Shen Qiu almost jumped up when he heard Lin Chen's voice.It wasn't until it was clear that it was Lin Chen that he was relieved = sighed.

"Brother Lin, I'm fine."

Shen Qi and Shen Qiu look exactly the same, but anyone can tell at a glance who is Shen and who is Shen Qiu.But now Shen Yue showed Bian Mi's unique coldness and ability.Lin Chen frowned. He hugged Shen Yue in his arms.

"Tell me the truth. Do you feel uncomfortable or afraid?" Shen Qi dared to be afraid (Zhao Shang, Shen Qiu first scolded her after she came to the villa, and she took it out without a second reaction. The American zombie movie stimulated her. Now, although she can't say that Pi is not afraid at all. But it is much better than before. "I'm fine, Brother Lin, don't worry. Although my sister's method is rude, tins work.. I'm afraid I can't accompany you anymore." Shen Qie was really aggrieved to die. He was startled by the body too early, then scared by his own sister, and now he has given himself a lot of work. Who is he? How unlucky!

When Lin Chen saw Shen and regained his energy, he felt relieved. Just as he was about to ask Shen Qiu, he noticed = Gu Bingling's eyes on Shen Qiuyi | Ri Shi Lian's delicate makeup face There is no trace of fatigue. There is no emotion in the formatted smile. "Boss, Xiaomu's time to rest is not short. I should take her back_."


020 Safe departure

This time, Lin Chen didn't reject the murderer. It seems that the murderer came for him. Compared with being with him, they still leave for safety.

But Shen Qiu Shen and the two companies did not leave immediately.

Shen Qiu rarely carried a trace of worry. "Boss, you'd better call a policeman to come in and accompany you." Shen Mi looked at the disdain in Lin Chen's eyes and added, "No one cares about your dry rice~stomach pain." Lin Chen always disliked letting others Man enters his own private sphere.Even a nanny is no exception.Raotai's one-enterprise villas are all cleaned up by part-time workers.

Lin Chen's body is good._ But her stomach is not good. Even if only one meal is not good, it will_ have a stomachache.

He rubbed his eyebrows and nodded. "I'll send the two of you back. Don't go out alone these two days." The two sisters didn't refuse. When Shen Yue got out of the car, she still pressed Lin Chen to give Zhang Tiannuan two phone calls.

Zhang Tianan was looking for it in the archives in the dark.After receiving the call, he didn't even look at the contact person. Lin Chen was startled by Su Ban's tone of voice. "Say."

"I'm Lin Chen. I remember that the police can provide protection to people in danger, right? I want a policeman who can cook to come to my house."

Zhang Tiannuan showed a helpless smile. It's fake for this guy to ask the police for protection. It's real to ask someone to cook.

But she didn't refuse. Even if Lin Chen was enough to overthrow the entire criminal investigation team, he didn't have a gun in his hand. If he really met the murderer, he didn't know what would happen. "Okay, Lin Da Gu, I'll go right there."

A group of people in the archives were startled when they heard Zhang Tiannuan's slightly Wu Nai voice. Wang Tao was the first to react.

"Team Zhang, where are you going?" Zhang Tianai threw the file in his hand, and swept across Qiren with a pair of beautiful eyes. "Yeah. The murderer in this case clearly wants to work with King Lin Chen to find out the information, but it is better to stay at Lin Chen's house." Zhang Yunuan's explanation made these people settle down.

No matter how powerful Lin Chen is... he is not their "own person", and Zhang Tiannuan = no one can bear it after confronting Lin Chen again and again.

But if it's for the case... let him go.

Zhang Tiannuan took the bag and threw it at himself, the smile on his face was almost impossible to hide.

"_Pregnant look good file.. If you can't find any tomorrow, see how I will clean up you"

There was silence in the archives, and then an earth-shattering wailing erupted from the public array.Reading the dossier and staying with Lin Chen: I think with my toes, I know that the three are easier and clearer.

Zhang Yu'an saw the room of Lin Chen's villa wide open from a distance, and her hand was clasped to the inspection face at her waist.



Could the murderer just wait to get his hands on it?

Zhang Tian'an rubbed against Lin Chen's villa. _ Only then did he take out his gun, and after a circle on the first floor, he arrived at the second floor where the sound of water was heard.

At this time, the sound of water on the second floor stopped her from kicking open the bedroom door. _ Before Di could go in, his hand hurt. The gun fell into another person's hand.

Lin Chen weighed the gun in his hand. A smile appeared on the corner of his lips.

. . "I said that's how you police protect the people?"

Lin Chen had just finished taking a shower, and the smell of the shower gel on her body suddenly entered Zhang Wunuan's nose, her face flushed red, and she quickly got out of Lin Chen's arms.

"Why don't you close the door and never be afraid of burglars?"

Lin Chen rubbed his hair and surrounded himself in a bath regardless. . Too stingingly swaying in front of Zhang Tian'en.

"Just to keep the door for you.. You said it yourself. I can't choose a bath just to wait for you."

Lin Chen's upper body was full of muscles. Zhang Tiannuan's face was red and he didn't know where to look.Pushed him back quickly.

"...choose your clothes. I'll wait for you below"

Lin Chen did not refuse. _Although this is more comfortable._ But after all, there is still something to say, it is really too inconvenient.

Lin Chen changed into a pair of pajamas__After going downstairs, he saw that Zhang Tiannuan's face was still too red, and the smile on his face was even stronger.

I had never seen her so shy before.

"Where do you want to sleep? There is an empty room next to my bedroom."

Zhang Yunuan managed to control her emotions. Hearing Lin Chen's deep voice, his face turned red again.

It's just that this time it's not because it's too embarrassing to be shy.

0 Ask for flowers: :__ .____The police broke into the villa area with guns _and there is no case yet.

"You don't close the door at night, even if I want to come, you can make me wait for a second."

Lin Chen raised his eyebrows. _ Opened a can of beer and drank it.

"I'm taking a shower, but I don't have a mobile phone. If you come and find that the door can't be opened, your reaction will not be as small as before. I don't want to let those police in." Zhang Tianzhen wanted to refute but was powerless.

indeed,.If Taizhi 1 is closed, Lin Chen can't be contacted.I was [-]% aware of it, and I didn't forget to call for support.

Zhang Tian's face turned even redder.

"Okay, okay_I'll sleep in the room next to you, and I'll talk about it after I catch the murderer."

Lin Chen raised his eyebrows. But he didn't reveal that Zhang Tiannuan came here just to avoid looking at the case file.

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