Today's Lin Chen is the same as yesterday, and his clothes have not changed. If there is any change, it's just that Lin Chen's face is a little tired at the moment.

'boom! '

Lin Chen closed the car door and walked towards Zhang Tian'an and Xia Miaoyan who trotted over.

"Lin Chen, where did you come from? We've been waiting for you for a long time." Zhang Tianan looked at Lin Chen and asked.

"Yes, master, last night you said you were going to work, but today I can't reach you. I thought what happened to you." Xia Miaoyan said with a smile, Lin Chen's phone had been turned off before, and she was still there. Worrying, is Lin Chen in danger?

"Didn't I say, let's do something." Lin Chen smiled at the two daughters and joked, "Why, you haven't seen me for a day, you two miss me so much?"

"Who misses you, is self-indulgent." When Zhang Tianai heard Lin Chen's words, he pouted and said with a somewhat unnatural expression.

Xia Miaoyan said directly, "yes, master, I miss you."

Xia Miaoyan's face made Zhang Tiannan speechless, can't girls be more reserved...

Lin Chen smiled slightly, chatted and laughed with the two girls, and walked into the factory.

Miao Yunfei, Ma Zhiyu, members of the serious crime team, and Captain He, all of them looked at Lin Chen.

Ma Zhiyu's eyes narrowed slightly, and the confident aura on Lin Chen's body made him feel very uncomfortable.

"Mr. Lin, you can be considered to be back." The old detective from the serious crime team laughed.

"Mr. Lin, where did you come from?" Captain He also stepped forward and asked.

Lin Chen waved his hand and said, "Are the workers getting off work soon?"

Zhou Yan heard Lin Chen's words, took out her mobile phone and glanced at the time, and said, "Well, there are 5 minutes left, and the workers will be off work."

"Lin Chen, you said the murderer wasn't Gao Yuxiu, who was the murderer?" Miao Yunfei spoke lightly, staring at Lin Chen with her beautiful eyes.

Lin Chen said: "Now immediately call out the colleagues and acquaintances of the first deceased and the third deceased from the workshop, and bring them all to the open space outside the staff canteen."

"Okay, let's do it right away." Captain He nodded, and immediately went to let the detectives under him do it.

After a team of criminal police officers left, Lin Chen stretched his waist and said, "Okay, now we will also go to the staff canteen."

Miao Yunfei, Zhang Tianan and the others understood that Lin Chen was going to uncover in the staff cafeteria who was the murderer of the three smiling corpses cases.

Ma Zhiyu stared at Lin Chen's back, silent, not knowing what he was thinking.

Under the leadership of Lin Chen, everyone quickly came to the open space next to the staff canteen.

"Ring Ling Ling..."

As soon as everyone arrived, the factory bell rang.

It was almost the same as when the school was dismissed. When the bell rang, the whole factory seemed to be a little noisy.

Many workers walk out of the workshop and from the factory building. The first place they go after get off work is the staff canteen.

However, when the workers walked to the staff canteen, they found that the staff canteen was surrounded by police cordons, and the police were guarding it, preventing the workers from approaching.

"What are these cordons for? I've been working all day, and I'm starving to death."

"It's not good to enclose it, but the cafeteria was encircled after we got off work. Are we not allowed to eat?"

"These police officers don't know what to do. The murderer was not caught, and they surrounded the cafeteria."

"Look at the group of police there, have you caught a murderer?"

The workers talked a lot. They were very dissatisfied that the police had surrounded the canteen and did not let them in. The scene was noisy.

"Quiet, all quiet, there has been a breakthrough in the smiling corpse case, all quiet." A policeman shouted loudly with a horn.

After hearing that the Smile Corpse case was progressing, the workers all came to their senses, staring at the group of police officers inside the cordon without saying much.

The scene was quiet under the control of the police.

At this time, Gao Yuxiu was taken out of the cafeteria by two detectives.

Gao Yuxiu saw hundreds of workers surrounding the cordon and so many police officers, her body trembled slightly with fright.

After seeing Lin Chen, Gao Yuxiu's eyes lit up slightly and said, "Young man, young man, I'm not a murderer, I'm not a murderer, don't let them take me back to the Public Security Bureau for questioning..."

Many people have never been in the interrogation room or questioned by the police, but they have all heard of the police's interrogation methods. Gao Yuxiu was frightened by this.

Lin Chen looked at Gao Yuxiu's pale face and said with a smile, "I know you are not the murderer, have a certain relationship with the murderer..."

When Gao Yuxiu heard Lin Chen's first sentence, she breathed a sigh of relief. After hearing the second half, her eyes suddenly widened.

"Young man, I'm not the murderer. I don't know who the murderer is. What does it mean that I have a certain relationship with the murderer, and I don't know the murderer." Gao Yuxiu said excitedly.

At this time, a cordon on the periphery was opened, and several criminal policemen brought in all the friends, colleagues, and acquaintances of the first and third deceased.

There were more than [-] people who were brought in, standing on two sides. The one on the left was acquainted with the first deceased, and the one on the right was acquainted with the third deceased.

"The report was brought by the friends and colleagues of the two deceased." A criminal policeman said to Captain He.

Captain He nodded slightly, turned to look at Lin Chen, and said, "Mr. Lin, everyone is here."

Lin Chen snorted, he stepped forward, his eyes fell on the group of workers on the right, he pointed at a young man, and said, "You, stand up.".


126 Youth with glasses [5 more for subscription]

Everyone followed the direction Lin Chen's hand pointed, and saw the person he was pointing at, a short and fair young man with a pair of glasses on the bridge of his nose.

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