"Just died?"

Xia Miaoyan said, "That is to say, he jumped off the building to his death?"

Lin Chen didn't speak, he stood up and walked towards the entrance of the rental building on the side of the road.

This street is a street with less traffic. There are street lights on the main street, but there are no lights in the alleys between the houses. You can only use the street lights on the side of the road to see a little bit of the road.

Just as Lin Chen approached the door of this building, the door of the building suddenly opened, and a figure rushed out from inside, rushing towards the depths of the alley.

After seeing the figure fleeing in a panic, Lin Chen did not hesitate and immediately chased after him.

Xia Miaoyan, who was following behind, also saw the figure rushing into the depths of the alley. After seeing Lin Chen chasing after her, she cried out worriedly, "Master, be careful..."

The distance between Lin Chen and the figure was about forty or fifty meters. The figure was running very fast, but Lin Chen's speed was even faster.

In five or six seconds, Lin Chen came behind the figure.

There is a light on the wall deep in the alley, although it is dim, you can see some of the road.

"Go away, go away." After the figure saw Lin Chen catching up, he snorted coldly, stopped suddenly, and waved his hand towards Lin Chen.

In his hand, he was holding a steel knife. The blade of the steel knife was sharp, reflecting the light of the dim street lamp.

Lin Chen didn't dodge his blow, he stretched out his hand and pinched it precisely on the man's wrist.

Lin Chen exerted a little force, and the man's face immediately showed a look of pain, and the sharp steel knife in his hand fell to the ground with a clang.

"Let go, let go, or I'll kill you, ah..."

The man shouted, he had already been caught by Lin Chen with one hand, and then waved towards Lin Chen with the other hand.

Before he could hit Lin Chen with his fist, Lin Chen's knee was already on his stomach.

The man screamed. He stretched out his hand to cover his stomach. He was in so much pain that he felt that the food in his stomach was about to spit out.

"Seeing me, what are you running for?" Lin Chen said.

The man endured the pain and shouted, "It's none of your business, let me go quickly, or you will die miserably."

Lin Chen shook his head, his hands fell on the man's shoulders, the man's arms were quickly dislocated and dislocated, and his hands were hanging down softly, unable to use any strength.

Ignoring his yelling and threats, Lin Chen reached out and grabbed the belt on his back waist, like carrying a chicken, and carried him out of the alley.


PS: Brothers, there are already 1700 evaluation votes for this book. I would like to trouble you brothers to work hard and cast some evaluation votes, so that the evaluation votes will exceed 2000. Thank you.


018 Suspicious Man【For Collection】

Standing at the entrance of the alley, Xia Miaoyan looked at the dark alley and squeezed her hands together tightly.

"That person was very suspicious just now, I wonder if Master is in danger..." Xia Miaoyan thought to herself, and she was very scared when she saw the corpse beside her out of the corner of her eyes.

In the eyes of her expectation, a figure came out from the depths of the dark alley.

It was Lin Chen, with a calm expression on his face, he walked out of the alley step by step, his right hand grabbed a man's waist belt, and lifted the man out as if he was carrying something.

"Master..." Xia Miaoyan ran up immediately.

The man who was being carried by Lin Chen, his arms had been dislocated and he couldn't use his strength, so he could only slam on his legs, shouting to let Lin Chen let go and let him go.

"Master, are you okay?" After Xia Miaoyan came to Lin Chen's side, she looked at Lin Chen.

"What can I do?" Lin Chen replied, "Don't call me a master, I'm not your master."

After Lin Chen finished speaking, he quickened his pace, took the man in his hand, and threw him beside the corpse on the ground.

The man was just scared and nervous at first, but after seeing the corpse lying on the ground, his eyes were full of horror.

"Ah...what are you...what are you doing...why is there a dead person here, let me stay away from him, stay away from him..." the man shouted in fright.

His arms had been dislocated, and he moved on the ground with his legs and shoulders, trying to get away from the corpse on the ground.

Lin Chen reached out and held him down, preventing him from leaving.

"Why is there a dead person? Didn't you ask knowingly?" Xia Miaoyan stared at the man on the ground and said, "You must have killed this person on the ground."

Hearing this, the man glared at Xia Miaoyan and shouted, "Hey, hey, don't spit your blood. I didn't kill anyone. How could I kill someone? I didn't kill them."

Xia Miaoyan was startled by the man with a fierce expression, she glanced at Lin Chen, and suddenly felt a lot more at ease.

She continued: "You didn't kill him? Hmph, after this person fell from the upstairs, you appeared very soon. As soon as you saw my master, you ran as fast as you could. You didn't kill anyone, you didn't have a guilty conscience, what are you running for? what?"

"I didn't, I didn't..." The man shouted, his voice almost hoarse.

There were quite a few passersby watching. Some passersby saw the scene of Lin Chen chasing the man, and guessed in their hearts that the man must have something to do with the deceased who fell from the upstairs.

"That young man's strength is really great. The suspicious man probably weighs more than [-] pounds. He just lifted it out with one hand, and he looked effortless."

"I admire his courage to get so close to that corpse..."

"They should be the police, otherwise, they wouldn't be so calm in the face of the corpse. Look at the beautiful woman next to him, her lips are white with fright."

Onlookers were talking about...

The man who was pressed by Lin Chen on the ground struggled desperately to let Lin Chen let him go. He didn't know the dead person on the ground and didn't kill him.

Lin Chen kept noticing the man's expression, he said, "Don't worry, the police will be here soon."

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