After Lin Chen finished speaking to Lawrence, he walked towards Lu Tengfei. At this time, there was finally a loud discussion.

The people at the scene talked a lot, and they were amazed that Lin Chen actually won the world-class runner-up. The runner-up can win, and it was so easy to win. This shows that Lin Chen has the strength to win the world-class championship.

Think about it, in the world-class racing competition, Lin Chen won the contestants from all over the world and took the championship trophy back to China under the attention of all eyes. How exciting it is.

"Yunfei..." Jiang Yaxian gently pulled La Miao Yunfei's sleeve and said, "'re right, this guy Lin Chen really doesn't do things you're not sure about..."

Miao Yunfei looked at Lin Chen with complicated eyes, and said, "His character is not to do anything uncertain, but I am also surprised that he can win a professional racing driver..."

"I didn't think so much last time, but this time, I think Lin Chen's driving skills are enough to participate in the Formula One World Championship." Jiang Yaxian said, the World Formula One Championship is abbreviated as F1.

Miao Yunfei heard the words and said, "This guy doesn't seem to participate in racing competitions among his hobbies."

When the two women were talking, Lin Chen had already arrived in front of Lu Tengfei.

Lin Chen stretched out his hand and snapped his fingers, "Do you know what to do?"

Lu Tengfei felt the strange eyes cast around him and the mocking laughter. At this moment, he could not wait to find a crack to burrow in.

Last time I was humiliated, but my skills were not as good as others. This time I deliberately wanted to hide Lin Chen, but as a result, stealing chickens was not a loss. I regarded Lin Chen as a fool, but now I am a fool in the eyes of everyone.

Lu Tengfei reached out and took out a [-] million cash check from his wallet.

Lin Chen took the [-] million check and stuffed it directly into his wallet.

After receiving the check, Lin Chen took a step forward, reached out and slapped Lu Tengfei's face twice, and said with a smile, "Master Lu, if there is such a thing as sending money next time, remember to notify me as soon as possible. "

Being slapped on the face by Lin Chen, although it didn't hurt, Lu Tengfei felt a great insult.

After Lin Chen retracted his hand, he walked towards Miao Yunfei and Jiang Yaxian.

Lin Chen said to Jiang Yaxian, "Give me your bank card and the [-] yuan fare, and I'll transfer it to you."

Jiang Yaxian looked at Lin Chen and said with a smile: 0.1 "Lin Chen, if you are willing to teach me how to race the car, not only do you not have to give [-] yuan, but I will give you another sum of money."

"Oh." Lin Chen heard the words, sighed, and said, "I don't want to teach you, so I'll give you [-] yuan."

Jiang Yaxian didn't expect that Lin Chen would refuse so quickly in front of so many people, she couldn't help rolling her eyes, she was very helpless to this guy.

After Lin Chen gave [-] yuan to Jiang Yaxian, Miao Yunfei said, "Lin Chen, you are about to face a great disaster, do you know?"

"Crisis is imminent?" Lin Chen raised his eyebrows and asked, "What do you mean?"

Miao Yunfei really wanted to say that it was because of Mohai's Ouyang family, but with so many people present, Miao Yunfei didn't want these sons and buddies to know that the person Wan Shao from Mohai City wanted to clean up in Tianhai City in person was Lin in front of him. Chen. .


215 The Embarrassment of Jiang Yaxian [2 More]

Miao Yunfei was hesitant, but Lin Chen immediately understood what she wanted to say when she saw this.

After Miao Yunfei hesitated, she opened her mouth to say it.

Lin Chen stretched out his hand and said, "I know what you want to say, but you don't need to worry about this matter."

After Lin Chen finished speaking, he turned and walked towards his Audi Q5. The Q5's lights flickered twice, and Lu Tengfei, who was standing directly opposite the car, blocked his eyes with his arms.


With a muffled engine sound, Lin Chen's Audi Q5 drove away from Panfeng Mountain and drove towards the urban area.

After Lin Chen left, the people at the scene were still talking. Lu Tengfei was watched by so many mocking eyes. He gritted his teeth and walked towards Lawrence.

Seeing this, the few buddies who contributed money also followed behind Lu Tengfei.

"Mr. Lawrence!"

Compared with the warm and soft words just now, Lu Tengfei's attitude at the moment seemed very rude.

Lawrence bowed his head in dejection, completely losing his arrogance just now.

After hearing Lu Tengfei's voice, Lawrence raised his head slightly and glanced at Lu Tengfei.

Lu Tengfei pointed in the direction where Lin Chen left, and shouted, "You are not a professional racing driver, have you ever won the top three in the world? But you can't even compete with a non-professional racing driver?"

"Lawrence, we are very disappointed with your performance." The boy who introduced Lawrence sighed. He also lost more than one million.

After being complained by Lu Tengfei and the others, Lawrence looked at Lu Tengfei and said, "That guy, his driving skills are definitely better than mine, I can't blame me for what happened tonight, you can only blame you for not understanding him. Isn't there a saying in Huaxia that if you know yourself and your enemy, you will not be imperiled in a hundred battles?"

No matter how many Lu Tengfei people were arguing on one side, Jiang Yaxian saw that something was wrong with Miao Yunfei's face.

"Yun Fei, what do you mean when you say that Lin Chen is going to be in a disaster? Has this guy offended anyone?" Jiang Yaxian asked curiously.

Miao Yunfei looked in the direction where Lin Chen was leaving and didn't speak. After Jiang Yaxian asked curiously a few times, Miao Yunfei whispered in her ear, "Now the rumors in the circle of the sea of ​​magic are coming. Tianhai City cleans up one person, the one who offended the Ouyang family and attracted the revenge of the Lin Chen..."


Jiang Yaxian's clear eyes like autumn waves widened slightly. As a person in this circle, Jiang Yaxian is naturally aware of this matter.

It's just that she didn't expect that the unlucky guy in the rumors was actually Lin Chen.

"Then... Isn't Lin Chen going to be finished now?" Jiang Yaxian muttered.

"My dad and Deputy Bureau Sun wanted to protect him, but the eldest son of the Mohai Wanjia is here. If my dad and the others intervene... they will offend the Wanjia... It's not good to protect Lin Chen..." Miao Yunfei said.

"But he's not afraid at all." Jiang Yaxian said, "Yun Fei, didn't you say that Lin Chen doesn't do things that he's not sure about? Could it be that he's not afraid of those big families in the Demon Sea?"

"Impossible..." Miao Yunfei said: "Lin Chen's identity is very ordinary, even if he is a little capable, facing a big family, he has no ability to resist..."

"That Wan Shao is cooperating with Lu's real estate... Wan Shao wants to clean up Lin Chen, that Lu Tengfei is going to gloat..." Jiang Yaxian said.

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