09 can be convicted. "Professor Chen looked at Zhang Tiannuan, the captain of the criminal police brigade, with extreme anger.

Two beasts! "Zhang Tian Heating's body trembled.

The recent succession of cases is an unbelievable test of human nature.

The reporter left, not with the joy of getting the breaking news, but was really shocked by this scene

Karma, does it really exist?

The two beasts have been handed over to the court, and Lin Chen naturally won't let them spend it easily, because when they open their eyes, what they see is the old lady who always exists

The boss is covered in blood and has been watching them

This is torture, in life imprisonment, suffering and screaming for a lifetime.

Metropolitan Police Brigade, Autopsy Hill

The deceased was the driver, Lin Chen, who came to the autopsy room alone. Now his status is much better, Lin Chen wants to see the record of the deceased with his own eyes.

The pale skin of the sun body, the pupils are wide and dead.

Tell me what you see. "Lin Chen is low, like the sect of hell.

The screen changed, it was a moving taxi, a masked man was standing in the woods of Tianxingshan, the driver smiled when he saw it.

"Stupid Fu, still wearing a mask, thinking that he is a chain murderer." The driver scolded twice and the female passenger smiled and drove towards the destination


029 Don't Stop Me

It was a picture of a dead person, from a pair of dark pupils.

The deceased drove a taxi, saw the suspect, and then taunted and scolded casually

The taxi driver was abusive and controlled his voice, but unfortunately, the suspect heard the abuse and then carried out a series of assassinations.

Lin Chen's face was ashen, this was a perverted murderer, and there was a reason for leaving a note at the very end. At first, he wanted to satisfy the perverted pleasure through the media.

Now, his emotions have reached a certain limit, as if Ping was irritated, and then his thinking went to the extreme, and he began to think about anything.

This guy has finally revealed the shortcomings of human nature. Although he is very abusive, at least there are fluctuations. "Lin Chen couldn't help but whispered back to the police brigade, Professor Chen is investigating the relationship between the deceased

Seeing Lin Chen waving his hand to look at the table

According to our investigation, according to the relationship table of the deceased, in fact, all the six deceased were involved. "Professor Chen's face is serious and scary.

Dead man investigation and dead man dialectics

Zhang Tiannuan had investigated the identity of the deceased before, but several of the deceased, regardless of family or friends, were not involved.

The first four deceased were girls, all aged between 17-29. Among them, family relations, contacts and friends, and social investigations were not involved in Si Hao. "Zhang Tiannuan frowned while holding the case.

Because according to what Professor Chen said, then the development of this case is terrifying.

The appearance of the deceased, you can call up the photo and take a look. "Chen Jiao didn't want to say more, and motioned Zhang Tiannuan to transfer the photos.

The photos of the first four deceased were printed out. These are the ID card headshots. After seeing the photos, Lin Chen's face was ashen.

Because no one went to this area to investigate all the families of the deceased, whether the social circle of friends was involved, and the simplest appearance comparison did not care.

The four female deceased were all pure and pure cardamom years. The photo was transferred. The four deceased had the same height, eyebrows, nose, lips, face and eyebrows, eyes, facial features, height, all of which were abnormally similar.

This is where the implication, the only connection among the dead, comes. "Professor Chen's face was ashen, and criminal psychology was wrong from the beginning.

The first four deceased, of which social relations, interpersonal relationships, without any involvement

But their only implication is their appearance, which is what everyone is puzzled by now.

"The young woman of the deceased looked very similar, what does this mean, this is a psycho killer, he is hating a woman, the victim is

It looks like that woman. "Li Tian said in horror.

Then all our previous believers were wrong. This guy is a paranoid and a perverted murderer.

The four deceased looked alike, which means that the deceased resented a woman with this appearance, or that his lover had conflicts, and it was also this appearance that Lin Chen frowned and boldly speculated.

That's the motivation, that's what we can guess. "Professor Chen frowned.

Lin Chen squinted, the two corpses were still in Tianxing Mountain in the autopsy hall

Those two corpses were the suspect who committed the crime because of the speech stomach, so the suspect implemented the plan and then killed him

Obviously he is paranoid, even killing people to the point where he is paranoid to the limit

But the previous four female corpses, age, height, weight appearance, these are compared one by one, and the deviation is not big

Why did you choose this kind of girl to start, and where did the suspect get the information? "Lin Chen frowned.

We have made progress in our investigation of Chu Yuan. Although this person shows that he is the same as ordinary people, he likes to go to a bookstore in the middle of the night, then drink a cup of tea and leave. "Zhang Tiannuan said

Zhang Tiannuan has been investigating Chu Yuan with Detective D recently, because according to the comparison of all the information, there is no doubt that Chu Yuan is the most suspected criminal trace and psychological.

Li Tian and Lin Chen looked strange and asked in unison, "What bookstore.

"Late night bookstore.

After get off work, Li Tianlinchen put on his casual clothes, and then drove towards the late-night bookstore.

Everyone in this bookstore used to go there, because the owner of the bookstore was very weird, and Lin Chen sometimes felt that he was the same person as him.

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