
"But Master." Xia Miaoyan couldn't help but break 2, "Even if it's a delivery boy, we won't pick up what we haven't bought before. How did he report to Su Li and Su An to eat it?"

"Actually, it's very simple. In the background, anyone can order food for Su Li. Other Su Li may not eat it, but like fruit, even a star will not refuse."

"Where's Su Qing? She doesn't look like someone who can eat other people's food e_" Zhang Tiannuan said, "Qian Bu Shao is the best shield l." It doesn't look like she has any ambitions. I remember seeing kitchen waste when I went to the scene. It was full of vegetables and eggs. There was nothing in the refrigerator. And her face was destroyed and she shouldn't go out. , it is very likely that they will order takeout. What is the gift from Zhiwang. It would be good to have some food!_" Xia Miaoyan's eyes were bright.Looking at Lin Chen, he looked like he was waiting for a compliment. "Master, am I right?" Lin Chen nodded.

"It's almost like this. Wait until they go in and find a place to hide and wait until the victim is dead before doing other things."

"But Master, I still don't understand why Guam's second lawsuit is pretending to be a lunatic? And it's still being carried away with blood?" Everyone's attention was focused on Lin Chen, and they looked at him expectantly. "Guam's bag. At that time, the security captain saw that Guam had a bag. But we didn't see the Guam bag at all in the hotel. That bag should be the faces of Su Li and Su Qing. That blood. It was sealed well. It fell down." "What about the victim's face?" Wang Tao thought about it for a long time, but he didn't know where the three people would hide his face, _Is it impossible to eat it?

Ask for flowers,. :__

Thinking of this, Wang Tao shuddered and Lin Chen said, "Lan Qiang said at the beginning that he wanted a mold for Su Li's face. The faces of the two of them should be in the workshop. There are also poultry slaughterhouses around. Guam first used Duck blood washes the players and then uses clean water. This will cause a lot of harassment in comparison."

Zhang Wunuan showed a helpless smile between the electric light and the small stone.

"I know where it is: do you want to go and see 1"

Lin Chen shook his head and refused without thinking. "I have other things to do." After sending this group of people, Xia Miaoyan looked at Lin Chen with high eyes._Seeing Lin Chen, she also looked at herself. Without even thinking about it, he fell on Lin Chen's body.

"Master is amazing!_Even they know where they hid them! Master Shicha. What else do you have to do. If you solve the case, then take me with you"

Her arms were full of softness_. Lin Chen didn't care too much,_ just rubbed Xia Miaoyan's head.

"I will take you, _just not to solve the case."

"Master, I don't want to work. I just want to be admitted to the police academy!_" Xia Miaoyan = she slumped when she heard the whole person, rubbing back and forth in Lin Chen's arms.. Going to the place where Lin Chen was deadly... made him gasp for two cals of cold air.

Lin Chen pressed Xia Miaoyan's head and let her arms settle down restlessly. "Not a job. Your internship is over."

Xia Miaoyan was stunned for a moment. After counting the days, she found that it was indeed as Lin Chen said that she should go back to school.

Xia Miaoyan didn't bother Lin Chen either. _ Even left Lin Chen aside.Like seeing Lin Chen the next day, he cleaned up the house up and down.

Lin Chen felt a little distressed when he saw Xia Miaoyan like this. After thinking about it, he took back the travel plan made by Shen Qi and threw a map to Xia Miaoyan.Xia Miaoyan, "?3"

This is to take a geography exam?_But she learned it in high school and she gave it back to her teacher. "Look if there is any place you want to go here, I'll give you a vacation l_" Lin Chen said. Xia Miaoyan was full of emotions Vitality kissed Lin Chen's face twice, flipping through the map with great interest, and found that it turned out to be a world map.

It's the basin that limits my imagination


046 Dragon Inn

In fact, Xia Miaoyan had always wanted to take Lin Chen to a place from the very beginning. And it was not far from Mohai City.It's just that Lin Chen really uses herself as an employee. She really doesn't have the courage to bring it up.Pi Guo, now that Lin Chen brought it to her door, she would not refuse.Take a trip on Lin Chen's body.. just keep the map aside. "As long as it's with the master, Xia Miaoyan exhaled like a blue finger and kept wandering around Lin Chen's body, bringing up a room of ambiguity.

"Master, I want to go to Lishi to play. Let's go to the Dragon Inn, okay? They have a very fun game at night, called...

Lin Chen rubbed Xia Miaomu's hair.Looking at her increasingly dissatisfied eyes, the lip fish evoked = wipe the arc.

"Okay__ I'll leave tomorrow, hurry up and pack my things."

Xia Miaoyan will leave tomorrow after listening to "Three Six Three".Everyone was stunned. . slapped and ran out.

