Lin Chen found a room on the first floor and stayed there.The five people hugged in a group and quietly waited for the night to come.

But Gu Xiao, that guy just didn't want to come down.Not to say that Lin Chen was frightening himself, even the nightmare last night. It was just his own director, Lin Chen, who didn't bother to talk nonsense with him. He didn't even go up to talk to him. He just watched the rest quietly. four individuals.

There was no sound of wind that night, but after the second and fifth _ Taimen still did not open.

There was a twist on Wang Xu's sunny face.He took a deep breath for a while. "If it's convenient for those of you to go up and take a look at Gu Xiao. Anyway, it's also a fighting force. Now we have two girls. It's not enough to rely on Lin Chen alone. People who carry iron will be tired." How much Wang Xu cares about Lin Chen is because he is smart enough.

If Lin Chen falls down at this time, when the real crisis comes, they will definitely be scapegoats.A warm smile appeared on Chen Chen's face when he heard this, and nodded to him.Go directly to Gu Xiao's room on the second floor.

But the group of people waited left and right... Gu Xiao didn't wait to come down... but Chen Chen's screams came.

Neither Li Man nor Wang Xu could move. Lin Chen and Xia Miaoyan ran up quickly.Chen Chen just opened the door.. He didn't even enter the room._ Just took a look at the room and hugged herself and shivered. When she saw Lin Chen_. It was like seeing the last straw ..and regardless of any difference between men and women.The soft body crawled directly into Lin Chen's arms.

"Dead. What should we do when Gu Xiaozhen is dead? Can we go out? Why hasn't the door opened today!_" Chen Chen seemed to have collapsed, buried his head in Lin Chen's arms. comg

Xia Miaoyan said nothing this time._ Abandoned his teammates.Turn around and check the scene for yourself



. Just a glance at Xia Miaoyan

scared back.

Gu Xiao's head was broken by someone.His head was placed on the table.. face to the door

The two pairs of eyes stared straight at Xia Miaoyan, as if telling her endless pain and anger.

Xia Miaoyan was frightened by this scene.And Lin Chen also got rid of the dust and walked in first.

Gu Yang's room was full of blood. The ground was full of minced meat.

All his hands and feet were cut off, and Lin Chen also found Gu Xiao's tongue in the fish in the room. _It should be to keep Gu Xiao from making a sound.

But why didn't they hear any strange sound last night? Lin Chen was alert enough last night. For fear that something might happen to Gu Xiao, although he was on the first floor, he was always ready to rush to the second floor.Originally thought it was the fat man who had given up his hand, but now it seems.This inn is not as simple as they imagined.Lin Chen looked through the circle at the scene, although he could detect the fingerprints and footprints left by the murderer, but he couldn't find out how the murderer entered the room. How did he get out of the room.

Lin Chen frowned slightly, leaning on the bookshelf in Gu Xiao's room.

At this time, another scream came from the first floor.

The three of them looked at each other, and quickly went downstairs.

It's not something exciting._It's two people who are inconvenient in the room rolling around, Li Man lying in Wang Xu's arms: very angry.

You let me go.. I'm going to the second floor to see.Do you think that guy is really dead?If he dies, we don't have to play this game with at least six people.

Wang Xu held on to Li Man. _ Just didn't let her move.There was a hint of disgust on his face.Ouch hello._It's not that you are not allowed to go.But do you see if this foot can climb up? Or stay with you honestly! Lin Chen thought something was wrong.Seeing the two of them look like this._More or less, I can't help laughing.When the two saw Lin Chen, their eyes suddenly burst into a burst of hope.Li Man impatiently wanted to get up in Wang Xu's arms and Wang Xu pushed her down in his arms impatiently.

How about Gu Xiao, is he still unwilling to come?

It's not that he doesn't want to, but that he can't get down at all.

Although the two were emotionally unstable, Xia Miaoyan did not hide it.

Let them know that Gu Xiao is still alive. This stability is only temporary. But if this matter can't be concealed, it will be a bomb.Xia Miaoyan told Gu Xiao's death word for word, and the faces of the two people were ugly.

Li Man took a deep breath and stared at Lin Chen 837 dazedly. __

I don't know why it's like this, but I think it must have something to do with you. This inn has been around for a year. It's never happened before, and it appeared after you came. I don't believe it has nothing to do with it. , but no matter what the connection is.. I'm going out.Moreover.There is no way we can do it now.Werewolf killed.If there are no six people in this lawsuit, the fat man will not come out.Li Man broke free from Wang Xu's restraint and his face was full of stillness and irony.

You guys were actually together from the beginning, like a conjoined twin.. the three of us have to live on our own.The only three of you who said they saw the fat man, maybe you were directing and acting in such a play!

Li Man drove a group of people out without saying a word, and he did not refuse twice this time. . Just found a place closest to Liman's room and stayed _ down.Xia Miaoyan looked at Lin Chen silently for a long time. There was a little smile on her face._But this smile was very reluctant.. = Not as lively as before. ,

Xia Miaoyan pulled out a bar of chocolate in her backpack and handed it to him.

Master, let's eat something.We still have to rely on you, why don't we go to the scene to see if we can find important clues that we missed last time?_


053 Attack

This time, Lin Chen didn't refuse Wang Guxiao's death. Lin Chen didn't have any responsibility, but what made him feel the most strange was why he didn't even notice a sound last night?

Arriving upstairs. Lin Chen looked at the two rooms with adjacent windows__ and looked at the room that was far apart, and suddenly felt that something was wrong. It was just the distance between the door and the door. .The door and the window are next to the wall, and there is only one wall between the door and the heart.

But where did the gap between the walls go?

Lin Chen walked into the crime scene again and looked at the messy bloodstains on the ground. Suddenly, he saw two bloody flowers after another.

And that blossoming flower disappears at the end of the bookshelf.

Lin Chen looked at the two antique bookshelves.There is a trace of confusion in her eyes. Is it possible that she can get in by twisting a flowerpot like they do in a TV series? Xia Miaoyan obviously thinks so_She took the things off the bookshelf without a word .

But in the end, I found that apart from the bookshelf, nothing else was fixed.

Xia Miaoyan also had the illusion of being fooled, grabbed the bookshelf viciously and shook it twice, and found that the thin bookshelf was not moving at all. _ , what's going on? Why did you carry the Pi and open Lin Chen to observe the gap between the bookshelves." He patted Xia Miaoyan's shoulder.Okay, don't waste your time.Let's go back and look at the rest of us.Don't let them be surprised.

The four of them sat face to face, _because they hadn't eaten for several days_ Chenchen's face was even more unsightly. Faced with the three of them, little by little, they might not be able to sleep at any time.

In the evening, several people gathered together again.But everyone found that Li Man didn't show up_Chen Chen was the first one who broke down in hug and cried too much. And Wang Xu's face is also very ugly.

"Isn't Li Man not up to the standard of death? Why cry? Maybe he just doesn't want to come out. I'll go and see!_" Wang Xu limped to Li Man's room and went to Chen Chen to look at Lin Chen Yiyi_turned around and left with Wang Xuertong, but after a while there was a scream.

Lin Chen and Xia Miaoyan looked at each other with a heavy look on their faces.

But the screams from downstairs did not stop.Lin Chen and Xia Miaoyan turned away at once.

The little dwarf (cgca) held two chainsaws_. He sawed off Li Man's legs little by little. The flesh and blood were flying in the eyes of the crowd, and Chen Chen couldn't help but spit it out. Li Man's eyes were full of eyes. It's tears, _ looking for help and looking at Lin Chen,

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