Lin Chen's teammates and enemies watched Lin Chen kill the Quartet for a while, and then he became like a rookie and didn't know what to say.

The two of them played for less than an hour, when Lin Chen heard a "bang" from the private room, it seemed that someone had dropped the keyboard.

Lin Chen squinted his eyes, stopped his movements, turned his head to look at the location of the private room.A man wrapped in a black windbreaker came out of the private room. He wrapped himself tightly and wore a hat, but his sinister face made Lin Chen hard to forget.Lin Chen patted Shen Yue and said in a low voice: "Wait for me here for a while, you can play first. Although Shen Yue didn't know what happened, she nodded and poked the keyboard with two fingers.

Lin Chen followed the man out, but before he took two steps, he was surrounded by a group of young people who happened to block Lin Chen's way of chasing Zhao Li.

The lead gangster dyed his yellow hair, and saw Lin Chen showing a wretched smile.Brother, it's not easy to come out and hang out, borrow two money to spend.

Lin Chen didn't even pay attention to him, raised his feet and walked forward.

Lin Chen didn't play cards according to the routine and made the gangster jump. He saw that Lin Chen was a weak chicken who didn't have much fighting power, and he didn't even have a stick, and punched Lin Chen in the face.

The bastard felt that a very fast lap was no different from slow motion in Lin Chen's eyes. He borrowed the bastard's fist with his left hand, and then moved upward, twisting it again, the bastard fell to his knees.

Seeing this, those gangsters came running with sticks like Lin Chen. Lin Chen solved one of them twice. The people who fought with Lin Chen didn't seem to have any injuries, but they all lay on the ground and wailed.I don't know who saw Lin Chen's icy eyes, and shouted: "Monster, monster, a group of people fled for their lives, the rest of the people threw their weapons and scattered away.

Lin Chen didn't care about them, he was relieved to see a familiar black figure two or three hundred meters ahead.

Zhao Li seemed to have noticed something and ran forward quickly. Ruosi and others might really let him escape, but he was facing Lin Chen.

After Lin Chen's rebirth, his speed was greatly improved, and with intentional exercise, he finished Zhao Li's one-minute journey in a few tens of seconds.

When Zhao Li turned his head away, the man who had been left behind by him was chasing him closely.

Is that still the speed that a normal human should have?

Zhao Li didn't believe in the evil, flung his arms and ran forward, and was caught by Lin Chen within ten seconds.This is the downtown area, and the two of them have already attracted a crowd of spectators. Lin Chen was afraid that Zhao Li would make another noise, so he removed his chin and left and right hands, and stepped on Zhao Li's waist with his left foot.

It's not a good habit to meddle in your own business, but the movement of the two of them is too great, and many people spontaneously surrounded the city in a circle, surrounding the two of them.

Lin Chen took out his trousers pocket and couldn't find his mobile phone. He suddenly remembered that he had put his mobile phone in the Internet cafe and had no choice but to ask for help from the people around him.

That kind person helped fight Yao Yao Zero, who is a fugitive.

The people around him were dubious. After all, Lin Chen was too ferocious. Compared with Zhao Li, who was constantly struggling under his feet, he was more like 627 fugitives.

Fortunately, Jiang Fangxin and a few people were not far from here. Jiang Fangxin happened to buy a pack of cigarettes here, and when he saw someone besieging the city, he got in.

I didn't expect to see Lin Chen and Zhao Li, who had been squatting for a day.

Damn, Brother Lin is amazing, I haven't squatted on him for a whole day, how did you find him?

Lin Chen was too lazy to talk nonsense, and threw Zhao Li to Jiang Fangxin directly.

Now that you're here, I won't interfere.But there is one thing, let the water army bought by that kid stop a little, otherwise I don't know if Shen Qiu will ban your account.

Jiang Fangxin

What does it have to do with us.

Jiang Fangxin couldn't tell how hard it was, and he had to deal with what Lin Chen explained, called his teammates back like a little daughter-in-law, and sent both Lin Chen back.Lin Chen thought that finding Zhao Li would have nothing to do with him, but he didn't expect to see Jiang Fangxin looking at him pitifully with two big dark circles under his eyes the next day.Brother Lin, Zhao Li is not the murderer.From 12:30 to 14:[-], it was certified that he was not there. This case is not over yet, you have to come with us.

Lin Chen just wanted to close the door, but Jiang Fangxin blocked the door to prevent him from closing it.There are so many people watching Brother Lin online, you can't just let it go.


014 Live

Lin Chen was defeated by Jiang Fangxin's deadly support.Finally put him in the house.As soon as Jiang Fangxin entered the room, Shen Yue gave her a gouge out, and she handed Lin Chen the soy milk and steamed buns prepared in the morning.

_" Brother Lin, let's eat something first. The case is not,

urgent. "

no hurry 1

Lin Chen glanced at Jiang Fangxin, who was about to jump, and took the buns.

"Don't follow me today. Take a good rest, take you out to play tomorrow;.

Shen Qiyi heard the pouted old man. _Seeing Lin Chen's seriousness, he agreed reluctantly.

"Okay. Brother Lin, don't forget it. "I can't forget it. _


Jiang Fangxin saw that Lin Chen promised to hurriedly drive the car downstairs and wait for Banyu before seeing that Lin Chen was late.

"Brother, hurry up, Shan, we only have 24 hours. If this time is over, if you want to find Zhao Li again, it may not be so easy."

Lin Chen got into the carriage and listened to Jiang Fangxin chattering about the case along the way.

Zhao Li was staying at the Qinghai Hotel__ but he was not staying in the guest room. l but live in the dormitory with the staff.

The front desk that the two of Yu Yu met yesterday was Zhao Li's cousin.She was worried that if she privately let her relatives live in the dormitory, she would be pressured to talk about money.

And she also admitted that she had dinner with Zhao Li from 12:30__ to 14:[-] the day before yesterday. Zhao Li didn't have time to go out to kill.Jiang Qixin wants to find a piece of tofu and kill him with both ends, and there are endless comments on the Internet_ Almost pushing them to the opposite side of the people, if this matter is not resolved... I guess... I will take the blame for Fang Xinzhou .

"Brother Lin, just tell the truth. Is this Zhao Li a murderer? I'm going to be scolded to death by Fang Xinzhou."

"do not know."

Jiang Fangxin almost jumped up when he heard Lin Chen's words.How could he say so righteously that he didn't know, if it wasn't for him, would they be able to arrest Zhao Li?

"Brother, this can't be a joke._" Lin Chen turned his head and didn't want to speak. He really didn't expect the police in Guangshi to be so rude, even such a simple murder case could not be solved.

"I want to see Zhao Li __ e_" Jiang Fangxin did not refuse. He heard the rumor of Lin Chen from his colleagues in Mohai.No matter if Lin Chen is really that powerful, as long as he can solve the case, it will be the best.Zhao Li is actually good looking. There is a mole under the corner of his left eye.

He was not excited after seeing Lin Chen. . Just sitting quietly in a chair. With a hint of casual provocation.What are you doing at __ around 12:30 the day before yesterday?" asked Qichen.

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