
The black umbrella is approaching Lin Chen and Zhang Tiannan. He has come within ten meters. Through the flashlight of the mobile phone, you can see a pair of legs wearing water shoes under the larger old-fashioned black umbrella. It looks like he is not tall, and he is walking step by step.

"Hello, is this the staff of the funeral home?" Zhang Tianai grabbed Lin Chen's clothes with one hand and asked.

It's just that after Zhang Tiannan asked, the person under the black umbrella did not respond, nor did he raise the umbrella 17, only a pair of legs, upper body and face were hidden by the umbrella and could not be seen.

"We are the police, come to the funeral home to check on the two bodies." Compared with Zhang Tianai, Lin Chen seemed very calm.

After Zhang Tian'an and Lin Chen finished speaking, the man under the black umbrella still didn't raise the umbrella or respond. He continued to move his feet in water shoes and walked straight towards the two of them.

This scene looks a bit weird. A man holding an old-fashioned black umbrella on a rainy night, wearing water shoes, did not respond at all to the inquiries of Lin Chen and Zhang Tianan, as if he could not hear the two general inquiries.

The person under the black umbrella was slowly approaching, and when they came to a distance of less than three meters from Lin Chen, the feet wearing water shoes stopped.

After seeing the person under the black umbrella stop, Zhang Tianan couldn't help but muttered, "Lin Chen, why didn't he answer us?"

Lin Chen heard the words, reached out and clicked his ear, and said, "Maybe he has a hearing problem."

When Lin Chen's voice fell, the black umbrella was finally lifted up slowly, and a wrinkled face appeared in front of Lin Chen and Zhang Tianan.

This is an old man in his sixties, he is not tall, with silver hair and a pair of turbid old eyes with curiosity. After his eyes swept over Lin Chen and Zhang Tian'an, he asked, "What are you doing here at night? ?"

The old man's voice was very magnetic. After hearing the old man's words, Zhang Tianai finally became less nervous.

"Uncle, we are the police, come to the corpse freezer of the funeral home to check the corpse." Zhang Tianai released his hand that grabbed Lin Chen's clothes and said to the old uncle who was holding a black umbrella.

After Zhang Tianan finished speaking, the old man frowned and asked, "Ah? What did you say?"

Seeing this, Zhang Tianai understood why the old man didn't respond when he kept talking just now. It turned out that as Lin Chen said, the old man had hearing problems and was a little deaf.

Seeing this, Zhang Tiannan took a few steps forward and repeated aloud to the old man.

The old man nodded, as if he heard what Zhang Tianan said.

"It's so late, what two corpses are you still here to see?" the old man asked.

"The students of Guangyu No. [-] Middle School, the two whose heads were smashed." Zhang Tian'an said.


After Zhang Tianan gave the old man his police card, the old man squinted and said, "I'll go get the key, you guys are waiting for me here."

After the old man finished speaking, he held a black umbrella and walked towards the duty room.

Zhang Tianai took his eyes away from the old man, and said to Lin Chen, "You are right. This old man has a hearing problem, which scared me to death. I thought it was not a human being under the umbrella."

"It's not a person, could it be that the corpse stored in the funeral home came out?" Lin Chen smiled lightly.

His casual joke made Zhang Tiannan unhappy. She said, "Lin Chen, don't make such a joke with me in such a place. You are not afraid, I am."

Lin Chen shrugged and said nothing.

Soon, the old man who returned to the duty room to get the key walked back. He took a small flashlight in his hand, pointed it in one direction, and said, "Come with me."

"Okay." Lin Chen agreed, and followed the old man with Zhang Tian'an.

Zhang Tian'an was curious about where the old man went with an umbrella without a flashlight just now, and she asked loudly, "Old man, where did you go just now? Why didn't you take the flashlight, and only now?"

Hearing this, the old man turned around and said to Zhang Tianan, "Oh, I went to the toilet just now. There is only a flashlight in the duty room, and it's not charged yet. The flashlight was charging just now."

Having said that, the old man grinned, showing a mouth of black teeth, looked at Zhang Tiannan, and asked, "Little girl, didn't I scare you just now?"

As a criminal police officer, how can you say that you are afraid? Zhang Tianan said, "No, there is nothing to be afraid of."

The smile on the old man's face slowly subsided, holding an old-fashioned black umbrella, and brought the two to the door of the corpse freezer.

The old man reached out and took out the key, and unlocked the door of the corpse freezer.

Inside the corpse freezer was a green light, which was the indicator light of some equipment.

The old man walked to the door and turned on the light of the corpse freezer. After the light was on, everything in the freezer appeared in front of Lin Chen and Zhang Tianan.

Compared with some large funeral home corpse freezers, this corpse freezer is a bit rudimentary.

The corpses were stored in the cold corpse refrigerators. The old man on duty turned his head to Lin Chen and Zhang Tian and said, "Wait a minute, I'll check which cabinet the two students are in."

After finishing speaking, the old man on duty walked to a wooden table and took out a book from the drawer. After flipping it twice, he said to Lin Chen, "Those two children are in cabinets 12 and 13. "

While talking, the old man on duty walked over, first opened the cabinet No. 12, and pulled a corpse out of it.

Lin Chen took a pair of gloves from Zhang Tianan, and while wearing them, he walked towards the cabinet No. 12.

Before and after arriving, Lin Chen saw the body of a boy. The body was already stiff, and there were still some corpse spots on the skin. This boy was Wang Huahan, who was ranked first on the recommended list.

Wang Huahan's eyes were slightly open, his face was bloodless, Lin Chen went around behind him and saw the fatal wound on his head. .


168 The cry of a man and a woman 【Subscribe】

There is a gap on Wang Huahan's head, just a little higher on the back of his head.

The gap was as big as a fist, and it was smashed open by a blunt object on the skull. Inside the gap, was Wang Huahan's brain tissue and brain pulp. Because the corpse was placed in a refrigerator, the whole body was frozen. Stiff, and the brain tissue inside the gap was frozen hard-bon-bon.

Lin Chen stretched out his hand, and lightly touched the edge of the gap in Wang Huahan's head. The edge was warped outwards, and some of the scalp was pinched into the sharper-edged bones.

This is the mark left after the deceased's head was smashed open, and the murderer tried hard to break it apart.

Zhang Tian'an saw Lin Chen staring at the wound on the deceased's head, she walked over with a frown, and after glancing at the bloody hole, she turned her head aside without holding on for three seconds. .

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