The body found in Pujiang was white and rotten and smelly. It can be said that the body has rotted to the limit, only the swollen skin of the body

Like this, if the corpse does not have an ID card and height recognition, then everyone is completely unbelievable.

Captain Lin, this case can be handed over to Mr. Li Tian, ​​but you have something to do." Zhang Tiannuan smiled wryly. When Lin Chen and Li Tian were discussing before, Team Liu, who was in the provincial capital meeting to discuss public security, called. , Lin Chen didn't care

Hearing what Zhang Tiannuan said, Lin Chen knew that there was another case to be dealt with

Let's take a look at the case. This is someone above who wants to invite you to go out. Team Liu hopes you can help with this. "Zhang Tiannuan handed Lin Chen a case

After opening, there are four big characters marked in red

first class serious case

Seeing the red mark, Li Tian's face was ashen and he wanted to turn his head away. No one knew better than them what this kind of case represented.

"It's fine." Patting Li Tian on the shoulder, Lin Chen shared it rudely

This kind of thing, good brothers want to fight together

Lin Chen couldn't help but smirk as he looked at Li Tian, ​​whose face was ashen and pale.

serious case

It can be briefly described as follows, the top serious cases in China are divided into three levels

The third-level case is a homicide case, the nature of the crime and its tragic nature, such as the case of extermination

The second-level case is a chain homicide case. The nature of the crime (bg) has reached the level of global arrest and wanted, and the suspect is good at various counter-reconnaissance and exploration methods. Just like the case of the dean of a neurological hospital, it is a top-level second-level case. , the nature of the crime is very cruel, causing

come huge reverse

The third-level case is a criminal case that takes more than ten years, or even a few years. This kind of case involves too much. The last case ranked first in the [-]s. The suspect was only disabled, and even killed the armed police. There are nearly [-] special police, soldiers and even the people.At that time, everyone around the suspect was subjected to top-level investigation. This case received a huge response in the [-]s.

Li Tian is very courageous and is very interested in interfering in suspicious cases, but it does not mean that he likes to touch taboos

But after being "enthusiastic" by Lin Chen, he pulled his sleeves and read the case. Li Tian couldn't help but smile bitterly, knowing that he could not do without Muddy Waters.

The nature of the case and the perpetrators involved too many people, so Li Tian was reluctant to intervene

"He said help, so what about me!

After taking the call from Team Liu, Lin Chen said in a cold voice.

Lin Chen knew that that guy might even be the boss of a certain group, or even a leader, but what does this have to do with him?

Lin Chen's personality is very indifferent, this is in the eyes of other people, but as long as you are familiar with Lin Chen, you will know that Lin Chen's personality is actually very cold.

If it's a suspicious case, even if the victim or the suspect is very desperate, Lin Chen doesn't need to say much to take the case directly, but why does this guy let himself investigate the deepest case in one sentence.

There was no reply from Team Liu, and the voice changed after a long time. It was the voice of a middle-aged man, with a unique Nan tone that was not taken for granted. First, he sighed with a wry smile, and finally sighed again and again.

Lin Chen was expressionless and did not respond. He picked up the tea and drank the tea. This was the fruit tea that Li Tian brought from Europe.

The other side kept sighing, and finally he was silent, knowing that it was useless to pretend to be pitiful and wryly, facing Lin Chen's soft and hard character, he had to speak frankly.

Li Tian couldn't help laughing. This kind of dialogue is very interesting. A well-known boss wanted to use Team Liu to pressure Lin Chen to deal with the first-level case, but Team Liu smiled bitterly and told the truth.

The one who had no choice, was very used to the way of shopping malls, and sighed while talking on the phone. This kind of interesting attempt to give Lin Chen a chance, let Lin Chen wake up, and then owe the big man a favor

But everyone present is full of sympathy, does Lin Chen need to owe favors, or that Lin Chen doesn't need to owe favors at all, on the contrary, there are countless rich people and officials who want to make Lin Chen owe favors

Li Tian is also very indifferent. Although he does not want to be involved in such cases, it does not mean that he is afraid of coercion from celebrities. As a well-known detective in the world, top detectives in any country are welcome, even if they go to other countries. "Hello Mr. Lin, my friend Su Shan has been troubled by criminal cases, and he knows Mr. Lin's detective name at home and abroad. I just showed that it was not friendly, but my friend's time has been delayed. Please also ask Mr. Lin. Forgive me." A loyal male voice came from the phone, sonorous and powerful, articulating clearly and slowly

Li Tian is listening, thinking about who Su Shan is, and he can actually let Team Liu treat him well. You must know that Team Six has an upright personality, and faces everyone with a face, or because of his outstanding ability, I am afraid he would have stepped down a long time ago.

Su Shan, 42 years old, a new energy boss in the south. The company has been listed and has raised five times now. The fifth round of financing was 47 billion yuan and received strong support from the state. This person has a vicious vision.Li Tian frowned, and then slowly said:

Top figures at home and abroad, all those with chaebol economic strength are in Li Tian's mind. Although Su Shan is not ranked in strength, but because of his outstanding ability, he has turned a debt-ridden company into a listed company in just three years. Also in Li Tian's impression

Such a person has a complete life and no shortage of money, why is he involved in a criminal case!


072 Just an old fox

Are venomous snakes dangerous?

After being bitten, he died quickly, so people mentioned the word fear like a femme fatale

But its natural enemies, eagles, lizards, reptiles, African flatheads, and more than a dozen other natural enemies

As for the old fox, like a poisonous snake, he lives well but has a lot of troubles.

At this time, Lin Chen thought so because it was involved in a serious case, and the case involved was extremely complicated no matter what, so if he wanted to take it, he had to look at the value of the case.

At the point of Lin Chen and Li Tian, ​​they are no longer looking at mere money or connections, because as the world's top detectives, they can enter the top [-] places in the ranking list among the tens of thousands of detectives. This is their strength.

There are countless chaebols and officials who want to curry favor with Lin Chen's detective case. Every country has the highest respect for this kind of talent.

For Qian Linchen, they need steps, then the most terrifying mystery, the strangest case, and the most scribbled evidence, to uncover a big case.

That's the case, and why it's so hard for detectives to make it to the rankings

This is not on paper, but to face all kinds of criminal cases on the spot, face all kinds of criminal case opponents, and finally deal with the case

"But Su Shan is a serious businessman, why is he involved in this kind of case!" Li Tian frowned.

A serious case! "Zhang Tiannuan frowned.

As the captain of a large team of the Demon City Police Brigade, no one knows better than Zhang Tiannuan what a first-level major case represents and the terrifyingness of a criminal suspect.

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