After hearing this, Ouyang Chuying and others understood why Lin Chen said that Zhao Fuhai was not afraid of being caught by the police.

After killing someone, if they are caught by the police, they will be sentenced to death. If they do not kill, Zhao Fuhai will also face death. Whether or not he is caught by the police, the final result is the same for Zhao Fuhai.

"I found out that some time ago, Lai Liang's academic performance declined, and he was very nervous because he would have to take the college entrance examination soon."

"There is one more point that I didn't investigate before, but I just learned from the people in the task force. That is Cheng Yuanan, a sophomore in high school. His grades are very poor, and a mantra he often says is that he really wants to break up those who have good grades. students' heads, and see how their brains grow."

Lin Chen looked at Ouyang Chuying and said, "I repeat what you said about Cheng Yuanan in the conference room just now."

Lin Chen's words were dominant, Ouyang Chuying felt a little unhappy after hearing this tone, but said subconsciously: "According to some of Cheng Yuanan's classmates, some time ago, I walked out of the school gate after school. At that time, Cheng Yuanan and the others walked in front of a student who was often praised by the principal,"

"At that time, he said that he wanted to open the students' heads and see the brains in their brains. Such a smart person should have more brains than ordinary people. Cheng Yuanan's classmates said he was disgusting, and he also said that it was like eating duck heads. In the same way, after eating the skin and flesh on the outside, you have to break off the skull and eat the brain, which is nothing to be disgusting."

"Well, that's right." After Ouyang Chuying repeated these words, Lin Chen's eyes fell on Zhao Fuhai again, and said, "Zhao Fuhai, now let me reason about your criminal process..."

"You worked as a guard in Guangyu No. [-] Middle School. You knew Lai Liang was your son early on, but you didn't recognize each other. After you were found to have stomach cancer, you were desperate and felt that you couldn't see the future."

"During that time, Lai Liang's academic performance declined. You were worried that he would not be able to get into the ideal school, so you put your mind on the recommended list."

"You will die sooner or later. If you don't spend money on treatment, you won't survive this year. If you spend money on treatment, you won't be able to live long. So you think about giving your son a little help that a father can do at the last moment of your life."

"Just after school one day, Cheng Yuanan's words to break the brains of those students with good grades inspired you. After you kill someone, you use your hands to break open the deceased's head and let the People think that the murderer should be a pervert, smashing the head of the deceased, and hating the smart brain of the deceased very much."

"You are left-handed. You are very smart. You did not commit the crime with your left hand. However, when killing the dead and carrying the body, your left hand subconsciously used more strength than your right hand. This reveals that the murderer may be left-handed."

"After you put Wang Huahan in No. 1 and Shi Mengru in No. 2 on the list, the police focused on Lai Liang in No. 3 and Song Ping in No. 4."

· · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · ·???????

"After the task force came, you thought the police would focus on suspecting Lai Liang. You didn't want Lai Liang to be troubled by the police, and wanted him to study hard and get the qualification without hindrance. So last night, you killed Song No. 4. Ping, let the police focus on the 5th student and the 6th Du Weize."

"According to the general idea, the murderer continued to commit the crime and killed the fourth Song Ping, which means that the purpose of the murderer has not been achieved. If Lai Liang is the one who the murderer hopes to obtain the qualification of walking, the murderer does not need to commit the crime, you Deliberately committing crimes to confuse the police."

"The purpose of this is not that you want to get out of it. Everything you do is just for one person, and that person is your biological son, Lai Liang."


On the open space of the basketball court, there are only the task force, county leaders, and school leaders. After Lin Chen finished his reasoning, many members of the task force felt that after Lin Chen said this, many issues could be explained clearly. .

Zhao Fuhai didn't break the brains of the dead because of perversion, but Cheng Yuanan gave him inspiration, or maybe he wanted to blame Cheng Yuanan.

The scene was very quiet, Zhao Fuhai stood a few meters away from Lin Chen, and after hearing what Lin Chen said, he didn't say a word.

Lin Chen looked at Zhao Fuhai, and after seeing that he was silent for a long time, Lin Chen said, "Do you know why I only let the task force, county leaders, and school leaders be present, and not let any students approach?"

"Because, if you are Lai Liang's father, and you are qualified to walk for Lai Liang, the story of killing three people spreads from the school. What will the students in the school think of Lai Liang?"

