His father is the deputy director of the Dongming City Public Security Bureau. Influenced by his father and his own experience in the system, Ma Zhiyu's words and deeds have the taste of some people in the system.

Miao Yunfei was surprised by Ma Zhiyu's appearance. Although Tianhai City and Dongming City are in the same province, they are still far apart.

The Miao family and the Ma family get together almost during the New Year's Eve to reminisce about the past. I didn't expect that Ma Zhiyu would appear in Liuhe County today.

After hearing that Ma Zhiyu said that she was here to help her, Miao Yunfei's beautiful eyes suddenly lit up.

Although Miao Yunfei is not interested in Ma Zhiyu, she has to say that he still has a set of skills in criminal investigation and solving cases. When he was at home, Miao Zhengxiong would occasionally mention Ma Zhiyu, saying that he had solved a case again, and he behaved very well. nice and so on.

"Help me solve the case?" Miao Yunfei laughed.

Ma Zhiyu nodded and said, "Yes, after I arrived at 783 in Tianhai City today, I went to look for you, but when I got to the Public Security Bureau, I was in vain. When I asked my uncle, I found out that you led the serious case team and came to Liuhe County. Solved a smiling corpse case."

"No, after I knew you came to Liuhe County, I rushed there without stopping, and I didn't have time to eat lunch."

When he said this, Ma Zhiyu glanced at Zhang Tianan next to Miao Yunfei, thinking that the quality of the policewomen in this serious crime team is really high.

Miao Yunfei looked like a fish and a geese, and the policewoman who followed her was also embarrassed. The two walked together at the same time, attracting the attention of all the men present.

Miao Yunfei noticed Ma Zhiyu's eyes, but she didn't say anything about it.

As for Ma Zhiyu, Miao Yunfei knew a little about what he thought of him. He followed him to Liuhe County, wanting to get along with him more and make himself feel good about him.

However, from childhood to adulthood, Miao Yunfei only regarded him as a good childhood friend and a friend who could talk.

There was never any affection between him and him.

(bhbi) But since Ma Zhiyu is here, and the current case is so difficult, Ma Zhiyu still has a few brushes, so it is a good choice for him to stay and help solve the case.

"Okay, it's best if you are willing to participate in this case together, then you'll have to work hard." When she said this, Miao Yunfei subconsciously glanced at Lin Chen, who was twenty meters away.

Ma Zhiyu was a criminal policeman, and he caught Miao Yunfei's small gesture.

He also followed Miao Yunfei's gaze and landed on Lin Chen. Lin Chen also looked this way, and he and Lin Chen's eyes met.

After guessing the reason why Miao Yunfei looked at Lin Chen, Ma Zhiyu retracted his gaze and said with a smile, "Yunfei, look at what you said, the relationship between the elders of our two families is so good, I should help you, we can't talk about it. What hard work is not hard work."

At this time, an old criminal policeman from the serious crime team took a few steps forward, took a shot at Ma Zhiyu, and said, "Officer Ma, hello, I heard about the unsolved case you solved in Dongming City last year, but I didn't expect to be here today. It's a pleasure to meet you."

In front of Miao Yunfei, Ma Zhiyu naturally had no air at all.

He smiled, shook hands with the old criminal policeman, and said, "That unsolved case is nothing, and it is not due to me alone. It is the result of the joint efforts of all my colleagues in the serious crime team."

The criminal policemen in Liuhe County on the side nodded slightly when they heard Ma Zhiyu's words. Although Ma Zhiyu is young, he still speaks in a somewhat sophisticated manner.

Ma Zhiyu and the members of the serious crime team shook hands one by one to say hello.

Captain He of Liuhe County also stepped forward, took Ma Zhiyu's hand, and said, "Officer Ma, this time you help us solve the case together, adding a little more chance of winning this smiling corpse case. Thank you so much for joining in. already."

"It's okay, it's okay." Ma Zhiyu smiled confidently with the police officers.

Zhang Tianni on the side frowned slightly when he saw this situation.

Lin Chen also came to help solve the smiling corpse case, but Captain He and the others had very different attitudes towards Lin Chen and Ma Zhiyu.

His attitude towards Lin Chen was average, but he was extremely enthusiastic towards Ma Zhiyu.

"The young man who drove the car drift into the factory seems to have a lot of background. Captain He and the serious crime team from the city are very polite to him."

"Didn't you listen to their conversation? That young man is also a policeman and has solved unsolved cases. He may be very good at solving cases."

"I really hope this young man and the serious crime team can solve the case quickly and catch the murderer, so there's no need to be so worried."

"Yeah, if I solve the case sooner, I will be able to resign. It doesn't matter if this factory doesn't do it, I'm panicking."

There were also many workers from the Hengyuan Lighting Factory watching. The workers looked at Ma Zhiyu and pointed and started talking.

On this side, Xia Miaoyan stretched out her hand and gently pulled Lin Chen's sleeve, and said, "Master, that guy is also here to help solve the case, it seems that he has two strokes."

Lin Chen smiled at Xia Miaoyan, but didn't speak.

After Ma Zhiyu and all the criminal policemen greeted each other, Miao Yunfei led the crowd and walked towards Lin Chen.

Before and after Lin Chen's walk, Miao Yunfei pointed at Lin Chen and introduced to Ma Zhiyu, "This is Lin Chen, a freelancer, who is here to help us solve the three smiling corpse cases together."

"Lin Chen?" Ma Zhiyu muttered.

Miao Yunfei nodded slightly: "The recent cases in our Tianhai City were solved with his help."

Ma Zhiyu sighed, he looked at Lin Chen, and said with a smile: "Have you assisted the police in solving several cases? Well, Mr. Lin, now the Smile Corpse case in this factory is solved by Yun Fei's serious crime team and I. I need you so much."

As a criminal policeman, Ma Zhiyu's insight is quite strong.

The young man in front of him is very handsome, he is the kind of girl who would be moved when he sees it, and his temperament is also very different. Moreover, when Miao Yunfei said that she would solve the case together, she subconsciously glanced at Lin Chen.

Ma Zhiyu felt that there should be something between Lin Chen and Miao Yunfei, otherwise Miao Yunfei wouldn't look like that, and now he wouldn't introduce himself to Lin Chen. .


114 A place not as good as you [3 more for subscription]

Ma Zhiyu naturally had to be on guard against the rival in love lurking beside Miao Yunfei, so after knowing that Lin Chen was not a policeman, his tone of speech became less polite.

Xia Miaoyan, who was standing beside Lin Chen, heard Ma Zhiyu's words, and she responded, "Hey, why don't you need my master here, this unsolved case has not been solved for so long, it's up to you, can you? "

When Xia Miaoyan was talking, Ma Zhiyu noticed Xia Miaoyan.

Seeing Xia Miaoyan's youthful and lively appearance, Ma Zhiyu thought that Lin Chen is a good guy. He was accompanied by a girl who helped him like this. The girl's beauty was not much worse than that of Miao Yunfei. special.

Looking at Xia Miaoyan, Ma Zhiyu said, "The smiling corpse case has not been solved. There must be his reasons. Now that I am here, with me and the serious crime team here, there is really nothing to do with you here."

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