very scary


even desperate

But it still leaked out, at least at this time Lin Chen narrowed his eyes

What are you talking about, officer!

Li Hou got up in shock and slapped the table tyrannically.

The arrogance of the rich second generation is so vivid that everyone frowns

Is he a criminal suspect?

Stand up and reveal your disguised nature, that woman was framed by you, for fear of inheritance.

"Sit down, pretend again, self-righteous destroy all evidence, Liu Baichuan, died or buried in the abyss

"Sad is a child who died in the cross of wealth, you're such an unspeakable sadness!

"Sit down now, and think about what to say next." Lin Chen's tone was soft, no longer expressionless, looking at Li Hou's expression attentively, this kind of expression

Li Hou couldn't help but tremble, a chill rose from his back, and the fierce tiger color in his eyes showed all his eyes. Seeing everyone's eyes became more indifferent, Li Tian smiled, and Lin Chen smiled.

All smiles, all smiles!


132 Certificate of innocence

Metropolitan Police Brigade, Interrogation Room

On the seat of the iron chair, Li Hou's eyes were deep.

The expressionless Li Hou was completely different from the previous state, at least when he was thinking about it.

What do you want to know about the police?" Li Hou sounded impatient, looked at Lin Chen and said

Very normal thinking and logical reasoning are extremely bizarre in the present thinking display.

At least at this time, when everyone in the police station looked at the various performances of the criminal suspect, they knew that

The suspect does not have any problems, and even according to the records and description of the crime, there is no problem of any criminal nature.

"Could he be a criminal suspect?" Zhang Tiannuan couldn't help frowning. Facing Li Hou's various performances, and even the information the police had now, it was difficult to guess that the criminal suspect would actually be Li Tian.

This is the criminal record at that time, in which the various criminal circumstances of the criminal suspect, even in the description, all have big criminal problems

Of course, there is so much to say.”

Lin Chen narrowed his eyes, Li Tian frowned and didn't say much, although he was only suspicious now, but because of the evidence, even Li Tian was a little skeptical, because Li Hou didn't investigate much according to the on-site evidence.

The description of the suspect's presence at the scene, the criminal suspect's information record, and the criminal suspect's alibi

Alibis, Li Hou has a lot of evidence to prove that he has nothing to do with this case

At least at this time, everyone's face was ashen, and although they were suspicious, there was no evidence.

This is the case suspicion, in which the various investigations of the formal case, in the current criminal record process, is the ear difficulty

In the interrogation room, Li Hou stood up, looked at Lin Chen and gritted his teeth word by word: "Don't be joking, I am very sad now that my father died, you are actually talking nonsense, do you think that the police station can frame it casually? up"

Now you have the ability to come up with all the evidence!

Finally, Li Hou slammed the table with a roar.

Lin Chen's face was expressionless, his fingers were still beating every day, he looked at Li Hou like a clown, self-righteous interrogation, Li Hou wanted to turn against the client, but he was wrong.

That is, even though this is not a police station, there are three detectives on the opposite side

Lin Chen and Li Tian, ​​of which Chu Yuan is also a detective, because he has received professional training as a special agent, he is a person who is good at Wang's trial and case investigation, so in the current trial case recording process, Li Tian is also and qualified investigators

This is Chu Yuan, who was investigating the case of the neurological hospital alone before.

Three questions, say it to prove your innocence. "Lin Chen was expressionless, looking at Li Houdao.

Three questions, the case is stuck in this limit

Li Hou is now a lot more relaxed, without the frown he had before.

three elements

three doubts

Lin Chen's eyes were cold. Inside the interrogation room, Li Hou's face was expressionless. He was slightly angry at first, but now he has completely disappeared.

Gone, totally gone

Lin Chen squinted his eyes and lost his emotions. Now Li Hou is in his mind, and a perfect plan is being deduced.

This is the thinking of Qian Linchen, and then it quickly shows

The police want to know what I say. "Li Hou was expressionless, looking at the crowd and whispering.

Why take a screenshot of the chat history?

Why hand it over to the police, it has your father's stain on it. "Li Tian asked with a frown.

Li Hou smiled, it seemed that the question of Ping was already within his expectations.

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