Lin Chen's eyes swept over the three people, and Captain He said, "The morning before yesterday, all three of you were scolded by the deceased Jiang Yongcheng?"

"Yes...Yes..." The dark-skinned woman looked very nervous when she faced the police.

The young man with glasses and the man in his thirties didn't speak, just nodded.

"Tell me the reason." Captain He said.

The man with a pair of rat eyes, his voice was very low, and he stuttered: "The team leader... assigned us a task, let us... We checked and sorted out a batch of parts, but the three of us made mistakes. , and then was scolded by the team leader."

"Our team leader often scolds people." The dark-skinned woman continued: "Comrade police, don't you think that the team leader scolded us, and then we killed him? I'm a woman, If you have doubts, you should also doubt about men."

"Impossible, because I was killed for scolding people, who would dare to swear after that..."

"The team leader often scolds people. Everyone in the team has been scolded by him at least three or four times. If they swear, something will happen, and the team leader will have an accident long ago."

As soon as the mouse-eye man said that, other employees in the workshop whispered.

After muttering a few words, the young man with glasses stretched out his hand and pushed the glasses on the bridge of his nose, and said, "I have been scolded by the team leader many times."

The dark-skinned woman said, "I'm rather stupid, and I've been scolded by him at least a dozen times..."

Captain He raised his hand and pressed it down, and said, "Okay, okay, we just understand the situation, and we didn't say that the person was the 970 you killed."

Captain He and several other old criminal policemen began to question all the workers in the workshop.

From their mouths, I learned that the team leader does not smoke, drink, or gamble. Apart from being bad-tempered and cursing, he is a very nice man.

After some cross-examination, I asked what I should ask, and I checked what should be checked. There are no problems with the people and places in this workshop.

Immediately, the group walked out of the workshop, and Captain He and his colleagues were discussing something in a low voice.

Zhang Tian'an looked at Lin Chen and asked softly, "Lin Chen, when you were interrogating them, you didn't speak. Did you see something? Those workers, did anyone lie?"

Lin Chen turned his head and glanced at Zhang Tian'an, and said, "No, I don't see any signs of them lying."

"I think the murderer is definitely not someone from this workshop." Xia Miaoyan on the side said, "It should be the deceased who had a grudge against someone, but only the deceased knows, not outsiders."

When Lin Chen and the others just walked out of the workshop, they were discussing.

The male employee who first discovered the deceased and was also a good friend of the deceased suddenly followed him and said, "Comrade police officer, I just remembered something, and I forgot to tell you about it."


106 Assistance from the serious crime team 【Subscription required】

After hearing what the friend of the deceased said, Captain He and the others turned around instantly, looked at him, and asked eagerly, "What's not responding?"

In this case, the police had no clue. After the interrogation came out, the friend of the deceased suddenly said that he did not respond to something, which made the police all roused.

Zhang Tian'an and Xia Miaoyan also looked at the friend of the deceased for the first time, waiting for his narration.

A friend of the deceased said: "A few days ago, when he was at work, Yongcheng received a few calls. His face is always ugly."

"I asked him what was wrong at the time. Yongcheng said nothing. He didn't say anything, but it was written on his face. Those calls he answered must have something to do with it."

After hearing the reaction of the deceased's friend, Captain He nodded and said to the police officer beside him: "Immediately transfer all the call records of the deceased in the past few days."

"Okay Team He." The policeman nodded and trotted to do this.

After Captain He said two words to Lin Chen, he left and went about his own business.

The criminal policemen left one after another, and only Lin Chen, Zhang Tianan and Xia Miaoyan were left in the factory building.

"The smiling corpse this time is really clueless." Zhang Tianan couldn't help but said.

Xia Miaoyan looked at some workers who were talking outside the factory and didn't go to work, and said, "These workers are really strong enough. If something like this happened where I work, I would have quit my job long ago. already."

Hearing Xia Miaoyan's words, Lin Chen turned his head and glanced at her, and said, "You also said you want to be a policeman. If you are so cowardly, what kind of policeman are you?"

Xia Miaoyan pouted and said, "Master, okay, don't talk about it, I've begun to waver about being a police officer. I was standing at the door of the dormitory just now, although I didn't see the face of the deceased, but... It's scary...々ˇ..."

Zhang Tianan reached out and patted Xia Miaoyan's back, and said, "The criminal policeman is not a bad job. If you really want to be a policeman, the traffic policeman and the civilian policeman are good."

Xia Miaoyan immediately said that what she wanted to be was a criminal police officer, and she liked the feeling of encountering a case and solving it with her own hands.

However, after contacting several cases in a row, Xia Miaoyan felt that it was not so easy for criminal police.

Zhang Tian'an and Xia Miaoyan talked about their experience as a criminal police officer, while Lin Chen put his arms in front of Xiong, his eyes lowered, and he paced slowly.

Zhang Tian'an and Xia Miaoyan were chatting happily. They suddenly found that Lin Chen was no longer by their side. They turned their heads and found that Lin Chen was already a long way behind.

"Master." Xia Miaoyan called Lin Chen, and the two walked towards Lin Chen together. Xia Miaoyan said, "Master, what are you thinking?"

Zhang Tian'an also looked at Lin Chen curiously. After Lin Chen heard the words, he raised his head and said, "I didn't think of anything."

"Looking at your thoughtful expression, you should have found something, right?" Zhang Tian'an asked with some anticipation.

Lin Chen put down the hands in front of xiong and said, "I need the files of the first two smiling corpses now. Tell your friend Zhou Yan and ask her to give it to me as soon as possible."

After Lin Chen finished speaking, he ignored the two and walked in the factory on his own.


After Captain He and his party left the Hengyuan Lighting Factory, they returned to the Public Security Bureau to discuss the case.

At the meeting, the leaders of the Public Security Bureau expressed their views and opinions one after another. After research and decision, the Deputy Director of the Public Security Bureau finally reported the three smiling corpses to the Tianhai Municipal Bureau, asking the serious crime team of the Municipal Bureau to assist in solving the case.

Tianhai City Public Security Bureau, after receiving Liuhe County's request for assistance, Deputy Bureau Sun immediately called all the members of the serious crime team into the conference room.

The members of the serious crime team sat in the seats of the conference room one by one, looking at Deputy Director Sun, not knowing what Deputy Director Sun was calling everyone to say.

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