Chen Xiaolan was the key suspect. She was going to be taken away. Several other people who had been to the toilet on the way were also asked to go to the branch.

The deceased red-haired youth was lying on the aisle outside. When Chen Xiaolan came out of the 10th row, she suddenly stopped and looked at the red-haired youth who was motionless on the ground. She suddenly laughed.

Chen Xiaolan's indifferent face suddenly burst into a smile, which surprised those who saw it. Some viewers felt that Chen Xiaolan's smile was very gloomy, and they were almost taken aback.

"What are you laughing at?" Lin Chen asked, "I think he deserves to die, right?"

"Yes." Chen Xiaolan turned around, stared at Lin Chen, and said, "This bastard, he deserves to die."

Because of Chen Xiaolan's words, the auditorium instantly became quiet.

The girlfriend of the deceased was stunned for a moment. After reacting, she pointed at Chen Xiaolan and said, "What did you say? You said my boyfriend should be damned? You should be damned. You are the murderer, right? You are the murderer, right?"

The deceased's girlfriend rushed towards Chen Xiaolan while shouting. Her hand was about to grab Chen Xiaolan's face, but was stopped by a policeman.

"I poisoned him, this guy deserves to die, he should have died a long time ago." Chen Xiaolan had a smile on her face, still very calm.

She knew that she had left a fatal flaw, and now admitting it or not, it was the same result.

After hearing Chen Xiaolan's personal admission, some people breathed a sigh of relief, but the deceased's girlfriend was a little crazy. She yelled and asked Chen Xiaolan why she wanted to poison her boyfriend.

Chen Xiaolan didn't speak for a while, when Lin Chen saw this, he looked at the girlfriend of the deceased, and said, "After you and the deceased have booked the movie tickets, does anyone know the times and seats of your movies?"

Hearing this, the girlfriend of the deceased calmed down and said, "No one knows, but I posted a Weibo post and posted a screenshot of buying movie tickets. ."

Lin Chen looked at Chen Xiaolan again, and said, "When my friend bought an extra movie ticket at night, I glanced at the seat selection interface, and I clearly remember that all the tickets in the 10th row are displayed in red, and they are all for sale. It's over, seats 4 and 5 next to the deceased's seat were sold, but no one came."

"I think you will follow the deceased to the cinema. You should have seen the screenshot of the order they posted on Weibo. You bought the seats 4 and 5 in order to conveniently drop the mineral water of the deceased. If 4 and 5 If there is someone in the No. [-] seat, it's not good for you to drop the bottle of water, right?"

After Lin Chen finished speaking, Zhang Tian asked in confusion: "The deceased bought No. 6 and No. 7. How did she know that the deceased would sit on the No. 6 seat?"


The murderer was not caught just now, and everyone in the screening room was clamoring to leave. Now that the murderer knew who it was, these people didn't make any noise, and sat quietly watching the fun.

"Why do you want to poison him?" a detective asked.

Several criminal policemen have come to Chen Xiaolan's back. Once she has any drastic actions, they will control her as soon as possible. 1.3

Chen Xiaolan looked at the red-haired youth who was motionless on the ground. She didn't cry, and there was no hatred in her eyes. She looked at the red-haired youth on the ground and said, "I have conceived him three times, but he didn't want them, and they killed them all. already."

Miss Chen began to speak word by word.

Chen Xiaolan was originally a waitress in a bar. Once she was bullied, the red-haired youth rushed out, protected her and vented her anger.

The red-haired young man was the gangster leader in that area, with a group of younger brothers, he was very imposing when fighting.

After helping Chen Xiaolan once, the two became familiar with each other.

Of course, the red-haired young man is not a good man and a woman, and he also helped Chen Xiaolan because of how good-looking Chen Xiaolan is. .


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After getting acquainted, the red-haired youth showed himself in front of Chen Xiaolan, all in disguise, showing all the good sides to Chen Xiaolan.

Chen Xiaolan was still naive at the time and felt that the red-haired youth was a man worth relying on, so under the pursuit of the red-haired youth, Chen Xiaolan agreed to be his girlfriend.

On the day of the promise, the red-haired youth tricked Chen Xiaolan into the hotel and had a relationship with her.

At that time, Chen Xiaolan felt that the relationship was too fast, and the whole process was resistance and refusal, but the red-haired young man was very strong and forcibly had a relationship with Chen Xiaolan.

After the relationship, the red-haired young man said sweetly that he would be responsible. Chen Xiaolan felt that she had agreed to be his girlfriend. Although the process was forced by him, she loved him. Forgive him.

After living together for a month, Chen Xiaolan became pregnant. She was looking forward to coming to the red-haired young man and telling her about her pregnancy.

Chen Xiaolan thought that the red-haired young man would let him keep the child, but unexpectedly, when the red-haired young man heard about the pregnancy, his expression changed, saying that he could not have the child.

Chen Xiaolan asked him why he couldn't have this child. The red-haired young man gave various reasons, saying that the current economic situation did not allow it, and the two were not mature enough.

Under the persuasion of the red-haired youth, Chen Xiaolan went to have her first pregnancy.

Generally speaking, it takes a month or two to do that kind of thing after an abortion, but it was not even a month after Chen Xiaolan had an abortion, and the red-haired young man couldn't wait to meet her.

At that time, Chen Xiaolan felt uncomfortable and felt that the red-haired young man didn't care about his own body, did he not love himself so much.

After a while, Chen Xiaolan became pregnant for the second time. After she went to talk to the red-haired young man, the red-haired young man made all kinds of sweet words and great truths, and asked Chen Xiaolan to beat the child.

When she found out that she was pregnant for the third time, Chen Xiaolan was thinking that a woman should not have too many abortions. For the uterus and the palace, the damage was already very big.

She felt that if the red-haired young man really loved her, he would definitely let him keep this child.

But the attitude of the red-haired young man after learning about it was very impatient, asking if Chen Xiaolan's belly was sick, and if she was in the safe period, she could get pregnant no matter what, and asked whether the child Chen Xiaolan was pregnant was his.

Chen Xiaolan was so angry that she had a big fight with the red-haired young man.

At that time, after the quarrel, she slapped the red-haired youth, but the red-haired youth lifted his foot and kicked her on the stomach, knocking her to the ground.

Chen Xiaolan was beaten by the red-haired youth. She knew the address of the red-haired youth's house, so she went to the red-haired youth's mother, but the red-haired youth's mother regarded Chen Xiaolan as a woman with a bad private life. Chen Xiaolan wanted to rely on her child to rely on her son.

Her attitude towards Chen Xiaolan was very cold, and she had no intention of making decisions for Chen Xiaolan.

In the end, the red-haired youth took Chen Xiaolan to the hospital for an abortion. After the operation, Chen Xiaolan was helped out by the doctor, and the red-haired youth had already left.

At that time, Chen Xiaolan, who was in unbearable pain, clutched her stomach and walked towards the rental house step by step by herself.

She was very disappointed with the red-haired young man. After the third abortion, her lower part was often bleeding. Chen Xiaolan went to the hospital for a re-examination. After the re-examination, the doctor told her that the inner wall of her uterus was very thin and there was inflammation. , the chances of wanting to conceive a child in the future will be very small.

In despair, Chen Xiaolan went to the red-haired youth for a theory, but was beaten by him.

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