After the broadcast was over, the school's school bell also rang, and the students left the campus one after another. On the campus playground, an umbrella of various colors and patterns appeared, surging towards the school gate.

The members of the task force are standing in the corridor of the junior high school teaching building, where you can see the location of the school gate.

Liang Hongxue shook his head and sighed: "I thought the murderer was daring and left a humanoid pattern in the daytime. There could be a major discovery, and he was caught. I didn't expect... but it was a prank by a student..."

Qiu Junbang also sighed: "Children these days, this kind of thing is also used as a prank..."


Ouyang Chuying had already left school ahead of schedule and didn't know what to do.

The meals of the task force and the three meals of the county leaders are arranged.

Lin Chen took Zhang Tianan out to eat last night, and today he followed the serious case team to the restaurant arranged by the county leader.

During the meal, the members of the task force talked about the case from time to time, and Zhang Tianan would also interject two sentences.

Only Lin Chen and Ouyang Chuying had never spoken at the entire table.

After eating, everyone returned to the hotel.

After Lin Chen returned to the room, he took a shower and went to rest on the chuang.

The next day, when Lin Chen was still sleeping, his door was knocked violently.

After Lin Chen was woken up, he opened his eyes and looked at the time displayed on the phone. It was only after five o'clock in the morning.

Lin Chen sighed, got up and walked over to open the door. When the door opened, the man standing outside just raised his fist and was about to smash the door.

Lin Chen leaned against the door frame and looked at Zhang Tiannan who was outside the door. Seeing that her face was wrong, Lin Chen hurriedly asked, "Is something wrong?"

Zhang Tianai nodded vigorously and said, "The police received a report that someone died in an alley. The identity of that person has been confirmed. It is Guangyu No. [-] Middle School, a student on the recommended list."


PS: This is the fifth chapter of today, brothers, for the sake of my diligence and stable update every day, if you have a monthly ticket, please vote for it, thank you. .


176 Humanoid pattern on the ground 【Subscription】

After hearing the news, Lin Chen's brows were slightly wrinkled, and looking at Zhang Tian's face, he knew that something had happened, but he didn't expect another student from Guangyu No. [-] Middle School to die, and it was still on the recommended list.

"Who is the student on the recommended list?" Lin Chen looked at Zhang Tian'an and asked.

Zhang Tianan squeezed her hand tightly. She bit her lip and said, "It's the fourth student on the recommended list. He lives off-campus with his parents. As a result, this morning, someone found a student not far from his house. In the alley, he was killed, and now everyone in the task force has gone there."

Lin Chen exhaled, turned around and went to the bathroom to wash quickly, put on his clothes, and came to the door.

After closing the door, Lin Chen and Zhang Tianai walked downstairs.

While going to the crime scene, Zhang Tianan told Lin Chen everything she said he knew.

The fourth student on the recommended list, Song Ping, lives in a residential area not far from the school.

Song Ping has been living outside the school with his parents. Yesterday, his father was brought back to the Public Security Bureau by police 17 for interrogation because of two false alibi.

Unexpectedly, Song Ping's father was a suspect yesterday, and today the so-called suspect's son died in an alley not far from his home.

Lin Chen drove the car and asked Zhang Tianan, "Did the deceased also have his head smashed by a blunt weapon?"

"I'm not sure about this, I'll find out later." Zhang Tian'an said.

The car was quiet again, and neither Lin Chen nor Zhang Tianai spoke anymore.

Because it was more than five o'clock in the morning, it was still early, and there were not many cars on the road. Lin Chen and Zhang Tianan quickly arrived at the scene of the crime, near the alley in the old-fashioned residential area.

Parking the car on the side of the road, the two got out of the car and walked quickly towards the alley.

After approaching the alley over there, Lin Chen and Zhang Tianai suddenly heard the heart-wrenching cry of a man and a woman coming from the alley.

You don't have to think about it to know that they must be the parents of the deceased Song Ping.

The entrance of the alley has been cordoned off by the police, and some passersby stood at the entrance of the alley to watch, but it didn't take long for them to watch, and the police came to disperse them all.

After Zhang Tianan showed his police card to the surrounding police, he led Lin Chen into the alley.

At this moment, in the alley where the crime happened, there was a cold body lying on the ground. The deceased was lying on the ground, with one hand on his waist, the other hand raised, his lower body's legs together, on his head Department, there is a bloody hole.

Lin Chen glanced at the corpse, and the next moment, his attention fell on a humanoid pattern drawn on the ground more than three meters away from the corpse.

The figure was drawn with red chalk, and because of the drizzle in the sky, the figure was not so clear.

The humanoid pattern is exactly the same as the death shape of the deceased. According to the drawing method of the humanoid pattern and some radians, this humanoid pattern, and the humanoid pattern that appeared several times before, are from the same person.

That is to say, the murderer committed the crime again, using the same method to kill Song Ping, who was ranked fourth on the walk list.

"Ah... son... son... my son..." Song Ping's mother slumped on the ground, her hair disheveled and her face full of tears.

She beat her legs hard, looked at her son on the ground over there, and was about to faint.

"My son..." Song Ping's mother cried, reaching out to climb over.

The police on the side couldn't bear it, but they stopped Song Ping's mother and persuaded: "Please wait, please wait, the forensics department will be here soon. If you touch the body in the past, it will affect our treatment of the body. test results.”

Song Ping's mother was stopped by the police. At this time, Song Ping's father, who was sitting on the ground crying bitterly, his eyes suddenly burst into a fierce light. He suddenly stood up from the ground and rushed towards the policeman who stopped his wife. past.

"I am. You. Mom. I am. You are the eighteenth generation of the ancestors of the police. You are all bastards, you are all bastards... I'm going to kill you..."

Song Ping's father threw the policeman to the ground. While crying, he raised his fist and smashed it into the policeman's face.

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