The old guard at the door said, "Uh... I just saw that, where can I remember which page it is, it seems to be the first few pages."

"Oh." Lin Chen nodded clearly, and said, "But... Old Ma, yesterday's newspaper in your county town didn't mention the issue of the demolition of the land in the east of the city. You read the newspaper for a few hours. Could it be a fake newspaper?"

The old guard's expression changed, and he said hesitantly: "No...Is there no news about that? No...No, oh, maybe not, this news is from the local station, also Heard what others said."

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"Really?" Lin Chen asked: "I don't refute you on this point, tell me, you started at twelve o'clock last night and read the newspaper for a few hours, and you saw something, you don't need to All the news in the newspapers are mentioned, just mention one or two at random."

The old guard's expression changed again, he hesitated, unable to say a word.

Everyone could see some clues from the old guard's expression.

Lin Chen looked at the old guard guard and said, "This morning, we came to the guard room at about five o'clock and knocked on the door. After you came to open the door, tell us that you stayed up late until about four in the morning, and you couldn't hold it until you fell asleep. "


"But I'm very surprised. You stay up late until four in the morning, and then we wake up at five o'clock. It stands to reason that it is so hard, and there should be a lot of red blood in your eyes."

"But there is no bloodshot in your eyes, you lie on the table to sleep, and your face is indented due to long-term contact with the table and your arms. If you only slept for an hour, the indentation on your face is very It will disappear soon, but after you wake up, the indentation on your face lasts for a long, long time and does not disappear."

"I was thinking at the time, you must be lying, your bedtime is not at four in the morning, but at an earlier time, the newspaper on the table is brand new, and there is no trace of turning it over. , you said you took that newspaper and read it for a few hours, how did you see no creases at all?"

"How come you can't say a single thing after watching it for a few hours?"

"After my investigation, you two don't have the habit of reading newspapers. The newspaper in the guard room was ordered by the school's leaders. After I found out that you lied in the morning, I took the newspaper away."

After hearing what Lin Chen said, the old guard looked at the principal with guilt, and said, "Hey... well, I admit that I lied, I went to bed early last night... Because I was afraid of criticism from the school leaders, I said I stayed up until after four o'clock before going to bed."


PS: This is the sixth update today, and there are updates. .


193 One common point [7 more for subscription]

After the old guard doorman admitted that his bedtime was a lie, Ouyang Chuying and the others suddenly looked at Zhao Fuhai, the doorman.

Zhao Fuhai was not a suspect at all. He arrived at the guard's room in the morning. After the inspection, the people from the task force didn't care about Zhao Fuhai. The guard was very sure, and he didn't see that he was lying.

"What time did you go to bed last night?" Lin Chen asked the guard, Lao Ma.

To let everyone know that he had lied, Lao Ma stretched out his hand and scratched his head, and said, "After Lao Zhao went to bed, I watched TV for a while, but I didn't know what was wrong. The more I watched, the more sleepy I became, so I turned off the TV, I lay down on the table and fell asleep, it was about twelve o'clock at the time."

After Lao Ma finished speaking, he said to Lin Chen, "But Lao Zhao can't be the murderer either, I lay on the table and slept until four in the morning, I was woken up by the urine "Seven Six Three", so I went The toilet in the back room was soaked in urine, Lao Zhao was sleeping soundly on the chuang at the time, and after urinating, I still felt very sleepy, so I continued to sleep on the table, and then you all came."

"I was afraid that I wasn't on duty well and would be blamed by the school leaders. I just woke up once more than four o'clock, so I said I was on duty until four o'clock, and then fell asleep when I couldn't hold it."

"You are very strange, why are you so sleepy after Zhao Fuhai went to bed?" Lin Chen asked.

"Maybe I'm too tired," said the old guard.

Lin Chen asked: "before Zhao Fuhai went to sleep in the room, did he give you anything to drink, or did he touch your glass?"

