Forcing the pressure of the police station, now everyone has a headache

First of all, the development of the situation is terrible, and it has reached its extreme existence.

Team Liu stood up, went through the experience of more than [-] criminal police captains, and then said with a wry smile: "I'm very likely to die, and the order of death has been issued, and the case must be solved within ten days.

Team Liu smiled wryly, then went on and nodded.

Everyone was helpless, couldn't help but want to frown

Because it's more than expected.

Team Liu has been working in Wancheng for three years. Although he has a bad temper, he is a good person and has never bullied others or even oppressed by authority.

So for Team Liu, everyone likes it very much.

Team Liu is leaving, and the loser is leaving, even on the record it's sad

Because it was Suqing who couldn't detect the criminal police brigade, the team leader suddenly stood up and shouted: "Does the boss know, does he understand the case? Sit down!" The team frowned

Comrade Zhang Tiannuan, please tell us about the latest case. There was a pending criminal suspect before, and there are 89 people in the regular tattoo parlor. Which of these people have problems? "Liu team frowned.

Lin Chen was thinking, looking at the five people Zhang Tiannuan had mentioned before, all the information of those five people was called up.

The door of the conference room was opened, and the customer stock center answered the alarm call. The policewoman came over with a pale face and a shocking color.

"Liu team, found a woman's body in the Magic City playground. The person who called the police was the playground staff."

"Let's go." Liu team roared

Li Tian frowned and looked at Lin Chen, then nodded with a wry smile

The fourth one, Lin Chen whispered

The police car roared, and the Magic City Playground is close to the north of the city. This is the largest playground in the Magic City. During the holidays, many children go there to play, so the population is very large.

When we arrived at the playground, the security guards had already opened the cordon. Four or five security guards looked at the surroundings with serious expressions. They were holding iron bars at the scene. There was a female corpse. blood leaching

I have already transferred a senior forensic team and criminal psychology experts from the imperial capital. This time, Li Tian and Lin Chen, you two will join forces with these top personnel. At least after I abdicate, I will catch the criminal suspect, or else I will be forever I am heartbroken. "Team Liu looked at the senior forensic team of Lin Chendao. This is the top forensic team in the imperial capital. Only the world's top suspicious cases will be shot by them. This team has a total of natives surveying the scene, describing the injuries of the deceased, and judging the time. Describe to the suspect, including imitating the scene of the murder, in order to judge the suspect's motive and escape direction

As an expert in criminal psychology, Lin Chen saw the expert. This is a woman, about two years old and five years old, with a cold voice and a cold voice. At this time, he was listening to Liu Team personally describe the case.

ask for flowers

Lin Chen and Li Tian, ​​Professor Chen, a criminology expert sent by the imperial capital, will temporarily form a case-solving team with you this time, including a top-level forensic team. "Liu team introduced

"Okay." Lin Chen nodded.

The forensic examiner is examining the body, and the playground has a panoramic camera, but the camera line was cut in this area, so I don't know who shot it.

The corpse was covered with a huge paper bag, so many tourists came and went before.

"The lower body of the corpse has complete semen, but the lower body is not damaged. This is a post-injection injection. The main death of the corpse is in the heart. The heart was pierced by a sharp weapon.


"On-site inspection, ground grass inspection, deceased struggle inspection, criminal suspect shot inspection, corpse inspection traces, and there is no criminal suspect trace on the lower body.

It was judged at the scene that the woman was 22 years old. When she was walking from the area of ​​the playground, she was suddenly attacked by a criminal suspect. Encountered fainting, then punctured the heart with a sharp weapon, and finally took off the victim's lower pants and injected complete sperm, within five minutes in total

After the forensic examination is completed, report them one by one

"The top team, you can compare my eyebrows. I met that forensic team in France." Li Tian couldn't help but exclaimed.

"Looking at what criminal psychology experts say, I really want to know the motive of the crime? Lin Chen smiled bitterly.

To know the motive of Guan Gan's crime, Liu team guessed too many times during the meeting, but there was no progress. First of all, the criminal suspect was not revenge on the society, nor did he have a grudge against the victims, so he couldn't figure out the criminal suspect at all. Human motivation, in Lin Chen's eyes, seems like a blatant challenge to the criminal suspect.

I read all the cases, this is the fourth deceased person, there is a note in the bag provoking the police, the motive for the crime is provocation, or the suspect regards this as a game, or even addicted to the game on the Internet. "Chen classroom sound cold measurement channel


017 Team

The body was sent back to the coroner's office, and Li Tian drove under Lin Chen's villa the next morning to wait for care.

Sitting in the car, Lin Chen ate two buns and drinking mineral water. Li Tiantian talked about why he was looking for Lin Chen today.

The top team of the four corpses was carefully investigating, and in order to relax everyone, Team Liu gave Li Tianlinchen a day off

Because the two people were under too much pressure before, Li Yang came to Lin Chen today

There is a small two-story building in the city that cannot be demolished. There are rumors that the demolition office personnel went to demolish it, so let's go and see what's weird. "Li Tian smiled.

Li Tianping was very interested in this kind of strange things, so he ran to all the major haunted houses.

The people drove to the urban village, and the old buildings nearby had been torn down. The two walked to the "Er Tuishi Ruins". A two-story building in the style of the Republic of China was still standing next to the small building, and the surrounding houses had turned into ruins.

A simple shared rental house built in two miles across the road, and all the families who live in it are demolished.

Came to a shared room, knocked on the door and entered the kitchen, a middle-aged man was cooking

Seeing someone approaching, the middle-aged man immediately asked, "Who are you?

"Hello, let's find out. The houses in the urban villages have been demolished. This small attic is said to be haunted.

These houses were built in the Sanshi era, in the style of the Republic of China, and the demolition personnel came no less than a dozen times. From underground, no one dares to come for a long time, and the demolition workers are also afraid

You must know that those who do the demolition and relocation have nightmares when they come back home. When they wake up in the morning, they see tooth marks on their thighs. Over time, this house is called a haunted house, but this haunted house is not harmful, but it cannot be demolished. "The middle-aged man smiled wryly, pointing to the two-story building.

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