Lin Chen took the first photo away and looked at the second one.

The second is the photo taken by the police after the deceased was discovered. Comparing the two photos, the posture and position of the deceased's death are exactly the same as the human figure.

"It's exactly the same." Xia Miaoyan also leaned over and looked at it.

Lin Chen turned to the third photo, Xia Miaoyan glanced at the third photo, and immediately turned her head to the side, not daring to look at it.

The third photo is a close-up of the deceased's head wound.

In the head of the deceased, a gap was knocked out by a blunt instrument. The head of the deceased had been knocked many times. The scalp and skull were cracked, and the pale brain plasma, some brain tissue, and the entire head could be seen. Department, covered in blood.

Lin Chen stared at the close-up photo of the wound. After looking at it for a while, he said, "Show me the photo of the second deceased."

Zhang Tian'an was stunned and asked, "How do you know there is a second dead person?"

"Didn't you just say it?" Lin Chen asked back.

"I just said that?"

"Well." Lin Chen nodded and said, "When you introduced the deceased, you said 'the first deceased'. If only one person died, you would not add 'first'."

Zhang Tian'an stretched out his hand to cover his forehead, yes, he said something like this just now, why did he forget it all at once.

After putting his hand down, Zhang Tian'an said: "After the death of the first deceased, the police also learned about the appearance of a humanoid pattern on the playground, and they conducted a rigorous investigation into who drew the pattern on the ground, but what happened in the end? It has not been investigated, and the murderer has not been caught.”

"Some time after the incident, on the road leading to the school cafeteria, another human figure appeared one morning."

"This time the human figure is lying on its side, with both arms in the same direction."

Zhang Tianan said, and took out another photo from his briefcase.

The human-shaped pattern on the photo, analyzed from the shape of the pattern, is indeed sideways, with both arms in the same direction.

After Lin Chen saw this photo, Zhang Tianan immediately took out another one.

This is the picture of the death scene of the second deceased.

The deceased was a schoolgirl, her clothes were soaked with blood and water, her body was lying on the ground on her side, her eyes were closed, and her head was fatally injured by a blunt blow.

· · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · ·?????????????

Looking at the photo of the second deceased, Lin Chen frowned and said, "The death posture of the second deceased is the same as the human figure, but the place of death is different from the place leading to the canteen in the first photo."

"Yes." Zhang Tianan nodded and said, "The police in Guangyu County did not solve the murder case with a humanoid pattern. They dispatched some police officers to conduct night patrol inspections of the school to prevent the recurrence of murder cases."

"After the second humanoid figure appeared on the way to the cafeteria, the police immediately took action to monitor the school secretly more closely. The second humanoid figure that appeared on his side also made people around the clock. monitor."


"It took almost a month to monitor, and the murderer did not commit the crime, but when the police were a little slack, the tragedy happened again. One morning, the second girl was found dead in the teaching building. The location is different from the second figure, but the pose is exactly the same."

Xia Miaoyan listened to what Zhang Tiannan said, she said: "This murderer is still very cunning, the first human figure appeared twice, and then a corpse appeared on the spot, and the second human figure only appeared Once, after being closely monitored by the police, he did not commit the crime, and when the police loosened up, he killed the second deceased and placed the body of the deceased in another position, but the death posture was the same."

"Well." Zhang Tiannan nodded, looked at Lin Chen, and said, "Similarly, the second female deceased, her skull was also broken by the murderer, and the forensic doctor also found that the murderer was trying to think about it. Break it apart."

"This murderer must be mentally ill, and broke the human head as a walnut." Xia Miaoyan had no appetite to eat, and muttered.

Lin Chen remained silent for a while, and then he raised his eyes, looked at Zhang Tian'an, and asked, "The forensic doctor should have examined the brains of the two deceased's heads, right? Are there any missing brains?"


PS: This is the fourth chapter today. .


155 Qualifications [5 more for subscription]

After hearing Lin Chen's words, Zhang Tian'an tapped lightly on the table with one hand, and said, "I know why you ask this question. Some of the police in Guangyu County also suggested that the murderer was a pervert. He murdered like this. Is it to suck the brains out of the deceased's head?"

"Yes." Xia Miaoyan reacted and said, "Sister Tian Nui, do the two deceased have brains? I heard that there are some perverted murderers abroad who have the habit of eating people's brains."

Under the gazes of Lin Chen and Xia Miaoyan, Zhang Tian'an shook his head slightly and said, "No, the brains in the heads of the two deceased were damaged to varying degrees, but there was basically nothing missing, excluding the murderer's habit of eating people's brains. "

"It's not a pervert that eats brains..." Xia Miaoyan muttered while resting her chin in one hand.

Lin Chen handed back the photo "Nine Six Zero" that he had seen to Zhang Tianan, and asked, "What about the specific identities of the two deceased?"

Zhang Tianai immediately told Lin Chen everything she knew about the case.

The first deceased, named Wang Huahan, was a student in the third and first class of high school with excellent grades. His parents were doing business in other places.

The second deceased was named Shi Mengru, who was also a student in the third year of high school. The class he was in was the third and second class. Shi Mengru's grades were also very good. In the third year of high school, he and Wang Huahan were among the top students.

Shi Mengru's parents are also working in other places.

The two deceased have the following characteristics in common:

1: All students are senior year students with excellent grades.

2: The parents of both of them are doing business in other places, and they do not have suitable relatives to live in the county.

3: Both of them died in the early hours of the morning. They were beaten to death with a blunt instrument by the murderer. The head was split, and there were traces of being broken.

During the investigation, the police also discovered a problem, that is, Guangyu No. [-] Middle School has a recommended quota, and students with excellent grades can be recommended by the school, and they do not need to take the college entrance examination and directly enter the university.

Guangyu No. [-] Middle School has two recommended places this year, and ten students with excellent grades have been included in the candidate list of recommended qualifications. The order of the list is based on the comprehensive evaluation of the students.

The first deceased, Wang Huahan, had excellent grades and was also evaluated for the honorary title. He was ranked first on the candidate list.

The second deceased, Shi Mengru, was ranked second in the recommended list because of his performance in other aspects.

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