Fang Xinzhou looked at the closed door in front of him, his face flushed red, and the door slammed loudly.Five minutes later, Fang Xinzhou rubbed his hand that was slapped red, and was even more dissatisfied with Lin Chen

How capable is such an unemployed vagabond. He was beaten up by him in the past, so what if he reasoned well? Now I see you washing (Li Haohao) this pot of sewage.

Fang Xinzhou just stopped for a while when Lin Chen opened the door

"Lin Chen, you have to go back with me to cooperate with the investigation."

Lin Chen's ambition disappeared in an instant when he saw Fang Xinzhou, and he threw a sentence

Jiang Fangxin is in charge of this matter, I will cooperate

Fang Xinzhou wanted to say more, but in the end he grinded his teeth and called Jiang Fangxin

Jiang Fangxin actually admired Lin Chen very much. He really didn't expect Lin Chen's observation to be so intricate, especially when he was looking through Lin Chen's records, he saw the sentence "There is no other sound except the wardrobe falling to the ground. ", even more respect for Lin Chen

It would be great if such a person could be in the police force.

He was full of surprises when he received Fang Xinzhou's call, especially when he heard that Lin Chen was going to take action, he couldn't contain his excitement and hoped that he would not let himself down.


010 Weird scene

When Jiang Fangxingan arrived at the R&F Hotel, he saw Fang Xinzhou being locked out of the house by Lin Chen, and felt a burst of joy.

Fang Xinzhou is not a good player in the police station, but he was involved in several major cases by mistake in Tianhai City. He is also a good talker, and he fooled the chief with one mouth and gave him the position of a new team leader.

But he was not the one who handled the case, it was all done by their subordinates, Fang Xinzhou would take the credit for himself.

Now that Fang Xinzhou is deflated, how could Jiang Fangxin be unhappy?

It's just that he still wants to make a living in Fang Xinzhou's hands. If he can't do it when he laughs, he will pretend to be a confused leader in front of him. What are you? "

Fang Xinzhou's chest couldn't stop rising and falling, and he didn't pay any attention to Jiang Fangxin, but couldn't help but pat the door.

Lin Chen, Jiang Fangxin is here, open the door quickly!

Lin Chen frowned and opened the door. When he saw Fang Xinzhou, his brows became even tighter. His eyes fell on the high-spirited Jiang Fangxin, whose expression softened a lot.

Fang Xinzhou saw that Lin Chen's face looked a little better, and he wanted to squeeze in cheekily, but Lin Chen dragged the collar of his clothes and threw it outside the room. Lin Chen pointed at Jiang Fangxin with his chin: "You, come in." 123

When Mei Fangxin walked into the house, he threw Fang Xinzhou out

Lin Chen is good at killing chickens and making monkeys. Even if Jiang Fangxin is often Lin Chen, it is a fantasy to say that he cooperated with him in the investigation of the case. Now seeing Fang Xinzhou's ending, Mei Fangxin has accepted all the little nines in his heart. Get up with a serious face

"Hello, Mr. Lin, I'm the deputy head of the criminal investigation team. I hope we can cooperate happily this time."

Lin Chen "said, and put the computer in front of Mei Fangxin. The above is the post that said Lin Chen was a killer.

How are you going to deal with this?

Jiang Fangxin knew what was going on on the Internet, but these people on the Internet were just talking. Even the police couldn't keep them from talking, right?

Well, we'll definitely pay back when the case comes to light.

Lin Chen rolled his eyes

This Jiang Fangxin is also a person who can't handle it clearly, it is better to let him and Fang Xinzhou stay outside together!

Shen Yue came over and handed the phone to Lin Chen

My sister has used our company's name to make a statement on the scarf, and also sent a lawyer's letter. Mohai Public Security just called me and told me

Let's take it easy, and now we are also showing solidarity on the scarf. "

Obviously Shen Mu was speaking Mandarin, but Jiang Fangxin just couldn't understand

Who is this Lin Chen, who has such great energy?

Jiang Fangxin surreptitiously looked at Shen Yue's phone and fell into Lin Chen's eyes, and threw the phone in his hand.

Tianchen Computer Co., Ltd. did send a scarf, and the tone was uncharacteristically very arrogant.

Said our boss murdered?It's funny, as long as it's something that can be solved with money, our boss won't even blink an eye.Another: The d of those with bad intentions has been investigated, and the court summons will arrive soon

Tianchen Computer Co., Ltd. also @Mohai Public Security, Mohai Public Security is very powerful to support Lin Chen underground

"Lin Xianniu is our special consultant. In addition to sometimes not taking cases in Mohai for so long, we have done nothing less to combat crimes and crimes. Mohai Public Security has supported Mr. Lin in seeking legal aid, and has always prepared legal aid for Mr. Lin.

Netizens were stunned by this reversal. There are people who feel that Lin Chen is the murderer. After the Guangzhou police, who have never changed their necks for ten thousand years, spoke up, they stopped completely.

Jiang Fangxin felt that he had gone crazy looking at the case file, and he had not woken up yet, so he should go back to sleep again

But Lin Chen didn't give Jiang Fangxin this chance, he threw his hand to Shen Yue, and asked, "How is the investigation going now? Are there any strange people in the hotel under surveillance?

Jiang Fangxin came back to his senses after hearing Lin Chen's words, and reported to Lin Chen in a straight-forward manner. That posture was not far from reporting to the director.

"At present, our conclusion is that it is an accident. Of course, with the clues provided by Mr. Lin and the actual situation, we still have no other findings. There are some problems with the monitoring angle, and the door of the deceased cannot be photographed. Guests and staff walked on it and found nothing suspicious

Lin Chen nodded, with a little encouragement in his eyes.Jiang Fangxin's voice was a little louder and his body was straighter.

The deceased's interpersonal relationship was relatively simple, except that he was emotionally entangled with his current husband, Zhao Li, and did not find any enmity with other people. Jiang Fangxin looked at Lin Chen and said his inference: "In that period of time, only Zhao Li admitted to the deceased's room, and a man wearing a green hat has the possibility of killing, I think Zhao Li very suspicious

Shen Yue also nodded.

Isn't that right? Yesterday at noon, we also saw two people arguing in the hotel, which was quite powerful.

Shen Yue's support Ji Jiang Fangxin is more confident, waiting for Lin Chen's affirmation

But Lin Chen put the computer aside and patted Wang Pai.

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