On the other side, Lin Chen walked towards Lao Zhao on chuang. After walking to chuang, Lin Chen glanced at Lao Zhao's fingers and belly, and saw a little dust on it, and then Lin Chen set his eyes on chuang. On the bottom two pairs of shoes.

Two pairs of shoes, a pair of cloth shoes, and a pair of leather shoes. The cloth shoes are placed on the side of the chuang, and the leather shoes are under the chuang. When Lin Chen picked up the pair of leather shoes, he saw that the edges of the tiles on which the leather shoes were placed were dark and accumulated a little. dust.

... ..

After Lin Chen saw the leather shoes, he called out, "Wake up, wake up..."

In Lin Chen's call, the guard Lao Zhao opened his hazy eyes, he yawned, and asked, "What are you doing, do you have anything to do with me?"

While talking, Lao Zhao stretched out on the chuang, looking like he was still very sleepy.

"Get up and talk." Lin Chen said to Lao Zhao.

Lao Zhao rubbed his eyes and sat up from the chuang.

Another guard was standing at the door of the back room. He slumped... yawning, rubbing his eyes, and asking, "Comrade police, what are you looking for with Lao Zhao?"

Lin Chen looked at the guard standing at the door and said, "What time did you go to bed on duty last night?"

The doorman said: "Didn't I just say that I was on duty until about four in the morning. I couldn't hold it anymore, so I lay down on the table and slept for a while."

Lin Chen looked at Lao Zhao sitting on the chuang again and asked, "What time did you come in to sleep last night, have you ever gone out since you came in?"

Lao Zhao said, "Last night, I watched TV with him until about ten o'clock last night, and then I went in to sleep. After I came in, I didn't go out again. Comrade police, why are you asking this?"

"Are you sure you haven't gone out?" Lin Chen asked Lao Zhao.


PS: This is the third update today, there will be more in a while. .


179 There is no more suspicion 【Subscription】

Lao Zhao reached out and rubbed his face, and said, "Well, yes, I haven't gone out since I came in."

The doorman standing by the back door also said, "I can attest to this. After he entered the house last night, I was left alone to watch TV outside. Reading the newspaper on the chair, Lao Zhao has been in the room and never went out."

While Lin Chen and Ouyang Chuying were standing in the back room of the guard's room, the police in the outer room were calling for the surveillance camera at the gate of the school.

The camera installed outside the guard room is 360-degree and can illuminate the entire range of the school gate.

After a fast-forward inspection, the policemen who were staring at the display screen together found nothing. No one went out of the school gate to "[-]" last night.

In the back room, the guard leaning against the door said, "Police, why did you come to check our guard room early in the morning?"

"That's right." The guard Lao Zhao nodded and said, "You police came to check our guard's room, shouldn't you be suspicious of the two of us?"

Under the curious gazes of the guard Lao Zhao and another guard, Lin Chen said slowly: "In the early hours of last night, a student on the guide list of Guangyu No. [-] Middle School was killed, and died not far from his house. In the far alley."

"Ah, what?" The guard Lao Zhao exclaimed, his eyes widened and his face full of surprise.

The surprised expression on the face of the guard Lao Zhao lasted for a long time. After the guard standing by the door was surprised, he immediately asked nervously and curiously: "Why do students die again, my God, this is the third student who died. Yes."

"Comrade police, didn't the murderer kill in the school? Why is he also killing outside the school now?" The guard Lao Zhao also said in an unbelievable tone.

Ouyang Chuying looked at the two guards, sighed in her heart, and walked out of the back room without saying a word.

The two guards asked Lin Chen curiously, while Lao Zhao listened to Lin Chen and wore leather shoes.

After Lin Chen finished speaking to them, their faces were full of lamentation, and they cursed the cruel murderer indignantly.

Lin Chen walked out of the back room, Ouyang Chuying and his party had already walked outside the guard room.

After Lin Chen also walked outside the guard room, the team of the task force walked towards the school.

As they walked, several police officers said to Ouyang Chuying: "We checked the surveillance at the school gate, and no one appeared in the surveillance range last night."

Deputy team leader Liang Hongxue said: "We have some doubts about that doorman Lao Zhao. This suspicion is very small. Another doorman was on duty last night. He slept on the table after four o'clock. The deceased died around one or two in the morning. That old Zhao went to bed at ten o'clock in the evening."

"The windows in the back room have anti-theft windows, so it is impossible for him to go out. That is to say, this old Zhao is completely unsuspected."

After Liang Hongxue finished speaking, another police officer said: "I always thought that Lao Zhao was not suspicious, and now the fourth student on the recommended list has died, and the beneficiary is the fifth high school girl, her father. He has a very hot temper, this person should check it out."

"The fifth high school girl, in addition to her parents, all her relatives are also investigated." Liang Hongxue said.

Ouyang Chuying remained silent for a while, Zhang Tianan glanced at Lin Chen, and whispered, "Lin Chen, now the guard Lao Zhao you suspect is fine, do you have any other suspects?"

Lin Chen reached out and touched his chin, but didn't answer Zhang Tian's question.

Several of the policemen went to the canteen of the school, knocked on the door of the canteen, and began to question the couples in the canteen.

Another part of the police went to the school's dormitory for boys and girls.

Every dormitory building is guarded by several police officers to prevent anything from happening at night.

After seeing the tired-looking police officers guarding the dormitory building, Liang Hongxue took a few steps forward and asked, "Did no one leave the dormitory building last night?"

The policeman yawned and said tiredly: "No, we were guarding downstairs last night, and we also patrolled every floor of the dormitory. The students all slept in the dormitory, and no one came out... …”

The policeman's words can show that the murderer is not a student of the school.

After Liang Hongxue heard the words, she nodded, and the policeman asked, "It's not yet six o'clock, why did you guys come here so early today?"

Liang Hongxue said in an emotionless tone, "Last night, another student on the recommended list died."

The police officers guarding the boys' and girls' dormitories all showed surprised expressions when they heard this.

They began to ask about the specific situation, and Liang Hongxue told them all.

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