Sun Chen's investigation is very difficult, and now Lin Chen doesn't have time to investigate, so Lin Chen doesn't know the motive of the crime and why Chu Yuan is perverted, but it has something to do with Chu Yuan's departure

What's wrong? If the case is according to this, then the problem will be very big, even very big, because the case is uncontrollable, Li Tian couldn't help frowning.

Li Tian's identity, the world's top detective, has solved several mysterious cases, and it is natural to know the case

Looking carefully at the case, Li Tian's face instantly sank. That's right, according to the case records, these are very wrong.

The first is the recording time and the whole process of the case. The reason for the victim's destruction of the camera the day before the victimization was that there was no trace of the suspect at the victimization site, only two people died, and there was no trace of fighting resistance at the scene.

"There is also the tragic death of the deceased. This is the second time that he died in a hurry, because the victims died with nearly [-] blood holes in their bodies, that is, the two deceased were pierced by barrels. This kind of death screams and screams, Struggle is common, but why not one.

Li Tian frowned and raised all the doubts in his heart

Professor Chen took off his forensic gloves and walked out of the crime scene, sweating on his forehead, dripping from the tip of his nose, and looking pale

Li Tian's doubts were right, even I was puzzled. At the scene of the death, there were only two criminal proofs, and the two deceased died, how did they die?" Lin Chen frowned and asked rhetorically.

At the scene of the death scene, the two victims were in a relationship. The two victims were each stabbed to death by more than [-], and they died alive with blood, but now the doubt is that there is no trace at the scene, the suspect any trace of

The traces of the criminal suspects are now for everyone, and this question is what really makes people tangled.

"The suspect, that is, the third party, has no traces. It can be said that all traces belong to the victim." Lin Chen frowned, looking at the forensic team

Everyone present didn't believe it, but they couldn't prove it

On-site trace detection, the victim's death record form, and blood test, the victims only have each other's blood on them. "The death of the corpse last night from [-]:[-] a.m. to [-]:[-] a.m., the blood coagulated, and the wounds of the deceased, the suspect's methods, and other fusions, and the most suspicious process is the death of the deceased." Li Tian couldn't help frowning.

At this time, everyone couldn't help frowning, that is the death process of the deceased, and the death process of the deceased is extremely suspicious and curious to Wang Zhongren, because this kind of death is extremely terrifying.

Death is a new means, but the whole process of the case record is irrelevant

Li Tian, ​​you stay for the time being to investigate, Mr. Zhao Chen, you are a scout analysis, according to your personal analysis" Lin Chen couldn't help frowning.

Because any development of the case, reporting to the police, and even the follow-up reasoning, all were handled by the security guards under the direction of Zhao Chen, and the video was recorded when entering the room. Obviously, Zhao Tianthinking clearly knows that the most important thing in contemporary times is the authenticity of the evidence.

At this time, Lin Chen couldn't help frowning tightly. According to the case records and Zhao Chen's description, the forensic team detected very quickly, and the detailed death records of the cousin and the numerical table before the death of the body were all printed out.

I suggest you take a look at the numerical record table. The two deceased people died of heavy bleeding. The deceased was stabbed with three hundred and two earthen knives. Then the suspect avoided the key of the deceased, his chest and neck, and the rest of the place. It was stabbed into a full ten centimeters with a knife.There is also the collar part of the deceased body. We found a large number of sperm beads. During the test, we found that this is a kind of sea salt. This is sea salt that cannot be eaten by the human body. It is dry and non-edible sea salt.

While the deceased was being tortured, the suspect was sprinkled with sea salt, which was a kind of extreme torture, and the deceased had a sign that the cloth was forcibly stuffed in his mouth, which means that the deceased had been forcibly stuffed with the cloth before. "Professor Chen took the case record form and frowned tightly. The deceased was tortured, his mouth was blocked with a cloth to prevent him from making a sound, and then the criminal suspects tortured them alive. What is the motive of the crime, Li Tian, ​​you temporarily handle this case, After the Chu Yuan case is on the right track, we will deal with it together." Lin Chen frowned, looking at Li Tian and nodded

Li Tian is temporarily investigating the case of killing the family. This is a case that happened in a high-end community, and the victims of the case are too wide to see, so he has received a huge response in the community.

