"Let's go quickly, if you stay, it will definitely take a lot of time, and you will be going back very late tonight."

"Poisoned to death? That handsome guy meant that someone poisoned that person?"

"Isn't it bad to be poisoned in a movie theater? Maybe suicide."

As the crowd walked out, there were various voices of discussion.

Lin Chen glanced at Zhang Tianan, and after Zhang Tianan understood, she took out her police card and shouted to those people, "Everyone stop, I'm a criminal police officer of the city bureau's serious crime team, this deceased died of poisoning, Please stay behind and cooperate with our police investigation."

Compared with Zhang Tianan's police card, Lin Chen's words seemed a little less prestige.

After those people saw the police card in Zhang Tianai's hand, they hesitantly stopped.

Just at this time, several other male staff members of the cinema rushed over to hear the news. Zhang Tianan saw this and shouted at them: "I'm a policeman, immediately block the exit of this screening hall, and don't allow anyone to go out 593 ."

Upon seeing this, the cinema staff nodded immediately and went to block the exit.

"Sister Police, I'm not the murderer. I'm still rushing home. Let me go back first?" A girl wearing glasses said to Zhang Tianan.

"That's right." Another young man also said, "I didn't poison him again, so I hurried back. It was late and my mother was going to scold me again."

"Me too……"

These people wanted to leave, and they all said that they were not the murderer. Zhang Tianan saw this and said, "Be quiet, I know that most of you are innocent, but among you, it is very likely that there is one Murderer, I hope you will cooperate with our police in handling the case."

"Now, you all go back to your seats and sit down."

Everyone, you look at me, I look at yours, some are unhappy, but the exit of the cinema has been closed, and they can't get out.

Just as these people were hesitating, the door of the projection hall was opened, and the police from the police station on this street rushed to the scene.

Zhang Tianai showed his credentials to the police. Under the command of Zhang Tianai, the police began to let everyone sit back in their seats and be questioned and examined.

Lin Chen was rushed to the side by the chaotic crowd. A few people sitting near the row of red-haired youths told the police that they didn't want to get close to the corpse, so could they just stand in the aisle outside.

The police agreed, and after most of the people were seated, the police moved the red-haired youth out of the aisle in the tenth row together.

"Ring Ling Ling..."

After the police had placed the corpse, Zhang Tianan wanted to let the police get out of the way and let Lin Chen take another look at the corpse, but at this time the phone in Lin Chen's pocket suddenly rang.

After Lin Chen saw the number on the phone's screen, he glanced at Zhang Tian'en, then took the phone and went out to answer the call.

Seeing this, Zhang Tianan had no choice but to go into battle in person and go with other police officers to inquire about the situation and examine the body.

Judging from the face of the deceased, the wide eyes, and the overall performance, it is no doubt that the deceased died of poisoning.

The policemen looked at the body of the deceased and found no injuries.

The girl was still sitting on the ground crying, Zhang Tianan walked over, handed a tissue in her hand, and asked, "What happened just now, please tell me the details."

The girl wiped the tears from her face with a tissue. Originally, the tears had stopped a little. After looking at the red-haired young man on the ground over there, the tears in her eyes couldn't stop flowing.

"I don't know what's going on... just now... this movie has reached the end of the plot. I covered my face with my hands, and I only dared to watch the big screen through my fingers..."

"I was very surprised at the time. He had been hugging me just now (bbag). Why didn't he come and hug me when such a scary plot appeared."

"I didn't think about it too much. At that time... my mind was on the movie. After the final plot of the movie, I found that his upper body was leaning on the seat, his legs were kneeling on the ground, I saw After he did that, I hurried to help him, only to find out... that he was not breathing, and I screamed in fright."

While wiping her tears, the girl told Zhang Tianan what happened just now.

Zhang Tianai glanced at the group of people standing in the aisle outside and said, "Which one of you was sitting next to the deceased just now?"

Look at me, I look at you, and no one answered.

"The deceased has been carried out, and you all come over to do everything well. Sit down according to the position just now, don't sit in disorder." Zhang Tianan said.

Xia Miaoyan has already sat back to her seat, but turns her head from time to time to see Zhang Tianan and other police handle the case.

After everyone was seated, Zhang Tianai found that the two seats next to the seat where the deceased was sitting were empty and no one was sitting.

The deceased was sitting in the 10th row, the 6th, his girlfriend was in the 7th, and the 5th and 4th next to him were not seated.

It stands to reason that the deceased died of poisoning, and it would be very painful to be tortured by the poison before death. The girl did not find it, and the people in the seat next to her should have noticed.

The two seats next to the deceased were vacant, so Zhang Tianan had no choice but to look at the guests in the 11th row who were close to the deceased.

When Zhang Tianai was about to question the people in the back row, she noticed a bottle of two-yuan mineral water on the armrest of the deceased's seat.

Zhang Tianan asked the girl, "What did you guys eat tonight?"

"He took me to have a Mala Tang meal. He ate [-] yuan, I ate [-] yuan, and asked for two more bottles of Coke. After eating, we went to the cinema." The girl recalled, yes Zhang Tianyi said.

"Where's this bottle of water? Where did it come from?" A policeman came over and asked, pointing to the mineral water on the cup holder.

"I bought it at the movie theater. I said I was thirsty, so my boyfriend went to buy it." The girl said.

Zhang Tianan on the side nodded to the policeman and said, "That's right, the girl and the deceased were queuing up outside the hall to collect tickets, and I was behind them. The girl said she was thirsty, and the deceased went to buy it for her. After buying it, the girl took a sip, and so did the deceased."

"Yes." The girl crumpled the tear-wiping tissue, raised her head and asked the police, "How did my boyfriend die, you say...he died of poisoning, but we were in the same place at night. He ate Malatang, and came to the cinema and drank the same bottle of water, why did he die and I was fine?".


220 Mineral water bought 【Subscription】

After hearing what the girl said, Zhang Tianan frowned.

When queuing in front of the ticket machine just now, Zhang Tianan had a deep memory of this open couple.

When queuing up, they flirted first, the red-haired youth kept rubbing the girl's ass. Then the girl said that she was thirsty, and the red-haired youth ran to the counter in the movie theater and bought a bottle of two yuan. Mineral water is back.

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