the patriarch of the Lin clan, all the contents of the cooperation tonight must be implemented in accordance with the agreement.

The man in black and the hero will be able to attack each other after the fact, but if they want to embezzle more benefits against the Lin clan, then it is tantamount to destroying Lin Fengting's authority.

Lin Fengting can naturally attack people in black or heroes.

This is the greatest deterrent.

And because of the prerequisite for the Lin clan not to join the WTO, this is the safest guarantee.

The Lin clan has always had a good reputation in this regard. Lin Fengting has also been a notary public many times. Facts have proved that as long as the Lin clan is not targeted afterwards and is not too greedy, the Lin clan is indeed a group of not aggressive Guys.

Lin Fengting tapped the tabletop lightly, and after a while, he suddenly laughed: "I don't think I am the best candidate to be this notary."

Lin Buzheng was stunned, looking at Lin Fengting, unable to recover for a while.

Lin Fengting did not look at him, but looked at Freder and Cycarlo: "If you two don’t mind, I can recommend a new notary for you. He is not here, but I can replace him as the notary. , In the future, if you have disputes, it will not be me, but him."

The hero will look at each other with the two leaders of the men in black. After a while, Freder cautiously asked: "Your Highness, who are you talking about?"

"East Palace, Li Tianlan."

Lin Fengting smiled meaningfully.

As soon as his voice fell, the faces of Freder and Cycarlo suddenly became extremely ugly.

Let Donghuang be the notary?

A word popped out of Freder's and Cycarlo's mind almost at the same time.

Lead the wolf into the room!

This is no different from leading a wolf into the room.

Lin Buzheng's eyes lit up, and then fell silent.

As far as Lin Buzheng is concerned, whether the notary is Lin Fengting or Li Tianlan, he can rest assured.

But for the man in black and the hero club, replacing Lin Fengting with Li Tianlan is completely different.

The East Palace has no rules for not joining the WTO. They are at the time of their full development. When the notary is changed, the East Palace is equivalent to reaching out to America directly. It is not Lin Buzheng that should worry about the damage to his own interests at that time, but Men in Black and Heroes Club.

"This one..."

Freder opened his mouth in embarrassment.

"Don't rush to refuse."

Lin Fengting's eyes were still meaningful, with unspeakable meaning, he lowered his head to look at the time on the watch, and slowly said: "There is still time, two of you can think about it, think about it, and tell me , Do you want Donghuang to be the notary."

"I didn't mean to threaten you, but I think that compared to your current situation, Donghuang is more suitable than me."

"The dark world tonight is very lively."

Lin Fengting whispered: "From now, no, from a few hours ago, the dark world has already begun to shuffle the cards. Two people, are you really not thinking about it?"

The bodies of Freder and Cycarlo shook at the same time.

Sanctuary is being attacked, they are planning to attack Jiang's family, and the Beihai decisive battle and several Invincible Realms have participated.

This extremely **** reshuffle is doomed to impossible results acceptable to everyone.

In the tragic game, some people are destined to leave the field bleakly, and they are also destined to rise to the true peak.

What about the man in black?

So, what about the heroes?

Freder was silent for a long time.

He picked up the cigar and took a deep breath, expelling a thick cloud of smoke.

"I agree to change the notary public."

His voice was extremely low: "But it is not His Majesty the Eastern Emperor."


Lin Fengting raised his eyebrows slightly: "Who is that?"

"Qin Weibai."

Freder whispered, "I hope she will be the notary this time."

Qin Weibai.

The new patriarch of the Lin clan is also Li Tianlan's favorite woman.

Lin Fengting glanced at Lin Buzheng.

"I have no opinion."

Lin Buzheng laughed.

Lin Fengting also laughed, his smile was a little complicated, containing a touch of faint sarcasm.

He looked at Freder and said softly, "You are really a smart man."

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