In the afternoon, Lin Chen drove to Du No. [-] Mental Hospital. Zhang Tiannuan brought the special police and the armed police team to block the secret (Wang Li Zhao). Lin is now gradually looking for his trace.

When he arrived at the neurological hospital, Zhang Tiannuan was writing the records of the support case.

The case of perverted homicide has received major attention in the province, so a large number of police officers are sent to find and investigate.

what's the situation. "Looking at Zhang Tiannuan, Lin Chen took out a tissue and Zhang Tiannuan wiped the sweat.

Zhang Tiannuan is very tired, even a little tired

Because in the previous investigation, the development of the situation was extremely rapid. You must know that in the face of Chu Yuan, a top murderer, Zhang Tiannuan has always been very nervous, because the development of the situation is extremely difficult.

Now that the case has reached this point, according to the last video, Chu Yuan and Dean Zhang entered the jungle, and then Pi

Knowing the whereabouts, there are now a total of [-] police officers, all of whom have entered the forest to search in a carpet-like manner. It can be said that they have conducted a direct and comprehensive investigation of Chu Yuan.Zhang Tiannuan said


061 Case records

Searching for a person, there is a dense forest in front of the third mental hospital, and then it is close to the National 5a Forest Park.

Close to the forest park, he must not be allowed to go to the park. This is the forest park. It covers the area and the flow of people. Notify all the police officers in the park. If you encounter a suspect, directly notify the police officer with a gun. Once you find something wrong, you are allowed to shoot directly. ," Chen arranged by calling the National Forest Park.

The development of time, and now it has reached this point, it is very difficult for Wang Zhong to deal with. Once the situation is so bad that it is difficult to control, the price everyone has to pay is unbelievable.

For Gan Chuyuan, this perverted murderer, Lin Chen took the highest arrest, that is, as long as the trace of the criminal suspect is found, he will shoot directly to death

Zhang Tiannuan and I first went back to the police station of the Criminal Police Brigade of the Magic City. Sun Chen was a breakthrough and the most eccentric person, so Sun Chen was asked to investigate first. The situation had developed to such a point that it had to be dealt with. "Lin Chen frowned.

Metropolitan Police Brigade, Major Crime Squad

The case has developed into modern times, and it is already a dry and dangerous existence.

Now Lin Chen is worried that once the criminal suspect tyrannizes according to his murder 217 methods and anti-investigation power, even if he is finally found and arrested, he will still have to pay a huge amount of damage.

At least at this time, Lin Chen's face was quite blue.

In the conference room, there is a woman sitting in white clothes with tears in the corners of her eyes

Sun Chen is also the woman who led Chu Yuan to go abroad. At this time, Lin Chen couldn't help but look ashen because of this woman, it's really scary. Chu Yuan was adopted and grew up. This is how he faced this kind of environment since he was a child. Now more deviant

As a child, call the police

Then watching his uncle and father die, the kind of violent tiger that remained in Chu Yuanzhong. This is the violence that has existed since then and has not stopped.

"Hello Ms. Sun Chen, Chu Yuan, you should talk about Chu Yuan's hobbies and why he went abroad." Lin Chen frowned and said that Chu Yuan's adoptive parents had been investigated before. Chu Yuan's adoptive parents were A native of Modu, the family is very wealthy. Among them, Chu Yuan has a younger sister who is now studying in Northern Europe.

Chu Yuan's adoptive parents cooperated with the investigation very much. During the bfdf investigation, various cases were classified and recorded, and then it was discovered that Chu Yuan's adoptive parents had loved Gan Chuyuan very much from childhood to adulthood.

"It's not right, the situation is completely wrong, and now the development of the situation has completely exceeded our expectations." Lin Chen frowned and thought deeply.Chu Yuan's adoptive parents said that all the records of Chu Yuan from childhood to adulthood are very wrong.

"Chu Yuan won't kill people." Sun Chen was still crying, the corners of his eyes were red and swollen, and his subconscious eyes replied

The magic capital, Chu Yuan, has been here for 19 years. After the criminal police brigade came out and notified him, everyone who knew Chu Yuan was unbelievable, but they couldn't get in touch with him. They were extremely suspicious.

Lin Chen had investigated their circle of friends before. It can be said that all kinds of investigations in the circle of friends are extremely weird, which is also the purpose that Lin Chen is most suspicious of.

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