"Is he the culprit? He has an unknown murderer's father? He killed the three students?"

"Lai Liang's grades were good. When this news spreads, does he have to take the college entrance examination? Can he calm down and study? You are his biological father, but you have not fulfilled your responsibility to raise him."

"The old man who was wielding a hoe and sweating in the countryside spent the last of his life in exchange for a little money to study for Lai Liang, who is not his biological grandson. If Lai Liang had problems at this time, he would be worthy of the person who was blindsided. In the drum, is the old man full of expectations?".


197 Don't let things spread out 【Subscription】

Zhang Fuhai, who was still silent at first, suddenly raised his head after hearing Lin Chen's words, his eyes were full of horror, Lin Chen's words touched his most sensitive place.

"Don't...don't...don't let this get out..."

Without warning, Zhang Fuhai thumped and knelt down for Lin Chen: "Xiaoliang is about to take the college entrance examination, don't let others know about it, otherwise the students in the school will reject him, and Xiaoliang's college entrance examination will definitely be successful. influenced……"

After Zhang Fuhai knelt down to Lin Chen, his knees moved twice on the ground, facing the members of the task force and the school leaders, and said, "Please, don't let Xiaoliang know that he has a mad father like me. , please, please, please..."

"Do you also know that you are insane?" Qiu Junbang said coldly with a gloomy "[-]" face.

"Yes, I'm mad, I'm not a human being, I'm willing to confess, but please don't spread this matter out, otherwise Xiaoliang will not be able to be a man in the future, he will definitely not be able to accept it..." Zhang Fuhai pleaded, his eyes overflowing. Tears came.

Lin Chen stepped closer to Zhang Fuhai and said, "You are not afraid of being caught, you are not afraid of death, this is what you are afraid of, Zhang Fuhai, when you brutally murdered the three dead, did you ever think about it, Lai Liang It's your heart, those three dead children, aren't they the hearts of their parents?"

Zhang Fuhai knelt on the ground and continued to cry and plead, begging everyone not to spread the matter, everything was his reason and responsibility, and Lai Liang had no idea.

In the teaching building of the junior high school and the teaching building of the high school, there are many schools with physical education classes walking towards the basketball court. They saw someone kneeling to the police, but the distance was so far that they could not hear any sound. .

Some students wanted to get close to hear what they were saying, but they were stopped by the police on the outside and prevented them from getting close.

"I really didn't expect that you are such a person. Thanks to me, I praised you in front of all the teachers and students of the school. I really know the people and not the heart." The principal looked at Zhao Fuhai, sighed deeply, his eyes full of disappointment.

The members of the task force and the teachers all whispered, but only Ouyang Chuying and Liang Hongxue did not speak.

Lin Chen looked at Zhao Fuhai and said, "Tell me about your past."

Zhao Fuhai stared at Lin Chen's eyes, and after a few seconds, he told his story...

That year, Zhao Fuhai and Lai Liang's mother met in a garment factory. Zhao Fuhai and Lai Liang's mother worked in the same workshop. The two gradually became acquainted and fell in love.

The hometown of the two is in the county next door. At the end of the year, the two returned to their hometown together. Zhao Fuhai brought a lot of gifts and went to Lai Liang's mother's home to meet his future mother-in-law.

The future mother-in-law was not optimistic about Zhao Fuhai from the beginning, she felt that others were thin and dark, and looked like a monkey. After learning about Zhao Fuhai's family situation, Zhao Fuhai's parents still owed tens of thousands of dollars, the future mother-in-law said. The rejection of Zhao Fuhai.

The gifts that Zhao Fuhai brought back were returned by the future mother-in-law, and they did not accept anything from him.

Zhao Fuhai and Lai Liang's mother are in a free relationship. They have feelings between them, but they are not so deep that they are not married.

In the future, her mother-in-law will not allow Zhang Fuhai to meet her daughter. She persuades her daughter at home every day to let her not be impulsive and marry, but Zhao Fuhai is not suitable.

After being locked up at home for a week, Lai Liang's mother was persuaded and shaken her idea of ​​being with Zhao Fuhai. During the Chinese New Year, she was led everywhere on blind dates.

Within two days, Lai Liang's mother met a man named Lai Xuewen. They both felt that each other was very good. In Guangyu County, both parties agreed and the parents were satisfied, and the two could get married together.

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