Other police officers began taking notes on students who witnessed them.

Those students who saw a hole in their heads were knocked open, and blood and brains flowed out, were sitting on the steps of a flowerbed.

During the interrogation of the students, all relevant leaders of Guangyu No. [-] Middle School came to the school and learned that a murder had occurred in the school. A student had his head broken and died under the basketball hoop on the playground.

The faces of the school leaders are very ugly. If this kind of thing happens in the school, the school leaders should be held responsible.

It was time for class. The students who lived in the dormitory came down from the dormitory building, and the students who lived outside also came to the school.

A lot of police stood on the playground, and the scene was also cordoned off.

After preliminary investigation, the deceased, surnamed Wang, was a student in the first class of the third grade. The time of death was in the early hours of the morning. The place of death next to the basketball hoop should be the second scene. The murderer did not leave any traces on the scene.

The news of the death of a third-year student in the school quickly spread in Guangyu No. [-] Middle School. The minds of junior high school students and high school students are less mature than college students.

As soon as the matter spread, the students lost the mind to attend classes, and were discussing the dead student, why he died, who killed him, and whether the murderer was a human or a ghost.

The police also began to investigate the interpersonal relationship of the deceased, whether he had any grudges with others.

Soon, the students and the police responded to a situation.

That is, a few days ago, on the ground next to the basketball hoop in the playground, a humanoid pattern drawn with red chalk appeared. After the humanoid pattern appeared for the first time, it disappeared after a day.

After the second appearance, it was gone that day.

But today, there is a dead student lying on the position of the human figure. According to the students' reactions, the deceased's current posture of death and the position of his hands and feet are very similar to the human figure that appeared twice before.

When the police handling the case learned of this situation, they felt a little weird and didn't care at first, but as the number of students who responded increased, the police began to pay attention to this matter.

The person in charge of this case is the director of the Public Security Bureau of Guangyu County. When the director of the Public Security Bureau was in the principal's office to learn about the situation, several criminal policemen came in.

"Director, I found an important situation." A criminal policeman said to the chief with sweat on his forehead.

The director hurriedly asked what was going on, and the policeman told the director about the humanoid pattern that had appeared on the school playground.

The principal did not know about this, and felt very surprised when he heard it.

After speaking, a criminal policeman took out his mobile phone, opened it, and handed it to the director, saying, "Director, a student used his mobile phone to take a picture of the human figure that appeared a few days ago. This is the photo I sent from him. "

The director took the phone and glanced at the photo displayed on the phone.

This look made the director's eyes widen suddenly.

Judging from the photo, this human figure drawn on the ground with red chalk is exactly the same in shape and position as the deceased today.

The humanoid pattern drawn with red chalk seems to be giving everyone a preview in advance. As long as this humanoid pattern appears, a person will die in that place, and the death shape is exactly the same as that humanoid pattern.

"Can you find out who drew this human figure that has appeared twice?" the director asked.

The detective said: "We investigated, but the students all said that when they came to school in the morning, they saw the humanoid pattern on the ground. At that time, they thought who was drawing it for fun, but no one cared..."

· · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · ·??????????????

The director stood up from his seat and said, "This murderer's modus operandi is very strange. First, he drew a humanoid pattern on the playground. The first time it was wiped off, it was fine, the second time it was wiped off, and the third time it appeared directly. A body was in that position."

"Knocked the student to death with a blunt object, smashed his skull, and tried to break it open with his hands..."

The police are trying their best to cover up the mysterious death of a student in Guangyu No. [-] Middle School to prevent the incident from spreading out, but the student’s mouth can’t be controlled. It spread in Guangyu County.

The police began to focus on investigating the resident students and those who used red chalk to draw humanoid patterns on the playground. Among the students, suspicious persons were found, but there was no progress on who drew the humanoid patterns.



Lin Chen woke up early today. The reason was naturally that the company's employees were again in a state of shortage. Today, he was going to personally select employees.

After washing up and having some breakfast, Lin Chen drove to the company.

That night, after Lin Chen took Xia Miaoyan to Ge Xiangdong's birthday party, he sent Xia Miaoyan back to school. The little girl was very restless all the way back.

With Lin Chen's shot, Ge Xiangdong's group didn't dare to think about Xia Miaoyan anymore. Feng Qiming, the president of the Rubik's Cube Hobby Club, saw him in the hotel that day, and Xia Miaoyan never looked at him again. When he arrived, he didn't know whether he was in the hospital or lying at home.

Feng Qiming couldn't pursue Xia Miaoyan, so he introduced Xia Miaoyan to the underworld master. It was circulated in a small area of ​​the Rubik's Cube Hobby Club. Xia Miaoyan quit the club. Some female members felt that Feng Qiming was too much, and they also quit. .

In the past few days, Lin Chen has been working very hard, and he knocked out all the millions of words "Fighting Through the Sky".

After the release of "Breaking the Sky", it was put on the shelves in the shortest time, and the sales results were naturally very popular. The two books "Covering the Sky" and "Breaking the Sky" are continuously increasing Lin Chen's income every day.

After Lin Chen came to the company, the people who came to interview were already waiting in the office. .


152 Two new employees 【Subscription】

Tianchen Computer Co., Ltd. now has more than [-] employees, all of whom are fresh graduates from Donglin University.

After the shortage of manpower this time, Lin Chen began to recruit some talents from some societies.

Recruiting fresh graduates is more worry-free. College students who have never been out of school have a little less mind than the old fritters who have experienced in the society.

However, Lin Chen now needs a manager with rich experience to lead this group of fresh graduates.

After coming to his simple office, Lin Chen met the two people who came to interview.

The two are twin sisters, one has a ponytail, the other has long hair loose. The makeup on their faces is similar. If it wasn't for the clothes they were wearing and the different ponytails, the two of them would stand together. difficult to distinguish.

Lin Chen received a call from one of his sisters yesterday, saying that a younger sister would also join Tianchen Computer Co., Ltd. What Lin Chen didn't expect was that they were actually twin sisters.

"Hello." Lin Chen smiled and nodded to the two girls.

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