

081 Tranquility at night

Zhang Yunuan scratched his head and carried a wave again.

"It's 19 o'clock in the evening_ Lin Chen must have woken up." Zhang Yunuan muttered to himself, then walked towards the door of the main room.Zhang Tiannuan heard the sound of bamboo beating in the practice room. He thought that Lin Chen would not have tossed around there for an afternoon, and then walked there.

Sure enough. .It was Lin Chen who practiced there. ,

Lin Chen saw Zhang Tiannuan coming. _Say:_


You woke up and I was just about to wake you up for dinner. "

Zhang Yunuan woke up and said: "It's okay, it's okay.. You can continue to practice for a second time. I also want to see how the usual Lin always spends it, right? You shouldn't be practicing here. Two afternoons?" "Lin Chen heard what Zhang Tiannuan said but ignored her... and continued to knock and carry the wooden sword there.

Zhang Tianai watched Lin Chen carry these series of movements to and from the "six and nine soils" skillfully and quickly.Accurate. And handsome and crazy again

But it's not her fault, at this time, as long as it's a woman. , whoever sees this scene will be shaken. , immersed in its worms.

Zhang Tiannuan thought in his heart. Lin Chen is so handsome, and he can be both civilized and martial. He has a lot of money. If he was not in a good condition, he would not have left him so decisively. _ Now the opportunity is in the hand again. Hope it won't let go this time.Seize the opportunity! Zhang Tiannuan thought about Lin Chen and came over and said: _ "Come on.. Let's go to eat. Zhang Wunuan stared at Lin Chen and said mischievously: "I want to eat something simple. And I also said Well, this time I'm going to cook it for you myself, so this time your dinner will be called to me.Even if the cooking is unpalatable _ you can't dislike and scold me"

"As you wish... Since you have to do it yourself, I won't stop you." Lin Chen responded calmly to Zhang Yunuan.Lin Chen brought Zhang Tiannuan to the kitchen and waved, letting the chefs who were preparing to serve leave. ,

Zhang Tiannuan looked at the hot food on the table and said:

"Ah" these dishes

It's freshly cooked.. It can't be wasted, but tonight you have to eat the food I cooked by myself|"

Zhang Yunuan asked the chefs to take the food away for the employees to eat. _Then prepare yourself to cook.

Zhang Yunuan's cooking movements are neat and fast, and he can compete with those chefs.

"You haven't eaten the food I made for a long time. Do you miss it?" Zhang Tiannuan presented the cooked food to Lin Chen.Zhang Yunuan continued: "These are my love dinners._I was very careful and serious when I made them. There are also these phoenix melons that I have made, I remember you liked them very much before. .honey,

"Fortunately, I'm not used to being ugly anymore. pqa

"Lin Chen, looking at these meals on the table, is really nostalgic.

103 "How.. the taste is still so delicious, right, you are very happy to eat it!uo

"Zhang Tiannuan's face was full of pride and Lin Chen was mischievous.

Lin Chen's expression was still the same as usual, very calm, and said __ "Okay. Thank you for your hospitality this time. I want something in return later. Say it."

Zhang Tiannuan said with a serious face: _"I didn't say "Well, I want to visit your home, and I'm going to visit a town near your home_ to see the night view of this enterprise town. "


After Lin Chen was full, he sat there for a while and then helped Zhang Yunuan to walk to the town.

"Wow! The weather here is really good. It's different to see so many stars in the suburbs. There's never been such a beautiful sky in the city!" Zhang Tiannuan sighed.

The evening light illuminates the town, illuminating the river in the town. Together with the lights in the town house, it sets off this place.Especially the sightseeing boat on the river. . Feels particularly appropriate. "Pregnant beauty, I haven't seen such a beautiful night scene and such a beautiful sky for a long time. I haven't tried to relax my body in such a long time. It's really comfortable." Zhang Tiannuan sighed _. and was enjoying this beauty night.

Suddenly a few people from the small town appeared on the street.Seeing Lin Chen, he was very surprised and ran over quickly.

"Mr. Lin, you are back. I haven't seen you for a long time. This town is really beautiful. Without you. We might still be living here...I really don't know how to thank you so much. !_" A person on the street was grateful to Lin Chen again and again.

"Mr. Lin

This is your...?

Mr. Lin is really lucky. _He is handsome, _rich and young and promising_" The people on the street continued to talk to Lin Chen.

Lin Chen beckoned them to go back to their place.

Zhang Tiannuan said in amazement: _ "Wow, I didn't expect you to have such a good relationship with your neighbors with such a character. I really can't imagine it."

"These are all the employees I recruited. This town is my home, but these houses in the town are built for them to live in. A few years ago, they were also homeless people, so I simply asked Shen Qiu to help. = Next, build this town.. let them help here"_

Lin Chen originally didn't want to respond to Zhang Tiannuan. . But seeing her so relaxed tonight is rare.I was in such a good mood... I explained it to her.

"What?_ You said this whole small town is yours? Except where you live. All the other houses are staff dormitories?!"


Can't you go?" Lin Chenyi

His face replied to Zhang Tiannuan as usual. "Big brother, you don't play like this when you have money, okay!" Although Zhang Tiannuan knew that Lin Chen was not interested in money, she still said this.

"Also. When did you become such a good person? It's not like you have sympathy for others." Zhang Tianai continued to ask Lin Chen.

Lin Chen still ignored Zhang Tian'an because he didn't know why he did this.Maybe it was because Zhang Tiannuan left him at that time, so he made a choice that he would not normally make.

The westerner walked to the chair next to the river and sat down. Zhang Tiannuan lay on Lin Chen's shoulder and looked at the river that was illuminated by the light. The two were immersed in this environment...

Lin Chen suddenly broke the tranquility.Seriously:_ "This city is too boring for me before" there is nothing to interest me.. I'm going to go out and play for a while in a few days. .I don't know if Team Zhang would like to go to 2.6 with me. 1."_Zhang Tiannuan was stunned by the sudden words, she had long thought that there would be a day when there was really nothing in this city that could keep him .

Zhang Yunuan wanted to say to Lin Chen.. I'm going! I'm going with you to do everything interesting in this world! But she just couldn't tell. .Because she can't do anything about this job.She is such a person who is responsible for everything.Zhang Tianan abandoned a lawsuit against Lin Chen a long time ago, and now the opportunity to get along with him comes to her hand bug again._She really wanted to seize this opportunity to accompany him.But he and her responsibilities in life are the only ones she can choose.Lin Chen was very aware of Zhang Yunuan's thoughts, so he didn't continue. .The two continued to sit in that chair and enjoy this rare night. …


082 Handsome Face

Zhang Wunuan enjoyed the night very much.. because she hadn't been so close to Lin Chen for a long time. Lin Chen approached Zhang Tiannuan's ear. _ said to her, _ "Do you regret leaving me at that time?"

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