"Yes." The old horse blurted out: "Lao Zhao said he bought a new pound of tea, one hundred yuan a pound, he made a cup for me to drink, I thought it would refresh my mind, so I took it over and drank it. The taste is not good at all, and I also said that Lao Zhao was deceived and bought such unpleasant tea, Lao Zhao said that it was the taste, and I had no taste."

Hearing this, the people of the task force immediately reacted.

Tao Hongguang blurted out, "Mr. Lin, what do you mean, before Zhao Fuhai went to sleep in the back room, the quilt he brewed for the old horse contained medicine?"

"It should be." Lin Chen nodded and said, "Lao Ma went to bed around twelve o'clock. He slept until more than five in the morning, and slept for more than five hours. It stands to reason that even if he is still a little sleepy, he will not be so sleepy. I can't even straighten my waist, and my hands and feet are weak? side effects after taking the drug.”

Lin Chen looked at Zhao Fuhai and said, "You put the medicine in the tea that the old horse was drinking, and after he fell asleep, you brought the crime tools, avoided the surveillance at the school gate, and went to the list of recommended persons. Song Ping, number 4, was killed."

"Why do I want to kill those students, and, last night, I really slept in the back room and never went out." Zhao Fuhai defended.

Liang Hongxue on the side said, "You said that Zhao Fuhai was the murderer. What was his motive? I just thought he was a little suspicious, but he has nothing to do with Lai Liang, who is number three on the recommended list."

Lin Chendao: "We have a little doubt about Zhao Fuhai because he once stood at the gate of the school and blocked Lai Liang, because Zhao Fuhai usually wants to be a good man in school, and because he is a good person, everyone thinks he is a good man. It was his courageous actions, and the school also awarded him a medal, which has been commended."

Lin Chen said, looked at Zhang Tian'an, and said, "Tian'an, you have that video taken by someone else on your phone, take it out and play it again."

Zhang Tiannan nodded and found the trouble that the group of thugs came to find Lai Liang, and Zhao Fuhai rushed out to help out the video.

The video was playing and the screen of the mobile phone was relatively small, so they came close to watch it.

Lin Chen said: "You must have watched this video several times, and watch it again carefully. When the gangsters rushed towards Lai Liang, Zhao Fuhai rushed out of the guard room like a fly, and rushed to the door. After he was in the crowd, he tried his best to help Lai Liang block those gangsters' punches."

"Pay attention to the gangster with the knife. When he slashed the knife at Lai Liang, Zhao Fuhai didn't even think about it, and without a moment's pause, he stretched out his hand and blocked the knife for Lai Liang."

"Zhao Fuhai usually gives the impression that he is a good person. You think he is brave and brave, but I can see from his every subconscious action at that time that Lai Liang is extremely important to him. He would rather be injured himself than Lai Liang. Hurt."

When Lin Chen said this, he looked at Tao Hongguang in Dongming City, and he asked, "Officer Tao, do you have an uncle, uncle, or brother?"

Tao Hongguang heard the words and said, "Yes, I have a real brother, and his child is four years old..."

"If." Lin Chen said, "If someone wants to slash you with a knife, your uncle, uncle, and brother, will they rush up and use their bodies to block the knife for you? "

"This..." Tao Hongguang fell silent for a moment. He frowned, as if thinking about his relationship with his uncle, uncle and brother, and whether he could let them block the knife for him.

Lin Chen glanced at the audience: "When people face a sudden and dangerous situation, the first thing they will think of is their own safety, even if it is an uncle, an uncle, or a real brother, in that kind of danger, they will Think of your own safety first, then your safety, these relatives, they will not necessarily help you block the knife."

"But... someone will be at a dangerous juncture, and the first thing that comes to mind is not himself, but you."

"Parents!" Zhang Tian'an blurted out.


Lin Chen nodded vigorously and said, "It's parents, parents will give all their love to their children, and when they see that their children are in danger, they would rather die than hurt their children. After protecting Lai Liang like 3.6, I doubt the relationship between the two of them."

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