The two women put the chatter away. The accusations from everyone 203 poured out like a tide.

Lin Chen listened to it for a long time._I found that although everyone hated Su Li very much, they didn't reach the point where they wanted to kill her.

Lin Chen suddenly remembered something and glanced at everyone.

By the way, Qian Boushao said that day, what happened to you seem to have a small disturbance?

Riot 2?

Everyone fell silent for a moment. She was still the girl who could talk. _My mind goes fast.

In fact, there are riots every time. Although Su Li is very annoying, but his performance in front of the screen is not bad. There are still many fans who like it.It seems that there are fans visiting the class.You also know that only one person who came to a charity party.Although not all of them are as prominent as you, they are all powerful people. How can we let them delay things? We invited them out.Is this the riot?

Lin Chen lowered his eyes and said nothing. It's like this kind of thing that often happens... The security staff should handle it in a very timely manner, and won't let riots happen at all.And the time is totally wrong.

Almost when Lin Chen turned over and thought about what was wrong, the security personnel came in together.Seeing Lin Chen, he was still stunned = next.

The captain rubbed his hands very cautiously. He also gave Lin Chen a good smile.Hello Mr. Lin.


038 Fool

Wang Tao listened to it for a long time but heard the exact same narrative as before. He was so anxious.The security guard's eyes lit up.Quickly move a stool for them to sit down.Come and talk._Did anything strange happen to you when Su Li died that day?

strange things?

The captain's Adam's apple moved up and down to look like he was thinking.

That's not true, _Although some fans came, they still listened to persuasion. Some girls and boys went back after persuading them.Lin Chen's pupils shrank suddenly. He stared at the captain and asked casually, "Listen to Qian Bu Shao."You guys seem to have had a riot that day? Does the captain remember what it was?

Not to mention the captain I, even these little security guards don't know what's going on.They just stay outside.The captain suddenly slapped his legs too much.

Hey, are you talking about a fool who got into the backstage? Wang Tao's eyes suddenly brightened.

You should hurry up and talk. What's the matter 1

The security captain's demeanor slowly relaxed.

Hehe, there are so many Chinese people now, and there are many who like celebrities_ Everyone likes several celebrities, and some of the fans who like celebrities are more or less immature or neurotic.He seems to be a fool and likes Su Li 1.That Eryu cried and insisted on seeing him, but was coaxed away by our people in the end.This is not a riot, is it? It just broke into the backstage, which shocked many people, but Wang Tao saw that there was no progress and was discussing with Lin Chen, while Lin Chen watched the security captain keep rubbing his legs.What are you hiding?

The security captain's expression immediately became embarrassed.Seeing that Lin Chen didn't know what to say, he smiled for a while.

Hey.We all have a bite to eat.I won't do anything wrong, I'll declare it first.Su Li's death has nothing to do with me at all.My wife is too tired of everyone.. but not to the point of killing him.

Lin Chen's voice became even more solemn.Not this thing. I'm talking about the fool.

The security captain's face suddenly turned pale, and he glanced at Lin Chen several times with a guilty conscience. Seeing that Lin Chen wanted the final answer no matter what, the wang on his face appeared.

You also know how many things we have to deal with these = days.The fool suddenly came to the backstage.However, he didn't bleed much in the backstage, which shocked me. I held back and beat him up. I didn't expect this little guy to bleed when he couldn't help but carry it.I, we dragged him aside, not on purpose! [Participate in the captain's car = sit up straight.It seems to be guaranteeing the same.


Lin Chen lowered his eyes and gave him an idea.


I see.Do you have any surveillance on that idiot?




The security captain thought back.. shook his head.



That's because the back door is generally not used. If the stars go through the back door in order to hide from the paparazzi, we want to invite the stars to perform commercial performances, and we have to give up a certain part of the monitoring back door and no monitoring is installed.

The security captain saw that Lin Chen had been entangled in the fool's matter.Carefully asked: Is there something wrong with that fool? We didn't kill him.

Lin Chen gently patted the captain's shoulder.

Don't worry. I know you didn't do anything about him, but now I'd like to ask you to describe what that person looks like.

Looks 2

The head of the security guard was in chaos. On that day, he was carried away by the news of Su Li's death.He didn't know what that person looked like at all, and suddenly asked him to describe him without any clue.

Still a young man on the side.. suddenly thought of something.

That man is quite thin.Well, Shan looks very gentle.It doesn't look like it's attacking.But I can't see it clearly with the hat face. It seems to be a national character face.

Lin Chen saw these eyewitnesses.What more useful information can Pi bring to himself, he waved to Wang Tao and motioned for him to take these people away. Wang Tao clapped his hands when he saw it. He showed a smile to everyone.

It's alright, alright __ It's been a hard day, so let's go back to rest early.When the group of people was sent away, _Wang Tao immediately came to Lin Chen.

How is it, what did you find? Now there is no evidence for anything, can you take me to the scene if you have time?

_Wang Tao couldn't help nodding, if Lin Chenken agreed at that time...they could spend so much effort.Maybe the suspect was arrested at the time.

Wang Tao's ability to solve crimes is clear no matter how scumbags it is... Lin Chen locked the suspect on that _. unidentified masked man.

It's just that the two of them carried Zhang Yuai's phone to Wang Tao before they could leave.

I'll be there right away, you can get the file sorted out for me.

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