After Zhang Tianan left, the deputy team leader Liang Hongxue's face turned cold, and she said, "Team Ouyang, that Lin Chen is a bit arrogant. If you ask them, he will just leave like that."

After hearing the words, Ouyang Chuying said, "It's okay, there are many self-righteous people in this world. The murder case with the humanoid pattern already has a clue, and there is no use for him."

The deputy team leader Liang Hongxue nodded when he heard the words, and the two continued to sit in the hotel lobby chatting, waiting for the other team members who were dispatched to investigate to report back.

Lin Chen took a shower in the bathroom and sat on the chuang to watch TV.

After watching for a long time, there was a knock on the door, Lin Chen walked over to open the door, and saw Zhang Tiannan, who was wearing a nightgown, standing in front of the door.

Zhang Tiannan's nightgown was brought from home by herself. There was a cartoon pattern on the pink bathrobe, and it was worn on Zhang Tiannan's body, which added a bit of cuteness to her.

"Why are you knocking on my door?" Lin Chen asked Zhang Tiannuan.

Zhang Tianan squinted at Lin Chen, stretched out his hand and pushed Lin Chen away, and walked directly into Lin Chen's room.

Now in front of Lin Chen, Zhang Tian'an is already very casual.

After entering the room, Zhang Tian'an turned off the sound of the TV and said to Lin Chen, "Lin Chen, you guy, just now Team Leader Ouyang called us downstairs, why did you come up alone as soon as I turned around? what?"

Lin Chen heard the words, took a sip of the glass of water on the table, and said, "She is your team leader, not mine, I care what she does."

After saying this, Lin Chen said with a serious face: "I'm here to investigate this case because I'm interested in solving it. Don't use your system to limit me, understand?"

After hearing Lin Chen's words, Zhang Tianan nodded and said, "I understand, I'm just afraid that you will offend people..."

Lin Chen knew that this girl cared about him, so he naturally helped Zhang Tian'an to straighten his messy hair, and said, "Your worries are superfluous."

Lin Chen's words echoed in Zhang Tian'an's ears, but now she doesn't have the heart to care about Lin Chen's words anymore...  

Because this guy Lin Chen is like a caring boyfriend, helping himself straighten his messy hair just after washing.

Lin Chen's hand was very light, and when he touched Zhang Tiannan's hair and scalp, he felt a little numb.

Zhang Tian'an stared blankly at Lin Chen who was very close to him, with his thoughts on his hair.

She had just taken a shower, and Lin Chen had just taken a shower, and both of them had the scent of shower gel.

Zhang Tian'an didn't know what to think, her face suddenly turned red, she lowered her head and said, "It's getting late, I'm going back to rest, you should rest early too."

After finishing speaking, Zhang Tianai didn't look at Lin Chen again, turned around and walked out of Lin Chen's room.

After returning to his room, Zhang Tian'an closed the door and leaned back against the door.

She recalled the numb feeling when Lin Chen fiddled with her fingers in her hair, and said to herself, "This feeling is so strange, why did he help me with my hair just now..."


Early the next morning, the members of the task force had breakfast at the hotel, some went to the school, and some went to the students' homes to investigate the parents.

Lin Chen was the last one to get up. After getting up, he found that Zhang Tianan was already standing at the door.

"Morning." Lin Chen and Zhang Tianan greeted each other.

Hearing this, Zhang Tianan gave Lin Chen a white look and said, "It's still early? It's past ten o'clock, and the rest of the 1.2 task force has gone to handle the case."

Lin Chen snorted, and Zhang Tianan said with a smile, "Lin Chen, that team leader Ouyang really did it twice. The task force has already made a major discovery today."


PS: This is the fifth update today.

Recently, I have been sitting in front of the computer every day, staring at the computer screen for more than ten hours. These two days, my eyes have been a little uncomfortable. Some readers in the book review area said that I am too slow to update. Other books are updated with ten chapters and ten chapters every day.

What I want to say is that a reasoning essay needs to be written in a lot of details, and this kind of essay is really difficult to write.

I think quality is more important than quantity. I would rather build five chapters a day to ensure the quality than to show you ten chapters of water every day.

I am working very hard to write this book well. If there are any bad points, please bear with me. I will guarantee five chapters every day and update them for the brothers. Thank you. .


171 Teacher Qin in the office 【Subscription】

After hearing Zhang Tianan say that the serious crime team has made a major discovery, Lin Chen asked, "What major discovery?"

Zhang Tianai said: "After investigation by team leader Ouyang and the others, it was found that the alibi of two parents of those students was false."

"Those two people are the parents of the 4th and 7th students on the recommended list. The 7th student's parent, when the two crimes were committed, both had false alibi and was very suspicious."

"Is this the major discovery you're talking about?" Lin Chen asked back after hearing what Zhang Tian'an said.

Zhang Tian'an was stunned for a moment. He thought that Lin Chen would be surprised after he told Lin Chen the results of the investigation, but he didn't expect Lin Chen to say so.

"What's the matter, the parents of the 4th and 7th students proved false. Isn't this finding important?" Zhang Tianan said.

Lin Chen smiled and didn't answer Zhang Tian'an, but closed the door and walked outside.

After arriving outside the hotel, Zhang Tianan asked Lin Chen, "Are we going to the Public Security Bureau or where? The parents of the fourth and seventh students are in the interrogation room of the Public Security Bureau."

"Don't go to the Public Security Bureau, go to school." Lin Chen said, opened the door and sat in.

Zhang Tiannan is a member of the special investigation team. She was originally going to follow Ouyang Chuying's orders to do things, but the old criminal policeman Qiu Junbang didn't let Zhang Tiannan follow the case, so she would just follow Lin Chen.

It's still raining today, drizzling, and the air is full of damp smells.

After arriving at the school, Lin Chen was still the same as yesterday, letting Zhang Tiannan do his own business, while he went to the teacher's office in the high school teaching building.

It's class time now. Most of the teachers in the office are in class. Only one female teacher stays in the office, preparing for lessons.

After Lin Chen came to the door of the office, he knocked on the open door and shouted, "Mr. Qin'". "

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