Zhang Yunuan has been busy with Zhao Meng's case, and is very clear about this matter. "Zhao Meng also told me about this. The dossier says March 3th. Some passers-by heard quarrels in it that were similar to 'to die together', and there was no such thing in the villa. Found something strange, so it was judged to be suicide at that time."

(Zhu Lin Chen nodded, suddenly walked out of the study without speaking, closed the door, and walked in again after a while. Asked, "Did you hear anything?"

c heart,

b has loo

Zhang Yunuan shook his head dumbfounded, while Wang Tao ran up in three or two steps, "What's the matter, what the hell are you yelling?"


Zhang Tiannuan's face changed. He nodded to Lin Chen.

"I see. I'll find that person when I go back."

Wang Tao looked at Lin Chen and Zhang Tiannuan with a dewy head, but he didn't recover for a long time.Zhang Tiannuan didn't say anything to Wang Tao, just patted him on the shoulder.

"How is the scene?"

"The scene was damaged to a certain extent, but the core part was not damaged. It was initially judged to be suicide. But the reason for the suicide is unclear now."

Zhang Tiannuan nodded and glanced at Lin Chen, _Seeing that Lin Chen didn't go down, he led Wang Tao back.And this time, Lin Chen didn't stay upstairs. , and went downstairs with the two of them.

Shen Qi breathed a sigh of relief when he saw Lin Chen appear, with a gentle smile on his face, he stood behind Lin Chen obediently. _"Brother Lin, what are we going to do now 9"

Wang Tao didn't take the test on another detective, his tone was lazy. "What else do I need to say? Of course, I'm going back with us to take a transcript. Let's go. _" Wang Tao wanted to leave with the two of them _ but was stopped by Zhang Tianai.

"Anyway, it's a small case... just stare here and I'll take them back. Wang Tao looked at Zhang Tiannuan and Lin Chen and waved their hands for a long time.

"Alright, alright.. You guys hurry up." Lin Chen was an acquaintance in the police station, and there were many police officers who greeted him. "Yo, why are you here again? Take a break and then leave. w"

"Brother Lin," you have a case here, and you have to work overtime. "

Lin Chen greeted them with a smile and Zhang Tiannuan took a note.Da Qi walked in front of Lin Chen after the transcript was over. 0 .__For flowers 02


Are we going back now?


Lin Chen shook his head and handed the key to Shen Qi.

"I won't go back if I have something else to do. You go back and look at the company's affairs. You can stop the investigation of the Zhao family for a while._" Although Shen Qie didn't know why, he still nodded to Lin Chen before leaving.After Shen Qi left, Zhang Tiannuan locked his office before taking out the file and handing it to Lin Chen. )

"You can't take this file with you, you can only look at it here. And once someone finds out, you took it privately." Lin Chen glanced at the locked Taimen and Zhang Tiannuan, who was righteous.The lip fish evoked a radian.

_"_it is good.?

Lin Chen looked at the file at a very fast speed. It was almost 20 seconds to turn a page. Zhang Yunuan watched the speed at which he turned the file. He was really worried that he would mix up the things on the file. 20 seconds is very short for other people, but it is very generous for Lin Chen." It was enough for him to memorize the above things word for word.

Lin Chen just handed the file to Zhang Tiannuan when there was a knock. Zhang Tiannuan's hand stopped, and the file almost fell to the ground. Lin Chen gave her a soothing look and opened the big [ ].Zhang Xing knew that it was when Lin Chen and Zhang Tiannuan were inside.My scalp is so fried__ especially knowing that Lin Chen and Zhang Tiannuan have been together for a long time. . He doesn't care that he is an ordinary police officer now and directly knocks on Zhang Tiannuan's call.

Lin Chen was stunned when he saw Zhang Xing, and he didn't forget to say hello to him. "Deputy Director Zhang, it's been a long time." Zhang Xing's face turned green when he heard it. Looking at Lin Chen, his face was very ugly.

"What are you here for? This is not the place you should be."

Lin Chen looked at Zhang Xing. Ling coldly and laughed.

"This is not the place I should be. Is this a place where you can roam around? You don't seem to be the director because of your clothes. You were lucky to find the file in the last case. You just went to your official position. This time, Do you want to even take off this skin?" Zhang Xing was speechless by Lin Chen, and looked at Lin Chen's face flushed.Zhang Tianan directly threw the file on the table and Zhang Xing subconsciously shook it twice.

"Do I have to report everything to you, Deputy Director Zhang?"



065 right here

Because of that incident, Zhang Xing was sent directly to the archives by the director. Except facing the dossier, he can't do anything. Now I hear Zhang Tianan calling him the director.His face was full of anger. "I have something to ask. _Is there two missing files from five years ago?"

Zhang Tiannuan pushed the file directly in front of Zhang Xing.

"The dossier of the Zhao family's case is with me, is there any problem?"

More and more people came to the show, and many people were very disliked by Zhang Xing. They were very excited to see Zhang Tiannuan and Lin Chen scolding him together. , I can't wait to play Zhang Xing well.

When Wang Tao brought the victim's body back, he happened to see a group of people in Zhang Tiannuan's room, and his face suddenly took on color.

"Yo, are they all finished? The Zhao family's case has been figured out? Wang Jingyu ="?"

Live!_"Zero Eight Three""

When Zhang Xing heard it, his face was even more ugly. If something happened to the Zhao family, it would be normal for Zhang Tiannuan to look at the file.Rather, he was being unreasonable.

Zhang Xing is not the original deputy director, but now he can be said to be able to bend and stretch.Face is very reluctant.

"It's time to borrow the dossier. Is it time for Team Zhang to send the dossier back?" Zhang Tiannuan watched Zhang Xing throw the dossier directly into his arms for a long time. "Let's see if there's anything missing. Maybe this file will be used for a while."

Zhang Xing hugged the file and went back angrily. He also glared at Lin Chen. . Lin Chen sneered and then dismantled the stage.

"Actually, you don't need to take it back. If [-] is to be investigated together, I will trouble you to run again."

Zhang Xing's face is even more unsightly_Hold the file and go back directly.

When Lin Chen had just walked away, Wang Tao would run to Zhang Tiannuan in a hurry. "Team Zhang, has Lin Chen read the Zhao family's dossier?"

Zhang Tiannuan's writing hand paused and replied nonchalantly.

"He really wants to see. Zhao Mengli seems to have asked him on the plane. But I haven't let him see it yet?"

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