In the morning, Du Weize and the parent of the female high school were interrogated. Their expressions and reactions were normal when they were interrogated.

But this Cheng Yuanan, all the reactions at this moment are abnormal.

The heavy nunchucks, the blood on the stick, the three alibi of Cheng Yuanan, and the relatives who suddenly went to live in an empty house last night, all of these are showing a fact, This Cheng Yuanan, he is almost the murderer.

"Why did you stutter like this when answering my question?" Liang Hongxue asked, "Why didn't you go to school last night, but went to live with your relatives?"

"Because...because my relatives gave me the keys to their house before they went out of town...the relatives have potted plants that need to be watered, I...I have to go every once in a water the potted plants in my relatives' house. Water..." Cheng Yuanan clenched his fists tightly, raised his head, and responded to Liang Hongxue's questioning.

"Oh?" Liang Hongxue said with a sneer, "Why didn't you go the day before yesterday, and you didn't go today, but did you go yesterday?"

"It's a coincidence, it's a coincidence." Cheng Yuanan said, "Although I sleepwalk, I'm not going to sleepwalk to kill. Aunt policeman, don't wrong me. I didn't kill... I didn't kill..."

The detective with the nunchuck in his hand said, "Then explain, what happened to the large blood stains on this nunchaku..."

After the detective finished speaking, he added: "Don't tell us, the blood stains on it were caused by accidentally hurting yourself when you were practicing nunchucks and sticking to it with blood."

After being asked this question, Cheng Yuanan was a little flustered, he shook his head and said, "I don't know, I don't know, maybe when I lent my nunchucks to others, they used my nunchucks to play. The blood on it is not necessarily..."

"Someone else got it?" the detective asked, "Who did you lend your nunchucks to? Say it, say your name, and we'll bring them immediately and confront you face to face!"

"Chengyuan 290 An, if you are sleepwalking and kill people, you may not know what you are doing, because when you are sleepwalking, another nerve dominates your body, but we are more inclined now. Yu, you are deliberately killing people, sleepwalking is not the main reason." Liang Hongxue said.

Facing the questioning, the sharp interrogation, and those eyes full of scrutiny, Cheng Yuanan reached out and hugged his head. I know, I don't know, I'm really not the murderer..."

"You don't know? Stop lying."

Liang Hongxue continued: "We have asked many of your classmates, and some classmates told us that some time ago, when you and him walked out of school after school at noon, a student who was often praised by the principal was walking in front of you and your classmates. As I walked, I said, 'Why are these guys brains so useful, they got high marks in their homework exams, I really want to open their heads to see if their heads look different from mine.'"

"Those classmates who heard you say this are already used to hearing you say this. One person asked you if you were disgusting or not, and opened someone else's head. If you say what's the matter, it's like eating a duck's head. After eating the skin and flesh on the outside, you have to break off the skull and eat the brain inside."


PS: The third update today. .


190 Nine out of ten is the murderer 【Subscription】

"You also said that students with good academic performance must have more brains than ordinary people. People with more brains are smarter. These words are all spoken by you, right?"

Hearing what Liang Hongxue said again, Cheng Yuanan clenched his hair harder with both hands, and said, "I said it, I said it, but I didn't... But I'm not the murderer, I didn't kill anyone..."

"It's still the same question, let me explain first, what happened to the nunchucks that had been stained with so much blood." Liang Hongxue said.

After Liang Hongxue finished speaking, Ouyang Chuying saw that Cheng Yuanan's complexion had changed a lot. She frowned suddenly, feeling a little bad.

Just when Ouyang Chuying asked the people from the task force to stop asking, the emotional Cheng Yuanan suddenly softened, thumped, and fell to the ground.

Seeing this, the criminal police next to him rushed up immediately, helped Cheng Yuanan from the ground, and checked Cheng Yuanan's condition.

After the inspection, the detective raised his head and said to the crowd, "Cheng Yuanan is fine, he just passed out."

"A boy who looks tall and big can pass out even if he is asked a few words..." a policeman muttered.

Ouyang Chuying said: "This Cheng Yuanan, in addition to suffering from severe sleepwalking, should have some other diseases on his body. As soon as he was stimulated by us, his nerves couldn't bear it, and he passed out."

"Would you like to take him to the hospital?" the principal asked.

The criminal policeman who had seen Cheng Yuanan's situation shook his head and replied, "No, it's just that he fainted due to stimulation. His breathing is steady, and it's enough to wake him up in a while."

The secretary of the provincial party committee looked at Cheng Yuanan on the ground. He saw everything just now. After taking his eyes back, he asked Ouyang Chuying: "Team Ouyang, I have seen the process of your interrogation just now. This student is indeed very suspicious, can we be sure now that he is the murderer who created the three murder cases with human figures 々 "?"

"Well..." Ouyang Chuying pondered slightly and said, "Cheng Yuanan hasn't admitted it himself, but judging from his performance and reaction, he is probably the murderer."

"That's right." Liang Hongxue nodded and said, "He couldn't explain why he went to live at the relative's house last night and went to water the potted plants in the relative's house. Blood stains, three incidents, he did not have an alibi."

"All things considered, Cheng Yuanan must be the murderer."

After Liang Hongxue's affirmative remarks, the county party secretary slapped his hand with excitement on his face, and said, "It's great, it's great, after investigating for so long, the murderer has finally been caught."

The principal reached out and wiped his forehead, and said, "'s good to catch the murderer. The school can be as usual in the future, and there won't be so many terrible things."

The county party secretary began to express his sincere thanks to the task force. Ouyang Chuying didn't say anything, but Liang Hongxue smiled and said to the county party secretary, "It's nothing. If we can solve this case, our task force is a worthwhile trip. ."

Zhang Tianan stood behind the crowd, put one hand into his pocket, and held his mobile phone.

She also believed that Cheng Yuanan was the murderer, so it seemed that Lin Chen lost the agreement with Ouyang Chuying...

At this time, Liang Hongxue's eyes suddenly turned to Zhang Tian'an. With a smug smile on her face, she said to Zhang Tian'an, "Officer Zhang!"

When Liang Hongxue said the words "Officer Zhang", her voice was so loud that Zhang Tianan was startled, and she recovered from her deep thoughts.

"What's wrong?" Zhang Tian'an subconsciously responded.

Liang Hongxue said with some yin and yang: "Didn't Lin Chen make an agreement with our team leader Ouyang this morning? Why is there no trace of Lin Chen now?"

Zhang Tianan said, "Lin Chen went to investigate the case, so he didn't show up."

"Yeah." Liang Hongxue nodded and said, "I know Lin Chen is going to investigate the case, but you can call him now and tell him that he doesn't need to investigate anymore, the murderer has been found by our team leader Ouyang. "

"Agreement?" The county party secretary heard Liang Hongxue's words and asked curiously, "Officer Liang, what do you mean by agreement?"

Liang Hongxue chuckled lightly, and told the county party secretary and the others what happened in the temporary conference room in the morning.

With her mouth on Liang Hongxue's body, she naturally made Lin Chen's words more hateful, deliberately found fault, and then provoked Ouyang Chuying, and the two made an agreement on who would find the murderer first.

When the county party secretary and the two deputy county magistrates heard this, the county party secretary shook his head and said, "That Lin Chen may have been a little capable, but how can he be compared to the team leader Ouyang."

"Yeah, we've heard the name of Team Leader Ouyang a lot..." Another deputy county magistrate was also speaking nicely.

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