Lin Chen was too lazy to talk to Zhang Tianan anymore. He went to Minggu County overnight last night, and went to investigate so many things. He was also very tired and wanted to go back to rest. .


137 This is a coincidence 【Subscription】

So Lin Chen waved his hand casually, yawned, and said, "Okay, okay, if you say it's a coincidence, that's a coincidence, come in, I'll go back."

Although he heard what Lin Chen said, Zhang Tiannan could see from Lin Chen's expression that he was just perfunctory, and Lin Chen still felt that he did it on purpose.

Zhang Tianai still wanted to argue with Lin Chen, saying that the two times were really just accidents.

But Lin Chen already wanted to go back to sleep, and quickly walked downstairs.

"What's the matter? It was obviously my fault, and he thought it was my intention, which made me look shameless." Zhang Tian stomped his feet angrily. Her voice was not small, and it echoed in the corridor. on.

After the voice fell, Lin Chen's voice came from below the corridor: "Whatever you say is what you say, I'm sleepy, let's go first."

It's okay that Lin Chen didn't say this, but Zhang Tiannan got even more angry when he said that.

After Lin Chen left, Zhang Tianai stood alone in the corridor for a long time.

When she was sulking in the corridor, her parents were a little depressed in the living room.

Zhang Tian'an's mother looked at the security door and muttered, "Hey, young people who are in 487 now, you don't need to kiss for so long.

Hearing this, Dad Zhang gave a wry smile, but said nothing.

When Zhang Tianai's mother's words fell, the security door opened, and Zhang Tianai walked in with a look of grievance.

Zhang Tiannan's aggrieved performance, seeing his parents' eyes, became the object of his daughter's conversation, and he was embarrassed when his parents bumped into him.

"Where's Lin Chen?" Dad Zhang asked.

"He's gone." Zhang Tianan didn't want to speak.

"Let's go?" Dad Zhang said, "You kid, why didn't you ask Lin Chen to come in and sit down? Your mother has already washed the fruit, let him come in to eat some fruit, and talk a few words before leaving."

When Zhang Tianan saw the attitude and eyes of his parents, he knew that they had misunderstood.

So she explained: "Mom, what you saw just now is not what you thought, me and that Lin Chen..."

"Okay, Mom knows, isn't it just talking about someone, what's embarrassing about it." Zhang Tian'an's mother said: "You are in your twenties, not too young, it's time to find a partner ( bheg), that young man runs his own company, and he is also very energetic. At present, my mother is very satisfied with him, but I don’t know how his family is, how his temperament is, and whether he can get along with you.”

"As long as the person is good, the character can be slowly adjusted." Dad Zhang echoed.

Zhang Tianan suddenly felt that she couldn't wash herself even after jumping into the Yellow River. After a busy day, she was also tired. After hearing what her parents said, she grimaced and didn't say a word. She went back to her room to take a shower and go to bed. .

After Zhang Tianan entered the house, Zhang's father said to Zhang's mother, "Let my daughter call Lin Chen home tomorrow to get to know the young man, and let them talk about it if it is appropriate."

"Well." Mother Zhang nodded.

It's just that the two of them didn't know that their conversation was overheard by Zhang Tianan, who was leaning against the door.


Lin Chen was walking on the streets of Liuhe County, playing with the room card in his hand.

When walking through an alley, there were several women with heavy makeup standing at the entrance of the alley. After the woman saw Lin Chen, she immediately walked up with a smile.

The woman with heavy makeup asked Lin Chen to play in the alley for a while. The price was not expensive, just [-] yuan.

In this regard, Lin Chen directly ignored it.

After returning to the hotel arranged by the county leader, Lin Chen took the elevator to the room marked on the room card.

When he came to the door of the room, Lin Chen was about to take the room card to open the door and go in.

At this moment, the door of the room opposite opened, and a tall figure appeared behind Lin Chen.

After Miao Yunfei came back from the hotel, she immediately took a shower, and then lay on the chuang alone thinking about what happened today.

Thinking of Lin Chen and Zhang Tianan going shopping together, she always had an inexplicable feeling in her heart.

She didn't eat much in the restaurant, and now, she was a little hungry. After opening the door, she found that Lin Chen was just back and wanted to open the door to go in.

Lin Chen turned his head and glanced at Miao Yunfei who took off her police uniform and put on ordinary clothes.

The two looked at each other, and Miao Yunfei said, "Why did you come back so late?"

"Walking and shopping is naturally slow." Lin Chen responded.

Miao Yunfei put her hands in front of xiong, and after seeing Lin Chen open the door, she hesitated, and finally said, "I'm a little hungry, you can go out to eat with me."

After Lin Chen heard the words, he shook his head and said, "I just came back from a barbecue with Tian Nian. I'm not hungry, you can go by yourself."

After leaving these words, Lin Chen entered the room and slammed the door shut.

Miao Yunfei looked at Lin Chen's closed door, and was stunned for a moment.

Ask Lin Chen to accompany him to eat something, but Lin Chen refused so directly?

Even if you have eaten with Zhang Tianan, you can go with me if you don't.

Miao Yunfei bit the red chun, and the words that Lin Chen said that he and Zhang Tiannan had eaten reverberated in her mind. She pouted and suddenly felt that she was not so hungry, so she closed the door and stopped eating. .

The next morning, when Lin Chen was immersed in his sleep, there was a knock on the door.

After being awakened by the knock on the door, Lin Chen frowned and said loudly, "Who is it?"

"Me." Miao Yunfei's voice came from outside.

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