"Naturally, who is here with the master." Xia Miaoyan was not an ignorant child who saw the flaming flames in Lin Chen's eyes, but she didn't know that she had played too much and was now forgiving.

"Master. Mingwu has to go to work, and he's going to have breakfast. Can you spare me today?"

Lin Chen narrowed his eyes. Xia Miaoniu saw that her words were useful. . The smile on the face is even brighter.

"Just this time, Ming Wu is familiar with...??

Xia Miaoyan didn't say any more. Lin Chen hooked her lips and rubbed her head. "Okay, just stay with me... Go to the building and sleep. Get up and cook tomorrow."

Xia Miaoyan immediately turned into a bun face, staring at Lin Chen, but she honestly found a room on the first floor.With Xia Miaoyan's company, the photo killer's shadow Gao Linchen is getting farther and farther. _ It's just that business matters can't be avoided.Xia Miaoyan then looked confused by the white evening dress thrown over. She looked at the evening dress and then at Lin Chen.

"Master, what are you doing?" Lin Chen's face was a little dark. Eiyu served tea

The veins have collapsed.


fly meat,


It will be kept secret and the two of them don't know what the wind is


to take myself to a party

It's not that the Western Enterprise people don't know that he has no interest in those false compliments and the entanglement of interests. In the past, it was the two of them who solved the tricks, but this time he insisted on letting himself go.

"Charity party .. you and I went to Xia Miaoyan but cheered.

"Yeah, Master, you finally decided to go out, do you know that the Internet has been quarreling because of you?"

Lin Chen was stunned when he heard the words, but sat down.

"Noisy? What's the matter." Xia Miaoyan glanced at Lin Chen cautiously, and when she saw that Lin Chen really didn't know anything, she asked tentatively: "Master, do you know that your scarf account has been blocked? ?.”

blocked 1

Lin Chen's face turned dark all of a sudden, he is the boss of the scarf, why his account was banned and he didn't know?

When Xia Miaoyan saw that Lin Chen really didn't know, she immediately explained it to him.

Lin Chen's scarf was issued a scarf asking for money after the public security of the two cities supported it. Although it was deleted immediately__, it was screenshotted by a caring person and left as evidence_. It was Shen Mi who took the initiative to seal Lin Chen's scarf.

_ "Actually, there is nothing wrong with doing this. _ The hacker's skills are too high, and the people in the company can't prevent it. However, Master's account has not been unblocked for so long, which indeed makes many people think that Master has committed a crime. __ Go It's also a good thing to be in public."

Lin Chen nodded, but he wasn't talking nonsense, he just sent a message asking Shen Qiu to unlock his account.

Originally, Lin Chen thought that not many people knew him at the party. But he didn't expect that he would become the focus of everyone as soon as he entered.However, there was no one Lin Chen knew well, so he signed two invoices. _ He took Xia Miaoyan to the buffet.

Of course, the buffet here is not cheap. The cakes are sweet, soft and glutinous, and the fruits are sweet and thirst-quenching, but Xia Miaoyan couldn't eat them at all.

It's not just that she doesn't eat. .And she didn't let Lin Chen eat it.

: ask for flowers__

"Master is here to drink and set 13 on this occasion. Why are you so down-to-earth and negotiating two orders? Lin Chen shook his head and threw the grape in his mouth.

"That's Shen Qiu and the two of them. If I even have to worry about giving them Xibaiwu's wages, it's not a waste of water." He said it as if he was rich. "

As soon as Lin Chen's voice fell, he heard a mockery and that person also lost a familiarity...Su Li.

Lin Chen didn't feel anything, but Xia Miaomu was directly blown up. "What kind of thing are you? You're just an actor. Didn't anyone tell you that you can't talk casually here?"

Xia Miaoyan's tone of neither humble nor arrogant, not even threatening at all, made Su Li pause for a while, but she sneered for a long time.

"Neither of you are luxury goods. You two dare to come here because you are courageous. It's just that you don't have to talk so much. Who will be talking nonsense at that time?"

Xia Miaoyan wanted to say something more, but Su Li turned around and left. An angry Xia Miaoyan jumped in place.

"I'm so pissed off. Even a little star who relies on father's superiors dares to do this!_" Xia Miaoyan came out for a while and shook the phone in her hand to Lin Chen. "But I've recorded all her words. I'll give him a taste of being scolded in a while."

Lin Chen didn't pay much attention to this little episode.Seeing that the time was almost up, she took Xia Miaoyan to the direction of the Great Hall.The Westerners just sat down. The host came up.

"Thank you very much for taking the time out of your busy schedules to come to our charity night. Now we invite popular star Miss Su Lisu to sing for us."

_But when the music started, Su Li hadn't come up yet. Everyone was not worried. The people around Lin Chen also sent their business cards.

Do not ask for certain cooperation, at least forge a good relationship.

But when the sound of Su Li's voice sounded, Qiren still didn't see Su Li's shadow, and Xia Miaoyan's lip fish hooked in front of Lin Chen.

"This Su Li is courageous enough, not only lip-synching... this is the voice of Xia Miaoyan, who is the leader of the platform, before Lin Chen faintly heard a dead man.


031 leave together

Lin Chen stood up and walked behind the scenes, ignoring everyone's eyes. Before waiting for these people to relax, Xia Miaoyan left with Lin Chen.

The absence of Su Li has made everyone still attentive, and the departure of Lin Chen and Xia Miaoyan has made these people whisper. "Have you heard that Lin Chen's murders happen almost everywhere he goes?"

"Stop talking nonsense, he will go wherever there is a murder case."

"Tsk tsk tsk. The most expensive detective._" The whispers in the front are getting more and more too much, but it doesn't change the people in the backstage. The cowardly is far away from the dressing room in the backstage. I looked at the door of the dressing room, but no one dared to go in.

Lin Chen looked at Xia Miaoyan who was following behind him.Full of helplessness.

"What are you following?"

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