"Ah, ah, Master, why didn't you tell me in advance. The bad guy is on_" Lin Chen rubbed his ears and felt that this little girl's voice was too loud.

In fact, what he didn't tell Xia Miaoyan was that what he sent to Shen Qi was Liao's plane three hours later.

When Xia Miaoyan was caught in the car by Lin Chen, she was still dissatisfied._Looking at Lin Chen, she wanted to swallow him in one bite__ But thinking about Lin Chen, she would definitely not let herself spend money.as punishment.

It's just that Master's face is so good-looking, even if you travel at your own expense, it's worth staring at this face all the time.

When Lin Chen saw Xia Miaoyan staring at him, she looked stupid. He patted her head in disgust.

"Speaking of the name of the inn. Xia Miaoyan is even more dissatisfied if it needs to be settled quickly, that is, he is still driving, otherwise = must... let him buy a lollipop for himself.

"It's the Dragon Gate Inn, the one on Qiuhu Island."

Lin Chen threw his mobile phone to Xia Miaoyan.Let her fight for herself.

Xia Miaoyan blushed and settled for a room.I feel like the whole company is going to burn. "Master...why did you just do a live broadcast.. It didn't even show that Su Wei's face? That kind of arrogant child is also a disaster for the world. There is no protection in it."

"I didn't protect him."

Lin Chen's face was very indifferent with a hint of ridicule.

"Sometimes things that the law can't do can be punished by morality." Internet violence has always plagued the Chinese government.The related software here is just emerging. Relevant legislation has not yet come out, but now it is a real verbal criticism.To Jade Zhang Yunuan.....

Lin Chen really didn't think that Su Wei found Zhang Tiannuan's information 70. I don't know if that Zhang Xing would make things difficult for her.

Xia Miaoyan thought that Lin Chen was still thinking about Su Wei's case. She read the "Dragon Gate Inn" post with great interest. By the way, she was familiar with the process of killing a werewolf.When the two arrived in Lishi, it was already dawn, but Xia Miaoyan wanted to go out and wave._ But because yesterday Yu played too much online, she just followed Lin Chen woefully.Lin Chen also pushed back today's schedule.

Although the name of Long [1 Inn is common, the decoration is antique. It is not like the spring and white snow that people can't appreciate, nor is it too red and purple.Instead, it's light and bright. It looks so relaxing.

Lin Chen spent too much money to find a better room in the inn, but the room was not as good as Lin Chen imagined.The room is also full of antique things.Even the bathroom is a tub, not a modern thing to see.Xia Miaoyan looked around in the room.I didn't even see a socket._In the end, I could only throw myself on the bed. "Master. I can't bear to sleep first. Can you help me find a socket for the charging cable?"

Lin Chen rubbed Xia Miaomu's face and motioned her to sleep first, but his face suddenly gloomy where Xia Miaoyan couldn't see.Lin Chen walked around the room. There was indeed not even a single socket in it.Especially that door. It was as thin as paper, and there was only one bolt on it, and it couldn't stop it.

Lin Chen didn't think too much about it._Xia Miaoyan found a few strange people, and this was just one of them.

It's just that there is a gap between the color of the door and the color of the frame. Is it possible that some wives have just changed it?

Xia Miaoyan slept for 10 hours this time. When she woke up, it was already dark outside. She looked at the dark sky outside and screamed, and looked at Lin Chen full of complaints. "Master, why didn't you call me.. What time is it now? Hurry up and go down 1_" Lin Chen suddenly felt something was wrong__ Ling Sheng asked: "Why do you want to go down, isn't this just an ordinary hotel?_" Xia Miaoyan really didn't think that Lin Chen didn't check about the Dragon Gate Inn. She could only pack herself.The second side told Lin Chen, "Master. Do you think I'm the one who will take you to an ordinary hotel? Although this is also a hotel, but it is famous for the game at night. If you lose, you will die. !"

_"But it's not really dead. It just disappears. After all, it's the era of the rule of law. How could such a thing happen, especially since no one has come to investigate." "But Master, you will give the staff a headache. Yes. They must lose. It's tiring to cooperate with newbies! Xia Miaoyan's fancy rants did not affect Lin Chen, but made the guests who went with him hear that the man had a thin waist and long legs. His face was gorgeous. When he saw Lin Chen, he was obviously shaken for a second.

"Hey.. Actually, not everyone is here to beg to lose. For example, I just don't know anything. It's hard to make it difficult for our staff to think that you are too."

Xia Miaoyan is a little unlovable.He subconsciously hugged Lin Chen's arm tightly. The girl's face turned away unnaturally. "We don't mean to embarrass the staff. Master q, 7 means _ work pressures Jiu Tai to relax. As for the werewolf killing, after reading such a simple thing, I will return."

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