Don't move at all, do you know that the person inside is dead?

Not only Sister Wang, but even Shen Yue looked frightened, she didn't know what she should do, but just stood there awkwardly and asked timidly, "Brother Lin, how do you know these two things? everyone has

Shen Yue didn't dare to say death, she even hoped that Lin Chen's judgment was wrong, but she also knew Lin Chen's ability, as long as he dared to say something out of nowhere, that would be the truth.

Lin Chen pointed to the woman lying on the ground at 1.5, and her tone was a little better than before.

If you are smashed, you will make a sound, but this person never said a word from beginning to end, don't you think it's a little strange?

Shen nodded and stopped talking. Lin Chen took her out of the room.

But what Lin Chen didn't expect was that it wasn't just that the police were faster than the doctors, the team leader was also an acquaintance.

Fang Xinzhou saw Lin Chen coming out of 1404, his expression immediately became strange, and he showed his handcuffs to Lin Chen without saying a word.

"What are you doing here, I want to ask you something first."

Lin Chen was too lazy to pay attention to him, he just shook his phone in front of Fang Xinzhou

I'm the reporter, shouldn't you go and see first?


008 Accidental Death

Fang Xinzhou stared at Lin Chen for a long time. If there were not too many people raising him now, he even wanted to torture Lin Chen, but the deputy captain kept poking at his deep words, Fang Xinzhou had no choice but to be right. A little policeman beside him said, "If he takes care of him, I will only ask you if he runs away!

At first sight, Xiao Kai police looked like the newcomer, nodded tremblingly, and stood behind Lin Chen.

Just as he was about to say a few words to Lin Chen, Lin Chen turned around and entered his room, shutting the crowd out.

Shen Qiu and Shen Yue looked at Lin Chen who was looking as usual, and they were very impressed.

Shen Qiu booked a flight ticket back in the afternoon, she packed all her things, but Shen Yue's was in Lin Chen's room.

I will go back in a while, and Yueyue will trouble the boss to take care of me. "

Shen Yue's face turned red all of a sudden, she took Shen Qiu's hand and said coquettishly, "Sister, what nonsense are you talking about? Even if I'm not in the same room, the boss will take good care of me.

Shen Qiu's expression remained unchanged, and she shook the room card in King 04 to Shen Yue.

It's too late, I've already left the room. Anyway, this is a suite and you two won't be embarrassed to sleep.

After Shen Qiupan finished his orders, he pulled the suitcase and left, leaving Yue dumbfounded.

Lin Chen watched Shen Qiu leave with a hint of play in his eyes, does this Shen Qiu know anything about the two of them?

When this happened, people on the 14th floor asked to check out. It is not a trivial matter for a hotel to die. Some people heard the wind and left immediately. The rest were either as bold as Lin Chen, or want to watch the fun

There were not many people in the restaurant at night. There were only a few couples of handsome men and beautiful women in the restaurant. Those people were still discussing things on the 14th floor in a low voice.

"Have you heard, one person died on the 14th floor

There is one, it's clearly a mother and daughter, I heard that my husband is crying red eyes

husband?Did he go out at that time? He didn't even see the last sight. "

Quan Li rolled her eyes when she heard the words of her companion, and slowly put down the knife and fork in her hand with a look of pride on her face

You are wrong, that man and woman are not in the same room at all, not even on the same floor

"Straight!" Xia Tian's eyes widened, and even the raw steak fell from his mouth: "Uh, is there no room in the hotel? The people around nodded, and even Quan Li was speechless. For a long time, I still muttered, "Can't both couples live in the same room?

This is also what Shen wanted to ask. Her eyes were staring at Lin Chen, and her voice was sweet.

Brother Lin, do you know what's going on?

Lin Chen looked at the longing and admiration in Shen Yue's eyes, and wanted to tease her, and said, "I'm not an immortal, why do you think I know everything?"

Shen Yue's mouth pouted, and the cuff that caught Lin Chen couldn't help shaking.

Brother Lin told people, I know you know.

While lamenting that the little girl is getting harder and harder to mess with, Lin Chen told Shen Yue what he saw and heard at noon today.

Shen Yue's mouth grew bigger and bigger, and finally became a little flat.

Lin Chen shoved a boiled egg into Shen Yue's mouth, and when Shen Yue's teeth touched the egg skin, he reacted and patted Lin Chen's arm.

Lin Geguang can make fun of people, but if that's the case, isn't that man's motive for killing a particularly big one?

Lin Chen didn't answer this question, Fang Xinzhou led a group of police officers to surround Lin Chen and the two of them, not caring that this was a public place, "Why did you go to 1404?

Fang Xinzhou's tone was very sharp, and he was very upset that he couldn't trouble Lin Chen.

Lin Chen knew the procedure of the transcript, but he didn't say a word about Fang Xinzhou's question. He just solved the problem in a slow and methodical manner. Fang Xinzhou's face turned darker and patted the table and stood up. He pointed at Lin Chen's nose and cursed. : "Lin Chen, let me tell you, if you don't cooperate with me and let you stay for two days, you can still do it.

Not many people in the restaurant, but not many.Fang Xinzhou's words caught everyone's attention, and even the children looked at him curiously.

The vice-captain's face turned green, so he quickly pressed Fang Xinzhou and moved to Lin Chen's side

"Little brother, don't be angry, our captain's temper is a little bigger, he is not malicious. Why did you appear in the deceased's room today? Vice-captain General Lin Chen didn't speak yet, and hurriedly added: "Just now, Captain Fang was all to scare you. We have come to a conclusion, you just need to cooperate with our work

Hearing that the police had come to a conclusion, Lin Chen was intrigued, and said lazily, "I was packing my clothes in the room, and when I heard the sound of something falling to the ground next door, I went to see the staff at the time, and it was Sister Wang can testify for me.

The deputy captain asked for a long time, carefully wrote down Lin Chen's words, and then nodded to Lin Chen

"To trouble you today, it's not a big deal. Just pay attention to the cupboard in the room

Before the vice-captain could finish speaking, he was surrounded by that group of young men and women.

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