Lin Chen nodded, and went upstairs to do his own business.

When Xia Miaoyan asked Lin Chen to go downstairs, the table was already filled with sumptuous dishes.

At the dining table, Lin Chen asked Xia Miaoyan, "I haven't asked about your home situation yet. What do your parents do?"

Xia Miaoyan didn't feel embarrassed when she heard the words. She said generously, "My parents grow watermelons in their home village. Master, what's the matter? Why did you ask this suddenly?"

"It's nothing, I suddenly remembered and asked." Lin Chen said.

"Oh." Xia Miaoyan said a word, she took a sip of the soup and said with a smile: "Master, when I have summer vacation, you can go to my house to play, the watermelon at that time was delicious, you Go to my house and eat as much as you want."

"Okay, I'll go when I have time." Lin Chen said.

After Lin Chen said this, Xia Miaoyan suddenly seemed to remember something, she looked at Lin Chen curiously: "By the way, master, I can't remember the situation at home unless you ask me, what about the situation in yours? Since I know you, you're all alone... What about your family?"

When Lin Chen heard the words, his hand holding the chopsticks paused for a moment. After a moment of ecstasy, Lin Chen returned to normal, lowered his head to eat, and did not respond to Xia Miaoyan.

When Xia Miaoyan saw that Lin Chen didn't answer herself, she bit Hongyan's mouth, and didn't ask Lin Chen any more.

After eating, Lin Chen drove Xia Miaoyan to the company.

Xia Miaoyan is very familiar with the company, and she also has the ability to manage the company. Lin Chen didn't want her to be a criminal police officer to solve the case. It was a very good choice for her to help him manage the company.

In the company, when Xia Miaoyan saw Shen Qiu and Shen Yue, she immediately seemed a little unhappy.

Although this twin sister is not as good as herself, it can be said that they have different looks, and they are a couple, so they must be very attractive to men. Why is the master looking for such beautiful twin female employees?

Lin Chen called Shen Qiu and Shen Yue into the office, held a small meeting with the sisters alone, and told them about the company's next development...

In the company's account, Lin Chen has already transferred [-] million, so there is no need to worry about the funds for the time being.

With surprise in her eyes, Shen Qiumei asked Lin Chen, "Boss, did you... win last night?"

Sister Shen Qiu was a little puzzled and asked her sister, "Sister, what did you win?"

"Someone had a car race with the boss, and the bet was about [-] million. The boss agreed..." Shen Qiu said.

Shen Yue was a little surprised and looked at Lin Chen.

Lin Chen didn't talk to the sisters too much, so that they didn't need to save where they should spend money, so he left the company with Xia Miaoyan and returned home.

Lin Chen was sitting on the sofa watching TV, while Xia Miaoyan was lying on the side playing with her mobile phone.

After Xia Miaoyan played for a while, she raised her head and asked Lin Chen with a smile, "Master, there is a ghost movie with a high rating, and everyone said it's pretty good. Shall we go to the movie tonight?"

Lin Chen heard the words and asked back, "How dare you watch ghost movies?"

"Dare." Xia Miaoyan said, "I have a master, what can I do? Master, let's go and see, shall we?"

"Okay." Lin Chen had nothing to do at night, nodded and agreed.

When Xia Miaoyan saw Lin Chen agree, she looked very happy and immediately booked two tickets online.

Xia Miaoyan is waiting for the night to come, and after dinner, she and her master will go to the movies.

But in the evening of 0.3, a guest came to Lin Chen's house. After seeing this guest, Xia Miaoyan didn't seem very happy.

This guest is Zhang Tianan in a police uniform.

After seeing Xia Miaoyan, Zhang Tiannan smiled and said, "this Saturday, Miaoyan, I guessed that you were here with Lin Chen."

Xia Miaoyan let Zhang Tianan into the house, just as she and Lin Chen were also ready to eat, she called Zhang Tianai to sit down and eat together.

After Zhang Tianni saw Lin Chen, he wanted to talk to Lin Chen about the big family in Mohai City. When Lin Chen saw her, he wanted to talk in that direction. Lin Chen waved his hand, saying that he had a good meal and didn't want to hear that. aspects of things.

Seeing this, Zhang Tianan had no choice but to say nothing.

After learning that Lin Chen and Xia Miaoyan were going to the movies, Zhang Tianan asked, "I'm off work, and I have nothing to do. Can I go with you?".


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When Xia Miaoyan heard Zhang Tianan say that she wanted to go together, she sighed in her heart and said, "Okay, then... Sister Anni that day, I... I'll book you a ticket."

"Okay, I'll give you how much the ticket will cost." Zhang Tianai said.

"No, I don't have much money for a movie ticket." Xia Miaoyan said.

After speaking, Xia Miaoyan lowered her head and went to buy a movie ticket for Zhang Tiannan.

Zhang Tiannan looked at Xia Miaoyan's not very happy face, she smiled knowingly, knowing what the girl was thinking.

Xia Miaoyan bought it at 8:25. After eating and sitting for a while, it was time to go to the movies.

Lin Chen drove the two daughters and headed for the cinema.

Zhang Tian'an was sitting in the passenger seat, and Xia Miaoyan was sitting in the back of the car. While waiting at a traffic light, Zhang Tian'an suddenly said, "Lin Chen, I may move in tomorrow."

Hearing this, Lin Chen didn't react, but Xia Miaoyan, who was sitting in the back, frowned slightly, looked away from the phone, and looked at Zhang Tianan in front.

"I'll be at home tomorrow, you can come anytime. 11" Lin Chen said.

Zhang Tianan said, "Okay, but the purpose of what I said is that after watching the movie for a while, the two of you will go to my house and help me organize my things."

Having said that, Zhang Tian'an turned his head and asked Xia Miaoyan, "Miaoyan, can you help me sort it out together?"

"Okay." Xia Miaoyan nodded, but she was very unhappy when she thought that Lin Chen was going to live under the eaves with Zhang Tianai soon.

After arriving at the cinema, Lin Chen parked the car on the side of the road, took his two daughters, and walked towards the cinema on the third floor of the shopping mall.

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