You should have formed a grudge with the deceased long ago, so you chose to kill her at the wedding.If there weren't a bunch of crazy guests yesterday, you'd sneak in as a waiter

You let the deceased drink sleeping pills and other drugs before. When she went in, she was sleeping. You could easily strangle her to death, then take off the mourning clothes on the body and put them on the deceased, put the wedding clothes aside, and then put The stationery that had been prepared for a long time was placed beside the deceased. "Fu Daokou's face was full of ridicule, and he looked at Lin Chen like a fool.

Hearing that, Mu Lin admired it now, but he still held back and muttered: "It seems that he is so powerful, has the password on that piece of paper been cracked?

When Fu Daokou heard this sentence, the smile on his face became even brighter.

Lin Chen said coldly: "What you wrote is "Never Met", although you used Xian Jiguang's reverse-cut code, but you can hear your accent. Bi Jing is a northerner. If you want to master the construction in such a short time. State dialect is also not easy, so you use pinyin

Lin Chen took out the book in the cardamom bag, and showed the two songs in front of everyone

Liu Bian is low in his anger, and he is fighting for time

Ying and Mongolian language is happy, Datang and Junzhi know

Spring flowers are fragrant, autumn mountains are blooming, Garbo sings with joy, beard gold cups, and lonely lights burn silver jars

In the eastern suburbs, crossing the West Bridge, the sound of chickens reminds the early days, and Qimei is crooked to cover the ditch.

The people present were at a loss when they saw these two poems, as long as Fu Cardamom's face was full of despair

Lin Chen Yiri continued on his own words: "Five numbers are a group. The first two are used to locate the initials of the first poem. 3342333 is the third sentence. The third character of the initial is y, and the last two are used The second poem locates the vowel, 42 is the vowel ong of the second word east of the fourth sentence, and the last number is the tone, 3 tones. The first word is forever

Ahh! "

Before Lin Chen finished speaking, she was broken by Fu Doukou's scream. She looked at Lin Chen in disbelief and muttered, "Impossible, it's impossible, this is my improved password, why can you break it? On, why?

Fu Dukou never thought that the perfect crime he planned would be so vulnerable in front of Lin Chen, and he just showed a wry smile for a while.

Why can someone like Xie Yun find a straight image for her, but I can't?Why can he live like this for more than [-] years?

So good, and I am the existence that is spurned by others?

Fu Dukou waited fiercely for Lin Chen, pointed at Xie Yun's room and scolded: "Do you know what that person did? I was also a beautiful woman a year ago, but that person was jealous of my appearance, so he slammed a bottle of sulfuric acid. On my face! I'd be blind now if I hadn't been covering my eyes.

Fu Dukou looked at the policemen viciously and said, "Why do you seek justice for the rich, you just can't see the pain of us ordinary people?"


006 Lucy's Doubt

Fu Cardamom was indeed a beauty ten years ago. People in Murakami did not praise her.

Xie Yun and her are in the same village. She is the daughter of the village chief, but she can't compare to Fu Doukou in everything, not only in studies but also in looks, but it just so happens that these people in the village compare the two together.

Xie Yun can endure a word or two, but she is spoiled by others. Hearing people around her constantly praising Fu Daokou's words, she couldn't control the darkness that was growing in her heart, so she put a bottle of sulfuric acid in the factory.

At that time, Xie Yun was still a little hesitant, but when she heard the boy she liked talking about Fu Daokou's appearance, jealousy corroded her rationality, and she poured the bottle of sulfuric acid on Fu Daokou's body.

Fu Dukou explained what Xie Yun had done word by word, and seeing the group of people still looked suspicious, just like the expressions on the faces of those villagers when they heard that Xie Yun ruined their own face.

"You are all the same dirty, I curse you to die in this life and the next

Originally, those who were a little sympathetic to Fu Daokou also looked at her with disgust. Several girls who had a good relationship with Xie Yun were even more ugly. Not only were their faces ugly, but their hearts were also ugly. They were waiting for Yunyun to come to you at night. Bar. "

You bastard can't die!

However, Fu Doukou insisted on not wanting to leave, and stared at Lin Chen with a pair of eyes.

Aren't you amazing, tell them about your face ten years ago, it's not that I fell into the pool by myself, it's that bitch who harmed me, it's that bitch

Although Fu Doukou didn't lie, Lin Chen was even more displeased with such demented people. He just turned around lightly, even if you were telling the truth, but she didn't die, and you were just a villain in human skin. .

Those old detectives were not in the mood to listen to Fu Doukou's self-pity, and pressed her down.

Everyone in the criminal investigation team took a high look at Lin Chen, especially Zhang Tianan, who stood beside Lin Chen and said softly, "I will take you back?" Just as Lin Chen was about to nod, Lucy pushed Zhang Tiannuan aside. , revealing his proud chest and rubbing against Lin Chen's side

Lin is coming with me today, will I send Lin back?

Lin Chen threw Lucy's hand aside with a cold expression, and his eyes were full of questions: "You saw Fu Doukou commit the crime but didn't say anything, what is your purpose?

When Lucy heard Lin Chen's words, her face changed, but she showed a good smile.

Lin, you also know that I'm not very courageous. When I saw her, I thought it was Sa Ri who came into the world. What else dare to do?I wouldn't have dared to take this thing out if you weren't here

Lin Chen snorted coldly, walked to Zhang Tian'an's side, and said to her, "My car is at home, since you brought me here, you will send me back.

Lucy stomped her feet, if there weren't so many people now, she would definitely be entangled in Lin Chen, but now she can only watch Yang Lin Chen and Zhang Tianan leave

At the corner of the stairs, Bureau Zhang saw Lin Chen's face full of smiles, and said to him, "Brother Lin Chen's reasoning is really good, are you interested in joining our criminal investigation team?

Lin Chen turned around without even giving him a straight eye, but was blocked by Zhang Ju in the corner.

"Hey hey, Brother Lin's treatment is nothing to say, even if you want Zhang Tiannan's seat, it's just a matter of words, why don't you think about it?

Lin Chen avoided Zhang Ju's hand in disgust, his face still cold: "If there is someone like you as a superior, I won't go even if I starve to death.

Zhang Ju's face suddenly turned ashen, and Zhang Tiannuan did not forget to insert a knife into his chest when he saw this: "Don't think about any shameful means, he is Tianchen's real boss, first think about how you won't offend him.

Zhang Ju's face suddenly turned ashen. This time, he didn't block the way between the two, but it was like a knife and the light had been nailed to Zhang Tiannuan's body.

When they got into the car, the two of them remained silent for a while, or Lin Chen couldn't stand it and spoke first.

How are you recently?

Zhang Tiannuan's hand holding the steering wheel trembled, almost driving the car onto the curb

Lin Chen frowned and said, "Focus, I don't want to die young yet.

This one-liner eased the gas and hydrogen between the two. Zhang Tiannuan tried to make his tone easier, but it still sounded hoarse.

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