_ "Ouch.. I just thought I was an errand.. This captain is really suffocating. I think you weren't so miserable before, Team Zhang!"

Wang Tao watched Lin Chen and Zhang Tiannuan talking and drinking tea leisurely. The resentment in his heart couldn't help but complain to the two of them.And Zhang Tiannuan's eye bugs had a smile of happiness and misfortune.

"Didn't you still run errands at that time? The little police officer below didn't use any of them or what, and didn't train himself two Zhang Tiannuan's slightly joking words... but made Wang Tao's face sink.

Wang Tao looked at Zhang Tiannuan's eyes with a hint of firmness.

"Don't talk nonsense about Captain Zhang. I am yours. Let me be the captain. I can't afford this Tailiang: _Let me fight others. I can't take this breath. Don't think about it. Get rid of me."

Zhang Tian'an was amused by Wang Tao's teasing.. But Lin Chen didn't bother to look at the two. "When will the name be mentioned? It's time to investigate the case."

Lin Chen thought that a person like Sun Qing should live in a villa area. No matter how bad it is, it would be in a high-end apartment._ But he didn't expect that he was actually in a basket building.Looking at the mud and rotten peel on the ground, Wang Tao couldn't help but scolded twice.

"Isn't this little white face of Yiyi quite rich? How could he live here?" Zhang Tiannuan didn't mind the environment here, and his face was still calm.

"Sun Qing lived in a villa three years ago, but he moved to the apartment two years ago, and now it's here. Although there is no official evidence, we have also suspected him of taking drugs."

Instead, Lin Chen shook his head.

"It's not like. I've seen that guy with a ruddy face that doesn't look like he's been a drug addict for three years. Wang Tao couldn't help choking.

"Yo, Brother Lin has good eyesight. You can tell if it's a drug addict just by looking at it. If we want those detector kings to see nothing, it's fine_."

Lin Chen glanced at Yu (well done) Tao with understanding.Wang Tao immediately shrank his neck and did not dare to speak.

Zhang Tiannuan hurriedly gave Wang Tao a cover to tell his speculation.

"Wang Jun doesn't look like he would let a drug addict stay by his daughter's side... If it's drug addict, it's most likely a fairy dance. _Lin Chen is undecided whether to open the Taimen of Sun Qing's house.

Logically speaking.It would not be too good to decorate in such a packaged building. But Sun Qing's home is an exception. Exquisite wallpapers, high-end furniture. The things in it are enough to buy two such houses.When the three saw this, their expressions changed. They began to search Sun Qing's house.

Sun Qing's house doesn't look like someone has lived in it. Every place is tidy and it doesn't look like there are many things that haven't been unpacked.

Lin Chen glanced at the bedside in the bedroom.Found a picture of Peppa Pig on it.

Are people's tastes like this now-: ..two


068 Mail

Wang Tao looked at Lin Chen and stared = the pig was obviously disgusted even if he didn't look away. "Isn't it single anymore? Even looking at a pig makes your eyebrows look bleak, right? You shouldn't be short of women."

Lin Chen threw the photo frame into Wang Tao's arms as if he was white.

_"Are you going to put this kind of thing on the bedside when you're idle?"

Ghosts will....

Just as Wang Tao wanted to fight back, he noticed something was wrong.

The bedside is a very private place that has special meaning in addition to commonly used things.This pig won't have any special meaning.

Then there is something in the frame,

Wang Tao smashed the photo frame in two or three times. He saw two words on the back.

"Dream of Chess"

Wang Tao didn't understand what it meant. He handed it to Zhang Tiannuan, who came over to Kui.Zhang Tiannuan's expression changed when he saw it. "Hum, man e"

Wang Tao didn't know why Zhang Tiannuan said that and was smashed twice by Lin Chen's pillow when he was about to ask.

"Did you take it away? _What is written on it?"

Lin Chen frowned at an encrypted folder. Zhang Tiannuan handed over the photo.

'Qi Meng' is the name of Wang Qi and Zhao Meng. "

There are two subtleties in Lin Chen's expression. He looked at the two words that were upright and at the pig in front of him. His face was even more strange.But he didn't stop, _ typed in the password 483 directly inside. _The folder is densely packed with emails that are closely exchanged between Sun Qing and the two women.The tone is very ambiguous.

The second begins with a dialogue between Sun Qing and Zhao Meng.It's more or less normal_but when it comes to the back, that is, when the Zhao family's finances are in trouble_. Sun Qing has more contacts with Wang Qi, and even a lot of people go out to play.

Zhang Yunuan was stunned when she saw these emails.There was a twinkle of disgust in his eyes.

"Is this Sun Qing playing two people as fools? Judging by the time, Sun Qing and the Zhao family should have an accident." Lin Chen nodded.

"Sun Qing is just playing the two companies as fools. If not, why put their names on a pig. _" Not to mention Zhang Tiannuan_. Even Wang Tao is too long and shocked. look. "No, this guy is too daring. Wang Qi and Zhao Meng seem to be best friends at this time. Are you afraid that they will be chased and killed by the two families?"

Zhang Tiannian took a few pictures. I copied all these things.

"Even if it's a best friend, what can you do? Are there still few plastic sisters in this world?"

The three stayed at Sun Qing's house for a long time, but the time passed was too long/a lot of things disappeared long ago, not to mention if Sun Qing had moved three times.This argument is almost nothing. Zhang Tiannuan looked at Lin Chen with a dignified and cold expression in his eyes,

"This case has been too long. If it can't be solved, it's not your problem." Lin Chen shook his head, his eyes full of determination and confidence.

_ "No. If only the case from five years ago would be difficult to solve__ But now there is Wu Jing's incident. If they want to expose themselves, they will stop anyone."

Zhang Tiannuan was stunned.Banyu laughed out loud.

She forgot.The traces from five years ago are almost wiped out, but the traces are still intact now. As long as Wu Jing's matter is confirmed, Luo Xiao is pulled out of the mud.What happened five years ago will sooner or later become too plain.

The three of them were sitting in the car. Yutao had been working overtime every day for a long time and was sleepy. As soon as he got into the car, he fell asleep.Seeing this, Zhang Tiannuan couldn't help but lower his voice, "Then what do we do now?" Lin Chen looked at the endless black in front of him and couldn't help but lower his voice. "I heard that Wang Qi is awake. Why don't you go see her now."

Zhang Tiannuan and Zhao Meng chatted for so long. There was a sense of disgust from the bottom of my heart._He nodded without thinking about Lin Chen's proposal. "Okay._ But what about Yutao?"

Lin Chen chuckled. As soon as he turned the steering wheel, he sent Wang Tao to his home. "Get up and go to sleep."

Wang Tao was confused and thought he was at the police station. Hearing Lin Chen's words, he consciously kicked Lin Chen's direction twice. (ae__ch) .. -

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