A few minutes later, the security captain of Yongtai Security Company walked in with a few people.

The security captain has very dark skin, and although he is not tall, his body is full of explosive muscles.

After seeing Ge Xiangdong, he nodded to Ge Xiangdong and said, "Young Master Dong, everyone is outside, are they coming soon?"

Ge Xiangdong stretched out his little finger and poked out his ears, and said, "I guess it's almost time, he's ma, delaying my birthday, damn it."

The security captain grinned and said, "Anyone who dares to delay Young Master Dong's birthday should have his limbs cut off and lie down on the chuang for a few months."

The person next to him heard the words and understood that the security captain was going to interrupt Lin Chen's limbs, and then seriously injured him.

Ge Xiangdong leisurely shook the wine glass in his hand, the red wine inside was shaking, he didn't say anything, but the weird smile on his face indicated that he was very unhappy at the moment.

When Ge Xiangdong drank all the red wine in the glass, a young man in a security uniform ran in.

The young man said to Ge Xiangdong, "Young Master Dong, that person is here."

Ge Xiangdong raised his arrogant chin, and said indifferently, "Is it at the door?"

"Yes." The young man nodded.

Ge Xiangdong sneered and said, "Break his leg for me directly at the door, and then drag him up."

Ge Xiangdong's father owns shares in this hotel, which is considered a part of his family's property. The people in the hotel will not inform the police about anything they do here.

"Okay, Master Dong, I'll do it right away." The young man ran out immediately.

Seeing this, the security captain wanted to follow, but was stopped by Ge Xiangdong.

"You don't go, there's no need for that. Bring me a pair of gloves. I'll do it myself in a while. Don't let that guy's blood stain my hands." Ge Xiangdong said to the security captain.

"Yes, Master Dong." The security captain went to prepare gloves for Ge Xiangdong.

"Don't do it yourself on your birthday, right?" Chai Haoqiang asked with a smile.

"No." Ge Xiangdong gritted his teeth and said, "Fuck it, he made Lao Tzu's birthday in a bad mood, and Lao Tzu is about to beat him, he doesn't even know his ma."

Everyone looked at each other a few times, but no one spoke. The security captain quickly brought a pair of gloves to Ge Xiangdong.

Ge Xiangdong slowly put on his gloves, and Xiao Xueer, a little star next to him, snorted: "I haven't seen Dong Shao make a move, Dong Shao, don't accidentally hurt yourself...  "

"I've been boxing for two years, what are you kidding?" Ge Xiangdong put on two gloves, made a fist with one hand, and hit the palm of the other hand twice, making a popping sound: "Today For my birthday, I will practice my hand with a personal meat bag."

"Who wants human flesh buns?"

Just as Ge Xiangdong's voice fell, a young man's voice came from the corridor on the third floor.

After hearing this voice, everyone present felt a little strange, and they all looked in the direction from which the voice came.

The next moment, everyone saw a young man, followed by a girl with a pure and pleasant appearance, walking towards this side step by step.

When they saw this young man, everyone was at a loss. This young man was so unfamiliar to them that they had never seen him before.

Ge Xiangdong also looked at Lin Chen curiously, not knowing who he was. After seeing Xia Miaoyan beside Lin Chen, his eyes narrowed suddenly and he recognized Xia Miaoyan.

Xia Miaoyan followed behind Lin Chen, it was obvious that this was the college student who was very good at fighting.

Ge Xiangdong frowned, didn't he let someone beat Lin Chen at the door of the first floor, and then drag him up?Why is he coming up now?

On the other side, Chai Haoqiang, at this moment, his whole person was stunned, those eyes looking at Lin Chen were almost like seeing a ghost.

No one noticed his frightened expression, because everyone's attention was now on Lin Chen.

Ge Xiangdong took a few steps forward, looked at Lin Chen, and said coldly, "You are the college student who interrupted my hands and feet?"

The security captain's face was very dark, and he quietly took a step closer to Ge Xiangdong's side to prevent Lin Chen from possibly taking shots at Dong Shao.

"You are that Ge Xiangdong?" Lin Chen's face was calm, and those clear eyes looked at Ge Xiangdong.

"That's right, it's me." Ge Xiangdong stretched out his hand, pointed at Xia Miaoyan behind Lin Chen, and said arrogantly, "Who am I, someone like you must not understand, but I can give you a chance , you send your girlfriend to my arms, so that you can save one hand from being interrupted for a while.".


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Let Lin Chen send Xia Miaoyan into his Dong Shao's arms, so that one less of Lin Chen's hands can be interrupted.

This is Ge Xiangdong's gift to Lin Chen.

Xia Miaoyan was still immersed in astonishment at the moment. The things that happened downstairs just now made those pictures still play back in her mind.

The security captain standing next to Ge Xiangdong, after seeing Lin Chen, he was thinking in his heart, what about those men downstairs?Didn't they let them break Lin Chen's leg and bring Lin Chen up again?

Why is Lin Chen coming up by himself now?

Just when Lin Chen was about to speak, a young man stumbled out of the aisle behind Lin Chen and Xia Miaoyan.

The young man's arms were already drooping down weakly, his face was very painful, and he shouted: "Dong Shao, be careful... We... we were all injured by him..."

After the young man said this, he no longer had the strength to stand, and fell to the ground with a thud.

"I'm hungry……"

The young man's words caused an exclamation from the crowd present.

They don't know how many people from Dong Shao are downstairs, but all of them were injured by Lin Chen. Is it necessary to be so perverted?

When Ge Xiangdong heard this, his expression suddenly changed. He suddenly looked at the security captain and asked, "How many people have you brought here?"

The security captain's forehead was oozing with cold sweat. He turned his head with difficulty and replied, "Three...[-]..."

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